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KiDra by GaiasAngel
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This is my first commission ever ^^ done by .
She did an exceptional work here, since she not only drew a great piece of artwork, but also helped me to a complete self-image this way. How I imagined myself was always a little blurry to me. This now is what I feel fits truly. Thank you, Gaia, I was told the first time somebody sees himself drawn this way it goes very deep. It does and I am more than happy about the result.
I gave GaiasAngel a brief formal description and a fictional biography. I believe the better an artist can put herself/himself in somebodies shoes, the better the result will suit those who are drawn. Indeed, it does. What better self-image can somebody have, than the combination of the own imagination and the view of a friend. The eyes of friends: Mirrors to ourselves true nature.
You can try this out a simple way: Tell a friend how you think he sees you and then listen to his or her description of yourself. Often there are quite some differences - which are enriching.
She did an exceptional work here, since she not only drew a great piece of artwork, but also helped me to a complete self-image this way. How I imagined myself was always a little blurry to me. This now is what I feel fits truly. Thank you, Gaia, I was told the first time somebody sees himself drawn this way it goes very deep. It does and I am more than happy about the result.
I gave GaiasAngel a brief formal description and a fictional biography. I believe the better an artist can put herself/himself in somebodies shoes, the better the result will suit those who are drawn. Indeed, it does. What better self-image can somebody have, than the combination of the own imagination and the view of a friend. The eyes of friends: Mirrors to ourselves true nature.
You can try this out a simple way: Tell a friend how you think he sees you and then listen to his or her description of yourself. Often there are quite some differences - which are enriching.
14 years ago
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