Current Track: Blabb

The emperor was advancing with a rapid step on the blue concrete esplanade. He was distractedly noting that it was starting to crumble, which wasn't surprising after all. Rhodinius' region was quite seismic. Moreover, this whole continent, stretched out like a knife placed between the Close and Sinister seas, was experiencing fairly strong seismicity. Stronger than Carminia, which explains the privileged use of lightweight modular constructions, easily repairable. He saw in front of him the imposing chain of the Central Mountains, the highest in his world. Impressive enough to block the equatorial winds.

Crests and peaks adorned with white succeeded one another, majestic, but despite everything, he continued to prefer the vision of the coastal ranges of his continent of origin, Carminia. They bordered the lands to the east and south, blocking the powerful katabatic winds from the southern pole and allowing his favorite lands to enjoy a more generous climate than that of Harmet, much further north, however. A geological accident had also provided Carminia with a central ridge that delighted the inhabitants of the capital Lux, bordered by the Ocean of the Braves. He, Emillianus, hadn't set foot there since ...

How long already ? He turned his head and addressed his private secretary.

« Say, Veronus, when my last tour of the Carmite Mountains was ? »

The old servant put the tip of his cane on the ground, taking time to rest and think.

« It's been ten years, sire.

- As much as that ?

- Your policy has forced you to favor the peripheral regions of the Empire, Sire.

- I will thank you for not remembering me the political consequences of the last student troubles. »

Veronus tilted his head slightly to the ground, a thin smile on his face. The emperor's reproach was more a teasing, he heard it from the sound of his voice.

« They haven't really given you the choice. Am I to understand that you want to go there on tour or for vacation ? »

Emillianus sighed.

« I won't have a real vacation until the day I give up my place on the throne to my son. It is also time for this boy to leave the stadiums and arenas to devote himself fully to his training, his Ascension is due in two years after all.

- You will have no problem with that, Sire. Your oldest child is an attentive and gifted student.

- But he lacks experience. I left him too much in the company of the wrestlers and I was wrong to let my minister Cato encourage him to spend all this time on this sand. Did it benefit him elsewhere ?

- I'm afraid not, Sire. At the latest news Cato is still undefeated against his student. »

The emperor then wore a mischievous smile.

« So he has no excuses to delay the moment. Plan a tour of the Carmite Mountains for next month. And make sure Amicus is in the procession. »

The secretary took a mental note, the Emperor having resumed his walk towards the Volant which was waiting near the last wooden sheds. Seeing the individual wearing the Red Cloak and the thin gold diadem around his head, the guard corrected his position as he approached. The emperor thanked him with a nod of the head and signified his leave. Rhodinius was a peaceful land, one of the largest of the Minor Continents, and no one here had serious grievances against the Empire or the Dynasty. A simple guard of honor was sufficient for security. Not like in the Loyal Islands …

Emillianus gestured and the door to the Volant opened, the ramp slid into place, the Emperor already hearing the inconspicuous thrusters go to sleep.

« Sire, is that very wise ? You are a good pilot as it should be but...

- But ?

- But I'm never at ease when you're alone in the driver's seat. So many things can happen… »

The emperor smiles again, more discreetly. That damn Veronus was right after all. But Emillianus didn't want to miss any opportunity to be alone and isolated. His position as Emperor required him to always be surrounded and protected. These solo flights were his only opportunity to stay with himself. And then, the single-seater Volant was continuously monitored by three satellites which followed it in real time to the nearest centimeter. The return flight would only last four hours and the next day was shaping up to be busy. Veronus did nothing to convince Emillianus not to go up alone. It was useless, the Emperor had spoken. Besides, the weather forecast was safe and the Volant's defensive weapons were in good condition. Nothing and no one could reach the Head of State. A last wave of the hand responded to the raised fist, broken arm of Veronus, the ritual salute due to the emperor. There was not even any wind or clouds as the aircraft headed for the Central Mountains.

Seated in the back of the light brown leather armchair, Emillianus looked absently outside. The Central Volcanoes, the only real dangers on the road from Rhodinius to Carminia via Gallonus, were behind him and he did not have a single turbulence to get under the fang to spice up the return trip. He gave himself a little nap and when he opened his eyes again, he didn't need the navigation screens to recognize the vast Gallean fields unfolding before his eyes. He had crossed the coast without incident and the Southern Mountains were to his left, as they should be, far behind the Great Forest which now served as the new Green Ocean under the Volant. It was still too far south to see Gerrit, the capital of the Little Continent. Another place that he should honor with his visit in the coming months. The thought drew a sigh from him. These social events were the unpleasant counterpart of his title.

