Current Track: Blabb

“Wow! It's really you!” Kevin said as he ran up onto the pool deck. “We were about to get two Furrets, so we got collars and stuff, like toys and food... But I'm so glad you came back! It was so lonely here without you! I've got to tell Ben about this!” He said as he jumped down the stairs of the pool deck and ran up the hill.

“So that's what happened... They were replacing us...” I said as my ears fell to the sides.

“Well... Maybe some of it really was for us... I mean, the bags of food had Pikachu on them... So those had to be for us... I didn't see the treats but they must be for us too... Furrets don't use their claws much right? So the scratchy thingy must be for us... He said he got... Pikanip... Which is obviously for us... But... The other things I'm not so sure about after... Hearing what Kevin just said...”

“Exactly.” I said as I looked up at the house, sighing. “Well it's for us NOW, so we might as well enjoy it, right?” I said as I hugged her, wagging my tail. “And besides, Kevin's an idiot, and he probably doesn't know what he's talking about.”

“When does he ever know what he's talking about?” Electra giggled as she kissed my cheek. ”He's so slow...”

“Yeaaahhh... But he tries. I think.” I said, flicking my tongue over her nose. “It's kind of a habit of his to say stupid things.”

“So then he's lying and all the stuff is for us. Yay.” Electra said as she stuck her tail in the water and waved it around, pushing us through the water toward the side of the pool. “Besides, I'm going in to see if it's true or not. If it is, then, well I'm glad we're here. If it's not, I'm still glad we're here but I'm mad at Ben.” She said as she jumped off the float onto the edge of the pool. “And this water smells funny. Not funny, but... It smells weird, like something I've never smelled before...”

I nodded. “Well I guess I'll go in with you.” I said as I shook myself off, then leaped off of the float onto the edge of the pool next to her, smiling as I nudged her side. “That's Chlorine. It's something that cleans the water. So swimming in this water gets you really clean and you don't have to groom yourself or anything.” I said as I nudged her again.

“Hmm... Okay.” She said as she began walking across the edge, hopping onto the deck and running down the stairs. As I hopped off onto the deck, I watched her dash up the hill. Sighing, I jumped off the deck, not bothering with the stairs, and ran up after her. By the time I got to the stairs and climbed up them, she was already inside. I could hear her arguing with Ben inside, and I sighed, pushing my way through the little door flap thing and standing up, walking over to Electra and standing next to her, looking up at Ben.

“You were REPLACING US!” She yelled as she held up her paws, waving them in the air. “We came in and you said you bought US THOSE THINGS! And Kevin came over to us in the pool and said that YOU WANTED TO GET A FURRET! YOU NEVER MENTIONED A FURRET TO US!!! You said you bought extra collars ACCIDENTALLY! When you bought them for the FURRETS! It'd be okay if you had said “Oh, I've been lonely lately without you, because you know, I bought you so you could keep us company and then you left with Cammy, so I was left with no one but Kevin again, so I needed to get another Pokemon, so I was getting a Furret and now you're back so I don't need one, but I bought it all these supplies and stuff that you can use now that I'm not getting the Furret anymore.” But NO! YOU HAD TO LIE TO OUR FACES AND SAY YOU GOT THEM FOR US JUST BECAUSE YOU FORGOT ABOUT US AND GOT US NOTHING!!” She yelled sparks flying from out cheeks.

“Um, well they got us the couch over there with the Pikachu on it, and the food and two of the collars, but I did notice that there was an extra food bowl in the... Place that you took ours out of...” I said, not remembering the word cabinet anymore. “And, two of the collars had blank tags... There were no symbols on them because you probably didn't know the Furret's name yet so you didn't want to put any random name on there in case it already had a name, so you left it blank... I didn't think anything of it, I just thought they were spares like you said... But then when I saw the that the bowl also had no name, I still thought it was a spare, but why a spare bowl, I mean, you can't lose it... And then you took out the bag of symbols, and I still didn't think anything of it, until Kevin opened his mouth and told us you were getting a Furret... And then it all made sense... Because the food was all fresh when I opened the... Door thing... And you couldn't have known we were coming and bought it right away, because that just doesn't happen... But... I agree with Electra, you could have at least told us you were ordering a Furret... I mean, here you have us thinking you really did buy all this stuff for us, and then I find out none of it was for us, or at least very little of it was, and it kinda hurts my feelings that you would lie like that to us though...” I said as I looked him in the eye.

