Author's note: Sup, y'all. pyrostinger here, with the newest episode of Luminous. "Waitaminite," you might be saying, "I thought Squirrel wrote Luminous?" Well, he does, and will continue to do so. See, he asked me to write a guest episode, which I accepted. I've been working on that in lieu of my own projects... and this ones actually a little late. It was supposed to appear as episode 10... but since it didn't, here we are at 13, which is not all bad. Luckily, the episode wasn't really timeframe sensitive... it could be moved. Anyway, here it 'tis!
You probably shouldn't read this story unless you're over the age of 18, 21 in some areas. This story alludes to sexual acts which are not appropriate for all audiences. If you're younger then 18, go somewhere else.
Pyro is (c) to me, pyrostinger, all other characters are (c) to Squirrell.
Airing the Past
Pyro found himself in the hallway. Again. He could always just turn back... go back to the mice. Tell them that this was out of the question, that he couldn't do it. She was too much for him... too much for him to handle.
But he didn't.
Just like he did, oh, so long ago, he continued walking down the ruined passageway of Luminous, parts blackened by gunfire, electrical wires hanging, severed, sparking. The light was off in some areas, replaced by broken glass that crunched underpaw. He could feel his heart starting to pound in his chest again. Finally, he stopped, turning.... but the mice had been adamant. He was the only one who could guard against her mental attack, the only one with the conditioning to do so. The only one still alive. Assumpta had already been killed, and Lonely was Adelaide's. He was currently in the brig, being tortured for fun at this point. They had already cornered her to this small room on D-deck.
And so, on he went.
The corridor hadn't been this long in real life. But that's how he remembered it. And every single piece of broken glass reflected his image, and he saw his own haunted, haggard look. She had to be brought down... somehow... to save what was left of the ship.
The door was finally in front of him. He took a deep breath, then knocked on it with a free paw. "Adelaide, this is Pyro. I've come to parley." Like before.
The door opened suddenly, and he was met with the bars crisscrossing it. She could still see him, though, as he could see her. And he saw her, pink fur marred by red on her side and left shoulder. And she had her phase pistol trained on him. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but bringing a gun to parley isn't exactly trustworthy, is it?" Like before...
Pyro said nothing. Like before.
"Put the gun down," she said. Slowly, Pyro placed his own phase pistol on the ground. "Computer, scan Pyro for any other weapons." A beeping, a whirring, a negative search. "Huh... wonder why you didn't try anything else. What, are you a bomb or something? Heard somewhere that they can put bombs into normal objects... even furs."
"No." Too much... tension. Too much stuff going on. At this point, Pyro wanted nothing more than to wake up from his nightmare... but the mice were adamant. They controlled him even in his dreams... "I'm not a bomb... that would be ludicrous. I'm one of the only ones who can resist you. Plus, we need your help. The entire crew does. We need to keep this ship going."
She sneered. "I am... your captain, wolf. I give the orders around here."
"A captain without a crew," he heard himself counter. Again, it started to flare within him...
"But... fine, I'll hear your terms," she said. A fist punched a button, and the bars withdrew. She lowered her pistol. "Enter."
As soon as he stepped into the slightly scarred room, he felt her feelers... those little mental feelers... probing. Seeking. He had felt the same thing with baby Akira... but the intent was so much more different. She was looking for good feelings. Her mother... her not-quite mother was looking for cracks in his barriers. He wondered... no, don't go there.
It's going to happen anyway...
Don't... wake up, wake up, wake up!
He looked into her eyes, and asked her, "Why?" She knew what she was doing... He knew what she was doing, and she knew he knew the answer to his question already.
"I'm looking for an easy way out of this, Pyro," she answered bluntly. "Something that you know or you don't think you know that can get me out of this alive. I have a ship to run, and a revolt to put down."
Still she amazed him. After all this time, he couldn't wrap his mind around her sheer arrogance. Every time it left him shaking his head, as he did now. "Adelaide... you've lost. Just give up. It's over." He closed his eyes, and continued. "The mice are offering some very generous terms– "
"Which are not worth my time. I'm interested in something different." Still, she kept probing, undeterred by all the roadblocks. Her insistence was making it a little difficult to speak. Run, he kept screaming to himself. Run. Nobody wins here... you know the outcome. Get away, he urged his past self.
