Current Track: Blabb

Luna's teenaged form walked in the streets of Wingspan alongside Damon, as the sky gotten darker. While those two were hanging out, she offered to walk the young drake back home and he agreed to her offer. Since then, the two young dragons walked together, laughing a bit with their wings folded against their backs and their tails swinging back and forth behind them. Luna giggled when she brought up this subject, "Hey Damon. I'm not sure what you hear in some days, but I actually heard one thing about your brother recently."

Damon looked to her, brow raised, "Huh? Which brother you talking about? Drewnaron, or Mykeltrin?" He narrowed his eyes and snorted, "Did you hear that my dork little brother accidentally shot electricity out of his snout when he sneezed and shocked my mother's butt?"

Luna reared back her head, both of them stopping in the stone street a moment, "Really? That happened?"

Now his eyes went wide and he shook his head, looking stupid that he thought wrongly about what she was gonna say, "Crap. I should NOT have said that. My little bro's gonna kill me."

Luna giggled deep in her throat, "Sheesh, I don't see the problem. I find the image kinda funny."

He hung his head a bit, sighing, "Yeah, but he was pretty embarrassed about it. He made sure that anyone who was there shouldn't speak a word of it." He shook his head and groaned, "And NOW, I told you about his embarrassing moment. Me and my big mouth."

Luna brushed against his scales and assured, "Oh, I'm not gonna tell anyone. Not even our teacher."

Damon shot narrowed eyes at her, resuming their pace, "You better not, or I'll be the one to kill you."

Luna said as they both padded around the corner of the street, strolling past a yellow scaled drake lighting up a torch on a pole for the night, "Might want to worry about if your brother's gonna kill you first. He'll be the one who's angry at his brother with a big mouth." She winked and giggled.

Damon muttered, bringing his gaze ahead, "Yep. But he won't know, unless you tell anybody."

"And I assure you, I won't. Do I like embarrassing everybody?"

He flashed her a toothy grin, "Yes, you do. You always call me sensitive scales, black slime."

Luna didn't like being called that at all and shot back with an annoyed tone, "Jerk."

Damon snickered, "But hey, how could you hate me, right?"

Luna was softly smiling at that, "Yeah...How could I hate you?"

Then he looked curiously at her, "So, which brother are you talking about? The dork little bro, or the tall show off bro?"

She was giggling at his jokes he made about his brothers, "The tall show off." Then she continued when she started to lean her head to his ear and said in a low voice, "I heard he actually managed to swoon this good looking yellow dragoness three nights ago and she lifted her tail for him."

Damon's face went wide and had disbelief in his eyes, "What? Where did you get that?"

Luna replied, "I hear things. Preferably I heard others talking about it."

Damon shook his head, "I never heard about it. I think that's crap. If he did anything like that, he'd show off about it to his siblings, including me. He always does."

She shot up her head and laughed, "Well clearly others are saying about it."

Damon sighed and slightly shook his head again, "He probably did talk to her and anybody who saw it ASSUMED it'd happened. That's what Mykeltrin's like. He always finds a way to get a female to lift the tail for him. He has a knack for it."

Luna shyly blushed at the thought of it, "I know for being your brother, he's tall, big and handsome, but I wouldn't want him to try his 'knacking' to get me to lift mine. I would mostly do that to somebody I REALLY love, in my preference. Besides, I'm too small for him."

Damon made a mock expression, "You call him handsome? But what about me?"

She frowned, "What about you?"

He let out a playful gasp, "Luna! You don't think I'm handsome? You gotta be kidding." Damon stopped, held up his head and showed off his body and wings stretched out over his back, "I'm incredibly handsome!"

Luna stopped too and laughed hard at his stance, "SURE, you are." She pointed a claw at him when he sharply gasped again, "I see you have a knack for being a show off like him. But you don't have much to show off!"

Damon shot her a glare and snorted, as she continued to laugh at him, "Well thanks for being my friend."

Luna laughing went down to giggling and she walked up to nuzzle him in the neck, "I'm kidding, Damon. You're handsome too in my eyes."

Damon let out a pleased growl, "Oh, really? Enough for me to get your tail lifted?"

That made her look surprised for a second with her jaw dropped and then she wrinkled her face, "Hey! I said you were handsome, but I'm not lifting it."

Damon laughed at her expression and strode forward, saying this, "Hahaha, I know." He looked back after walking a foot away from her, flicking his tail behind him, "Well are you coming?"

Luna shook her head and trotted fast to catch up, putting on a grin, "Yeah, I am." They both went on through the street, walking for only two minutes till they made it to the two story stone building that's his home. They both stopped in front of the large front wooden door of his place that's big for any dragon of size to fit through. They both looked at each other and Luna said, "Well thanks for hanging with me today." She looked away to see the distant tall wall that surrounds Wingspan, "Even get to sit with me up there. Talking to each other about what our dreams of seeing the world out there are like."

Damon bowed his head a bit at her gratitude, "Anytime." Luna let out a sigh and the drake was growing concerned for her, "You ok?"

Luna looked back to him and answered with a bit of a look of wonder in her eyes, "I'm fine. It's just....I'm always curious about what's out there, you know."

Damon let out a breath and nodded, "Yeah." He turned his head to see the wall as well, "I know I'm a bit curious about it, but I don't know if I could ever leave home. Leave my family behind. I mean, I love the stories of the outside world, but I don't see any reason to go out there."

Luna giggled and motioned her paw at him, "Your uncle always does."

