Current Track: Blabb

Brushing the dust off the cot that would now serve as her bed, the grey bunny let out a soft sigh as she sat on the edge of it, knowing that this would take a long time to get used to if she was here for long.

The burrows were pretty much crime-free, so to have a prisoner was somewhat of a rarity as any sort of criminal was usually dealt with in a way that most people never hear about.

A gentle rattle of keys on the side of the door broke through her thoughts before two burly guardsmen wandered into the cell standing on either side of the door. Both wore the Queen's guard uniform, a simplistic uniform featuring a vest of leather with iron reinforcement and tighter-fitting leather pants.

On the center of the breast was the Queen's sigil, a blue and red rose shaped to look like a heart. Neither of them wore the leather helm that normally was accompanied with the uniform. It's said the leather of the armour is enchanted to withstand the strongest of weapon strikes, however, that myth was dispelled today.

Shortly after they entered, they were followed by an older-looking guard wearing a similar outfit however, she was wearing the enclosed leather helm essentially masking her identity. She was holding what looked like a hastily acquired prison outfit that had clearly seen better days.

With a quick nod back to the two male guards who promptly left the room and closed the door behind them the older female guard tossed the prison gear at the grey rabbit in front of her.

"Strip," the older guard ordered with a stiff stern voice while staring at the younger grey bunny in front of her.

Bewildered by what she was told, the younger rabbit looked at the other with a gasp "Y-you can't be serious?" she asked nervously.

"I'm dead serious, Yuli! I need to ensure you've no more weapons on you, and you should be damned glad that it's me in here and not one of the other guards!" With another surprised gasp, she realized the older guard was her aunt Emila. Probably the worst person in her family to have around. She was serious, uncaring, and hated Yuli.

"Now girl!" Snapped Aunt Emila, bringing Yuli back into the moment and aware again of what she was supposed to be doing.

Standing up slowly, Yuli began to remove her clothes. First her shirt up and over her head, not easy with her large lapin ears, and sat it upon the table in the room. Then her pants, undoing the clip that held them above her tail and carefully removing them before laying them upon the table as well.

Nervous and scared about what was happening it suddenly made Yuli aware that the air around her was cold, colder than normal in the burrows. She raised an arm up to cover her small C-cup breasts to protect some of her modesty before turning back towards Aunt Emila.

"Undergarments too," Emila flatly stated. "Need to ensure you've nothing hiding... anywhere."

Yuli cried out, "What?! You can't be serious!"

"I'm dead serious girl!" the elder bunny retorted, moving one hand to the hilt of her sword as if she was preparing for the younger rabbit to suddenly threaten her.

Noticing her aunt's movements as well, Yuli knew that there was no way she was going to get out of it, especially with her now almost foreign-feeling aunt here.

Slowly lowering her arm that had been covering her chest and giving her some feeling of modesty if that's what it could be called when you're being stripped naked by your own aunt, Yuli began to carefully and slowly remove her underwear.

Once they fell to the floor, she stepped back from her aunt afraid of what was coming next. Emila walked over to where the clothes were before collecting all the garments and stepping and looking away.

"You can get dressed now Yuli," she said in the softest tone that the younger bunny had ever heard her use. Not taking the opportunity for granted Yuli grabbed the prison clothing from the table. It was nothing more than a pair of lighter-coloured pants and a shirt with prisoner imprinted on the back of it. After a moment in which Yuli managed to dress herself, Emila turned around.

"You'll be staying in here until we know more of what is going on." Emila continued in the still subdued tone she had used before, "There will be a guard outside the door all day and night so please don't try anything. The guards are already agitated enough after what happened earlier that they might not think twice about harming you, and despite how I know you think of me, that is the last thing I want for you"

Turning to the door Emila quickly rapped on it to inform the guards outside the door she was done. Soon after, keys could be heard rattling outside, they had actually locked her aunt inside with her, Yuli realized.

"Get some rest now Yuli. You'll be safe in here," The elder bunny said as the door opened, and she slipped out before it slammed shut, the lock being thrown once again.