Current Track: Blabb

One Point Five: Fumbling Fireworks

Dean knew there was something special about the rabbit, that
much he was certain of when time itself was held still during their kiss, but
everything they did from there onward was new territory for the Doberman. He
had never kissed a guy before and never walked one home, yet here he stood in
the second hour of the new year at the Rabbit's front door. 'Twenty-one
thirty-two,' he heard the voice in his head reading nervously. The canine took a
deep breath and tried to stay calm. The voice in his head reminded him that
there was nothing wrong with what he was doing. And then the voice repeated, 'Twenty-one

Riley twisted the key in the lock before pushing the front
door open. “Don't mind the mess," he cautioned, “I honestly wasn't expecting to
bring anyone home tonight." The little lapin pushed back into the dog's arm,
snuggling up against him before planting a small kiss on the canine's cheek. He
let the warmth of the Doberman surround him before walking inside and flipped
on the light.

The canine smiled at the show of affection as the voice in
his head began to panic. 'Twenty-one thirty-two. Twenty-one…'

Following Riley inside, he got his first glance at how the
rabbit lived. The room looked like a normal bachelor's place, where there was
some mess but not a whole lot. In fact, nothing strange had occurred to him
until he started staring at the pictures on the wall, which were thousands of different
lapins in a slew of framed photographs. Some had spots, some were brown, but
all of them were packed in groups that filled the entire image. “Why so many

The bunny had just shut the door behind them and bounded
forward when he twisted in his leap to face the dog. “Oh, those are all my
siblings and cousins, uncles and aunts, and a few other family friends."

The canine's mouth dropped, for he had never met someone
with so many family members. In his own family, he had only an older brother, a
younger sister, and a few cousins. If they took a family photo like any of the
ones in front of him, they could fit the entire canine set in a rather small
frame. Yet here was a hare with an unbelievably scaled family, the size of
which he thought was completely normal. “Seems like you'd never get time

“I guess you could say that," he giggled. The rabbit then
pointed his canine company towards a nearby couch. “Feel free to sit down and
wait a minute while I go… freshen up."

Dean nodded, taking off his jacket and tossing the clothing
towards the far side before taking a seat himself.  The furniture looked like the remains from
the hare's college days, the cushions rather stiff. He tried not to concentrate
too much on the seat thought, worried where else his head might wonder,
especially with the notoriousness of college kids. “Twenty-one thirty-two," he mumbled
with eyes closed before taking in a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes, Riley had disappeared and he was alone
in the room. His gaze wandered freely. Outside of a rather large piece of
artwork of a carrot and the family photos, the walls were sparse of
decorations. Below the large carrot sat a flatscreen television on a small
stand, the nicest thing in the room. He gave the room one more glance over
before pulling his phone from his pocket to read through the last few texts to

Hey, you coming with
us? Dezi is DD

No. Going home with the rabbit.


Getting some
cottontail for your cocktail?

You fuck. Who told you about that drink?

That wolf you were all
snuggled up against earlier told me after you left for the rooftop.

But it sounds like you
prefer my Hardy Boy :P

>:/ You wish, puffer pup

After his last response, he had received a picture. The
shepherd was in the passenger seat of his girlfriend's car, tongue hanging out
to make his signature goofy face. In the background, Dean could see Desiree
giving an annoyed look while raising a claw to the camera. He smiled and
briefly wondered how she put up with his clowning all the time.

At the rabbit's place, never knew they had such large families…

He typed out the reply, but his paw hovered over the send
button for a moment. For some reason, talking to his canine companion about the
lapin felt wrong. The more he thought about why, the faster he realized the
truth: not only was he in the apartment of another male, but he was also in a
different species' apartment. And while his parents had never directly or explicitly
told him that he could not date outside of the canine genome, he knew doing so
was highly frowned upon.

He thought back to Aaron's reaction on the rooftop terrace
and how the shepherd had pushed him into the relationship. His friend already
knew who he was with, so sending the text was not really be a surprise.
Besides, there was no possibility for him to have children with another male
anyways, so the two wrongs sort of seemed to cancel one another out. The logic
was fucked-up, but made Dean feel better about the decision as he tapped a claw
on the button. He watched the bubble form and float up into the chat space.

Not wanting to think about what this new relationship was or
was not anymore, he pocketed his phone and leaned back against the seat. His
eyes closed and he listened to the sounds of the old building. There was water
running somewhere in the apartment, and his ears turned as he heard the squeaky
knob twist off. The Doberman wondered if Riley had gone to take a shower and if
that was what getting cleaned up meant, but he had no idea why the bunny would even
need to do something like that. He took a deep breath and let the thought drift

Time passed slowly, and the canine entered a dream-like
state as he waited, but soon enough the rabbit came back through the door. At
the sound of the creaking door's hinges, he lifted his head and looked over at
the hare, ears perking up.

