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Lazz - Gift Art
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This is an enjoyable piece from Lucario J on SoFurry. He asked if he could draw Lazz and, from having a few scribbles with no reference sheet as well, asked a few questions about some features. This is the end result. This is the best drawing/art that I have of Lazz that I feel Lucario J captured wonderfully. I'm sure that he knows how grateful I am to received this gift *Wags tail* but, the friendship that we have is far more enjoyable *Bleeps with a smile*
Give his profiles a look SoFurry I always feel that he dose a great job capturing characters aesthetics that you can tell from a mile away who they are ^.=.^ If you like this piece, give him a shout for the time taken to make this happen
Now I just have to start getting better and practicing more with drawing (XP)
Give his profiles a look SoFurry I always feel that he dose a great job capturing characters aesthetics that you can tell from a mile away who they are ^.=.^ If you like this piece, give him a shout for the time taken to make this happen
Now I just have to start getting better and practicing more with drawing (XP)
1 year ago
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