Current Track: Blabb

Everyone was standing over me, talking all at once when I finally woke up. I had only blacked out for about a minute, maybe not even that. It was only really because I hadn't breathed while I was doing it. Sitting up, I looked around.

“OKAY, everyone QUIET!” Rice yelled. Immediately, everyone shut up. It became so silent, I could hear them all breathing. Scratching the back of my head, I opened my eyes. Seeing Rice there, I smiled, and he smiled back.

“You alright there Dallas?” he asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't really worried.

I nodded as a paw rested on my shoulder. A paw I knew to be Electra's. Looking up at her, I smiled. “That kind of felt good... You know, releasing that...”

“THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!” One of the Raichu in the group yelled, and once again, everyone in the group was laughing.

Electra giggled and pulled me up to my feet, hugging me.

“You scared me Dallas! I thought you'd hurt yourself somehow!”

I hugged her back, my tail wagging. “No, I'm alright. I just forgot to breathe.”

“Dallas that's silly.” Electra giggled as she wagged her tail.

Rice walked over and stared at the rock. “It was probably only because he hasn't released any electricity in a while, so when he finally did, either he released almost all he had, or it was just something his body wasn't used to doing, so he just fainted for a second. You can never truly release all of your electricity. There will always be electricity within you, you might just be too weak to release it. You can never truly run out. You shouldn't faint at all as long as you release some electricity every now and then. The sparks you release to light up the rooms in the colony don't count. That's not really releasing anything at all really.

“I just forgot to breathe...” I said, sighing. “It had nothing to do with the amount of electricity I shot out. I still have more, and I can feel it.” I sighed.

“Me too!” Electra giggled. “I can feel it floating around him!”

I nodded. “So, anyway, how did I do?”

Electra giggled. “Well, if Rice would move out of the way, you could see.” She giggled, waving her paw for him to move.

“OH! I'm sorry.” He said, quickly moving to the side. “Take a look.”

No you're not...

As I looked at the rock, I couldn't believe what I saw. Walking up to it, I felt the heat of it on my fur, and figured I shouldn't touch it, although I wanted to really badly. From the center of the rock, there was a gaping hole, shining red hot in the shady area. There was a stream of rock that had melted and run down the side of the rock, stopping before it touched the ground, and forming a large vertical bump underneath the hole. Looking above it, I saw various indents where I had initially started the bolt, and an indented trail that squiggled along the rock until it got to the hole. I figured that if I'd made those indents in literally a second, while I was trying to steady the bolt, then what could I do if it'd been in one place the whole time? Surely there was no more damage I could do, there was a HOLE. But was there something behind it? Looking through the hole, I remembered that they had laid the rock against two others, and not against a tree or something. Everything behind the rock looked normal.

“You know, with power like that, you could be super effective to even ground and rock types.” Rice said as he walked up to me. “That's just amazing. All you need now is an iron tail that can break that rock in half.” He chuckled.

Staring at him, I tilted my head. “I don't think I can do THAT just yet, but with a little training, you'd be surprised at what I can do.” I grinned.

Rice nodded, patting my back with his tail. “Now that's the way to think!”

Electra nuzzled my side. “Hehe, I believe you can do it Dallas. I know you can!”

I smiled and grabbed her, pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you Electra.” I smiled, my tail wagging now. Some of the Raichu were beginning to leave, talking to eachother about how they thought I was joking at first, and that they were surprised that a Pikachu could overpower a Raichu, how a Pikachu was that strong, stuff like that. Many of them apologized for acting so rudely toward me, and even shook my paw, treating me like I was some sort of royalty now that I'd shown them what I could do.

Maybe what Clawstrike said was true. Maybe they DID all want a new leader, but didn't dare say it to me in Rice's presence... Maybe, Rice knew that too, and he was threatened by me, since I was stronger than him... Maybe he saw his place as leader of the colony being jeopardized by my presence...


About an hour later, me and Electra were the only ones left at the training place. Rice had left not too long ago, and we were now messing around with eachother rather than training. Tossing rocks at eachother, catching them and throwing them back, tackling eachother and playing tag, even climbing up trees and seeing if we'd float down if we held a leaf up high over our heads in both paws. It kind of worked, but it would end up ripping and we'd just fall. We wouldn't get hurt doing it though, and this tree had abnormally large leaves. We could probably use them as boats if we needed to. Electra had even mentioned mating on the tires. After we were done for the day, and a bit exhausted, we began trying to find our way back.

“So... I forgot which way we came...” Electra frowned, looking around.

“Well, we came from the side with the ropes.” I said, pointing to them. “Over there.”

Electra nodded, “Oh yeah, I remember now. Hehe, let's go!” She giggled, taking my paw and pulling me in the direction of the rest of the colony. Following her, I couldn't help but smile at her every now and then. She still smelled good, so lemony, appley, it smelled sooooo good. Leaning in as we walked, I gave her cheek a soft lick as my belly growled.

