Current Track: Blabb

Journey of A Thousand Steps

The first step

                The year is Rava 154. So many people were afraid in these times of need. The rava, a hoard of monsters ravishing the lands. No one knows how they came from or how they came to be. All anyone knows is that these monsters started appearing everywhere a century and a half ago. They destroyed many towns in the first waves. To live in this time, is to survive. Though thanks to the efforts of the hunter gild. Most towns that live in their area saw almost nothing but peace and safety. So, let's have a look on a unknow beast in the town of Gail.[gn1] 

                “Sigh" exclaimed the beast. Walking to his next quest thinking on his way to the guild house. One thought kept running through his mind, 'So why do I need to be- '. The beast was stopped mid thought by some ruckus coming from the alleyway. His attention turned to the alleyway. It looked like some people were ruffing up a boy. The beast was contemplating whether or not he should help. Though in his mind, he wanted nothing more then to leave, though in his heart he should stop the fight at least.

                “HEY!" he cried out, Getting all their attention.

                Here's a point to understand about the Beast and Rava. Beasts are rare to see and do often get confused with the rava. Some rava do look like human form beast, though most aren't. So, you can guess most people's reaction when confronted with a beast.

                “RUN! IT'S A RAVA!" they screamed while running in the other direction.

                All the beast did was smirked at their reaction. He knew that most people forget that there 'is' a deafferents between them. Shaking his head, he went to see how hurt the boy was. Just a simple look at him, all he saw was some bruising. Nothing looked to serious.[gn2] 

                “Hey you, all right?" The beast asked holding his hand out to the boy," I saw that they were playing with ya". “Yeah, that's a nice way to put it. I did kind of deserved it though" The boy exclaimed." oh?" the beast looked questioningly. “I... might have lie to them about where a nest of rava are" he said while grinning.

                “That can get anyone killed for tricks like that".

                “I know I know"

                The beast did his final look over. “Well you seem fine for now. I need to get going." The beast turned to walk but was stopped by the boy.

                “Are you going to The Gild house?" the boy asked.

                “Yea" replied the beast.

 “Can I come with? I need to be there too. I have some friends waiting for me there."

                The beast was contemplating on is. Though with a shrug, told the boy he could. He didn't care if the boy follows or not, it's a sort trip ether way.

As they walked through the town, the boy had a question he wanted to ask.

                “What's your name? I forgot to ask."

                “My name is Shilyarr."

                “Shil-ya-rr?" the boy said with difficultly.

                “Sigh" The beast knew that would happen. “No, it's pronounced shil-ee-are"

                “Oh, sorry. I guess a lot of people miss pronounce your name?"

                All shilyarr did was stare intently. The boy took the hint. “So, my name is John, john ______ . Nice to meet you…Mr. shilyarr?" John hope his guess didn't get another stare from the beast.

                “Yes, I am male." Shilyarr said with indifference. John was glad that he guessed right. John did want to ask more but stopped himself. He didn't want to annoy the beast any more than necessary.

                As the par reached the gild house. John took one look at the guild house and was still amazed at how big it was compared to the rest of the houses. The guild house was almost three times as big compered to everything else, and just as poorly built. John still couldn't believe that something like that was still standing. Leave it to the guild to do the impossible yet again.

John had his suspicion but still needed to meet his friends. “So, this is where we split." Shilyarr said while walking through the door. John wanted nothing more then to stay with the beast but he needed to regroup with his friends. They said there good byes and Shilyarr went back to what he came here for.

The gild leader of this area wanted Shilyarr to escort some cargo. Shilyarr found it very annoying that all he was told was to rendezvous here. So, he went to the attendee of the house in the back. “Hey. I was expected here?" He asked.

                “For what am I expecting? “The attendee replied.

                “I was told to meet here for a cargo run by the gild leader." Shilyarr asked the attendee. All the man did was look at shilyarr with a confusion. “umm, I wasn't told that a beast was coming here for a cargo run", the man said confusedly. “So, no one told you that I was coming?" shilyarr was a bit worried that he came all the way here for nothing. “oh!" the man said surprisingly “Is your name Shil-ya-rr?". “sigh, yes". “The leader told me you were coming. My apologies. I had no idea what you were talking about for a bit there."