And still he stayed, saying her words as she said them herself, knowing where she was going, unsure of his defenses, redirecting her, trying... trying...
"I have one card to play yet," she sneered.
Panic. Get away, get away! "Why did you do it, Adelaide? I know the story. You were coupling with Field, and he got you pregnant when your heat came without warning. Why did you kill him?"
"He inconvenienced me. He USED me. He just wanted someone more powerful to lean upon, to simper to."
"He was your mate!"
"HA! That little mouse? Please... he was good, though. So eager to please. I'm more interested, however," and she shifted, smiling, baring her teeth, her fangs at him, "in the present, and what lies before me."
Pyro saw it played out again and again. How her paw slid down her front, just so. How it dived into her pants... how she stimulated herself, teasing, smiling or smirking he did not know. Perhaps both. Probably both.
And he twitched, catching her faint scent in the air, already rattled by her blood scent, and now... now... and her teeth... Something awoke, within him. "S-stop it," he said, starting to tremble.
"Why?" was her simple, plaintive, almost deceptively innocent question. And she kept going, rubbing harder. "We've yiffed before... just never got a chance to sink my fangs into you."
"Stop it!" he said, growling now. No, no, no, go away, leave, escape, can't you see she's drilling deep, she found the weak spot? Oh, but those teeth... he heard rumors of those teeth... he flinched again, staring at her, his eyes glowing slightly...
"Don't you want to feel them, Pyro? Don't you want to feel what it's like, when a female has hers?"
"Shut up."
"Can't you smell that, Pyro?"
"Muzzle it! I know what you're doing. Stop it."
"Why, Pyro?" A soft moan...
An answering growl. Tremble... tremble... He could see her heat rising... oh, how it rose...
"Don't you want it?"
She wasn't going to stop... shut her up. Shut her up!
"Don't you want me?"
A paw around her throat, another raised in anger. It was so sudden.... As he looked into her eyes, he could see her surprise... That never left his memories... it haunted him. Her pink eyes wide in fear... seeing her life flash before her eyes...
You didn't need to be a telepath to see when death was coming.
"God damn you, Adelaide," he growled, and swung –!
–And woke, gasping loudly, eyes unseeing for a moment... and then he remembered. And with that memory came solace... came Dotna's warm body beside him. Stirring.
"Pyro?" she said, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. Soldotna... her room. The chipmunk's bushy tail twitching softly in agitation. "Pyro, what's wrong?"
"Bad dream," he told her, calming himself... Breathe, Pyro, breathe.
Dotna rubbed his back, making soft chittering noises. It sounded... so odd. So oddly comforting. He closed his eyes and let her softly rub his back, nuzzling into his shoulder, make those chittering noises. She hugged him, and he sighed. He... needed a shower. Gently, he disengaged himself from her, and got into the shower, without a word.
Warm, warmer, warmest, hot. Those dreams... every time he dreamed them, it was tiring. So much emotion... too much emotion. He leaned against the wall and let the water run over him, eyes closed.
The door opened. "Pyro?"
He looked to see his mate standing there, with nothing but a towel to cover her, which was quickly removed and placed on a rack. She stepped in, and he turned, and she folded her arms around him. "Whatever it is... you can tell me. You can let me know..." She looked at him, up at him, into his red eyes, the water running over them both, her green ones seeming endlessly deep...
Hugging her back, Pyro softly kissed her forehead. "I... The things I did in the past, on that other Luminous... I'm not proud of. They–"
"You're not going to tell me." Those soft words spoken, her head pressed into his chest. He sighed...
"I don't want to burden anyfur with my demons. Especially you." Protect it. Protect her, Field had said. A paw sliding under her neck, tilting her chin up. A kiss... A sigh. "I'm not... I'm not doubting how strong you are," he continued. "And... I do love you. No matter what."
He heard her chuckle. "I did go into this, knowing you're a mystery." She looked up at him, smirking a bit. "I'm gonna figure you out, one of these days."
Pyro entertained a smile. "You won't like what you see."
