Current Track: Blabb


BabyPups Chapter 2


Morning came as the sunlight entered Sierra's room, already Sierra was busy with the baby Dalmatians, she was in the middle of changing Lucky's wet diaper, Lucky laid still as Sierra wiped his butt with some baby wipes then applied baby powder on his rear before moving onto some baby oil which she rubbed into Lucky's sensitive area, finally she slid a clean diaper underneath Lucky's fuzzy butt and made sure to thread his tail through the hole in the back she put in it, she then folded the front between Lucky's legs and taped the diaper up nice and snug, Sierra then dressed Lucky in a shirt which was baby blue and made him resemble Tommy Pickles from Rugrats. Lucky blushed as Sierra held him in her arms


"Now you're a cute clean puppy." Sierra told Lucky as she snuggled him, she carried him to the crib and set him inside, she then picked Two-Tone up and checked her diaper, sure enough she was soaked as her diaper sagged a bit "Aww, baby girl needs her little diaper changed too huh?" Sierra cuddled Two-Tone as she took her to the changing table and laid her down. Two-Tone wagged her tail as Sierra played with her before she undid the tapes on Two-Tone's diaper and opened it, Lucky watched from the crib as his own tail wagged with crinkles from his diaper, he blushed seeing Two-Tone being wiped and then powdered. Sierra soon re-diapered Two-Tone with a white diaper with pink paw prints on it's belly band which was in contrast to the blue ones on Lucky's diaper. Sierra dressed Two-Tone in a pink baby dress that was really short and didn't hide her diaper very well. Sierra set Two-Tone in the crib with Lucky then headed out of the room to eat breakfast then get breakfast for the puppies.


Lucky looked at Two-Tone as Sierra left them "Where do you think she's going?" Lucky asked


"I hope she comes back with some food or kibble" Two-Tone said, her tummy was growling signaling she was hungry. Lucky nodded and agreed. Sierra walked in with a tray that had a couple of bottles of milk and some puppy food. The pups wagged their tails with crinkles as Sierra set the tray down then picked the pups up and took them to two high chairs and sets them in them, she then started to feed the pups the puppy food which they ate happily, after they finished Sierra took them from the highchairs and fed them their bottles which they drank happily, Sierra rocked them as they drank their bottles, once they finished Sierra pats them both on the back as they burped, Sierra then sets them in their crib as she gets the diaper bag and begins packing it with supplies. Sierra then got the stroller and set the two puppies inside it "We got a lot to do today pups" Sierra kisses their heads "lets see we can go to the mall, bet you babies would love new clothes huh?" She said to the two pups, Two-Tone wagged her tail making her diaper crinkle loudly as she did, Lucky meanwhile sucked on his pacifier as Sierra pushed them outside as they headed into the mall.


Inside the mall Sierra pushed the stroller with the pups, Two-Tone looked around wagging her tail with loud crinkles from her diaper as she did, Sierra rubbed Two-Tone's head and smiled at her, Lucky meanwhile relaxed as Sierra pushed them to a toy store and went to the baby doll isle, she then looked at the various clothes and stuff, the puppies crinkle wagged as they looked around, Sierra got a pink sleeper that was just the right size for Two-Tone and a blue one in Lucky's size, Sierra next went to the baby section and got a package of disposable diapers that were thick and absorbent, Sierra then went to pay for her items as the pups started to get hungry again. Once Sierra finished she pushed the puppies outside to the food court area, she then feeds them their bottles of milk which the pups wagged and drank their milk. Once they finish and get burped they are then seated back in their stroller and pushed around the mall. Sierra passed by a surf shop themed store and got an idea. "Hey I know what we can do next, let's go to the beach" Sierra giggled, the puppies wagged with crinkles as Sierra took them home.


"Lucky think the beach will be fun?" Two-Tone asked Lucky. "I bet so Two-Tone, especially if we can wander around the beach" Lucky answered wagging with crinkles from his diaper. Two-Tone crinkle wagged too. Sierra went to her home first and went to get her bathing suit and a beach towel, she also packed sunscreen and some other stuff, she then heads with the pups to the beach. At the beach many people were there as well as children, Sierra parked the stroller with the pups and went to change into her bathing suit, the pups relaxed and watched the waves come in, Sierra emerged in her bathing suit and smiled at her babies as they looked for a spot to sit at, they found a good spot on the sand, Sierra unloaded the pups and sat them on the towel as she rubbed sunscreen on her face, arms, and legs and her body. Afterward she played with the pups some more, they had a good time as they played, Lucky looked toward the pier wanting to go and walk around there, Two-Tone wagged too looking at the pier. Sierra smiled at them "We can look there later okay?" Sierra patted the pups' heads as she laid on her beach blanket, the pups curled up with her to take a nap


Lucky tried to sleep but he couldn't, he looked around noticing the waves crashing to shore, he was pretty bored as he crinkled a bit in his diaper, he went over to Two-Tone and nuzzled her. "You awake?" Lucky asked her, Two-Tone yawned and nodded "I am now." she got up "I got an idea, let's check out the pier" Lucky told her. Two-Tone crinkle wagged "Well I dunno if we should go and leave Sierra here." Two-Tone said as she looked at Sierra. Lucky nodded "Don't worry, she won't know we are gone." Lucky assured Two-Tone as they left.


The pups soon walked along the pier, the smell of seafood from the restaurants nearby, Lucky figured that Rolly would enjoy it here if he were here. Two-Tone looked at the gift shops as she crinkle wagged. The pups went into the gift shop and looked around, they noticed a lot of seashells and starfish. There were other things inside too that amazed the pups, they would have stayed longer but they didn't wanna worry Sierra and rushed back to find her on the beach, as the pups ran on the beach they ran close to the surf as the tide came in dousing them and soaking them up, they blushed as their diapers also got soaked too. They went to where Sierra was at, the girl was already awake when she saw the pups dripping wet.


"Decided to have some fun in the water huh?" Sierra hugged the babypups and then laid them on a changing matt and changed their diapers and dressed them in dry outfits. The sun was setting as Sierra and the pups headed back home, Sierra arrived just in time as her friend Jenny arrived to meet her.


"Sierra guess what? We've been invited to a sleep over, isn't that cool?" Jenny asked Sierra.


"Cool! Oh wait what about the babies?" Sierra asked looking over at Lucky and Two-Tone whom were asleep in their stroller.


"Well I don't think it's a problem taking them to the sleep over. Besides they might have a lot of fun too." Jenny told Sierra as she nodded.


The pups remained asleep unaware of the next adventure they would be having, the sleep over would be the next night since it would be the weekend.