Electra nodded. “Yeah, and it's not like we'd claw you up if you told us you were lonely and needed another Pokemon to have around while we were here... And if you'd said that the stuff was for all of us, then I wouldn't be as mad at you as I am now... But you LIED to us! Right to our faces! And Cammy had the nerve to bring you all that paper that you loved so much! And you repay us by lying to our faces! SHE GOT YOU A GIFT!” She yelled, her cheeks beginning to spark again. “AND YOU GOT NERVOUS AFTER BECAUSE YOU WERE LYING STILL! AND SAID YOU HAD TO CLEAN UP IN THE SHOWER BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO LIE ABOUT NEXT!” She said as she growled, suddenly snarling. I swear, if I SEE a FURRET in here I will EAT IT!” She yelled as she clenched her fists, sparks flying from her cheeks.

“Electra calm down...” I said as I petted her back, nuzzling her cheek and hugging her. “It's not worth all the fuss...”

“Hold on, what?” Ben said as he frowned. “I didn't get any of that...”

I felt Electra get all tense as she clenched her fists tighter. “Didn't... Hear... ANY... Of what... I said...” She growled under her breath, her eyes closed tightly as she snarled at Ben.

“Let's see if you hear THIS!” she growled.

I knew exactly what she was going to do next, and I hugged her tightly just in time, as she leaped at Ben, attempting to slash at him with her claws, but I caught her and dragged her back over to me, laying ontop of her and hugging her tighter.

“GET OFF OF ME! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!” She shouted as she squirmed around underneath me, trying to push me off.

“Electra no! Stop it!” I said as Ben jumped back.

“WHOA! What did I do?” He said as he looked down at us, then at Kevin. “What did YOU do?”

“What makes you think I did something?” He said as he began walking away.

“Because you're a moron!” Ben said as he looked back at us.

“Well I did nothing. All I did was say hi and tell them we were getting a Furret. I did nothing else. And why is Brian female?”

“Stop calling her Brian! She's not Brian anymore, she's Cammy. Brian wants to let go of his, err, her human side now, so call her by her Pikachu name, Cammy. And I don't know why she's female. She changed I guess, I don't know.”

Kevin nodded as he began walking off again. “That's really... Abnormal...”

“Wait, you WHAT?” Ben yelled as he looked at Kevin again. “You TOLD them about the Furret!?”

Kevin nodded. “Yeah, why not?” He said as he walked off, shrugging.

“Ugh, IDIOT...” Ben mumbled, looking back at us. “Electra... There's no need to be mad at me... If you'd just understand that I needed some company... That's why I bought YOU in the first place, so that I could have some company, something to snuggle with... I didn't tell you about the Furret because I didn't want to hurt your feelings... Trust me, I would've told you if I'd knew you'd take it well, but the only reason I didn't mention it is because I was afraid you'd react... Well, like you are now.” He said as he frowned. “So, um... I'm sorry.” He smiled.

Slowly, Electra stopped wiggling, and I got up off of her, helping her to her feet and smiling as I kissed her cheek. “Pleaaase don't attack Ben...” I smiled, nuzzling her underneath her chin.

“Fine...” She growled, looking over at Ben before wiggling out of my grip and dashing out of the room.”EAT IT! I'M GOING TO FREAKING EAT IT!” She yelled as she ran off. I heard her going up the stairs and I sighed, looking at Ben and frowning.

“Is she like... Having her period or something?” He asked, chuckling. Growling, I hopped up onto the couch and slapped him right in the face, leaving five claw marks on his right cheek, then hopped down, walking out of the room.

“Geez... Are you having yours too?” He mumbled as he turned on the T.V.