He turned his gaze back on her, "Yeah, only cause he doesn't like sticking around in places for too long. That's not exactly me." Luna hung her head as her thoughts of leaving this place and her impatience of waiting when that day comes was getting to her. Damon showed a little smile, "You really want to leave home, do you?"

Luna replied with her head still down, "Yep." She sighed, "These thoughts are always getting to me and it makes me feel more impatient."

Damon used his paw to cup her chin and had her lift it up, bringing her gaze on him now. Damon said with a bit of worry in his eyes, "I know you do. But....Luna, when that day comes, I....I don't want you to go. I mean, my uncle told me and my siblings that out there is dangerous, and I...I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He looked away and put his paw back on the ground, his eyes appeared to be hiding something, "Also, I...I'd miss you."

Luna smiled at his concern and said back, "I'd miss you too. The world can get boring without you and your sensitive self. You're my best friend." Luna leaned her head forward and squinted, as she can still see the way his eyes looked, "Damon, are you alright?"

He slowly brought his eyes back on her. To Luna, they looked liked he was nervous about something. Damon shifted shyly on his paws and folded his wings on his back, looking deeply in her gaze, "Luna...I..." He voice was trailing off.

Luna showed a comforting smile, "Well, what is it, sensitive scales? You can tell me."

Damon made a small hint of a smile, "Really? I can?"

She shrugged her shoulders and giggled, "Sure! We're best friends. It's alright, just spit it out."

His smile went off his snout and he only made a nod, "Well....Ok." He cleared his throat and started to stutter when he began to say, "Luna...I-"

Before he could say another word out of his muzzle, the front door opened and it showed the tall green dragoness that's his mother standing there holding it with her paw. When the young dragons turned their eyes to see her, the mother looked down at both of them, right at Damon, her forepaw off the door, "There you are! Dinner's been ready and you're late!" She waved her paw up at the sky, "The sky's almost dark!"

Damon chuckled and formed a smile, "Sorry."

Luna waved her paw, "Hi, Zeerah."

Damon's mother, whose named Zeerah grinned down at the short black dragoness, "Hello, Lunasin. Had a hard time bringing my son home?"

Luna giggled, shrugging with a forepaw, "Well it was probably my fault that I had him a little late."

That's when Zeerah brought up, "That was my first thought. I also thought since my son's the fastest runner on four paws, I'd think he wouldn't be running late." She chuckled, tossing up her head, "Get it? RUNNING late?"

Damon rolled his eyes in a bit of embarrassment, "Oh, mother." Luna laughed a little at Zeerah's joke.

Another donkey sized dragon, who is Damon's sister, showed up beside Zeerah and saw her brother and Luna standing outside. She mostly has yellow scales on her with a bit of shaded green on her haunches. Damon's sister flashed a grin, "About time you got home. Mom here was gonna send me out to look for you." Then she narrowed her eyes right at Damon, "Which I didn't want to since I was hungry!"

Damon groaned out and said to his sister, "Well I'm here now, Amiranin. And you better not have ate all the food!"

Amiranin made a teasing look, "I already did." She stuck her tongue out, making Damon roll his eyes in response. Then she turned her eyes on Luna and remarked, "I see you brought your mate here again."

Luna's face went wide and Damon shouted as his face flushed in embarrassment, "Hey! We're not mates!"

"Guess it's no wonder it took you so long, brother. You and her probably had a 'great' time alone." Amiranin laughed, tail moving behind her.

Damon growled at her, tail making a thump behind him, "Shut up."

Zeerah rolled up her eyes and sighed, "Now you're old enough to not act like hatchlings." Then she shot her narrowed eyes at both her kids, "Knock it off."

Amiranin shot up her head and whirled around to tauntingly walk away from the scene, "Whatever, I'm not in the mood to tease, Damonen. I'm going back to tease Drew." Luna was giggling at her teasing attitude despite her wide look.

Zeerah twisted her head as she watched her daughter and ordered with that look, "And don't bug your other brother!"

Amiranin whined, "Alright, fine!" Luna saw her disappear around the corner in the house.

Damon sighed and said to Luna with eyes full of apology and embarrassment, "Sorry."

Zeerah snickered, "I outa say, she's really been hard headed lately."

Luna shook her head, waving off both Damon's apology and Zeerah's words, "Oh, I'm alright. I knew she was joking around."

Zeerah smiled warmly at them, "Well you know what? I would think someday you guys would become mates. You hardly leave each other alone."

Luna settled her wings on her back, when she was blushing at the statement and shyly looked away. Damon rolled his eyes and sighed in embarrassment, "Mother."

Zeerah laughed and waved them off with a dismissive paw, "Oh, never mind. I can see where my daughter takes it from."

Luna chuckled and looked up at the grownup dragoness, smile shown on her snout, "You're fine. And you really have a point there. We hardly leave each other alone."

Zeerah nodded, letting out a breath, "That's right." Then she offered when she invitingly stepped back from the doorway for Luna, "Want to come in here and eat? There's plenty enough for you too."

Damon wondered through the doorway as Luna shook her head and started turning her body away from the door, "No thanks. Don't want Damon's scales turning red because of me." She giggled deep in her throat, her wing tip pointing at the small green drake, "Damon here thought he had a big mouth, but it's Amira who has one."

Damon shrugged his shoulders when he turned around standing at the opening of his house, having a hint of a smile on his face, "You know her, Luna. She teases everyone about everything."

Zeerah grabbed ahold of the front door and said, "Alright, well you have a goodnight."

Luna nodded at them, "Night, Zeerah. Night, Damon." Damon waved his paw as he backed away from the opening so Zeerah can shut the door. Leaving Luna to stand out at the street alone. She padded away, giggling to herself at the whole scene. She did like Amiranin. Even when she does make her turn red in embarrassment. Like she always loved all of Damon's family.