The bunny stood in an open doorway in only an oversized
sweatshirt, the length of which perfectly covered him from his shoulders down
to just below his crotch. “Sorry I took so long, I just wanted to make sure I
got really cleaned-up after going to that club." He rubbed his arm through the
hoody and weakly smiled at the dog before taking a few steps closer.

The canine sat up on the couch and smiled. “Not a problem."
For a little while the room fell silent as they both felt out the situation.
For the dog, he had never been with another guy and was uncertain what he
should do next. He wondered if he should get up and take the rabbit in his arms
or if that would be too forward. His thoughts drifted back to the women he had
dated, by which at this point in his sexual affairs he would have motioned for
them to come over and sit on his lap. He did not know if that would work with a
guy. Of course, he also realized a bitch would have been in his lap ten minutes
ago instead of freshening up. This was different.

He watched as the bunny slowly twisted in place on one foot
while pressing his toes to the ground with the other. “Sorry," the dog finally
commented, unable to stand the awkward silence that had built in the room.
“You'll have to help me a little with this next part, I've… never done this
with a guy."

The little rabbit brought a paw up to his chest and scratched
at an imaginary itch. He softly giggled, though he left his intentions for
laughing unclear to the canine. “Well I assume it all works pretty much the
same. Just do what you normally would do, stud."

But before the rabbit would let the dog take the lead, he
walked across the room and sat down next to the Doberman on the couch. Dean's
head followed the rabbit's steps across the floor until they were next to one
another. Still, they stayed relatively apart on the sofa. Putting both his paws
in his lap, he twiddled his fingers while looking down and blushing nervously.
“Should I," he began, but then quieted up as he looked over at the hare.

While the hoodie had done well to hide things from the
Doberman when the lapin was standing, sitting had left more than a little bit
exposed. Dean could see he had on something red and frilly underneath, the
likes of which he expected on a girl trying to impress him but had never
imagined on another guy. Either way, what became apparent to him was that on a
guy or a girl, the article caught his interest in a manner that cause his
sheath to plump up a decent amount. He held his paws in his lap, covering his
growing bulge while a deep scarlet blush filled his cheeks.

The rabbit giggled again, clearly taking notice of his
reaction, and the canine turned away to hide his shame. “I guess you're still a
bit," Riley paused for a moment, leaning over and resting his head on the
Doberman's shoulder, “tense." His paw delicately trailed across the canine's
mid-section, rubbing gently a few times before catching on one of the shirt's
buttons. “Let me help you relax."

Dean was nervous, his thoughts all over the place as he
tried to stay calm. For some reason this all felt natural, like any other time
he had been intimate, and yet he knew being with the bunny was different. He
breathed in and leaned back, trying to get comfortable as he heard one of his
button's snap open.

He closed his eyes and kept as calm as he could, but his
breathing was rather irregular. A paw, the pads of which were gentle and soft,
pushed in through the opening and touched the short hairs on his chest. He
breathed out and flexed his muscles in reaction as the finger's probed under
his clothing. Where they moved, a trail of warm embers burned out and followed.

He felt the rabbit shift on the couch and a weight pressed
onto one of his legs as the lapin got into a better position for access. A
second paw trailed up his side, following the ridge-line of his muscles before
crossing his breast. Another snap and another button was undone. The second paw
followed the first inside the shirt, touching his bare fur until they trailed
around him. At this point, his heart was racing as blood pumped through all the
veins in his body.

The weight on his thigh shifted, a set of lips gently
pressing against his own, and then he could feel a pair of long teeth grabbing
at his lower lip. Riley knew what he was doing. He suckled gently on the dog's
lip before kissing him more traditionally, all the while his paws slid down the
canine's side and one button after another snapped open.

Dean lifted his own paws up to hold onto the hare's sides,
but his touch was gentle. With a little bit of pushing, he managed to nudge the
rabbit the rest of the way into his lap, but this position felt worse. Before,
all he could think about was the weird lump against his leg that had been
softly pushing against him, the contents of which he knew more than well enough.
Now he was pressing his own sheath up against the lapin's groin, and that did
not feel right either. The canine grunted into the kiss, unsure what to do or
even if he should do anything at all.

Trying to find something a little bit more natural, he put
both paws beneath the bunny and lifted him up. In a quick flip of positions, he
put Riley back down on the couch and was now on top. He could feel the hare's
legs squeezing him around the waist, forcing him to press his crotch more
firmly against the lapin's own lower region.

Pulling back from the kiss, he ruffed and opened his eyes.
“Sorry, I just feel really weird about all of this." The canine pushed himself
up and away before sitting back where he was before.

The rabbit pulled his long legs out from under the dog and
sat up as well, unashamed at showing off his bright underwear for a moment
before sitting up straight. He sighed and fell against the dog, putting both
paws into his lap as he cuddled up into a little puffball next to the other
male. “Well, did you wanna just cuddle?"

