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Here he is Marrok, he's big, he black, he mean, he's slightly bad...I mean you don't want to leave your defenseless sheep or keg of beer laying around....because neither will last. He does what he wants when he wants to why? Because he's a werewolf and he believes he can and does.
Colored with prisma color pencils. I don't like the background but well it is there at least. I do love the fact the black carries throughout the body. I've been working on this guy for weeks from sketch to this. Coloring took about three days about 8 hours total and was am absolute blast to work on him.
Normally something like this would cost ya around $30 to $40 I think he's worth it don't you?
Colored with prisma color pencils. I don't like the background but well it is there at least. I do love the fact the black carries throughout the body. I've been working on this guy for weeks from sketch to this. Coloring took about three days about 8 hours total and was am absolute blast to work on him.
Normally something like this would cost ya around $30 to $40 I think he's worth it don't you?
13 years ago
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