Current Track: Blabb

The drive to the house was not long, but pretty boring. With Niko still at the office, the only sound in the car was whatever station the radio could pick up. Most of the coming from the speakers were ether songs currently popular or celebrity gossip. I was going to turn it when I heard, “the police still have no lead to the assailant or assailants’ identities, leaving most areas uneasy. With the most recent attack having parents’ pick-up and dropping off at school and some school sponsored events and clubs have been canceled, many other events may follow soon until these attack stops.”

More news about the attacks, with everything going on it was obvious that parents would be the first to act. The police is keeping a tight lid on this information, it is standard practice to do this, so I can’t blame them. Generally the public know the following:

1.       The attacks started late last year, about late November or early December.

2.       The victims are completely random with no physical connection.

3.       These attacks are extremely violent.

However, there are some, like me, who know more than the public. Even with this information, the police has no leads on the people who did this. It made me reconsider rejoining the police just to make sure they can do their job right.

But this is not the place or time for that. I am a PI, I help one person at a time. I have this case to solve before I can help the police with theirs.

After how long, Ms. Young and I drove in front of a gate. There was some sort of box thing where Ms. Young stopped. From behind, I saw her stick her head out the window and her mouth moving. I couldn’t tell what she said or who she might be speaking to, but the gate opening clued me on how to get in. when Ms. Young passed though, I pulled up to the box thing.

The first I notice were the screen, a speaker, and keypad. On the screen was an exotic looking bird. “You’re the Detective, pass though, please,” was all she said before the screen turned off. Even before entering, I could guess living in this area is expensive. Following Ms. Young I saw the streets lined with houses, most of with clean maintained lawns, others with children’s toys on them, with the rest having a sign letting you know it is up for rent. I might have driven into another dimension considering how out of place I am.

When Ms. Young pulled into a drive way, I parked behind her, and got out of the car. The house in front of me look like it would be on a sitcom. The building look two stories, white outer walls, and random colors flowers in the garden. “Nice place.” I said towards the front door.

“Thanks, now let’s go inside.” Ado was not cutting corners, she wanted me to work, and I was fine with that. The inside was decorated like what you would expect, vase, china, and even a chandelier. “Shoes off.” The words snapped me out of whatever daze I was in. I complied and put the shoes by the front door.

“Where would you need to begin?” The way Ado talked reminded me of my old boos. No jokes, all business.

“Okay, first place would be his room. Mind showing me the way?” the cougar just started walking ahead of me, I followed her up towards the second floor and the second door on the right. “This is it?” she nodded.

The inside of Xander’s room was what you expect of a teenagers room. Desk, bed, TV, game system and games. Nothing out of place here. ‘It seemed like he was coming back.’ It was a thought I had looking in the room. Behind me, I could feel Ms. Young’s gaze at me like she was expecting a trick.

I put my pack down and rummaged through it. “Ms. Young, have you cleaned this room with cleaning products since Xander disappeared?”

“Uh, no I haven’t.” Good, that should make this next part easy. I pulled a spray bottle from my bag, I sprayed the places that would make the most sense. Next I closed the door and curtains trying to make the room as dark as possible. I could tell Ms. Young was confused to what I am doing, but there was one final step before I tell. I took a black light out of my bag and turned it on. The room was clean, so at least the worst did not happen.

“What were you-“

“Just using luminol.”

“What is luminol?”

“Luminol is a chemical used at a crime scene, reacting to the blood in a person’s body.” The look on her face was shocked. I needed to tell her something put her at ease. “Since I could not find blood in this room that means we can at least dismiss the fact he may be dead.” Ms. Young relaxed, but I was not telling the truth. There is possible blood in another room, even if it is not here, there is a chance the worst happen in another room.

The next step is doing a more though investigation. “Ms. Young, this is going to take some time do you mind waiting down stairs?” She didn’t seem to mind and left me in the room.

The first spot was the closet. On one side there was clothes and empty hangers was on the other. Xander must be a neat-freak with how organized this closet is. The cloths hamper nearby was empty. Two thoughts accrued:

1.       Ether Xander took the clothes when he disappeared.

2.       Or Ms. Young took whatever was in the hamper to clean before noticing Xander was missing.

Without solid evidence, I can’t immediately dismiss ether for now.

The second stop was the desk. As with the closet, the desk was also neat and organized.  Nothing seem out of place at first, then I saw the book. The books were spine front, but they also looked like there leaning. A minor detail, but this seem out of placed in the room.

I then turned my attention towards the laptop I just notice. By instinct I turned it on, hoping to find something I could use, only to be stop by not knowing the password.

