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Some back story:
I have never seen a deer before, so please correct me on this.
Amyways, I woke up around 9 today (29/1/2015) feeling super anxious about going to classes. Seeing as I had three hours till my first class, I decided to be on my iPad.
A few minutes later, I saw something move in my peripheral vision*. Looking towards my right, I saw this animal. Feeling ecstatic, I quickly grabbed my phone, opened up the curtain, and took a photo of this beauty.
I feel extremely lucky to have gotten a photo of her. She seemed a little lost.
I have never seen a deer before, so please correct me on this.
Amyways, I woke up around 9 today (29/1/2015) feeling super anxious about going to classes. Seeing as I had three hours till my first class, I decided to be on my iPad.
A few minutes later, I saw something move in my peripheral vision*. Looking towards my right, I saw this animal. Feeling ecstatic, I quickly grabbed my phone, opened up the curtain, and took a photo of this beauty.
I feel extremely lucky to have gotten a photo of her. She seemed a little lost.
9 years ago
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