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JB - Fluff Puff White
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Title can't be empty.
I'm so sleepy today I can't but imagine myself rolling on those white clouds to find the best place to fall (asleep).
Hey! Looks as if SoFurry is back online finally. From what I read the outage was caused by a series of problems all collapsing at the same time. Not often do we get to see all that has to happen for our favorite pages to work and how things can come tumbling down with relative ease. Sadly we did end up skipping some paintings here because of all this. :/
[color=gray][b]Did you like my work?[/b][/color]
If you did please consider [b]sharing a coffee with me on Ko-Fi[/b]. :)
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
For general news and chatter I'm on Twitter, Mastodon, and my Telegram Channel
For random thoughts you can look at my Journal
My other updated art sites are FurAffinity, Furry Network, and Deviantart
I'm also on PixelFed, Facebook, Instagram, and ArtStation[/sub]
Hey! Looks as if SoFurry is back online finally. From what I read the outage was caused by a series of problems all collapsing at the same time. Not often do we get to see all that has to happen for our favorite pages to work and how things can come tumbling down with relative ease. Sadly we did end up skipping some paintings here because of all this. :/
[color=gray][b]Did you like my work?[/b][/color]
If you did please consider [b]sharing a coffee with me on Ko-Fi[/b]. :)
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
For general news and chatter I'm on Twitter, Mastodon, and my Telegram Channel
For random thoughts you can look at my Journal
My other updated art sites are FurAffinity, Furry Network, and Deviantart
I'm also on PixelFed, Facebook, Instagram, and ArtStation[/sub]
5 years ago
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