                All shilyarr could do was look curiously at the man. What did he mean that he didn't understand him? “Okay? So, what am I supposed to escort?". Now the attendee was looking at him confused again, “Didn't the guild leader tell you that you're here to join a group?". Shilyarr was about to retort when a group behind him spoke, “So is he going to join our guild squad!?". The familiar voice behind him gave a shiver down his spine.

                “Hey guys, this is the beast that helped me!" john said excitedly. All shilyarr could do was look dumbfoundedly at the group. Two things were running through the beast's mind right now. He couldn't believe that the boy who he found earlier was going to team up with. While the second was what he was going to do to the guild leader when he finds that rat.

                While shilyarr in his was mind planning on how to torture the rat. The two strangers took to introductions. The tall one went first," Hi, my name's lunk ". Then the little chubby one," Hello, my name is frank".

                Shilyarr finally snapped out of his trance to greet them both, “Yes, sorry but I must decline joining your group". The three of them had a look of worry on their faces. “umm, what do you mean?" asked lunk. “We were told that we needed four people in our group to work with the guild. That you were sent here to join us". Those words only fell on deaf ears. “Sorry but I must get going. Great to meet ya." As he was a about to turn to leave. The Attendee spoke up," umm shilyarr. If I might add. The guild leader wrote clearly that if you refused to join the group. That I was to inform you of your departure from the guild."

                At toughs' words did shilyarr stop, turning back at the group. “What?", was all he muttered. “The letter says that you either join the group or get kicked from the guild." Replied the attendee.

“Why kick me out now of all things?"

“You should know about the rules of the guild. A group of four to join. You were an exception because of your strength."

“What happen to change that?"

“We found a team for you to join."

All the beast could do was look shocked. Out of all the things he did to avoid joining a group. He was now being forced to join one.

John was the first to speak to shilyarr," hey. I do get it that you don't want to join us. You might even be annoyed with us. Though I do need to say is that we want to join the guild. Go out there to protect the people and all the stuff. I know our sort introductions in that ally was sort, but would you please consider joining our group?". “If he doesn't join your group today. All four of you won't be joining the guild at all." Said the attendee.

“Wait, you're telling us that we can't join the guild even if we find a fourth later?" asked lunk


All three looked at him, their faces of shocked horror on them. “why would you do that to us? We didn't even do anything!" “Sorry but that is what the guild leader wants. I can't defy him."

Shilyarr heard all this. Thinking what the hell guild leader was playing at. 'Why was he doing this? Force me to join them? He knew that I wouldn't join their group. Even with this threat to both me and the other three. So why would he risk losing me? So, what is he playing at?' While he was pondering on this. The others started to panic.

John was the calmer one trying as he might to calm his companions. All while Shilyarr came to a swift decision, “I'll join them". Now that got everyone was looking at the beast, shocked. “Really?", all four said in unison. As the three all grew smiles from ear to ear. The attendee was still shocked. All he was told was that the beast would refuse no matter what. Though a deal is a deal and he had to honor the agreement.

“So, now that your group is formed. Some papers need to be signed" The attendee spoke. “Would you follow me please". Upon hearing that everyone calmed down and followed him upstairs.

 “As is the custom of the guild you need to fill out these, then sign." Spoke the attendee while handing out the papers. As the three started to fill out the forms, one of them noticed something. “umm, why is shil-ya-rr not filling one out?" asked frank.

“We already have a file on him. We just need to have him sign saying he is a part of your group." Answered the attendee.

“That also leads to my question, why do we need to answer our strengths?" asked lunk.

Shilyarr decided to answer this one. “The guild would like to say it's for safety reasons. Though it's really just to let the guild and/or employers to choose what their next mission is."

“But can't people lie on this saying that there stronger than they are??"

“Yes, people can and do lie on it, but that would be their mistake. Though in all honesty, the guild doesn't care really. All they want is more people to join them. If they lie on it and get killed for it, That's on them." The beast retorted.

“And what if they succeed in the impossible?"