Then she stopped right in the middle of the stone street, a thought crossing her mind on what Damon was trying to say to her before they were interrupted. He looked nervous trying to talk to her at that moment. But why? Damon was hardly nervous around her. That was odd to Luna. Then another thought appeared, a thought that has been with her since Illuminus talked to her about it that night. The fact that one day, she and Damon would become mates. Now with that sort of thought, it got her thinking. The way Damon was trying to say one thing....He seemed to have had....No, Luna didn't believe it. Damon doesn't have feelings for her.

Then Luna frowned to herself, hanging her head. Or does he?

Course, she still wasn't really too sure and heck, she could be wrong about it. Besides, she doesn't really think about him in that way. She sees him as her best friend.

Then she remembered more of the conversation with her father figure. That Illuminus believes that Luna would think differently about him one day. She was young now, but as years go by....Would things change like that between them? Would she think differently about her best friend?

Luna shook her head, uncertainty clouded her mind. She cares for Damon, but she really doesn't love him as a mate. She just can't picture it.

Then her mind went back to what Damon was trying to tell her, but she brushed the thought off. Luna puffed out her chest and let it out, her wings relaxing on her back and tail moved behind her, "It's probably nothing, Luna. Don't bug yourself about it." Luna held her snout at the sky, seeing that it's getting really dark. Now her thoughts were on getting back to her house. Illuminus is probably waiting for her. She stretched out her wings and bounded up to the sky flapping them. Taking flight over Wingspan. Then while she was beating her wings against the wind, her eyes were drawn to the outskirts of the dragon city hat she can see from up in higher altitude. Seeing the lands beyond the wall. Her curiosity for what was out there boiled up in her brain, and she couldn't shake it off.

It wasn't very long after Luna gotten back to her home and slept by her father figure on the same time during the night. How she had loved sleeping close to his white scaled form curled around her. But the little girl was feeling restless in bed. Luna tried to keep her eyes closed as she can hear Illuminus snoring near her. But she couldn't stay asleep. Curious thoughts were getting to her as usual, but they were beating her up now more than ever. Luna shot her eyes open, still seeing The Great One sound asleep, his tail thumped on the ground. She drew back her head and yawned quietly, and looked up at the small round window in the room. Her thoughts on seeing the world still running amok in her.

She wrinkled her brow, determination in her eyes. She's had it.

She's going to sneak out of her house and go outside the wall.

She's going to fly away from the city a bit and see what was out there.

She wants to see something new.

With that determined thought, she slowly got up to her fours, trying not to wake up Illuminus. Luna knew he'd stop her, so she had to sneak out of there. With her body, tail and wings tensed with excitement, she took a deep breath and held it, starting to tiptoe her way away from him. Luna hears him grumbling in his sleep, like he was dreaming of something. Luna can imagine he's dreaming about his late mate. What else would he be dreaming about? She's always on his mind. Luna shook her head and continued to sneak away past his snout and off the pile of blankets. Her claws clicked on the ground, but they weren't loud enough to wake the old dragon up. She did take a peek over her shoulder to make sure. He wasn't awoken.

Luna let out a quiet sigh of relief and actually made it out of their room. But just in case he heard her, she still tiptoed all the way through their place, until she stood outside in the starry night. Crickets were barely heard outside the city walls. Luna took a deep breath, finally relaxing her whole body when she made it outside. Luna took a glance at the opening of her house, and then she ran and leaped to the skies. Flapping up with full on determination. To fly away from home.

Luna looked down below her, not seeing any dragons that'll spot her flying away as she flapped her wings again. She was pretty sure that most dragons are asleep, so with any possibility of her getting caught leaving the city was just a tiny bit. It wasn't much and she was taking it. Luna's face drew ahead and she can see the edge of the city. She giggled to herself, as her heart leapt to her chest, as her dream of seeing out a bit in the world was coming.

An apprehensive thought crossed her mind along with her determination, but she didn't dare to let it stop her. She was going out there. With another flap at the wind, as the moonlight glistened her black scales, she flew over the edge of the wall and was now outside Wingspan. Only with her intention to fly a bit further away from the place. She was laughing happily to herself. As the realization caught up in her flying form. She was flying from home! She's gonna explore outside her home for once!

Course with the gleeful thought and that realization, her nervous thoughts were getting to her. Luna was doing her best not to let them stop her, until her curiosity was filled up. The dragoness knew what her plan was. Plan was she would fly only a bit away from home, until she's tired and her curiosity doesn't bother her anymore, and then she'll go back home before anyone even knows she's missing.

Luna looked down below as she was taking all of this in like it wasn't a dream at all. It felt like it was, but her mind knew that it wasn't. Her shadow flew over the grass down below her, only to be replaced soon by small group of trees in the ground, before only bare land was where her shadow landed. Her heart pounded in her scaly chest by the whole experience and adrenaline from her flight. It felt like the most exciting thing had happened to her. Was it what it would feel like when Illuminus would tell her that she's ready to leave the city and fly away from home? Well she likes this feeling.

Luna continued to flap, twirling around in the night sky, cackling with glee still. She made a loop in the air next and flew forward with several more flaps. Luna took a deep breath as air rushed to her face and let it out slowly. She thought the lands looked beautiful below her. Her first flight away from home was foreign, but beautiful. She'll never forget this night. Would Damon have believe it if she told him? Maybe, but who knows until she actually told him. With a short glide across the sky, she flapped again, until her mind clicked. Well that was enough, she's gonna get home now.