“Ugh, hungry again...” I moaned, placing my right paw over my belly and sticking my tongue out as we walked. Electra looked back at me and laughed, stopping just outside of the tall grass, about ten feet away from it. Giggling, she leaned it and licked my tongue gently. Staring at her, I just stood there, not knowing what to do, as my tongue just hung there out of my mouth, a little drool dripping from it. Snapping back into reality, I pulled my tongue back into my mouth and chuckled.

“Hehe, what was that for?” I asked her, my tail beginning to wag again.

“Well, because I love you.” She giggled, hugging me tightly, her tail wagging behind her. I was way too familiar with this, and knew exactly what she wanted, but pretended I didn't as I returned the hug.

“Awww, I love you too.” I giggled, kissing her cheek. As I did this, she turned her head and got me right on the mouth, her tongue pushing into my mouth as we kissed deeply. I couldn't help but purr as I knew she wanted it, and she knew I knew what she wanted. She didn't have to explain it, she wanted to mate. Looking down, I could see that I was beginning to give in already, my grip on her loosening as she sucked on my tongue. I felt my member poke out of its sheath, and I blushed a little. Eventually, she pulled away and smiled at me, her left paw gently rubbing my back. Smiling, I lowered my right paw and gently rubbed at the base of her tail, slowly moving it underneath her as she lifted her tail high, hugging me tighter as my fingers brushed over her vagina, and she let out a soft squeal.

“Dallas...” She smiled, looking into my eyes, her bright blue eyes shining bright and full of lust. I couldn't help but smile at her, leaning in to kiss her gently once more.

“Y-yes?” I asked her, knowing I was fully erect, because I could feel it pressing against her belly. I heard her squeal softly once more as I slowly pushed a finger inside her, and I felt her claws dig into my back. It didn't really hurt, but it wasn't comfortable either.

“L-let's ohhhh... M-mate.” She said, pulling me closer to her, pressing my paw against her, causing my whole finger to slip inside. Nodding, I chuckled, moving back a little so I could pull my finger out, bringing it to my mouth as I slowly licked her moisture off of it, smiling at how good it tasted. Watching me do this, she blushed, letting me go as she sat down, then laid on her back, her legs open. Staring down at her, she looked so beautiful. It was not her face I was staring at, it was her sex. It was... moist, waiting for me... Begging for me... As I got down onto all fours, smiling at her, she nodded.

“D-do it.” She smiled, pulling me down. Giving in immediately, I took a few steps forward and positioned myself over her. I lowered my head and placed a gentle kiss on her nose as I wiggled my hips, getting into position. I had my member so close to her vagina that I could feel the warmth, feel the humid moisture radiating against it... Just as I touched the tip to her sex, and was about to push inside of her, I heard a voice.

“Heheheh, having fun you two?” Someone said from the left. Frowning, my ears perked up as I looked to the left, and so did Electra. Standing there, was a Charmander. It stood there with its arms crossed, smirking at us. Sighing, I looked down at Electra.

“Go away...” I said as I stood there on all fours, just a little push away from mating with the one I loved. Laughing, the Charmander came closer, acting as if it weren't afraid of us, then all of a sudden, it ran forward and kicked me in the side. I grunted as I fell off of Electra, holding my side in pain.

“Ow... What the hell....” I grunted, sitting up slowly, just in time to see the Charmander lay down ontop of Electra and kiss her. Electra squirmed about underneath him, obviously not wanting him to kiss her. Sitting there, I stared in disbelief as he pushed his way inside of her and began humping her. It wasn't long, maybe about four seconds, until I heard Electra let out a terrified squeal, and I bolted upright, running at the Charmander and literally tackling it off of her, my claws digging deep into whatever part of its body I'd grabbed. Hearing it scream, I dug them deeper. As I did this, it looked right at me, and blew a blast of flame right in my face. I managed to move my head out of the way just in time, but it had gotten my right ear, and it hurt like hell. Panicking, I pawed at my ear, putting the flame out. By now he had pushed me off of him, and shot another flame at me. Grunting, I quickly rolled to the side and fired off a really weak thunderbolt at him. I had no time to charge it, it was either I do what I could, or I get singed with a flamethrower attack. Although it wasn't a very good bolt at all, it still hit. Staring right at him as I stood up on all fours, I noticed he was holding his belly, and it was bleeding badly. That must've been where I'd gotten him with my claws. But, had the bolt gotten him there too? Taking my time to see what he'd do next, he did nothing. He just stood there, his paw over his bleeding belly. Looking down at my paws, I made sure that time hadn't stopped. My heart was pounding, and I looked up just in time to see him shake off what must've been temporary paralysis. Slapping myself in the face, I realized I could've attacked him right there, but I hadn't. Now I really felt stupid. But hey, this was my first real battle, I was still learning. As he ran toward me, I leaped to the side, tripping him with my tail and twisting around, jumping on his back. I was so angry with him, so furious that he'd even try such a stunt with MY mate. I felt my right fist clench, and all my anger went into it as I swung it, electricity flying from it as I struck the Charmander right in the back of the head with it. There was a crack as the electricity spread through his body, and his head smashed into the ground.

