Current Track: Blabb
KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS (Scenary) [how do I do the i mg thing ?]

[For you fellow furres out there, this is NOT a furre story but a Alien story set in a very distant future so no hate]


Humming softly in the main library area of the Mammoth I thumbed through my encyclopedia study's required for every newly appointed captain for any capital so that I could learn the ships insides and out. Wow, how lucky did I get, winning the lotto really landed me a sweet prize, a TL that I can finally start making those oh so hard Credits not what with those Professional Beggars everyone gives them to.

Finding a interesting artical I decided to look into this a bit more, "History of the Kha'ak": a strange race, no one has ever come in contact with this species, except for one man, his name remains classified due to the Universal war of the gates in Presidents End. What happened transpired in three major events. Event one: It was commonly known that this mans father had been captured by the Kha'ak to study our universal race, language, weapons, tactics etc etc. Event two. Massive destroyers and frigates formed up at the gate of Presidents end as one after another ship had jumped in. This sparked the first wave of Argon, Boron, Paranid, and Split to join in the fight to repel the invasion of the core worlds. Sadly though most of the battles were so grusom that entire family's were wiped out. Corvettes, Capitals, and fighters alike was destroyed by the massive Kha'ak fleet. Event Three: Classified until two years ago. Little is known on how the kha'ak fleet were repelled, but upon the last station was destroyed in Presidents End, this strange threat began to disperse. Some say these weapons were controlled by some sort of Massive super computer ship like the Xenon, others say they only wanted to wipe out Presidents End and be done with it. We may never know about these strange species known as the Kha'ak all we know is...beware of the Kha'ak...far more deadly than Xenon, Pirates, and an entire race of ships combined.

Pff, as if.. I thought closing down the encyclopedia and getting up from my chair. I turned to look at the viewing window and saw my home planet down blow. "She's beautiful huh Captain." said the ships librarian who kept and maintained the ships many forms of information's that continuously flowed through the computer's. I turned to look at her and nodded. "Yeah, I was born there, on that continent close to the shoreline." I said pointing to a slim Island like continent that was nearly 1,000 square km across. My librarian...or more importantly titled, my intelligance officer smiled and pointed to the moon. "The station on that was my home birthplace, though I have visited the planet, quite a fascinating place with beautiful beaches." she said to me making me smile in contentment. I smiled and turned to the woman whom was in her uniform commonly worn by many military of the argon forces. Her's was bright white due to some of his standards when it comes to his officers verses his crewmen. Crewmen dawned on green camo's with classic land use uniforms. The officers worn what looked like that of a Earth fleet Navy uniform with a clear similarity. The same when it came to the Crewmen. Crewmen, dawned on mostly greenish type of uniforms except when not at combat posts such as turret stations.

The date was 785-02-13 and there was a loud explosion almost 1 km away from my TL. Jolted from my bunk I sprung and ran to the captains bridge and hailed any nearby ship as to what the hell just happened. "To anybody in this sector please respond, I repeat any surviving persons aboard the recent destroyed M2 we will send a rescue party in 1 minute get your beacons activated and we will pull you to safety aboard the Mammoth." With that I prepared a quick response team in the hanger room and launched 2 personnel transport ships with cargo life support systems pre installed of course and launched them towards the capital shipwreck. Just what the hell is going on here. I grumbled lightly and went to my systems officer whom scanned the sector every 10 seconds as per his job. "Anything Jones?" I asked the Terran who was just recently added to the crew list. A fine soldier, and a extremely intelligent officer. I saw our ships approaching the Argon wreckage and 3 other ships approaching us. "Sir I think those are....Xenon...but those haven't been seen in decades." he said to me with concern on my face. "Hail our Transport and tell them to launch all drones immediately I will not have these men die out in space." With that order given the officer did his job and I clenched my knuckles against the seat staring as I saw 10 smaller blips from the 5 drones launched from the two transports. "come on you can make it." I said watching as a rescue team launched from the personnel transport and began scanning the area for any survivors.

One minute went by very slowly when there was combat involved. "Raise the shield! Don't let any Xenon threw, and contact the Argon authority, we have to get this to the Commander as soon as possible!" I yelled over the explosions as my shields slowly dwindled percentage after percentage. Our M3's launched fitted to take out the ships of m3 or lower, nothing could withstand the M2's or 1's and so far, those hasn't been thrown at us. Just how the hell did that destroyer get destroyed? He was going to get to the bottom of this even if it kills him, and thankfully it won't. Five more minutes, one xenon down. Just where the hell did these guys come from. I thought watching as the transports drones destroyed another Xenon M4. "One left, Harold anything on that comunicay?" I yelled after our Communications officer. "No one in range, I'll have to send a interstellar message to main fleet." This troubled me greatly, xenon were a menace to every race known to man, even the pirates hated them. Having almost destroyed Argon Prime, it was thought that these were our hevon for building stronger and more powerful ships but no no that wasn't the case...we should have listened to the Terran's. God save us all.

[I'm going to put this topic up as a fan-fic which will be added. More will be added, as I said this was the title Prologue. so introductions hah hah image well let me know how the little teaser looked, I know there was some spelling errors and I will add more to the prologue itself It's hopefully going to become a big long story of my life in the x universe, and I posted a Poll if you want to be lazy and click a button instead of giving me some insider information]