Current Track: Blabb

The earth crunched beneath our
feat, my soft steps drowned by my mom's heavy ones. We hadn't
said a word since we left the village a couple of hours ago, the
tightness in my throat killed any words that dared to cross it while
mom was never too big on words. She had always been more one for hugs
and cuddles, for lifting me up on her shoulders and patching me up
whenever I got hurt. Dad had always been the one for words. But
Dad can't help you this time, words or not.

We pushed deeper into the
forest, my twig like legs struggling to match the pace of my mom's
larger ones. Everything about mom was larger than me, better than me.
Where I was bony she had strong muscles, where I was short, she stood
at least four heads over me and two over Dad. Her yellow green skin
was much tougher than mine, rougher too, perfect for working hours on
end, unlike my copper skin that blistered after only a couple of
hours of work. My fingers rose to my face, caressing my lower lip,
right where my tusks would be if it weren't for my blood. What
will she say when I fail? What will the others do?
I shook the
thoughts out of my head, willing back the burning in my throat. I had
to focus. I couldn't fail, not again.

Slimy sweat covered my body,
the hotness of the sun undeterred by the thick canopy of the forest.
My feet ached in my tight boots, the last growth spurt had left me
with precious little to wear. And still it wasn't enough. My
fingers dug into my palm until pain shot up my arms, bringing me out
of my treacherous mind. There was no doubt in my mind of where we
were going, the trek one my legs had long gotten used to. No,what
twisted my gut in a thousand ways, what made my legs tremble like a
newborn fawn, was the reason we were going there. The jeers and the
curses already rang in my ears, the disappointment in my mom's eyes
dancing before my eyes.

“What if they don't like
me?" I muttered to myself, needing to get out of my head.

Mom came to a stop before me,
her pointed ears twitching before she turned around. Dark brown eyes
fell on me, her brows raised in question.

“And why wouldn't they
like you?" she asked with a gravely voice, no malice in her tone.

My eyes fell to the ground, my
fingers digging into the fabrics of my rough pants. “Because I'm
not an orc, not really."

“But you are." she replied
curtly, her eyes becoming fortresses of wood. Her red sleeveless
shirt showing off the muscles of her arms as she crossed them in
front of her. “In all the ways that matter, you are."

“No, I'm not, stop saying
that! You've been saying that since I was a child!" fire flared
in my gut, chains pulled at my heart and the years of side glances
exploded out of me.

“Because it is true."

“No, it is not true, you
always want to believe it is true and I wanted that too. I really did
but I'm not like you. I'm not an orc, I'm just, I'm just a
human, like Dad." I admitted as warm tears slid down my face and
sobs rocked my body.

Strong but gentle arms pushed
me against a pillar of flesh, a soft humming reaching my ears. “And
so what? That's not what makes you an orc. Remember the stories."

“The stories only talk about
strong warriors and daring adventurers. About things I could never be
with this useless body."

“It is not useless." she
said as her hands petted my back and head, the familiar motions
unraveling the mess of feelings inside me.

“Of course it is. I can't
run as fast as the other kids, or lift as much, or help as much. No
matter how much I train, I'm, I'm never going to be like them."

“And that's good, you are
not them."

“See, even you believe
that!" A firm finger lifted my chin, forcing my watery eyes to meet
her stern gaze.

“I believe you are amazing.
And I'm sure your familiar will think so too." She said with a
firm tone, her meaty fingers drying my tears.

“You only say that because
you're my mom." The soft touch of her lips on my forehead was her
only reply before she resumed her march through the woods.

A few minutes later we came
out of the woods, the endless green of the forest giving way to the
gray stone of the mountains. Tall and imposing, the ragged mounds of
rock stood watch over a large house. Tightly packed stone formed its
walls while a slab of white stone served at its roof. Vines crept
down in intervals, their greens and yellows the only break of color
in the field of gray. Rough and heavy, that's how that house had
always been, ever since I had memory. Eternal and mysterious, just
like the line of orcs that were standing in front of it. Seven of
them in total, all clad in heavy robes that covered their feet and
hands, but that was not what caught my eye, not, it was their
animals, their familiars, whose eyes sent shivers down my spine even
from afar. Unlike mom's wolf back home, whose eyes always watched
me with affection and fierce protectiveness, there was a sharp to the
eyes of these familiar.