I had just taught myself thunderpunch. And completely by accident!

Standing there ontop of him, I did it again, and again, using both fists to pound the Charmander's head into the ground. The only thing that stopped me, was that one hit sent blood splattering everywhere. That's when I decided it was okay to stop. I stood there ontop of him, panting not from exhaustion, but from anger, until Electra came up behind me and placed her paw on my shoulder. Whipping around, I grabbed her, pulling her into a tight hug.

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” I asked, hugging her as tightly as I could.

She was crying as she hugged me back, and that got me worried sick.

“WHAT!? What's wrong!?” I asked, looking her in the eyes as I asked.

Sniffling, she spoke. “H-he m-m-mated with me...” She sobbed, hugging me again.

Sighing, I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back. “Well not really... He didn't get to finish, it's okay, don't worry.” I said, kissing her cheek gently. “Let's head back to the colony, it's not safe out here. We can talk there.” I said as I let her go. As soon as she let me go, I turned toward the high grass and started walking, placing my left arm around her, only to have it drop as I placed it on nothing. Frowning, I looked to my left, then my right. She wasn't there. Turning around, I saw her standing in front of the Charmander. She was on all fours, and I couldn't see what she was doing. For a second, I thought she had dropped something, and was looking for it, but she hadn't been carrying anything before, so what could she be doing? Sighing, I Began walking toward her, and as I did, she slowly stood up. She stood up so slowly, I was almost sure she was hurt, so I rushed over to her and placed my right paw on her shoulder.

“Electra are you oka-” I started to say, but stopped as I saw exactly what she was doing. She had the Charmander already waist deep inside her mouth, and its legs were hanging out. Opening my eyes wide in disbelief, I just stood there for a second, amazed. Not knowing what to do, I figured all I could do was help, so I walked to the front of her and lifted up its legs and tail, pushing on them as she swallowed, helping her get them down. As soon as the feet were in her mouth, I let go and let her do the rest, watching as she swallowed again, her mouth wide open as I looked inside, watching the feet disappear down her throat, followed by the tail, which snaked down her throat like a large noodle. When it all was out of sight, she closed her mouth and smiled at me, patting her belly.

“Ha, told ya I could do it.” She chuckled, licking her paws now. I just stood there staring at her, not knowing what to say. She had just eaten a Charmander whole... This was by far the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I HELPED her do it! I felt so proud of myself in a way. I mean, I had saved her, and gave her a meal. There was no doubt that in her eyes, I was a worthy mate. Not that I wasn't before, but now I was more worthy.

Shaking off all the shock and disbelief, I took a step forward and hugged her tightly.

“Wow... Just wow... That's... Amazing...” I said as I quickly let go of her, looking down at her belly. She didn't even look any different. She looked like her normal self, despite there being a whole Charmander in there. It didn't show at all.

“W-wow.” I muttered, taking her right paw and kissing it gently. “You're... Awesome!” I said, blushing as I smiled at her.

She giggled. “Aw thanks Dallas... Hehe, I kind of feel better now.” She giggled, leaning in and licking my nose. Smiling at her, I didn't even wipe it off. There was no need to. I loved her so much that my instincts didn't even want me to wipe it off. Giggling, she turned around and headed off toward the tall grass. Still in shock, I slowly followed her, quickly catching up to her and walking right next to her. I took her right paw in my left, and we walked to the colony, paw in paw, until we had to let go to get inside. I let her go first, and I went in after her. Walking along, I stopped at the main room to see what was going on. Oddly enough, it was completely empty.

“Huh... Maybe they went out or something...” I said as I walked toward the entrance, Electra following.

“Or they're all busy with their jobs. I mean, there doesn't have to be someone in here all the time. After all, it was empty when we first got here, right?” Electra said, giggling as we exited the colony.

Standing up, I nodded. “Well, yeah I guess, but there usually IS someone there.”

She giggled. “No there's not.”

Frowning, I agreed. “Okay, there's not.” I said as I started walking. “Hey, since we don't really have anything to do, why not just wander around, explore, you know?” I said as I pushed myself through the large bush that surrounded the entrance hole, sighing as I turned around and faced the bush, flopping down against a tree and sighing. “Besides, I kind of feel tired...”

I watched as Electra poked her head out of the bush, and as soon as she saw me, she ran up to me, giggling and slopping down on her back in my lap. Laughing, I began gently rubbing her belly, scratching it gently with my claws. She purred and stretched out, and I scratched her behind her ears. As I was doing this, something came to my mind... This... It all seemed so familiar... Like I'd done this before in the past... Slowly, my paw stopped scratching, and it just rested there on her belly as I began thinking about it. Closing my eyes, I frowned, then opened them and stared at the bush.