Running upstairs, I ran straight to my room and walked in, closing the door behind me and sighing as I looked up at my bed. I could tell Electra was in it because I could see the lump she made in the center. Sighing, I walked over to the bed, hopping up onto it and walking over to the pillows. Lifting up the covers, I got down onto all fours and crawled in, smiling as I lay down next to her, placing my right arm around her back and snuggling up with her.

“How... How could he replace us?” She asked as she looked at me, tears in her eyes.

“Awww Electra...” I said as I patted her back. “That's not what he was trying to do. He just needed someone here, and we weren't here, so he needed someone else. He wasn't trying to replace us, he was simply trying to get someone new. If he was replacing us, he would have changed this room around and stuff, but nothing in it is changed.”

A tear fell from her cheek and she buried her head in the blanket, crying silently. “I don't believe that...”

I sighed, patting her back and rubbing her side gently. “Come on Electra... It's not like you to act this way... What's wrong?”

She didn't answer me, but she'd suddenly stopped crying.

“Electra...” I said in a low voice as I snuggled against her and kissing her cheek. “Something wrong?”

Suddenly, she rolled over and grabbed me, hugging me tightly. “I... I just can't get over what h-h-happened... Y-yesterday...”

I sighed, patting her back. “Two days ago. You slept through a day, remember?”

She nodded. 'Oh yeah... But still... I can't get over it... I feel so nervous, so wrecked... As if someone's going to sneak up on me and murder me again... It's so...”

“Traumatic? I know...” I said as I kissed her cheek. “The best thing you can do is to just forget about it. It's in the past and he can't hurt you anymore. From now on, nothing is going to draw me away from your side. I am here to protect you, and no one can tell me otherwise. I only left you that day because Rice told me to, and he was the leader...”

“But if you...” Electra interrupted. “If you... You didn't come back when you did... Or if I hadn't told you that I had eaten the key... Then... I wouldn't be here right now...” She said, crawling out of the blankets. Sighing, I followed her out, and as soon as I got out, she grabbed me and hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder and crying again.

“I would be deeaaaad...” She cried, hugging me tightly.

I sighed, feeling a bit down myself as she explained this to me.

“But Electra... You DID tell me... You know why? Because we have a bond... A strong bond... And you knew that if you told me, I wouldn't tell on you, and I wouldn't hate you for it. You knew that by telling me, you'd make it so that I didn't have to actually look, which would relieve me of a lot of work, not to mention stress... You told me because you love me and trust me, and I saved you because I love you too... Our trust is what made you tell me. Now trust me when I say this, nothing like that is ever going to happen again. I will always be there for you, no matter what. You are the one that got me where I am now anyway. It was because of you that I learned how to use my moves and stuff, and from there, I took it to the next level and beyond... If anything were to happen to you I don't know what I'd do... Electra... You're the only one I love, and you know that. I will go above and beyond to make you comfortable, do whatever it takes until you feel secure and protected. I might not have been there when he attacked, but I got there eventually, and I saved you. And that's all that counts. The fact that you're alive and well. So please, stop crying.” I said as I rubbed her back, smiling.

Almost immediately, she stopped and looked me in the eyes. I saw a spark of happiness in her bright blue eyes, and I kissed her cheek, smiling.

“Well okay...” She smiled as she hugged me again, her tail wagging now. “I understand... You're always there for me, that's true... And even then, you were still there for me in the end... And you saved me... So what am I worried about? He can't come back and attack me, and the colony is happy without him, so there's nothing wrong.” she said as she hopped down off of the bed. “Oh yeah, the stupid Furret is coming...” She growled, walking over to the door and mumbling something as she walked out. Smiling, I followed her out, then followed her down the stairs. She went into the kitchen and took out one of the smaller bags of food, carrying it over into the living room and tossing it up onto the couch, sighing as she hopped up onto the ouch and sat down with the bag in her lap.

“I'll eat that hing...”  She growled as she slashed the bag open with her claws, taking some food out with her paw and shoving it into her mouth, munching on it before taking out another pawfull and eating it. She was eating it as if it were a snack or something... As if it were a bag of chips... It was a full bag of Poke'chow,  and she looked at it as a snack...