We came to a stop a couple of
meters from the line of orcs, the thick scent of incense and ashes
pushing into my nose. The oldest among them, a short orc woman with a
snow white hair arranged into a bundle, stepped forwards.

“So this is the orcling that
needs the rite, yeah?" She said with a raspy voice, her silver eyes
glowing with subdued power. She lifted my chin with her wooden cane,
her piercing gaze fixed on me. “Yeah, yeah, I can see it. You're
ready, come on boy, your partner is waiting."

“They are?" I said as the
old lady took me by the hand and pulled me towards the stone
building. The other orcs turned on their heels and shuffled past the

“Of course they are, they
have been waiting for a long time."

I shot one last look at my
mom, pride beaming on her face and gulped, praying it would all turn
out well. The vines closed behind me moments later, darkness
swallowing all light. I stumbled over my feet as the old priest
guided me through the dark, with only the sounds of our steps
reaching my ears.

“Stay here, young one."
whispered the orc woman after a few seconds, her rough hand releasing

My heart pounded against my
chest, so loudly I hoped the priests couldn't hear it. I didn't
have much time to wonder before a strong light burst all around me.
My hands rose up to block the brilliance, but it was already too
late, stars were dancing in my eyes even when closed. Torturous
seconds passed before I could open my eyes again and the shapes
before me made sense. I was in a small room, with a low ceiling and a
dirt floor. Strange markings spread all around me, the thick white
lines filling me with unease. Before me stood three of the priests,
large rainbow colored flames raising from their extended hands. My
eyes darted around, slowly grasping the circle of priest surrounded
me, all wielding that strange flame.

“Young one, look forward."
came the raspy voice from the orc woman, the firm weight of authority
clinging to her tone. I clutched my hand into fist and did as she
said, my eyes meeting her silver ones. “You've come before us,
your elders, to ask for something. State your purpose young one."

My muscles grew tense like
iron and heat spread through my chest. With trembling voice, I said.
“I came to ask for your help in getting my familiar, so I can
become an adult."

“A familiar is a precious
companion and a heavy burden. Their fate shall be bound to yours,
your joys, your misfortunes, your secrets, they shall all be theirs
as much as yours. Do you still want one?"

“Yes, head priest."

“Do you promise to care for
them? To help them in all their troubles? Do you promise to accept
them into your family no matter what? To stand by them no matter
what?" the orc's voice grew louder and heavier, reaching into my
very soul.

“I promise."

“Then reach out to your
partner and be reborn in fire!"

The flames filled my vision,
their hot touch seeping into my body. I gritted my teeth, holding
back the urge to scream. The heat spread across my chest, then to my
arms and legs, burning away any resistance in my body. The cackle of
flames was the only thing that reached my ears, even my heart had
grown silent. A spike of pain rose from my chest, like a dagger
piercing the skin from the inside. I opened my lips in a silent
scream when another spike struck, this one dragging out for longer.
The third time it came, I felt it, a thug at the very center of my
being. Deeper than my chest, much deeper than my heart. I held onto
that string with my mind and pushed with all my strength. The boom of
thunder shook my body and soon I was falling.

A gasp left my body, followed
by heavy pants. My eyes opened wide, taking in the priests' flames,
still resting in their hands. Ice ran through my veins, my muscles
burned and my teeth were chattering. A series of grunts took me away
from my thoughts, my eyes falling down to my arms. Resting on my
crossed arms was a bundle of brown fur. A pair of small brown eyes
stood over a porcine nose and a pair of small tusks that protruded
from their lips. Their eyes called to mine, the pool of brown drawing
me in. Shivers ran down my back as a squeak of joy left their lips.

“I did it." I muttered,
cradling my familiar in my arms.