Wait a second...

Closing my eyes again, I pictured my human self, sitting here with my notes, leaning against this same tree, staring at this same bush, a female Pikachu in my lap, in the same position Electra was... And I was petting her the same exact way!

Concentrating, it slowly began to come back to me. The shape of the male Pikachu, his ears, his FACE...

“STRYDER!” I yelled as I opened my eyes. “AND STARLIGHT! IT WAS THEM THAT FOUND ME HERE!” I said as I lay Electra down against the trunk of the tree, scrambling to my feet.

Squealing as I yelled, Electra squirmed to her feet, obviously startled, but giggling. “What are you talking about?”

“Electra...” I said as it vaguely began coming back to me. “That bush... Remember the first day you came to my nest, when Brian picked you up?”

She sat up and nodded. “Yeah, but what does that have to do with this place?”

Shaking my head, I sighed. “Aaaaand remember how when we wandered here together, and found my human clothes?”

She nodded. “Yeah, and I made you leave some of them here, what's that have to do with anythi-” She stopped when she realized what I was getting at. “Wait... That can't be...” She said as she walked off to the left, going behind the small bush next to the tree and dragging out my old shirt. “Um... I'm not sure what to say about this...” She said, frowning as she left it there. “I mean, it's all dirty...”

Standing up, I took the shirt from her. “This can't be... It's... Ugh... THIS is where I was turned into a Pikachu!”

Electra frowned. “I thought you said you'd stop talking about that...”

Looking at her, I shook my head. “Yes, I did, but this time, I can PROVE it to you!”

Electra frowned, looking down. “Well, if you say so...”

Grabbing her, I hugged her. “I promise I can show you!”

Smiling, she let go of me and stared into my eyes. “I believe you.” She said, as she kissed my nose gently.

“OW!” I squealed as something hit me in the back of the head, falling to the ground and bouncing in the leaves.

“What?” She frowned, looking around. “What happened? My kisses don't hurt!”

“Someone hit me with this.” I said as I picked up the rock, showing it to her.

Frowning, she sniffed it, then grabbed it out of my paw and sniffed it again. I smell Stryder on it...” She growled, walking past me and looking around. “And I bet he's here somewhere... I swear I will kill him... NO ONE hurts MY mate!” She yelled. From one of the bushes, I heard a chuckle, perking my ears up as my head instinctively turned toward the direction the sound was coming from. Following my gaze, Electra nodded and threw the rock at the small bush I was looking at. There was a small shriek that came from behind it as she hit something, and she frowned, running full speed at the bush and leaping into it, tackling Stryder out onto his back. Walking closer to the two, I could see that his head was all wrapped up, and his left paw was in some sort of cast, preventing him from moving it or using it at all. He must have broken it or something. I found it amazing that they knew what to do for a broken paw, and how they knew so well how to bandage up a wound. I bet they didn't put any medicine on it though. How come they never bandaged Electra up? Just Stryder... And Electra had gunshot wounds! Either way, it'd still heal much faster than a human would, but Electra deserved a bandaging... Maybe Rice really WAS against us... Maybe he really DID think we were jeopardizing his place as leader...

“OW! Hey get off of me!” Stryder yelled as he pushed on her belly. “You ate my friend! I hate you!” He whined.

Walking right up to him, I frowned, dropping my old shirt. “Electra hold on a second.” I said as I looked down at Stryder, a look of surprise in my eyes. “That Charmander... Was your friend?” I asked him, frowning.

Grunting, Stryder nodded. “Yeah, and I had to sit there and watch as this... SNORLAX devoured him!”

Growling, I clenched my paws into fists, about ready to end him right here and now. “And you had no problem watching as he burnt me and mated with MY female!?” I yelled, sparks flying from my cheeks as I got angry, the claws on my feet digging into the dirt. Gulping nervously, Stryder looked up at me, a smirk spreading across his muzzle.

“Hehe, well... After what she did to me, honestly, I had no problem with him burning her, OR mating with her when she didn't want it.” He chuckled. “It was actually kind of arousing...”

Nudging Electra to the side gently, she knew that I was just as mad as she was, and that I could most likely do far more to him than she could, nodding as she stepped off of him. As soon as she did, he tried to get up. Knowing he would, I jumped right on his belly, slamming him back down into the ground.

“DID I SAY YOU COULD GET UP!?” I yelled, drool flying everywhere as I yelled.

“AH!” He yelled as he hit the ground, shaking his head quickly. “N-no...”

I got down onto all fours, keeping all four paws on him, two on his lower belly, two on his upper belly, lowering my face close to his. “Now... I'm going to ask you a few questions... Starting with this... WHY did you do this to me? I was perfectly fine s a human...”