The gears in my head started to spin. So far, nothing I found seemed like he ran away. When people run from home, they usually take things they can use or have sentimental value. His hangers in the closet doesn’t look like he was in a hurry. There is a chance this was thought out and selected only specific items to take.

Overall, he seemed to disappear like it was some magic trick. But the best part of the trick is figuring out how it works. I am going to need more info if I want to move this case forward.

Down stairs, Ms. Young was at the table. Hands around a cup and a pitcher nearby. Her eyes looked distant, off somewhere where trouble seem far way. It took her a moment to notice me.

“Have you found anything?” Ado tried to sound in control but an emotion or two was slipping thought that mask she was wearing.

I sat beside her, “I found all I can in his room, but I need more details, I am going to ask you some questions.” I tried to sound comforting, but since I don’t have a child it is difficult to connect with her. Whenever I interrogated someone as an officer, I always tried to connect with them. It put the person at ease and makes talking easier.

I began the interrogation. “First, I would like to ask about Xander. What type of person was he?”

“He was polite,” Ms. Young started,” he didn’t like getting messy and kept thing organized. He would always organize thing by whatever he felt at the moment. Sometimes it was by color, other times alphabetical. He did choirs around the house to since he was young and we moved here.”

“Moved here? Did you live somewhere else before coming here?”

“Yes, Montana, we left after my husband ‘death’.” The way she said death was odd, but now is not the time to ask that.

“Was Xander having any problems at school?”

“I pulled him out of school.” Didn’t expect that, but something I should follow.

“When did you pull him out?”

“It was slightly after winter break ended so, 3 months”. That would be mid-January then. “Something happen at the school and I pulled my son out immediately”.

We are making process. “Why did you remove him, was he against it in the first place”?

“Yes he was against it,” Ado’s mood darken, “he was trying to get a scholarship so he could go to college. By pulling him out, I may have ruined his chance to get it”. She looked like she might have an idea. “Was it my fault,” she said, “because I ruined my sons future he disappeared and it’s all my fault.”

She looked like she was trying to roll into a ball. Her hands was going clawing her head. She kept saying, “It’s all my fault, it is all my fault I am sorry Xander I’m so sorry Xander.” Sounding more and more frantic.

I needed to calm her down. I grabbed her wrists, hoping her attention would focus on me. Ado then started to scream and trash about, in a complete frenzied.

She struggled but I was still able to hold her. Her eyes crazy, shouting gibberish, and kicking me whenever possible make it harder to keep my grip. Once my grip loosed, she shoved me right into a wall.

I connected with a large thud against the wall, but that was better than the even larger crash the plates hanging nearby me. If I was even a little more till the right or left, they would have handed directly on me.

“Please be okay!” look like the plates crashing brought her back.

“I’m fine, I been thought worse.” I tried getting up, avoiding the shards all around me. Ado stopped me.

“Wait, I’ll get a broom.” Look like that facade she was holding up finally slipped. She returned with a broom and sweep all the shards up in one pile.

We returned to the table and I poured whatever was in the pitcher in the cup nearby and handed it to Ado.

“Ado, this is the last question okay. You mention something happened at the school, do you know something?”

“Vandalized...” she muttered, “sometime after the break, I think a week or two back, the school was vandalized. The halls, classes, even the bathroom, was vandalized. Then there was ‘it’.”


“A message on the wall it said,” she paused. She was trying to force the words out, “All Fagots will be dead before Graduation.” She just broke afterwards, sobbing uncontrollably.

I didn’t know what to do, here was a mother, whose son may be gone and a warning saying ‘I am going to kill people’ and her son may be a victim.

I didn’t get much, but I do know what my next stop is. But I need to do one more thing. I put my hands on Ado’s Face and said, “I will find Xander and will make sure nothing happens to him, you will see him again, I promise.” It was all I could do, as empty as it sounds, it what I can only do.

I left Ms. Young alone, seeing her like that was painful. Getting in the car, my phone buzzed. I knew who I was so I didn’t bother with formalities. “You found something?”

“Yeah, I went online and make of list of people who knew Xander IRL. One of them might know something, how it go on your end?”

“I watch a parent fall apart under pressure. It was not pretty. I do have information I am going to follow up, text me the list okay.”

“Got it, Isaac. While I am on the line, I should tell you his online activity is odd.”


“Yeah, looked like he has been updating his social media accounts,” What, “nothing specific, things like articles he finds interesting and videos. I will keep the work up on my end good luck.” The call ended.

Who is updating his accounts, could it be someone involve in his disappearance or Xander himself. If it is the latter, I am going to beat the crap out of that boy.