Current Track: Blabb



\n Prolog: Point insertion on dock #1585 at Dragon Talon Island.


\n Lazz and Rio are getting their gear together before they leave the boat.  Lazz is looking through his kit until something hit him. “I haven’t been on a dock since I was at the battle of Drake Villa” Lazz thought to himself.


\n (Flashback to “A Soviet Dragon ID#AU187 Squad #6220” the assault on Drake Villa)


\n As soon as the squad made contact to the dock bullets started to fly and hit crates and posts as AU187 and his squad moved to cover instantly to only have minor casualties.  Out of the ten dragons only four survived as they try to make their next move while penned down by MG fire from the villa’s rooftops.


\n “AU877 we need to get past this dock if we want to advance to the courtyard” Said AU187.


\n “Are you out of your fucking mind 187? Those MG’s will tear the rest of the squad apart before we even have the chance to fire one round.” AU887 said.


\n “That’s not the worst that can happen if the commander catches us with our tails between our legs.”  AU187 Replied.


\n “Yea, I guess you’re right.  This mission depends on us to secure the villa without support so we can setup shop.” AU877 said.


\n As machine gun fire is beginning to rip through the cover, AU187 elaborated a plan to get to the courtyard.


\n “OK, I got plan I want you AU457 and AU71 to draw there fire from the MG’s while I flank and take those MG’s out.”  AU187 said while taking off his clothes.


\n “What the fuck are you doing?” said AU71.  “Yea you’re going to flank the enemy naked!?  That will attract all the attention to you.” AU457 added.


\n AU187 responded.  “My clan can camouflage our entire bodies.  We can’t camouflage what’s on our bodies unless it’s physically connected to us.”  As he started to disappear while completing his sentence.


\n At this time AU187 started to make a mad-dash to the courtyard, while his squad started to provide suppressing fire.  As soon as AU187 made it to the entrance of the villa he heard in the distance “RPG” then a loud explosion from the dock area occurred.  AU187 ran inside the villa and started to proceed to the rooftops to disable the MG’s.  AU187 tried to contact AU877 over the comm., but no response.  AU187 planted C-4 in the MG nests without the dragons noticing his presence then, proceeded to set off the charges while running back to the dock.  The explosions were like volcanoes erupting from the villa itself.


\n “Oh, no” 187 said while looking at the dismemberment of his team.  Blood and burned flesh was everywhere until he found AU877.  His legs were gone and some of his intestines were lying next to him.  AU187 got up close to him and said “This was my fault; I shouldn’t have put you guys in peril like that.”  AU877 with his last breath said “Don’t worry about it, can you do one last request for me.”  “Sure anything 87-.”  But AU187 was interrupted “Just call me Allen, now can you light me a cigarette” Allen said and then cough blood in 187’s face and died.  At that moment and time 187 started to smoke the cigarette and call the commander.


\n (Dock side of Dragon Talon Island)


\n “Lazz, Lazz, LAZZ!” Rio said yelling at the top of his lungs.  “You need to put that cigarette out its bad for you!”


\n Lazz responded “Rio you really don’t know what I’m been through when it comes to combat.”


\n “I don’t care Lazz, I don’t want to see you hurt” Rio said.


\n “You really got to be kidding me Rio! You’re going to let a little cancer get between the mission.”  Lazz said in a displeasing tone.


\n Rio snapped, “As a matter of fact yes, this better be the last time I see you with one of those things.”


\n “Rio you really don’t know what kind of stress I have went though.  This keeps my nerves in check so I don’t fail the mission.”  Lazz said.


\n “I don’t care Lazz,” Rio said in a happy tone as his tail started to wag.  “I always got your back… Lazz.  I will keep you on the straight and narrow.”


\n Lazz looked surprised as nobody in his life has ever kept such a word.  “Thanks… Rio”


\n (End)