“The guild gets a better person in are ranks." replied the attendee. At those last words everyone decided to focus on getting the forms done.

As anyone can attest, the paper work was long and growly but it was done. All Shilyarr had to do was sign saying he was a part of this random group. “Now that I'm done. Can 'we' go now?" “yes, you can go now Shilyarr. Just remember that they need to be with you for further guild request." The attendee told him.

“yeah, yeah I know. Tell the leader to go hang himself." Replied shilyarr.

With that said and done everyone left the guild house. Shilyarr was just going to fallow these three for now. They went in to a tavern a little down the street. The beast didn't know why they didn't stay in the guild house for drinks. It was quite suited to do that on the first floor there. John spoke up like he was reading his mind “if you are wondering my come here instead of staying at the shack. We like the drinks here better then what they serve there."

“shack?" he replied.

“oh right, we were born here and everyone reefers it as the shack. It's better then saying the guild house all the time. Right?"

“I don't care all the much, just want to sit down and process everything"

“I get that, that's why we come here. Just to relax."

As the conversion was going on, lunk found them a table in a front corner of the tavern. Has shilyarr and john stated to sit down. A somewhat friendly waiter came by. “do you guys want the usual, depressed drinks?" she said smirkingly while not looking up.

“Nope, four successful ales please!" replied lunk.

“Wait what? You guys finally got in?" she asked finally looking up to see the beast siting with them

“Yes!" all three shouted.

“So, you three whimps finally got a fourth. Ahahah, hopefully he isn't as bad as you three!"

                Shilyarr was a bit offended by that, “Just so you know lady. I can handle anything by myself."

                “No need to be so cold, I was just joking. These boys have dreams that I have to crash."

                Now everyone was laughing at that. “Why do you want to hurt us so much 'la- '" was all lunk got out before he was hit across the table.

                “I'll allow the stranger to call me that but not by one of you three punks." The waiter said, “Oh right, we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Shealy. May I get yours?"


                “Weird name, well nice to meat ya. I am one of the waiters of this establishment and I also make sure these rascals stay out of trouble around here"

                “Hey, you don't get to-" lunk started before getting hit again, though it was by frank this time. “Be glad that Shealy is kind enough to care about your sorry ass."

                “Thank you Frank, though do you guys still want your usual? Can't just wait here talking all day."

                “yeah, sure. Three brown ale please" John spoke for the three.

                “I'll have that just to make things easier" said Shilyarr

                “Alright, four brown ales coming up." Said the waiter now walking off to get their order done. “Now that you all are done playing around, I would like to know who I'm going to be protecting." said Shilyarr.

                “Who said I need protecting?!" answered lunk, looking offended by just the accession. “I would have to agree with him. We are capable of taking down rava on our own." Added Frank. “Yeah, we may not look much but all three of us are decent magic users" john said finally.

                “If so, why are you trying to join the guild then? If what you say is true, then you wouldn't need to join to protect the village. Most of the monsters in the area are teddy bears compared to other areas." Retorted shilyarr.

                “Well that would be true if we wanted to stay" said john.


                “I can say for all three of us." The other two nodded, “It's boring in this small village. We want to see other kingdoms. See what the world has to offer."

                “Again, why not go out on your own? You don't need the guild to go places"

                “Yeah, we can do that but most people don't like random adventurers coming to their towns now of days. Plus, work would be harder to come by with everyone using the guild to post jobs we can do. We just figured that if we sign up as traveling guild members. It would help us get to see the other kingdoms easier." Answered john.

                Shilyarr still wanted to push, “Even with all this work. The guild can still decide to keep you here."

                “Then we would go with our other plan"

                With that, shilyarr was somewhat pleased, “Alright, I'm fine with your drive. Though that doesn't mean the I still don't see you three as helpless."

                Before lunk got to voice his hurt pride, Frank stepped in. “And you have now reason to think otherwise. 'I' at least get that. Just let us prove to you we can help."

                “I can agree to that. Oh, looks like our drinks are here" with shilyarr done for now, their drinks arrived.

                “Hope these boys aren't bothering you too much wolfie" Shealy said while handing their drinks to everyone.

                “wolfie???" asked Shilyarr, a bit surprised by the new nickname.

