Current Track: Blabb
This is a story that I have had in the works for a very long time now I hope that you guys enjoy it and expect to have more chapters updated at least monthly. Right now all the key words are marked appropriately for this chapter but if your not into incest you might want rethink about reading this story. Since some of that does come into play in later Chapters. Chapter One: The Plain Green Bottle Chapter One: The Plain Green Bottle Eric sat their silent, feeling as though the weight of the world was placed on his shoulders. He watched the tavern in front of him as canines and felines of every verity stumbled in and out of it, some wounded and some not. He couldn't help but think about his village and the life he ran away from. Running away to find what, the same thing his village would have offered? More bloodshed? It seemed violence was the only thing the entire world knew. Though staying out here isn't much of an option. He thought about it remotely, the possibility of crawling to a slave trader only to be sold as a slave and praying to the gods that his owners would treat him decently and not use him for any sacrificial purposes. Then again, he could run back to his village to face his destiny. Were he would have to challenge another cub of age or one year lower. There they would fight until death, no exception, no clause, and no other rules. He really didn't want to do that either. At this moment in his life he felt the world was closing in around him, maybe that's why "he" called out to him. "Hey, Kid", a voice, shouted above him. His body immediately tensed up as his head reluctantly shifted upward. "Y-y-yes M-Mister?" the cub said, as he looked directly into the wolf's soft brown eyes. The wolf's expression didn't change as he stood there. Then, looking at him sternly, he took a deep breath. "I assume you don't want to die out here, so if you want to survive, get up and come with me", the wolf stated as he then straighten out his back and looked to his left and right. The Cub didn't know what to think at this proposal. This is a stranger, but he did speak some truth and he really didn't want to die just yet. "Y-y-yes sir" The young Wolf said nervously. "Good, lets get inside. I feel that a storm is coming and I don't want to be out in it" the wolf stated as he picked up his satchel. All Eric could do was smile as they both walked into the tavern together. Eric couldn't help but hear loud roars of noises as they entered the tavern. People puking, yelling, fighting and he swore he saw a knife in someone's hand over in the corner. The large wolf went over to a table, pulled out a chair and then looked at Eric. Eric looked at him sort of silently and confused as he responded with a serious glare. The young wolf could only bow his head as if he was shamed, trying not to make eye contact as he then sat himself down, the older wolf soon fallowed. "So, what's your name?" The wolf excliamed loudly "E-Eric." "Mine's Rane" Then almost immediately thereafter Rane gently placed his satchel on the table, undid the drawstrings and reach in to his bag. Carefully removing a nice green unmarked bottle. Eric looked at the bottle curiously, wondering as to what it could contain that would cause Rane to treat it with such scrutiny. "What are you having?" The cougar bar maid said as she tried to cumbersomely escape from the clutches of a drunken panther two tables in front of them. Rane looked up at the wench and stared directly into her eyes. "Me and the boy need two empty cups" "Empty!" Said the maid shocked. "What for, you two might need something to wet your pallet, may I interest you in some milk maybe...for the boy" She continued say, moving in such a way to bring attention to her breast. Rane stared and smiled as he reached his hand toward the maid's shirt and then with one swift pull brought her face close to his. Eric could swear he saw a little bit of glee on the cougars face, as her lips were inches away from Rane's. Eric shifted in his seat a bit as more of her cleavage became visible to the cub. "Just two empty cups" whispered Rane as he smiled at the cougar. Then just as quickly as he grabbed her, he let her go. The cougar smiled and winked at the wolf as she started to strut away, swaying her hips from side to side deliberately brining attention to her ass. Rane just focused his attention on Eric. The young wolf looked at the big, muscular canine, being careful not to let his eyes meet his. He was fearful as to what was going to happen, he didn't know of his caretaker's intentions and he feared that these next few hours might be his last. "So, how old are you?" Rane asked. "18 seasons, sire" Eric responded "18, barely a wolf" Rane said. The young wolf felt a little weird as his mind began to go wild with theories as to his caretaker's true intentions. "Any family?" The wolf said abruptly, interrupting Eric's thoughts. "Uh...N-no S-Sir" Eric said with a stutter. "Hmm, we'll have to change that" Rane said inquisitively as he stared at Eric and smiled. Not more than a few seconds after, the cougar placed two empty cups on the table. Eric couldn't help but notice her stare, she wink at the burly wolf as she turned again, sticking her ass out in the air. Rane seemed to fall for her guise as he took his paw and gave her a firm slap on the ass. "Anyway, my boy" Rane stated as he then grabbed one of the wooden cups and the green non-descriptive bottle. Popping the cork, Rane tipped the bottle and poured what seemed to be wine into the cup. He then extended the cup toward the young wolf and smiled. Eric just looked at the goblet and then stared at the wolf, he was reluctant and scared to take it. His imagination went wild again and unrealistic fantasies began to dance around in his head. "It's not poison, go on and take it," The wolf said. "Ain't I too...Y'know...Yo..." Eric said very softly still focusing on the challis that was held in front of him. "Young? No, of course not, I was your age when I started drinking. Come on, take it," the wolf stated boisterously as he again inched the cup in his hand closer to the young wolf. "Look, I know how the world is and what you must be feeling, but trust me this will make all of that go away and to top it off you'll still be conscious too" Rane said with a chuckle and winked at him just a bit. Eric then noticed how cheerful the wolf had become; his demeanor had changed just slightly. He didn't know if it was the bar or the wench, but Rane was in much higher spirits. Eric sat their silent for a few more seconds pondering over his decision. "Fuck it!" the wolf said suddenly as he pulled the cup away from Eric. "Look at me boy, I'll drink half of it if you want me too and I won't spill one drop". With those words Rane tipped the cup to his lips and drank it's contents. True to his word not one drop spilled on his chin or on the floor. Rane then pounded the cup on the table not more than a few inches from the Eric himself. Eric took a glance at the cup and was shocked to see that half of its contents was gone. Rane seem to have a gleeful look in his eyes. "So do you trust me now?" Rane said as he smiled looking at the young wolf. Eric quickly averted his eyes grabed the cup and drank the rest of its contents.