When she started to turn around in the air and hover, she doesn't see the city or anything. Only bare lands and a few trees. Now her heart and mind was filled with panic when she let out a gasp. Worried eyes started to form. Oh no....She must've flew VERY far away from home. That never meant to happen, but she got herself carried away. With all the antics in the sky and all the excitement of flying over the new world to her, she lost track of how far she's flown. More precise, she sorta lost track of direction of where the city's at.

With her small, hovering, flapping form still high above the ground, she knew she needed to get home. So with that, she started to fly forward again, beating her wings in a frantic pace. Panicked thoughts rushing at her. She doesn't want to get grounded by Illuminus. He wouldn't let this one down if he found out.

Luna took a deep breath, calming herself down as a hopeful thought came. She'll get home. She'll get home before day comes.

Her ears flicked as she can hear something in the air other than her wings. So she just glided and listened. They picked up sounds of flapping and she knows that it wasn't the flap of her wings. It was something else.

They weren't her wings making that noise.

Luna's face widened up as realization came to her. Someone else is out there flying. Could it have been a dragon who caught sight of her leaving? Now she's thinking she's in trouble and she's definitely going to get grounded. Luna tentatively looked back and saw that there were dragons up in the sky with her. Big ones, bigger than her smaller frame. One on the same level of altitude as her and a few others were higher above them. But then something clicked in her brain. Wait a second....There was something odd about them. Luna can tell and actually FEEL it.

They all had black scales and those eyes...Looked menacing and scary.

Luna sucked in a sharp breath. They weren't NORMAL dragons, they're Dark Dragons! Creations of Abyss! She knew the stories from Illuminus well enough to know what they are.

She has to get away from them!

Luna flapped harder, to try to escape from them. The Dark Dragons knew that she was being chased and they all roared at her. Luna breathed heavily with each beat of her wings, heart pounding more faster with fear. She honestly wished she could fight them, but she knows that she can't take them all on all by herself. Plus, she's smaller. She just had to get away.

Luna heard the flapping was getting closer and she arched her neck back to see one of them diving down after her with it's wings tucked close to it's sides. Luna screamed, and flapped and sharply turned her body to the right in flight, dodging the thing before it's big frame flew down fast next to her. Luna thought it would crash itself to the ground after it had missed her by a minute, but it unfolded it's wings and flapped to stop itself from falling anymore to the ground. She was very shocked that it almost got her. Luna always bragged to Damon that she was the faster flier than her, but she can see that those dragons flew faster than her. Luna's face was still with fear and she screamed at the top of her lungs, "HELP!!! Somebody help!"

She knows that she's accidentally far from home, so it was no use. There's no one out there but her and the monsters chasing her in the air. Honestly, she couldn't help herself when she screamed. Luna huffed and flapped the wings on her back repeatedly in a fast pace. Not wanting to give up. Luna heard a roar of anger and looked in time to see another Dark Dragon actually snuck up close behind her and swiped her out of the air. The shorter dragoness cried out as pain shot throughout her body and she was sent falling down through the rushing air.

Luna moaned as her body was in pain. Mostly at her side and one of her wings. She sees that the ground is still far from up there, but she knew it won't be forever when she crashes to the ground dead. She had to get her wings to work again. She felt weak and hurt, but she had to try. She didn't want to die. Before Luna could even do anything to stop herself from falling, a Dark Dragon actually caught her in mid-air and held her in it's forepaws. Luna screamed as it gripped tightly on her. She, despite her pain, was trying to squirm and thrash in it's grasp, but it was no use. And now a new realization came.

They weren't trying to kill her. They were kidnapping her!

Luna growled. She won't let that happen. With an angry snarl, she bit into the Dark Dragon's leg. It roared in pain, but it still held onto her strongly. She screamed in heated words, "Let me go!" Luna tried to bite again, but no matter how hard she would try to fight, it won't let her go. It was tougher than her.

And Luna was just a hurt, weak, small dragoness being held firm and kidnapped by an big, tall evil dragon.

Luna tried to use one of her breath powers on the monster, but it's grip was so tight, she couldn't take a deep breath and fire out of her maw. She really was kidnapped and trapped. The other Dark Dragons who joined with this one, flew with it. Luna's form jerked weakly around a few more times before she finally gave up. Seeing that it was no use. She really was trapped and kidnapped. Luna's lip quivered as she gave up on trying to fight back. She yelled out in horror, "Nooooo!!!" The evil dragons roared out in victory as her body went limp after her sorrowful cry. Tears were streaming down her face as she begun to cry.

She sobbed for a long time, until there were no more tears. The evil dragon still held on Luna, flapping it's wings against the wind. It dipped it's body to the left, making a turn in the air along with it's evil friends. All of them turning in unison. Luna sniffed loudly and wished she could wipe her face. Her heart fell in her chest and a bit pit formed in her stomach as she was thinking this was the beginning of the end for her. She wondered why they didn't just kill her, but she was getting a feeling that her horrible fate will be ahead. For an odd, but good reason, she was getting a feeling that they were taking her to their home. To where their master lives.

She's having a feeling they're taking her to Abyss and she'll be struck dead by him. She's having a feeling that she'll be tortured by him until she dies. She knows all the stories about him too and she never liked any of them.

And now Luna was regretting she'd left home. That she regrets flying out in the night. She feels so stupid.

She should've stayed home.