The mess hall buzzed with the activities of the morning crew, getting their breakfast. Pyro stood with his tray, wondering where to sit. There were so many groups... those that had paired off already, grouped up already, impenetrable force fields. And then there was Assumpta, sitting by herself, calmly eating. With an air of "Why not?" he approached.
"You mind?" he asked her.
The snow leopard's eyes flicked up at him, regarding him for a moment. She softly shook her head. So, he sat. "Hi!"
She inclined her head at him, then took another bite of her food, as cool and graceful as ever.
"Still trying out things?" Pyro indicated her fish, with a plant that looked, for all the world, like a tree. A small, green tree. Broccoli, he knew. Hadn't tried it himself...
She nodded, then took another bite of it.
"Salt and..." sniff-sniff "pepper?"
"Yes," she said, finally.
"Uh... sorry ‘bout that. Just... don't have many to talk with about... I dunno. Anything, really. Gets kinda lonely, sometimes." Pyro shrugged.
Silence. Silenced filled with mastication. A brief memory of the Assumpta he knew... so different, yet so similar. Her grace. Assumpta, in either universe, always had her grace... even...
"Is there something on my face?"
"Wha-huh? Um..."
"You were staring at me with a distant look in your eyes. I wish to inquire as to why."
"Uh... heh, no reason, really."
"I do not understand. Is there a reason or is there not?" She tilted her head.
"Ah, well..." Pyro shifted in his seat. "I was just thinking about the Assumpta I knew."
"In the universe you came from, correct?"
"Yeah... she was a little different from you. You both were graceful, but in different ways." Some fabulously steamed carrots took Pyro's attention. Yummy.
"How so?"
"We-ell... the Assumpta that I knew had a dancer's grace. No offense, um, but she was kinda easier to talk to..."
"Perhaps because she was prey, like you profess yourself to be."
The wording took Pyro a little by surprise. He blinked. "You don't think I'm prey?"
"I believe that you are a wolf," she said, answering immediately. "I believe also that you are a predator that has been raised as prey. I believe that predator instincts are buried deep inside you." She placed some fish with broccoli in her mouth, chewing, swallowing.
Pyro blinked again. "You think that–"
"–Given the right circumstances, you will respond in a predatory manner."
"When... would this be?"
She paused a moment, then spoke. "There are times when a predator HAS to be a predator. They are instinctual. You have the shape of a predator, so predatory reactions and instincts are inside you." There was an air of a shrug.
"What makes you think that?"
"Perhaps it is simply an irrational theory I have. It is more..." and here she hesitated, something that looked alien to Pyro, "it is more a feeling than a theory."
"Huh," said Pyro, blinking once more.
"You have something to protect now in Soldotna, correct?"
"Hm? Oh... well, yeah. We're... mates, yeah."
"Perhaps when she is threatened, the instincts will come to the fore." One more bite, and Assumpta stood. "If you'll excuse me, I have finished my meal, and my shift starts soon."
"Oh... alright. See you later."
"It was a pleasure talking to you, Pyro." Another incline of her head, and a curious look in her eyes... it was as if she was smiling.
Pyro twirled the ball in his paws, then took a good look at the basket. A breath, concentrating, focused... And the jump shot from the foul line banged around the rim before going in. He allowed himself a smile.
"Nice shot."
Pyro turned, not recognizing the voice. It was a fox. Seeing as most of the predators kept to themselves, it was a bit of a surprise seeing one, alone. The fox was wearing a tank top and some shorts, Pyro wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Sauntering past him, the fox got the ball, bouncing it a bit.
"So. You're the new wolf everyfur's talkin' about. Red-eyes and all," said the fox, circling Pyro a bit, looking him up and down.
"I... am. What about it?" Pyro tried to keep his voice from waving. Something in the fox's glance...
The fox got closer, simply twirling the ball in his paws. "You heard that Lonely, a crewfur, died, right? With the wasps?"
A small sneer, teeth showing. "Well... to me, you're his replacement."
"Heh... think about it. He was killed during the wasp attack. You were the cause. I think it's your obligation to replace him... in every way."
Pyro flinched suddenly, his back against the wall. His heart had started pounding. What...?