“You look like you're going to go potty on him.” Electra smirked.

Stryder chuckled, pushing on my nose with his right paw. “No you weren't, you said so yourself. You said you wished you were a Pikachu, so we made you a Pikachu. You got what you asked for.”

Electra looked at me with a surprised look in her eyes. “So... It IS true...” She said as she looked down. “I'm... Sorry for not believing you Dallas...”

I smiled at her. “No need to be sorry, it's perfectly understandable why you wouldn't understand, err... I mean believe me.”

She giggled. “Hehe, okay then... How about you just continue, we can talk about it afterward.”

Nodding, I looked back down at Stryder. “What did Starlight have to do with it? I saw her too! Right here in this exact spot! I was petting you two and she was there!”

He smirked. “You'll have to ask HER about that. I'm not telling you.” He chuckled. “And there's nothing you can do that will make me.”

“Oh really?” I said as I lifted my right paw and placed it in front of his neck, my claws scraping against his fur.

He just laughed. “So you're going to kill me? Then what? Get your answers from my dead body?” He said, laughing.

Sighing, I put my claws away and returned my paw to his belly.

“And it's kind of hard to talk with you ontop of me like this...” He said, making a frowny face at me.

“Too bad!” I yelled, getting close again. “Why did you hit me with that rock, and why are you following me?” I asked him as I felt the anger returning to me.

He laughed. “I hit you because it's funny seeing you yell in pain, and I'm following you because I feel like it, got a problem with it, tell Rice.”

Frowning, I slapped him on his right cheek, laughing as he squeaked. “Yeah, and it's funny seeing YOU in pain too.” I chuckled. “And I doubt rice has anything to do with any of this.”

Stryder laughed. “You're right, he doesn't. We haven't even told him yet. We just told him we'd be changing a human into a Pikachu for the benefit of our colony. He doesn't even know it's you yet.” He laughed.

I made a face at him. “We? What do you mean WE?”

His smirk instantaneously faded, probably because he'd said something he shouldn't have. “Um... N-nothing, forget it.” he stammered, trying to look away from me.

“WHO'S WE!?” I yelled as I dug my right foot's claws into his lower belly.

“OW! STARLIGH!” He yelled, trying to push me off him again. Nodding, I retracted my claws, and he stopped moving.

“So, Starlight IS in on this too... And another thing, when we first met, when I was human, Starlight was WITH you. I asked you if you two were friends, and you said yes. So why did you say you didn't like eachother when we met again at the  apple tree for my job?”

He laughed again. “It was a coverup. I knew that if I said yes you'd remember us, and besides, we weren't together when I told you that... It was all an attempt to avoid THIS! But no, you couldn't accept her as a good mate...”

I tilted my head. “What is that supposed to mean? I never actually loved Starlight, she was weird! I HAVE my own mate, one that I actually LOVE! And Starlight can't do ANYTHING to change that!” I growled.

Stryder laughed. “Let me explain. When we met at the apple tree, our plan was to get you and Starlight together as soon as possible, which is why she mated with you the exact night you'd met. Then, from there, you'd be too attracted to her to let her go, and you'd end up making her your second mate. From there, well I'm not supposed to say. But Snorlax over there had to kick her out of the room and ruin our plan!”

Electra snarled and kicked him, turning around and walking off into the bush that lead to the colony entrance.

“You'd BETTER apologize to her or I'll personally KILL YOU!” I yelled, spitting in his face as I spoke.

He just laughed. “Why? For telling the truth? She eats like one, will weight the same as one pretty soon, and is FAT like one!”

Growling, I smacked him again, glaring deep into his eyes. “The reason she did that, was because I TOLD her to! I heard you talking with Starlight about spying on us, and that's the only reason she wanted to be with me, to “Keep an eye on me.””

Stryder laughed again. “That's not true. She loved you!”

“THAT'S A LIE!” Electra yelled as she leaped from the bush, a long rope in her paws. “I was there too! I HEARD you two talking about how it wasn't safe for you to follow us anymore, I heard everything! She did not love him, she used him, and if I see her, I'm going to teach her a lesson!” She yelled as she dropped one end of the rope on Stryder's belly, reaching underneath him and pulling it under, then wrapping it around both of his arms and tying it tight, his arms now tied to his sides.

“Hey, what gives?” He said as I slashed off the extra rope with my claws, taking it and turning around, tying his legs together with the excess, as I figured it was what Electra wanted me to do. Electra smiled at me as I got off of him, seeing no need to pin him down any longer since he was tied up. Electra grinned, rubbing her paws together.

“Well, that's all I needed to hear from you. All you do is lie, so there's no point in trying to get any more info out of you...” I said, grinning at Electra. “So, what is this rope for anyway, you going to eat him or something?” I giggled, poking her belly. Laughing, she shook her head, pawing at my paw.

“Hehe, although that's a great idea, no.” She giggled.