Luna had lost track of how long they were in the air, but she can tell that the lands around them have changed with each passing minute in the air. She now knows that she's in a different land and it looks bad. The lands they were in now, were black like ash. There were several trees that looked destroyed, or still standing and are missing limbs as if they were lit on fire, and grass that has turned black. There wasn't anything much out there. No creature to hunt. No apples to eat from any apple tree since there weren't any. Those lands really frighten her.

With maybe another hour passed, Luna sees a big mass of rock that's tall like a mountain. It's a volcano ahead, as it towered over these blackened lands. Situated a bit far from it, was a big temple that's like a fortress. Several Dark Dragons were perched on top of the huge place, watching their allies still flying towards their base with Luna in tow. Close to the front entrance of the huge place, was a long wide staircase.

The Dark Dragon carrying Luna started to flap down to their destination. From below up at the top of the staircase, there were a few creatures on two legs standing there. Luna can see their glowing red eyes and can actually see the black fur on their faces and the pointy ears on top of their heads. Luna figures that they were Lost Souls and there's three of them. The Dark Dragon back winged before they hit the ground and Luna was dropped weakly to the floor at the top step of the stairs. She moaned as she can feel her limbs again. She seemed to have not felt hurt anymore, gained a bit of strength from during the whole flight trip, and she tried to get up and run. But The Dark Dragon stopped her with a paw pressed firm on her back. She cried out in fear, "No!" Luna tried to get away by thrashing beneath it, but the paw wouldn't let her move.

The Dark Dragon snaked it's snout down to the wiggling dragoness and threatened, "Don't even try it."

Luna gasped and stopped moving, scared by the dragon's threat. Before she could ask what are they going to do, a Lost Soul came up with a shackle in his hands and immediately, without a moment of breath, wrapped that shackle around her neck and the chain attached to that shackle was glowing too in a pink light. The Dark Dragon lifted his paw so she could stand up on all fours, feeling weak at her feet a bit, but held herself. Glaring at the glowing red eyes of the evil cheetah in front of her, chain in hand. Luna pulled the chain hard with her body, tail thrashed behind her and she snorted, "Let me go, you bastards! Grr."

But the Lost Soul held onto the chain tight, her pulls proving ineffective, "Quit trying to pull! You won't escape!"

Luna had fire in her eyes when she glared furiously at him, "We'll see!" She knew she had been held tightly and couldn't breathe before, but she can now, so she took a deep breath and tried to use any of her powers against him. But nothing would come out of her mouth and she said in a shocked, confused voice, "What in the ancestors?" Then not very long after that, she figured out why. It was the chain and it was making her not use her powers. There was no use. But Luna wasn't gonna give up yet. With furious, determined eyes, she jerked back the chain with her body, eliciting a frustrated groan from her captor.

He shouted angrily, "Enough!" But his red eyes went wide as Luna actually tried to fight him with her claws. But she missed, only hitting his robe by an inch. Luna snarled and tried to attack again, but his pals jumped on her back and held her down. The dragoness cried out as pain shot at her snout when one of them smacked her with a hard hand. She wanted to bite that hand off, but she relented herself from doing so. Seeing that it was no use and she can't fight and escape them. Not with that chain around her neck. Not to mention the Dark Dragons standing watch to see if their little allies need any help.

Luna went limp beneath them, and they slowly, but cautiously, got off of her. After they did, Luna got her stomach off the ground and stood, facing her captor who held a smug look, "See? You know you cannot escape us."

Luna shook her head at herself in humiliation at this, trying to ignore his taunt, "What do you want?"

The Lost Soul jerked her with his chain and answered, "Our master wants to see you. He was pretty keen on having us bring you here."

Luna showed confusion in her eyes and she cocked her head, "Why?" She already figured out why before she even asked anyways. Abyss wanted to kill her for pleasure.

He pulled her roughly and she cried out as the shackle dug deep in her neck, "You'll see! Now come with me." With the captive dragoness held by the chain, he led Luna across the stone floor away from the staircase, all the way up to the large double doors of the temple like fortress. They made a loud creak as they were being opened up by several Lost Souls and as soon as it was, he pulled Luna hard again and she cooperated. Not trying to fight it, but she wanted to cause her fear was clawing at her mind and body.

Luna was led through those doors and about a foot away after they both entered the dark place, they were slammed shut behind them with a loud bang that made Luna jump. Her eyes looked around at the tall stone pillars at the main entrance of this place and she was jerked by the chain again, making her shoot a glare at the evil cheetah. He said in a sneered tone, "Follow me." The chain rattled when she followed her monster captor through the entrance hall, walking up a flight of wide stairs at the side of the huge room and when they made it to the top, they started pacing through a dark, stone hallway. There were several large statues that seemed to depict Abyss at a different pose. One that showed him looking regal. Another one showing him letting out a fierce roar and another one just him showing off his wings.

Luna was led through the place for a long time, until she was taken to a big chamber that...Looked like a throne room and it stretched on for about sixty feet. Torches mounted on the walls on both sides of the long room were the only source of light in that creepy place. As Luna's paws were dragged across the floor, she can see a tall, older dragon sitting on his haunches and tail curled around him on the throne chair made of hard stone. A blue scaled drake who had his eyes directly on her as his little minion and Luna gotten closer. What went through her mind when she looked at him, was that he was a shadow that has scared every innocent creature in Avarilan for hundreds of years. And those yellow eyes....Were pure evil. When Luna and the evil cheetah guiding her were about eight feet away from him, they stopped right where they were at. Luna's whole frame was even tingling in fright at the sight of the drake before her. Luna can see on his blue scales that there are several white lines on him. There are a lot of scars on his body that showed evidence that he has been through some tough battles in his life. Battles against his own enemies.