                “Well yeah, you look like a wolfen beast with what… a bird??? I can clearly see wings in your cloak but I never heard of an avian beast before."

                “You noticed the wings? What an inquisitive girl you are."

                “Wait you have wings??" all three said at once. John want to ask his question first. “I never heard of a winged beast; how do you have wings when you look like a wolf?"

                “I guess I should tell you now. I'm half drag-" is all shilyarr got in before they all shouted again. “WHAT!"

                “Your part dragon!" lunk and Frank said together, both shaking a little at the prospect. John was the only one calm to say, “So that explains some of your behaver."

                “Yes and no john, I am just rude sometimes"

                “Sometimes?" all three said. 

                “Whatever, I am part lighting dragon. That should explain to you guys why my wings have feathers rather then membrane."

                “So, are you also magic user? Doesn't most leaganes say that dragons are powerful with magic?" asked john.

                “Actually, most if not all dragons only have magic resistance and they don't have much magic for themselves. Only enough to make fire or incase like my background, lighting."

                “Oh, alright" replied John.

“Though to answer your first question, I am a fire warrior magic user."

Frank spoke up this time, “Not lighting?"

“Nope, fire is my strong suit" replied shilyarr

“And a warrior too?" asked john

“Yeah, the guild recognizes that. Though I do point towards caster a bit."

“So, we have a powerful dragon as a party member! This is the best day ever! The guild must love us!" lunk said, voicing his excitement at the news. With that, everyone toasted too.

Shilyarr decided not to add that the guild probably wants to see If he can get this group killed with him in it. He didn't want to ruin their fun, He wasn't heart less monster. Though there's still something he needed from them, “Alright, now that I'm done introducing myself. What about you three? I still want... well need to know what my team can do."

                “Oh right, sorry for interrupting you." Lunk went first. “You know my name already. So, I want to be a warrior class mage. With some caster in my application."

                Now frank went next, “Frank Roster. I am working to improve my skills as a defense mage. With maybe some warrior skills."

                “I'm working for a caster rank. I want to support my friends more then fighting. Though I do want to work on adding some offensive abilities. Can't be helpless like you say." John added last.

                “I'm confused?" and with those word Shealy muttered. All three them groaned a massive sigh.

                “Shealy, we already told you like a hundred times what the mage classes are!" said a rather tired lunk. “I know, I know but I keep forgetting"

                “We are not going to explain it again!" said lunk, and with that, the small celebration was on its way. For the next hour or so shilyarr was sitting back. Just watching all four of them interact like old friends. Though all the drinks he had and mother natcher was calling. “I'll be back. Nacher is calling."

                “Alright." They replied.

                After doing his business, he was greeted with Shealy outside the rest room. “Yes?" Asked Shilyarr.

“I just want to talk." Shealy was leaning on the door frame blocking the door.

“Aright, what do ya want?"

“After you walked away, the boys told me about the deal."

Shilyarr nodded.

“So, what's in this for you? What do you want?"

Shilyarr just looked at her with a raised brow.

“So, you're not going to say anything?"

He relented, sighing. “All I wanted is to stay with the guild. No more no less."

Shealy was starring the beast down. “Those boys are my friends and I don't want to see them hurt."

Raising his hand to stop her, not wanting to hear the same cliche lines. “You don't need to do 'they get hurt you get hurt' line. You have nothing to worry about."

She was the one sighing now, “I'm not here to intimidate, I'm just worried. Those boys don't understand the dangers out there. I went outside of town once and those rava nearly killed me."

Shilyarr was now interested, “You left Gail before?"

“I needed something that wasn't in Gail, but I need you to answer this me honestly." She shoved off the question, “Will you protect them?"

Now he smelled at that, liking the determination. “They will be safe in my hands."

Shealy raised her eye brow, “Really?"

“I wouldn't have accepted if I didn't think I couldn't." Shilyarr went to move past Shealy. “I better get back. You don't want them to wonder where I am."

Walking back to his same spot at the table. John looked up to Shilyarr as he was sitting down, “So, Mr. Shilyarr, we were talking and where do you want to rest to night?