Giggling, I kissed her cheek. “What are you going to do then?”

“Ugh, you two are disgusting...” Stryder mumbled, rolling onto his belly and attempting to hit me with his tail. Frowning, I ignored it, and so did Electra, until he flipped us off as we began to walk away. Electra saw it out of the corner of her eye, and turned around, walking back and grabbing his tail.

“You're SUCH an ASS!” Electra said as she began dragging him away from the colony. “Come on Dallas, I know a special place we can put him...”

Looking back at her, I tilted my head. “Me too, your belly.” I giggled, as I walked over and poked her side. She gave a soft squeal and pushed my paw away, laughing.

“Dallas, why do you always want to feed me stuff?” She giggled. “I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT! But, I never expected my mate to feed me so often.” She giggled. “If you want to feed me, feed me all you want, I'm not going to stop you.” She laughed. “If you want me to eat him so badly, why don't you just feed him to me?”

Giggling, I nuzzled her gently under her chin. “Hehe, because I know you love it... And so do I.” I giggled, looking down at Stryder, who was silent now.

Nuzzling me on the cheek, Electra chuckled. “Well then Dallas, why don't you then?” She giggled, her tail slowly beginning to wag.

“Hehe, you always want more... That's one of the things I like most about you.” I smiled, reaching out and hugging her. “So, get comfortable, because I'm going to make you happy.” I giggled as I grabbed Stryder's tail and slowly lifted him off of the ground by his tail and legs.

“Hehe, and you're always willing to make me happy. That's what I like the most about you.” She smiled, kissing my cheek gently.

“You're kidding me, right?” Stryder mumbled, looking up at me as Electra sat down against the tree, smiling at me as she opened her mouth. Dragging him over, I frowned.

“I honestly can't say that I'm joking. She wants it, and I'm going to do it for her. That's how it works, if you've got a problem with it, tell HER, because I'm not going to listen. NOTHING you say can make me stop doing what she asked me to do.” I said as I dragged him right up to Electra, nervously scratching at my right ear as I lifted Stryder up by his belly.

“Um, you ready?” I asked, nervously pushing his legs into her mouth without even pausing to hear her answer. Stryder wiggled and looked me right in the eye.

“If this is some sort of sick joke, it's not funny. Let me go.” He growled, trying to wiggle one of his arms free. Laughing, I picked him up higher, leaning him upwards so that it'd be easier on Electra to get him down. As I pushed down, he just seemed to sink into her, as if Electra wasn't even trying. As I stopped pushing, he stopped going down, when I started pushing again, he began slipping down her throat again. I figured she hadn't swallowed yet, as she probably wanted him to suffer rather than go down quickly. After I'd gotten him in up to his belly, Electra pushed me away with her tail, and I took a step back, letting Stryder go.

“Seriously, this isn't happening... It feels like I'm in a lake... Dangling in air...” He sighed. This has to be some sort of joke.” Stryder said as he closed his eyes, then opened them, frowning as we were still there. “Buuut if it isn't... Then that means... I'm truly an idiot...” He said as he struggled, trying to find a way out of the ropes. Laughing as I watched him, I wondered why Electra had pushed me away like that. Watching her closely, I saw her finally swallow, Stryder squealing as he sank deeper into her, her paws reaching up to push down on his shoulders. Seconds later, they quickly entered her mouth. I could see the drool dripping down and off of her chin, and I chuckled at it, watching as she pushed his head into her mouth, leaving her mouth open so he could still look around, so he could take in the last bits of daylight he'd ever see.

“You're crazy... Let me out! This is so stupid! You're both crazy!” He squealed, his wiggling arousing a couple soft purrs from Electra as she slowly closed her mouth around his head, and then she swallowed. My ears perked up as I heard the gulp, a loud wet one, that echoed on the dry leaves that lay on the ground... I watched as the little bulge of Stryder's body, or head, whatever it was, traveled down Electra's throat. It was a small bulge, barely noticeable, but it was still there. I watched it go down until it disappeared, and I felt my member begin to poke out of its sheath again. Just then, Electra opened her mouth a little and let out a soft “Chaaaa...” Walking up to her, I sat down next to her, then pulled her ontop of me, hugging her tightly and rubbing her belly gently.

“Where... Does it all go?” I asked, blushing as I kissed her cheek. “You're the best mate ever!” I exclaimed, letting go so she could turn around and face me. As soon as she did, I assaulted her with another hug, kissing her right on the mouth now. I was so comfortable around her, I felt as if I could just melt in her lust. What she had just done, was secretly arousing to me. Or, not so secretly anymore, since my member was clearly poking halfway out of its sheath, but it was still kind of secret. I hadn't known it until I'd seen her do it to the Charmander, but now, there was no doubt that feeding her turned me on. I didn't know how to explain it to her, it was just so arousing to me... As soon as she broke the kiss, I blurted it out.