He rubbed his muzzle and his night's fur with his claws and grabbed a damp towel to cool off a bit after this little rest. With a brown eye, he noticed on his warning screens that they only displayed the flight data. No last-minute worries, no alert requiring intervention. He ran the cloth over his face, trying to tidy up his dark fur. It was rare to see an Astran wearing a uniform birth livery. He was pitch black, except of course for his gray eyebrows and that famous downward pointing gray arrow that has graced the foreheads of every real family member for literally millennia. His younger son Cassius, on the contrary, was immaculately white. Emillianus would have suspected the latter of cheating with reality if he had not seen with his own eyes the small frail body when he was born 17 years earlier. His daughter Beatrix combined the paternal black with the light gray on her belly and her chest coming from her late mother. Finally, his eldest, Amicus, mixed dark gray and light gray on his body. As in the past his late wife was. Maybe that was why his eldest son was his favorite ?

Emillianus stood up to try to take care of his bushy tail sticking out of his short blue pants. It was then that the wolf realized the problem. It was faint, but the Volant was in the descent position. And yet the screens said the opposite. But Emillianus knew that these were not telling the truth. His body was pressing on his toes, more than usual. And his claws touched the plastene floor. Being digitigrade was an advantage at the time. A plant like those damn khemians wouldn't have noticed until it was too late. 

The emperor sat down, advancing the armchair adorned with the golden imperial arms.

"Com, check the calibrations, I think the ship is losing altitude." 

The warm, masculine voice carried a simple denial.

“Negative, Sire. The calibrations are correct. "

Emillianus grumbled. He was certain of the contrary. Com couldn't be wrong, so the problem was more serious. Multiple failures ? Possible. In addition, the Volant had turned north and was heading towards the vast wheat fields of the continent.

“Com, we have changed course. Why that ? 

- Negative Sire. We are on the way back. "

Emillianus bit his cheek. It was even more serious. At least the Palace knew where he was, he could see him on one of the screens that indicated his position. The Emperor then yelped. The red dot had stopped working. And hitting the screen with his fist didn't make it reappear.

“Com, I have multiple failures and this is not an exercise. Disengage the autopilot and give me the controls. "

The control bar remained in its place, engaged in the neutral position. A metallic sound then echoed through the console.

“Controls blocked and locked. "

This time, the Emperor put his hands and claws on the curved bar, but despite his efforts, the latter remained in place. He pulled with all his might, but the device remained in a neutral position. Worse, he felt the Volant accelerate and tilt even more toward the ground. Emillianus forced himself to stay in his chair, feeling the gravity grow stronger.

“Com ! Imperial Command Imperative ! Gain altitude and slow down ! "

Com's monotonous voice was even more frightening than its content.

“ Order registered. Acceleration in progress, greater inclination ! "

Exactly the opposite of what had been ordered.

The Emperor was now stuck in the chair by the acceleration, and his strength was of no use to him. He saw the ground approaching, the black and rocky earth of an ancient mountain range planed by time approaching inexorably.

“Com ! Block commands and disconnect all means of communication ! "

Emillianus was playing the game. If the orders were misunderstood, then maybe order the reverse...

“Commands blocked and locked. Satellite links cut. "

Emillianus groaned in rage, his eyes half closed with the acceleration, his body pressed against the chair with the speed. His imperial cloak was stuck to him and he knew it now. It would be his shroud. There was nothing he could do but watch the ground fill his entire field of vision.

Silently, the rock rounded by gravity made its graceful and slow revolution around the gas giant, far enough from the planetary ring to run no risk of falling victim to one of the countless debris trapped in gravity. From an outer vessel, the visitor could discern the world ocean as well as the large green spots synonymous with life under large vaporous clouds carrying rain. Adastra would have amply deserved to bear the name of planet if the chance of the planetary rounds had not caused it to form in the gravitational sphere of the gas giant filled with deadly clouds. The rocky and gaseous bodies had nothing to do with what was happening beyond their perpetual revolutions around Sollis.

When Emillianus died, the universe did not notice anything.