"Hmpfh. You're too easy to dominate," the fox decided, pulling back as suddenly as he pushed Pyro up against the wall. "Lonely would have put up a bit more of a fight. Still, I'll have my fun with you... eventually." He walked to the door, then stopped again. "And you might as well get rid of that prey you call a mate. There are plenty of predators to properly satisfy you." Pyro flinched, but the fox was already gone.
"C-computer.... end... end simulation..."
It had been... so real.... Everything was how he remembered it.
Breathe.... breathe.
There was a knock at the door, and Pyro looked up. The simulation room... looked so bare, when not in use. "Come in..."
A pair of rabbit ears, and then Dr. Kodiak stepped in, blinking. "Oh, hey. Hm... didn't expect to see you here. Then again, you're kinda new, so... it's kinda hard to expect anything outta you at all, huh?" He smirked.
Pyro snorted, amused. "Dr. Kodiak, I presume?"
"Yeah, that's me. Dr. Kody or just Kody'll suffice, though. Just ‘cuz I made it through med school don't make me uppity, like Azure can be."
"Azure is...?"
"Assumpta's mate," Kody supplied. "He's gotten better about it since they got together... though that has to be the most unlikely pairing I've ever seen."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well... look at some of the other mates around. Wren – "
"The captain."
"Wren," Kody continued, making Pyro smile a bit, "is mated to Rella. Them two I can see. Field and Adelaide I can see, also. She's strong, he's kinda waify, she supports him and stuff. Even... even Juneau and Chester, I can see. I mean... I'm not really in the gossip circles or anything, but I hear stuff. Juneau's got this thing for mice. Chester fits the bill. But Azure, the rich, preppy squirrel, and Assumpta, the ice queen?" He shrugged. "Doesn't make any sense to me, is all."
"So you don't think they should be together?"
"Huh? Uh... I don't know. Maybe... maybe not. Fact of the matter is that... even though its hard to tell from her end, they make each other happy. All that matters, I guess." Kody shrugged. "Anyway, what brings you around here?"
"Um..." Pyro picked up the remote control, then walked back over to the sim room's control panel. "I was actually... trying to make a simulation."
"Oh?" Kody smirked. "What're you tryin' to simulate? Maybe I can help."
"You come here often?"
"Often enough to know how to make my own custom sim."
"We-ell... I'm trying to recreate... a bit of my past. Been using the thing," Pyro said, gesturing to the control panel, "to sorta... recreate a bit."
"Huh. Can I see?"
"Well... I want it to be a surprise for my mate–"
"You have a mate already?"
"Um... Yeah. Anyway, it's a surprise for her, but yeah, I guess. So long as you don't tell her."
"Well, it's not like you've told me who she is, so how could I? Now... let's see what you got here so far..."
The snow bound planet of the snow rabbits. A cold place, no doubt, breeding cold furs. Yet... from up here... it looked beautiful. A planet of almost entirely pure white... yet a harsh planet, frigid. It seemed almost impossible to reconcile. How could something so beautiful be so–
"Hi, there."
"Hey," said Pyro, looking still at the planet for a bit more before turning to meet Adelaide. And flinched, a flashback thrusting into his mind... only to be quickly buried. The bat noticed a slight twitch, nothing more. Not for the first time and certainly not for the last, she resisted attempting to delve into his mind. The blocks where there for a reason... he didn't want anyone to know what was going on in there. Perhaps... perhaps he'll be more comfortable, with time.
"What's going on?"
Pyro shrugged, nodding to the planet. "Just taking a look at the planet, really... pretty, ain't it?"
"It is... very nice. Um, I asked Wren about your appointment, and he's fine with it. So, you're now Lieutenant Pyro, in Ops, of the Luminous crew." She held out her paw. "Welcome, lieutenant."
Pyro nodded, smiling a little half-smile and shaking her paw. "Thank you very much. So, what, should I call you ‘ma'am' now?"
"Well... like you've no doubt heard before, we're one big happy family here, so that won't really be necessary. The rank just means I can order you around."
"Yeah, well, th–"
"Don't worry. I won't order you to tell me about your past. I know that's a sore point for you, otherwise you wouldn't have all those blocks in place."
"Not the only reason," Pyro said simply. "There... was a reason you were dead, in my universe."