“Electra, feeding you makes me happy.” I said, quickly placing both of my paws over my mouth as I said it, now embarrassed and blushing.

Giggling, she wagged her tail a little, nuzzling my paws. “Happy? You mean it makes you feel good? Because I can see your peepee coming out.” She giggled.

Blushing a dark red, I looked around to see if anyone was around, then I whispered it into her ear.

“It makes me feel... So attracted to you... Makes me crave you sooo badly... Kind of... Turns me on... Arouses me...” I said, gulping nervously as my paws began to sweat.

She giggled and moved my paws away from my mouth. “You mean, it makes you want to mate?”

“Well, that too... But what I was trying to say is, it makes me want to... Well... cuddle with you and stuff...” I said as I looked down at her belly, blushing. It was just so embarrassing! Frowning, I turned away and sighed, turning back around and facing her. “Like your old master used to do to you...”

Giggling, she hugged me. “So you want to feed me and stuff?”

Blushing dark, I nodded. “Well, when you need it...”

She smiled and turned around, her tail wagging. “Hehe... That'd be kinda fun...” She giggled. “But it'll kind of make me feel fat...”

I frowned and walked up behind her, rubbing her belly gently with my right paw as I hugged her from behind. “You're not fat Electra, not at all.”

Purring, she turned her head and licked my cheek. “Hehe, I know, but I kind of FEEL big... Like, bigger than a normal Pikachu should be...”

Scratching her belly gently, I sighed. “You're not fat at all. I mean, sure you eat a whole lot, but it doesn't show on you at all. You just devoured a Charmander, and had Stryder for dessert, and it doesn't even show!” I giggled, kissing the right side of her neck gently. She chuckled and wiggled a little, turning around in my arms and facing me.

“Hehe...” She said as she looked down at herself. “It really doesn't...”

Placing both paws on both of her cheeks, I smiled as I gently pulled her head up, placing a gentle kiss upon her mouth.

“I love you...” I smiled. “And I'd do anything to protect you, no matter what. Anything to make you happy, no matter what it is.”

She brought her tail in front of her and hugged it, smiling. “Awww... You're... So nice to me... But... I never do ANYTHING to make YOU happy, it's always YOU making ME happy, and I don't ever do anything in return... I have to get you something...” she sighed.

Smiling, I kissed her again. “You're so cute... And yes you did, you already gave me something. Just your presence is enough to repay me. Your lust, your beautiful looks, your voice... It's all I need to keep going. Just looking at you is enough. You've given me a lot more than you think Electra.” I said as I looked into her eyes.

She blushed and looked down, her ears falling to the sides. “That's... Probably the nicest thing ANONE has ever said to me... By far...” She said as she looked up at me. I could see the tears in her eyes, and I knew they were tears of joy. I had probably just made her happier with that one statement than anyone else could with anything. Taking a step closer to her, I gently licked away her tears, smiling at her as I kissed her cheek. If I were human, there's no doubt I would find licking someone's cheek unnecessary and disgusting, not to mention rude and just plain wrong. But now, since I was a Pikachu, I didn't even think twice about it, I just did it. Now, I saw it as nothing more than a sign of affection, and I knew it'd meant the same to Electra too. There are a lot of things I do now that I'd never do as a human, things that I didn't even do as a Pikachu for the first month I WAS one. For example, mating. I thought I'd be taking advantage of her somehow, thought it was a terrible idea, yet now I willingly ask for it. And the way I clean myself. I would never even think of licking myself to get clean as a human, the thought wouldn't even cross my mind. When I saw Electra doing it, I still didn't do it, and still don't. I usually go to the lake to take a bath. I've considered licking myself to get clean a few times before, but I'm not quite ready to start with that yet. And Electra... When we'd first met, I thought she was cute, as an owner would think about their pet. I didn't want to start a relationship at all. I wanted to avoid that altogether. I even had her sleeping on the other side of my bed! And now look at us. We're mates! We've mated almost three times already, and I'm so open to her it's not even funny. Before, I barely talked to her! Now it's gotten to the point that I spend every second of every say with her, sleep with her, cuddle with her, even feed her. I do anything she wants now, and completely destroy those who hurt her. It's developed into far more than a relationship... Far more than mates... I've practically dedicated myself to her now, and will do anything for her, fight for her, die for her... Looking into her bright blue, sill wet eyes, all I could do was hug her. She was so adorable. Words couldn't describe how much I loved her... It was far more than even actions could describe. As she hugged me back, I purred softly. I still didn't know how to purr yet, it just sort of happened...

“Dallas... You're purring...” She giggled, looking me in the eye and kissing my mouth gently.

“Um... Hehe... Y-yeah... It happens...” I said nervously as I scratched the back of my head. “Do you wanna... Well, go for a walk?” I asked, smiling at her.

She giggled and immediately nodded. “Of course I do!”