Walking over, I hopped up onto the couch and scooped my paw in, taking some and giggling as I put it in my mouth.

“Having a little snack?” Ben asked from the other couch as he looked at us.

“Shut up.” Electra growled as she continued eating. “I want to hear that song Cammy... The firey one...” she said, smiling.

Giggling, I nodded as Ben got up off of the couch and walked out. Walking over to the stereo, I just stared at it, frowning.

Okay... The first track on the CD should be the song she wants... - I thought to myself as I wondered how to get it going. Frowning, I pushed the big button in the middle, smiling as the stereo turned on.

“Oh good...” I said as I placed my paw over the big knob, turning it clockwise to turn the volume up. Autoplay kicked in, and the first song was indeed the one she wanted. I hadn't listened to this in a while, and once I heard it begin playing, a wave of excitement rolled over me. Electra hopped off of the couch with the bag of food and placed the bag on the carpet, taking my paws in hers and jumping around as the intro played. When the song started singing, she let go of me and got down on her knees, her paws in the air as she sang along.

“On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light!”

I chuckled as I watched her. She gets so into these songs, it's kind of funny.

Laughing, I sung along with her. “On flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight!”

Ben stepped in and looked at us, frowning. “Wow, so that's what it sounds like translated into Pikachu...” he grinned. “Interesting...”

We both stopped singing and looked back at him. Electra made a face at him and hugged me tightly as Ben turned off the stereo with the remote.

“HEY!” Electra snapped as she got up and walked over to Ben, growling. “Put it back on!”

Smiling, he turned it back on, then grinned. “Relax, I was kidding.” he laughed.

Electra whipped around, slapping his leg with her tail as she walked back over to me, sitting down next to me. “Well it's not funny asshole...”

Ben made a face at her and frowned, putting the remote down on the couch. “Wow, someone takes their music super seriously...” He said as he walked out of the room.

We sat there and listened to the song until it changed, and we didn't know how to get it back, so I just pushed the big button and turned it off.

“Err... I don't know.” I said as I hugged her, giggling. “We'll do it later.”

“Do what?” She asked, frowning as she stood up.

“I don't know... Listen to it again.” I said, smiling. “For now, let's find something else.”

She nodded, wagging her tail as she pulled me to my feet. “We can play with the toys... Kevin left while we were listening to the song so we can go into his room and do things...”

I frowned. “Why would we... Nevermind... How about we... Eat again?” I grinned.

“OH YEAH!” Electra said as she turned around and snatched up the bag of Poke'Chow, digging out a pawfull and shoving it into her mouth, giggling as she crunched down on it.

“Mmmh mak im infarl ret day?” She said as she swallowed, smiling.

“Um... What?” I asked as I tilted my head to the side, frowning.

“Err, sorry... I meant I wonder if Kevin's going to get the Furret today.”

I tilted my head, frowning. “I really don't know...”

Electra chuckled and dug out another pawfull of food, eating it quickly. “We should sooo go swimming.”

I laughed and patted her back, nodding. “Fine, bring your bag with you.” I said as I pointed to the bag of food, chuckling.

She quickly nodded and dashed out of the room, spilling some food as she ran. I walked out, looking around the room to see if anyone was watching before getting down onto all fours and scooping the food off of the floor, sticking it in my mouth and munching on it. If I were really going to let my human side go, I'd have to act like a Pikachu more, and not let my human side tell me not to eat off of the floor... I didn't want to do it, but I had to in a way. I followed the trail of food, eating it as I walked into the dining room and saw Electra doing the same thing, except she was eating it right off the floor, and not picking it up first.

“Err...” I said as I stood up, grinning. “You dropped... Some...”

She stood up too, laughing as she picked up the last bits off of the floor and stuck them in her mouth. “No I didn't. I got it!”