"...right..." Adelaide blinked, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Pyro saw that slight increase in body temperature that denoted blood pumping faster, which usually indicated nervousness... or arousal, or any other number of slight changes. "Sorry... it's... a bit difficult. You're... you were... a trying personality. Very different from... you, here. Almost an opposite. I've seen the differences between... them...and you guys. Kody was pretty much the same, though, heh..."
That made her smile a bit. "Anyway," he continued, "I'm getting that... that you're not her. It'll just take me a bit to... get over that, since you... and her... look exactly alike. Just give me some time, alright?"
"Well, of course. I don't want you to hate me for something that I... she did to you," said Adelaide, nodding a bit.
"Good... just..." and here he smiled, "don't kill Field and try to take over the ship, alright?"
Adelaide blinked, then burst out laughing.
"Okay, you can open your eyes."
The mind played curious games with itself in the simulation room. The one part tells you it isn't real... the other asks you how can you ignore the grass that you feel softly rustling beneath your footpaws, the smell of the sea, the grand scope of the view from atop the short cliff, the gentle warmth of the setting sun?
"Ta da," said Pyro a bit lamely. "I suppose it's a little obvious what you think?"
Dotna gasped. "It's... beautiful..." She stepped forward, taking in with all her senses the breathtaking view... "Where... are we?" she asked, a little glassy eyed.
"Welcome to my hometown, via the simulation room."
"You LIVED here?" Dotna asked, incredulous.
"Yeah... but during the summer it was a tourist magnet... so I chose a time during about mid to late spring. No tourists to mar the beaches. C'mon, I'll show you around." He held out his paw.
"...and this is my room."
Dotna had been wide-eyed the entire time, glancing at all the streets, stores, and houses, taking them all in. The smell of the sea was pervasive, but enjoyable, above all, adding a nice charm to the area. The room itself was small, as was to be expected. It was covered in all sorts of posters, reminiscent of teenaged angst to some degree, and personality the next. On the window sill by the bed, there was a collection of small rocks, all of them looking to be sea-smoothed. The chipmunk walked over, taking one into her paw.
"I really liked those. Kept them with me all through my life. It was like they were for luck. I lost them on that other Luminous though..."
"They're really nice... maybe I can get you some other ones."
Pyro smiled. "Don't know where you would... but that'd be real nice, Dotna."
Putting the rock back down, she walked over to him, taking him by the paws and sitting down on the bed. "So... why are you showing me all this?"
"Well... you said, earlier today, that you wanted to figure me out, that you wanted to delve into my past. Well... this is some of it." He squeezed her paws... Field's words reverberating through his head once more. "I don't want... to burden you. But at the same time, it feels as if my head needs airing... like I gotta air out my past or something. I don't want to stay a mystery... it's not my style. Especially now that I have you..." He leaned forward, nuzzling at her cheek. "It's just... some of what I've experienced... I've been through fires no fur should have to be through. Simple as that."
Dotna nodded. "Well... it's alright. I just want to help you, you know? You wake up sometimes, like this morning... and it scares me, that look in your eyes."
Pyro grinned. "I'm a scary wolf," he said simply.
"Not like that..." She rolled her eyes, then pushed him down onto the bed. Suddenly, her lips were fastening onto his, her tongue slipping out of her mouth, finding his... After a moment, she pulled back. "If you were scary like that, I'd would have had no desire to do THAT."
She smirked, he smirked right back. "Touche."
"But," she continued, "once I get over the fact that you're a predator– "
She silenced him with another kiss, combining it with soft scritches up his sides. He squirmed a bit, moaning softly, and she pulled back slightly. Oh, so slightly... "Once I get over the fact that you LOOK like a predator," she amended, "I find I only want to give you good memories."
His paws roamed up her sides, softly stroking... "And my current ones?"
"We can air them out later... Right now, I want you to kiss me."
"And if I don't?" said Pyro, still with that playful grin on his muzzle.
"Oh, you will."
"Will I?"
"Yes, because I'll do this." She kissed him once more, longer. He kissed back. And he let go, putting his memories back into his closet, locking them up...
He'd air them out later.
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Airing the Past
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18 years ago
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