Dean felt as if he had done something wrong. He wrapped an
arm around the rabbit and tugged him in, but sighed when trying to answer the
question. Everything had felt so right in the moment, like he should be here
and they should be doing stuff, but that was also why everything they did felt
so wrong. Even now, he felt good with the weight and warmth of the bunny next
to him and yet he could not remove that sinful feeling inside.

Sitting up straight, he knew he still owed the hare an
answer. “Yeah." The words left his lips in a deathly mumble, as though the mood
had been completely killed off. Closing his eyes again, he put a paw on his
brow and rubbed in frustration.

The rabbit shifted off the couch. “I'll go make some tea,"
he cooed. “I hope peppermint's okay."

“That sounds great." The Doberman lifted his head and
watched as the bunny walked back out through the doorway, his eyes transfixed
on the rabbit's little, white cotton tail. The puffball held up his hoodie, and
for a good few seconds he had a perfect view of the lapin's wonderful ass,
which swayed back and forth with each step. Reaching down, the dog adjusted
himself as he watched those red-silk clad buns walk off. “Fuck," he cried while
pulling his ears back with both paws. This was not how he thought his night
would end. Had he just have chosen the wolf at the bar, then the evening would
have most likely been over by now. The dog sighed for what felt like the
millionth time before reaching in his pocket to pull out his phone again.
Turning on the screen, he saw there were now a few more texts from Aaron.

Dezi's mad, don't
think I'm getting birthday sex.

Err… New Years sex.

HBU? Is the cottontail
wearing anything special for your Hard Boy?

Dean groaned, uncertain as to how he wanted to answer or why
he was even conceiving the thought of asking the Shepherd for advice. Thumbing
up through their prior messages, he let his eyes roam over the words from the
earlier texts while his mind wander.

Only a few hours prior, Aaron had been strangely very
supportive of his interaction with the rabbit. The canine even encouraging him
to continue being intimate with the other male, a surprise to the Doberman
since his own moral code told him differently. He questioned why the dog would
do that and, furthermore, why he would continue to push him to be with the
bunny in his text messages. Unsure what to do, he huffed and pressed the button
to put the phone to sleep right as Riley walked back into the room.

“Water's going to take a minute to heat up," the little
lapin informed as he crossed the carpet and sat back down on the couch. The
rabbit then proceeded to grab several remotes from a nearby end table, clicking
several of them in a very specific order to turn on the Television as well as a
couple other devices. On the screen in front of them popped-up the familiar
orange and white logo of Furflix as the application started up.

As if being with the dog had already become normal, he
tossed a couple of the remotes on top of the canine's jacket before cuddling up
into a little white ball of rabbit fluff in the Doberman's side. “What type of
movie did you want to watch?"

Silence filled the air, say for the dry wheeze of the
speakers as they turned on. Dean wanted to speak, but he still was in the
adjusting stages of everything unlike the bundle of white fur next to him.
Closing his eyes and taking a few seconds, he calmed his nerves before wrapping
his arm around the rabbit and pulling him in close. He shifted in his seat
until the weight was more than comfortable, and in fact had started welcoming
the lapin's presence.

A singular paw came to rest on his leg, rubbing gently. He
looked down at the foreign appendage, his eyes transfixed on each of the
fingers as they roamed freely his leg. The hare's weight shifted against him,
to which he turned right as the lapin pecked him softly on the side of his

The bunny smiled up at the canine before breaking the
silence. “How about I pick a comedy to lighten the mood?" Glancing back at the
television, he quickly started sifting through the different titles until he
found one that seemed appropriate. He pressed play and added, “I'm going to get
us our cups, the water should be ready by now."

The dog nodded as he watched Riley hop off the couch to
leave again. He loved watched that rabbit butt, his eyes transfixed until the
hare had passed through the door and out of sight. He dipped his head and
adjusted himself a second time, then looked towards the TV. On the screen, the
bar at the bottom loaded and the opening credits for Wolf Dance started
playing. Dean looked around and grabbed the remote, pausing the movie before it
began. About a minute later, the bunny reappeared and handed him a cup.

They both settled on the couch next to one another like
before except with hot peppermint tea in their paws. As the movie played
onward, the canine's initial unsettling feelings wore off. He no longer felt
strange with the bunny snuggled up against him, nor did he feel weird wrapping
his arms around the other male and pulling the lapin into his lap.

As the movie played and they finished their tea, the two
furs shifted positions. A gentle kiss, followed by a more modest one, and then
they were snuggling. Dean let a paw lazily drape over the rabbit's mid-section
to rub in gentle circles. This felt right, thought he could not explain why. He
nuzzled between those ears and inhaled the hare's scent in full. With dozy
eyes, he pulled the lapin's body in close as the movie turned to background
noise. The dog drifted to sleep.