She was staring right in the eyes of the one who started the war.


Abyss with his eyes, not showing any other emotion, still locked onto her said this in a gravely voice, "Well, well, well...It's been a long time since I had a guest show up at my homestead. Please...Come closer."

Luna tried to hold down her fear by standing defiant with her wings flared and tail flicked behind her, stopping herself from shaking anymore, "I'm fine where I am at, thanks."

Abyss showed off his giggle, "Defiant, aren't you?" Then he looked at the Lost Soul whose still holding her chain, "Did she give you any trouble?"

The black furred cheetah replied with another jerk of the chain binding Luna, making her let out a sharp cry, "Nah, she wasn't much trouble. Me and the boys handled her well."

Abyss nodded slowly at the answer, "Good." He shot his eyes back on the dragoness forming a grin, "I am sorry that you were brought here in this way, but...How could I have met you if you couldn't come here on your own, hmm?"

Luna glared, "I don't think you are ever sorry, monster."

He reared back his head for a sec and then laughed, "Monster? Is that what you really think of me?" Abyss shook his head, "I seriously believe you've got that wrong. I am never a monster." He was giving her a wicked grin, "Do I look like one?"

Luna replied with a swish of her tail, "You have those eyes that'll make any creature turn away and run in fright. You have the scars that prove that you are nothing but a killer. That you don't have a heart."

Abyss chuckled deeply, "You seem to be the one who doesn't hold your tongue."

"That's because I'm not afraid of you!" She let out a hiss and crouched low, "And I'll fight if I have to."

He was laughing at her defiant behavior, "Oh, you really have strength and defiance for a little one!" He looked at her admiringly, "I like that. Actually reminds me of myself."

She shot back, "I may have defiance and strength, but I'm nothing like you. I'm not the one who causes murder and chaos."

"Mmm, perhaps so...At the moment. Hehheh, we'll get to that." He slinked off the throne chair, standing on all fours in front of it, asking in a questionable tone, "Do you know who I am?"

Luna rolled her eyes at the question, "Of course I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are."

Abyss giggled at her response, "Yes they do. But what about before...I became this standing before you?" He waved his forepaw at himself, "I wasn't always like this. I wasn't always this dragon that has a body full of scars. Did you know what I was before?"

Luna furrowed her brow, "As a matter of fact, yes. I know exactly what you were." She shrugged her shoulders, "Given your history back then, everyone admired and trusted you. Thought you were going to do great things."

He started to pad towards her with his wings curled upon his back, as the Lost Soul still had ahold of Luna's chain, "Oh, but I have done great things. They just don't see the greatness of the things I did."

She said as he was almost there, "Ha! Greatness? What kind of greatness have you done?"

Abyss walked over the chain, about to circle around her smaller form as he watched her, "Not that you would understand. But...You will soon."

Luna was watching him on her end, as he was standing right behind her now, "I understand it well."

His eyes looked like they were drawn onto her hindquarters and he deviously grinned, "Do you now? And I suppose it was because of this so called....Great One helped you understand? That with all the conversations you had when you lived with him, he actually made you understand it well? ....I doubt it."

Luna's heart jumped in her throat as he was eyeing at her behind. She didn't like the way he looked at her in that way. He was probably eying at her sex. Probably having a sick thought in his mind. What he'd probably thought about doing to her. She firmly sat down to hide it from him, "How do you know about that? You never-"

"I know many things, young one. Just like you know things about me...Lunasin."

She was shocked that he'd also knew her name, but she didn't show it and snorted, "You even know my name. I never gave you it."

"Like I said, I know many things." He growled, "I know about your relationship with the one and only Great One. I know that you are his favorite student among all others." He shot up his horned head, "Hmpf, I was his favorite before."

She heatedly replied to his comment, "You WERE his favorite, until you turned your back on him and on everybody. You betrayed us all."

His smile formed on his snout as he spoke in his gravely voice again, "Only for a greater purpose, Lunasin."

"What greater purpose? Using your creations to kill anything in sight?" She gestured her head towards the evil black cheetah before looking at Abyss, "Your creations haven't done a great job at killing me."

He started to strut around her again, after having one last glance at her hind end, "They brought you here alive because of me. Did they tell you why you're here? Or did my idiotic creations have not?"

Luna spat, standing back on all fours, "I know why I'm here. You want to speak to me." She growled and said in a threatening tone, when Abyss stopped to face in front of her, "I'm getting a feeling I know WHY really. I won't let you do it."

Abyss snaked his snout to hers and gasped before she stopped herself. She jerked a bit away from the concentrated gaze of his eyes. He said, "I know you have defiance and strength, but I think you outa respect me."

Luna shook her head and put on a new glare, "I will NOT show you respect."

Abyss returned his grin on his face, "You even have anger. I like that on a female."

Luna took another step back away from him, her instincts telling her to get ready to claw at his face or body at anytime, "I will...Not let you mount me." She growled at him, "You're getting a devious idea about me, I saw the way you looked at me. Well no thank you. Go mount someone your own size, asshole."

He rose his head and let out a laugh, making her feel very uncomfortable. Abyss looked down at her and made a giggle deep in his throat, "Oooo, that sounds tempting." He sat down on his haunches and added with a raised talon, "I'm not in the mood though, but good thought, little one." He just gave her a wink and said after with a serious tone, "No, Lunasin, that's not why you're here."

Luna said, raising her brow, "Ok, if not that...What do you want from me?" Then a panicked thought rushed through her, "Are you...Gonna torture me?"

"Oh, but you look so precious to NOT be tortured."