I laughed and walked over to the sliding glass door, pulling it open and walking out, with Electra walking out behind me, holding the bag upright, so it wouldn't spill. I closed the door and snatched the bag away, folding it closed and running down the porch with it, squeezing through the railings and leaping off the side with it, landing in the grass and giggling as I stood up and turned around just in time to see her tackle me down and snatch the bag.

“MINE!” She said as she leaped off of me and took off down the hill, toward the pool.

“Wow... She won't even let ME take any food from her...” I laughed as I rolled to my feet and took off after her. “The difference is I don't get attacked... If that were someone else, she'd be eating THEM along with the food!” I chuckled.

I laughed as I watched her run up the stairs and onto the pool deck. I approached and walked up the stairs, smiling as I looked at the water.

“So this water gets me all clean and stuff?” She said as she put down the bag of food.

“Yeah, but we're not supposed to use it as a bath. We're supposed to use it to cool off.” I smiled.

She nodded and smiled, taking my right paw in her left. “Hehe, we should jump in... Is it deep?”

I frowned. “Well, on one side it is...”

The pool was in the shape of a Pikachu's head, and the deck was on the bottom. Right in front of the deck was about six feet deep. It said so on the deck, but we couldn't read it, so we didn't know. As you get closer to the other side, it gets shallower, and the ears of the Pikachu pool were roughly one and a half feet deep, the black tips being only a foot deep.

“Well... We'll have to find out. Our floaty thing is all the way out there...” Electra pouted as she looked at it. “Okay.... One... Two... THREE.” She said as she ran forward and jumped in, letting go of my paw. I was curious at how high we could really jump, so I jumped as high as my legs would let me. I probably took a ten foot leap, because I didn't hit the water for at least five seconds, and when I did, I was in the center of the pool, and it was a huge pool.

“Heyyyy! You're all the way over there!” Electra laughed as she began swimming toward me. Laughing, I nodded and sit there treading water until she approached, which is when I turned around and began swimming with her. It wasn't long before we reached the other side, and were able to stand up in the water. As I walked out to the tip of the ear, I almost slapped myself in the face.

There ware stairs on this side too...

“Wow, we could have came up here...” Electra said as she stood beside me, frowning. “Well no worries, that was FUN!” She giggled as she grabbed my tail and tugged me down into the water.

“AH!” I squeaked as I fell backwards, landing on my butt in the water. “Heyyy!”

She laughed and sat in my lap, kissing my cheek.
“Hey what?”

I giggled and hugged her, wagging my tail. “Oh, nothing... Nothing at all.”

Laughing, she got up and grabbed my right paw, pulling me to my feet. “I'm hungry! We need to go back and get the food I left over there!”

I smirked. “You're always hungry! We should get it anyway because I'm hungry too!” I said as I walked over to one of the floats and climbed onto it. This one was a big round blue one, resembling a Snorlax. Reaching down, I grabbed Electra's paw and helped her up onto it. When we were both on, we lay down on it, giggling as we looked up into the sky. It was suddenly cloudy, although I distinctly remembered it being sunny just a few minutes ago. I felt a drop of rain hit one of my ears, and I wiggled it in response, frowning.

“Hey Electra... Wasn't it sunny earlier?” I asked.

She nodded, sitting up. “Yeah... It was... But it doesn't matter if it rains, we're already wet, so so what!” She said as she looked up, frowning. “There's lightning too though...”

As I saw the lightning flash in the clouds, I had this feeling in my gut that I should get out of the water, but then I remembered what I was... I was a Pikachu, there was no need to be afraid of lightning at all... Even if it hit me, I'd be fine, right? I mean, that move I'd used back at the Pokemon center. Thunder. It was the same thing. It was a bolt of lightning that came down and hit me, and I was fine after it, so there's no difference here if I get struck, right?

See, now I'm thinking of constructive things, and not pointless human things. It feels nice to think like a Pikachu for once actually...

“Err, the food is going to get wet and icky!” Electra said as she began paddling in the water with her tail, using the flat part to row us like a paddle, toward the other side of the pool.

