There's a lot of confusion and generalization of the terms "puritan" and "witch hunt".
The puritans left England because it was too woke and politically correct, and they believed if they could just make a society where everyone was ideologically pure like them, that society would be perfect.
When this obviously didn't happen, it was inevitable they'd decide that must mean there are secretly satan-worshipers hiding amongsts themsts. Witches, if you will. And that witches must be hunted and eradicated, or else the perfect society that they deserve from god for being so pure can't happen.
But here's the thing, those who I see already raising their eyebrows and curling their lips in triumph. The witches the puritans imagined never ACTUALLY existed. And where they found "close enough", those people weren't actually doing any harm.
When someone is outed as a white supremacist, their actual factual belief system is harmful and relies on dehumanization. When someone is outed as anti-trans, this is because they have expressed rhetoric and usually outright lies that cause real harm to real people.
There is no "you're ruining god's reward for ME by not being pure enough" when people who formerly associated with that person cut them off. It's "you are deliberately hurting people" or "you openly WANT to hurt people".
But the quickest out there to claim to be victims of a Witch Hunt are actually complaining about backlash to their own gleeful perpetration of a Witch Hunt.
Jowling Krowling is the figurehead of an enormous Witch Hunt against the trans community.
Trump constantly beats the drum of a Witch Hunt against anyone who isn't 100% aligned with whatever bullshit he's spewing that day.
Do I even need mention Zionists and how they get so affronted when called out on it?
It doesn't help how well those in power know that this works. They can hardly keep the majority of us exhausted and scared unless they properly outfit the hunting party. They'll pick us out, the weakest or most visible, cage us, let you drink in our terrified scent and become drunk on rage from it, then open the cage as they sound the Hunt.
So, when the fox turns and snatches your eye from your head, cry all you want about how we're not respecting your deeply held beliefs of how hunting us is your right.
When the fires rear high and crash down upon you, built too high to control in your zeal for our destruction, screech to your heart's content about how the fire is secretly on our side even as it incinerated our families and friends.
Because, rest assured, we will not plead that ye know not what ye do as we bleed to death at your hands. Even if we thought so, we know we'd be drowned out by a bloodthirsty chorus of "ALL LIVES MATTER".
May whatever power exists have mercy.
We Foxes and Witches have none left for you.
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We Foxes and Witches
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1 year ago
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