Luna was confused. What did he want from her? She tilted her head, "Well what do you want from me?" She shouted in impatience, "I'm in no mood for this! Tell me!"

His body towered over hers, "I had my minions bring you here to me...Because you have a lot of talent and power. A strong power. I sent them to get you, when I knew that you would leave Wingspan tonight.  After all, you wanted to get out of this...Prison you think of."

She was surprised to hear that. A strong power? That was why she was brought here? She frowned, "What makes you say that?"

"I do know EVERYTHING about your life. I know how strong your powers are, it reminds me of myself. Only slight difference is that your power is not a lot like mine." He stared proudly down at her, "Nevertheless, strong enough and you're just little. I remember what that was like. Showing that kind of power at that age."

Luna sighed, "So...Let me get this straight. Your creations didn't kill me because...Of my power?"

He slowly lowered his head to hers, "Because I want you to join me."

She was taken back by his statement, "What?"

"I want you to be by my side. You were chosen by me to command my army. You have strong power like me, and I think it'd be quite useful."

Those words shocked her internally and Luna narrowed her eyes at his, "No."

He curled his neck into an shape of an s, "No?" He giggled in a gravely tone, "You wanted to leave your home, your prison, and you don't want to be in my army? Isn't that why you left?"

"No! It isn't! I just wanted to see the world!" She shook her head furiously, "I don't want to be in your army! I want to go home!" She pleaded at the top of her lungs, shutting her eyes, "LET ME GO!" She spun around and was trying to run away from him, but the chain around her neck stopped her, and with a strong jerk from the Lost Soul holding it, she flopped down hard on her side. Now she was shaken terribly by the experience.

Abyss glared down at her, flaring his wings to show beneath them sparkling, "You can't go home. You're mine!" Then he shook his head at her, folding his wings against his back, "I'd knew you'd act this way." He motioned his paw upward, "Get up, little one."

Luna honestly didn't want to, but with some strength left in herself she rolled onto her stomach and got up on all fours, glaring back at him, "I'll fight you."

"You can't fight me. You know I'll win. You won't escape me, Lunasin."

"I'll never join your army!"

Now Abyss was giving her an evil, twisted smile, "You don't have a choice in the matter, and I know how to make you more cooperative."

Luna defiantly shook her head and stomped her paw to the floor, "Nothing would make me more cooperative for you."

He chuckled evilly, "Perhaps you need a bit of a nudge." Then the blue drake's eyes started to glow and when she looked right at them, they seemed to have pierced her soul.

Luna gasped as something magical seemed to have hit her scales. She practically felt different. Her fear came to her once again as it struck her heart. She asked incredulously, her body a bit shaken with fear as scary thoughts ran through her mind, "Wh-...What did you do to me?"

Abyss giggled, his tail swishing behind him, "Don't worry. You'll see."

Luna didn't like this feeling that was starting to course through her body. A warm, tingling sensation that's snaking around through her scales, limbs, tail and wings, making them shake uncontrollably. Luna tried to take a deep calming breath, but it didn't help her at all. The Lost Soul used a key immediately to unlock the shackle around her neck. She would've ran, but with the odd feeling running around in her body, she felt paralyzed. The Lost Soul tossed away the shackle and chain, backing away to stand by with his master, crossing his arms and wait to see what show was going on with an evil grin on his muzzle. The young dragoness started to feel some tears forming in her eyes as she's getting a feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Her thoughts showed her father figure, along with Damon and his family for a second. How she was wishing they were with her, how she even wished she was home and with them right now. She wanted to snuggle close to Illuminus. Wanting this nightmare to be over.

But unfortunately...This isn't a nightmare. This was real.

And the blue, evil monster standing before her was real and grinning evilly down at her.

And then it began to happen. Luna gasped when she felt herself starting to change. Her vision was getting dark and she shut her eyes tight. She moaned as the warm, mysterious feeling got very hot inside her. Abyss right in front of her was tossing up his head and laughing maniacally. That's when her body started to get bigger, so has the wings on her back. She was starting to get taller, like Abyss in front. Her tail grew longer behind her too, flicking around as she continued to morph into a bigger size.

She finally stopped changing, not short and small anymore. She was now the size of Abyss, a fully grown dragoness. Only a rumble of a growl emitted within her throat. With her eyes still closed, Luna shot them open, looking right back at those evil yellow eyes. Her mind was only blank, the memories of her past weren't evident now. The only emotion she had in her mind...Was hatred.

Abyss chuckled as he looked at what his power has done to her, "My...How you've grown." He got off his haunches and walked a bit toward her, her snout only inches from hers, "Do you know who I am?"

Luna, with her tail moving behind her and wings curling on her back, finally spoke in a stutter as she softened the look in her eyes, "Yes...You're...My master."

Abyss nodded in approval, "Good. And are you going to be cooperative with me?"

She bowed her head in front of him, "Yes, master."

"Good." He shot his eyes down at the Lost Soul standing beside him and then it appeared than a devious idea came to his mind with he smiled. He looked back at Luna and said, "Lunasin...Can you do something for me?"

Luna locked her eyes with his, "Whatever you want, master."

He was sidestepping to his left, shot his head towards his minion, "Kill him."

The Lost Soul looked surprised at his command, "Kill me? What-" But his sentence was cut off, as Luna roared, took a deep breath and blew a big burst of fire out of her maw. His glowing red eyes went wide as she was setting the little minion on fire. He screamed in agony and running around as the flames were eating away at his body. They were like music to her ears, and she loved it. His screams started to die down when he went down on his knees and fell face forward. Lying dead like his master gave Luna what he'd ordered her to do.