“Hehe...” I said as I stuck my tail into the water, doing the same thing. We approached the other side quickly, and Electra leaped off before we even got there, tackling the bag of food and opening it, holding over her mouth and pouring it in. I frowned as I climbed onto the deck, shaking myself off and walking over to her, She wasn't even chewing it anymore, she was just pouring it into her mouth and swallowing it, or maybe just pouring it down her throat... It was so fascinating watching her eat. So amusing... It was amazing that she could eat like that, and I just wanted to hug her, but I knew she wouldn't like it. I was actually glad I wasn't male, because if I was, I would've been so hard right now, watching her eat like this and all. It was strangely arousing me, but I kept it to myself. I wondered just how much she COULD eat, and it got me thinking for a moment, until she placed the empty bag in my paws and giggled, licking my nose.

“There, the food is safe.” She said as she patted her belly, chuckling. “We should go inside, it's rainy.”

I nodded as she shook herself off, and I crumpled up the bag in my paws, leaping off the side of the deck and running up the hill on all fours with the crumpled bag in my mouth. I was the first one inside, and when I got in, Ben saw me drop the bag onto the floor, then pick it up and make my way toward the garbage can.

“Holy shit...” He said as he walked over to me. “Did you EAT that ALL?”

Shaking my head, I pointed to Electra, who had just entered and was now standing behind me.

“SHE ate it all?” He asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, so?” Electra said, making a face at him.

I nodded and smiled, walking into the kitchen and tossing the bag into the garbage.

“Holy crap... And let me guess, she wants more right?”

Electra nodded. “Wow, thanks captain obvious...”

“Daaaaaamn...” Ben said, frowning. “I'll keep that in mind next time I buy PokeChow... I gotta buy those huge bags apparently, because you just... Downed a whole one and treated it like a freaking snack... You were out there like, five minutes and you come back with an empty bag of food... I'll have to enter you in like, an eating contest sometime or something!” He joked, reaching down and scratching Electra's head.

“Ooh YAY!” Electra cheered, jumping up and down happily. “I get more food!”

Ben chuckled. “Wow, I guess I'll really have to do that sometime then...” He said as he patted her back. “Look forward to that, because it's going to happen. I just have to get like, a newspaper or look online for one. I know they have them, but I don't know where.” He said as he frowned. “I see them on TV and stuff, but, I never had a reason to enter one... Both people AND Pokemon can enter, and you get cool things for winning.”

Electra giggled. “Well let me in! I'll win everything for you! I'll even eat the other Pokemon's food before they can!” She said as she grabbed Ben's leg and hugged it.

“Err, that'd surprise a lot of people.” I laughed as I hugged Electra from behind.

“Well I'll look into that.” Ben said as he turned around and headed for the stairs. I heard a car door slam, then another one slam, and a second later, the front door opened and Kevin came in holding a crate.

“Wow, it's wet out.” He said as he set the crate down on the floor and took off his jacket, putting it in the closet. “We've got company!”

Electra's right ear twitched as we both heard something move around from within the crate.

“Lookie what I bought! And thanks Dallas for the money!” He said as he reached down and opened the crate.

“Cammy... Her name is Cammy...” Ben said as he looked at the crate, smiling.

“No...” Electra mumbled under her breath as the Furret poked its head out of the crate.

Kevin knelt down in front of the crate and opened it all the way, taking the Furret in his arms and stroking its head.

“Isn't it so cute? Her name is Amper I think. She's going to be staying with us now.”

“NO!” Electra yelled as she ran forward, tackling it out of Kevin's arms and rolling with it into the crate, the door shutting behind her as she hit the back of the crate.

“Awww wow, she's really excited to see it...” Kevin said as he squinted into the crate, the sounds of claws scraping the sides echoing throughout the room, followed by an electric attack that  lit up the inside of crate.

“I don't think she's excited to see it...” I said, frowning as the sounds of them clawing around on the sides of the crate stopped, and I knew exactly what Electra was doing.

“She's going to kill it!” Ben yelled as he scrambled over to the crate, trying to get the door open. The sounds if it clawing at the sides of the crate stopped completely, and we all knew Ben was too late...

--END Chapter Nineteen.--