Luna took a deep breath and let it out. Like it never seemed to have bothered her. There wasn't even remorse in her eyes. She slowly turned to face her master, who gave her a big, wicked grin of approval, "Excellent, Lunasin. I was right about you. I can feel that your power is strong. You have done well." He smugly said, "I think I'm going to enjoy having you with me."

Luna asked a question out of her snout, her eyes only blinking at him, "What do you want me to do now, master?"

Abyss made a few rumbles in his throat as he admired at her question, "I want you to be in my army, Lunasin. I want you to command it as I stand watch from here. I want you to bring terror to those who stand in our way. I want you to bring death to those who defy us. I want you to tell everyone and show them that the lands in all of Avarilan are all mine." He padded up, until his muzzle was near her ear, "I want you to bring fear to everything you see. Show no mercy."

Luna slowly nodded, when he pulled his head away from her. She formed a smile on her muzzle, "I'll do what you say, master. You have my word." He was laughing evilly as he knows he has a new ally by his side now, and Luna drew back her head to let out a earth shattering roar in the chamber that probably rang out throughout the fortress.

I let out a quiet gasp and jerked up beneath Luna's wing, woken up by what I saw and heard. My eyes were filled with shock. I looked around and saw that I was still in the cave hidden behind the waterfall. The night still went on. I looked at the wing that is still covering me like a blanket. I'm still sleeping close to Luna's black form. The form...That it look liked in my dream. I turned my eyes to see Luna still had her eyes closed as she still slept. My gasp didn't wake her up.

I was frowning at her, mostly at myself at what just happened. Another...Weird dream. I had another weird dream. Another dream...About her past. It happened again.

I shifted around below her wing, below her warmth. It happened again while I was sleeping close with her. I'm getting a feeling that I was right about my theory. When I'm sleeping close with her, I get an odd dream. This is twice now. One from last night and now tonight. This one felt real too.

Only now, I find out that Damon really has a big family. I thought he was an only child living with his mother, but now...I find out he has three siblings. Two brothers and a sister. And...He and Luna were really close and...He appeared to have wanted to tell her something. I...Don't think Luna had any idea what he was trying to say, but I'm getting a feeling I know what it was. He probably 'liked' her. I think he did.

Then soon after that, I get to see Luna's first flight out of Wingspan...The night it happened. The night her whole life changed forever. I even get to see this...Temple, that looks like a fortress near the volcano she told me about! It's huge! And...I get to see the one who started this war. Abyss. I even know what he looks like.

Luna was right...He does look scary. I didn't even know that the colored scales he has were...Blue. I even saw the sparkles beneath his wings. They would've what I would call beautiful, if he wasn't an evil dragon who started the war. Especially with what else that describes him. Those...Scars on his body...Those eyes....He really was a monster. And...The way he looked at her....Jesus. And I get to see her...Change into a very grown dragoness at a fast pace. God...She even killed that Lost Soul. Never showed any mercy towards it.

She didn't show remorse. She basically did what she'd told.

That was the night...When Dark Storm was born.

I looked at Luna's face near me, still asleep, with a face full of pity. Poor Luna...

I remember every word that Luna told me when she described that night a few nights ago. I even imagined it. But with what I saw in my dream...Most of the things that I saw really were like I'd imagined. The fear in Luna's face when she was taken away most of all is what I had imagined.

I'm sorry, Luna. I'm sorry for what happened.

Abyss really had made you become that way. He used his power to change you into something you're not. You really did look like Dark Storm from before right now. But you're not now, you're Luna. You were just an innocent girl who was forced to become something evil like a Dark Dragon.

I formed a glare. Abyss...You're a monster.

Now a thought crossed my mind and confusion brought upon my eyes and face. It was something I didn't know of about Abyss. He was described as evil, but there was something I didn't hear about him. Luna mentioned something that Abyss was...Admired and trusted by everyone and was destined to do great things, and he...Betrayed everyone. I never heard that before. Gosh, I can't even imagine him being all nice and good...After what I saw. He looked evil, uncaring, and scary. I wonder what was he like before he betrayed everything? Luna seems to know and apparently everyone else did too. Maybe even Merana.

Now I was really beginning to wonder. Why? Why did he betray everyone? Why did he start this war?

I have no idea. But Luna might know why. I'll have to ask her that later.

Then I saw Luna shifting the underside of her head around on the floor, as her face wrinkled in her sleep. I think she was dreaming of something. She mumbled, "....No...I....I...Won't join you...." 

That's when a strange idea came to me, like I just figured it out. I frowned. Hold on a second...I think she's...Dreaming about that night too...Like me.

So...It wasn't just my imagination? It wasn't something that I pictured? Did I...Somehow share that dream with her? Well I guess it would make sense. Knowing that I had this kind of weird dream when I slept close to her and it happened again tonight, and there was no possible way I could ever thought about it.

Did I share that dream with you, Luna? If that's the case, why? How?

I still don't get it.

I yawned after trying to figure out the answer. I'll worry about it later, I need to go back to sleep. I heard Luna mumbling again in her sleep, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. She's probably still feeling scared from her nightmare. I made a small smile and then I leaned my head to the side of her body and planted a comforting kiss on her scales. Don't worry, big girl. I'm right here. Abyss is not here. Only I am.

Then Damon and his family, including his mother, came to mind. I hope all of you are still alive. It's been eleven years since Luna saw you all.

Well don't worry, guys....Damon....I'll get her home.

I will.

I laid my head back down on the floor, closing my eyes underneath Luna's warm wing. Putting myself back in slumber with her.