I smiled and hugged her again. “Well, let's go inside for a bit, tell Rice we're going out, get something to drink, stuff like that. I wast this to be nice for you...”

Electra nodded, and we both turned toward the bush. I walked inside first, Electra following close behind. As I entered, I could hear others in the main room, laughing and joking around. As I stepped inside and looked around, I realized that it was kind of crowded. After being greeted by many of the Pikachu there, I quickly exited into the tunnel that led to the rooms. Quickly running  through, I walked headfirst into Rice and fell flat on my belly, and Electra tripped over me and squealed as she fell ontop of me, giggling as she quickly got up.

“Hehe, sorry Dallas.” She giggled, looking down at me.

“Ow... It's okay Electra. Um, hi Rice... just who I needed actually... Me and Electra are going out, on a walk, we'll be back soon.” I said, slowly standing up on all fours.

He chuckled. “Well, that's fine, but there's really no need to tell me.”

Electra pushed past me and stood up tall, facing Rice. “Well, he just wanted to tell you in case you were looking for us or something...”

Rice frowned. “I know, but what I'm saying is, you don't need to. If I couldn't find you, I'd be sure that wherever you were, you were safe with Dallas.”

She smiled and looked at me, then back at Rice. “Well, thank you...” She giggled, pushing past me again and heading in the other direction. “Meet you outside Dallas!”

Smiling, I nodded, turning around to leave when I felt Rice step on my tail. “OW! Hey!” I squealed, jerking it free and turning around. “That hurt!”

Rice frowned. “Sorry... I didn't see it there...”

Smiling at him, I nodded, sighing. “It's fine.” I said as I turned back around and hurried off to catch up to Electra, taking a stop at the main room to pick up some apples. I stuffed a couple berries in my cheeks, and used my tongue to move them into the pouches that I learned were in my cheeks, quickly dashing out through the tunnel, crouched down really low, since I couldn't walk on all fours with my paws full. As I exited and pushed myself through the bush, the brush knocked one of the apples out of my arms. Sighing, I bent down to pick it up, and another fell. Groaning, I carefully picked it up, then went for the other. Balancing them on my free arm, I carefully picked up the other two, and tossed them into the air, catching them in my arms with the others. Turning around, I saw Electra, who smiled at me.

“Hehe, nice going.” She giggled, nuzzling my side gently. I laughed and started walking, smiling at her.

“Well, couldn't really do anything else, you know?”

She laughed and leaned against me, and I leaned back. We walked for about twenty minutes, until we came to a pathway, or rather a dirt road. Looking at Electra, I shrugged and began walking along it. Pretty soon, we came to a big clearing, shaped in a giant circle. On the other side, the dirt road continued, and there were tire tracks on it. There was a stream to the right, and a couple big flat rocks, that would serve as good seats. Walking over, I sat on one and placed the apples down, reaching over to hug Electra, who had sat down next to me. Giggling, I picked up an apple and handed it to her.

“Hehe... This is so peaceful...” I smiled as she took the apple from my paw and bit into it. I giggled as I took a berry out of my right cheek pouch and began to nibble upon it, making loud crunching noises as we both ate. As I finished off the berry, I stood up, walking over to the lake and looking at my reflection. I looked pretty clean, so I figured there was no need to take a bath, unless Electra wanted to. Dropping down onto all fours, I slowly began lapping water from the stream, drinking it slowly at first, then speeding up and taking large mouthfuls, not realizing just how thirsty I really was. Just as I was done and stood up, the wind blew a little, and on it, I smelled something that made my mouth water. Looking in the direction opposite of the one the wind was blowing, I could see something in the distance, or rather, a pile of something. Curious, I ran over and stared down at it. It appeared to be... Poffins... But what the heck was a pile of fresh poffins doing just randomly sitting out here like this? Surely it was some sort of trap... Frowning, I sniffed the air again. They smelled so good, my mouth was watering... Fighting it with every ounce of self-restrain I had in my body, I turned away and began walking back to the rock and the stream, when Electra ran by me and skidded to a stop in front of the pile.

“OH! I KNOW THESE! My old master used to give these to me as treats all the time! They're so good!” She blurted out quickly as she picked one up and scarfed it down her without even chewing it, then reached down and grabbed a pawfull and shoved them into her mouth. After she had that pawfull down her, she went to jump into the pile.

“ELECTRA NO!” I shouted as I darted forward and tackled her away from the pile in midair, landing dead in the center of it. I quickly rolled out of the pile, knowing it was a trap, but it was too late. Something snapped on my leg, and I screamed out in pain, flailing as I shot a random bolt of electricity into the air. Twisting around, I tried to remove it, when another snapped on my tail. Flinging myself back from the pain, I screamed as another got one of my arms, and then I was suddenly shot into the air, flailing about as I flew through a couple of tree branches, landing in a net over the clearing. The things were still attached to me, and they'd dug deep into me. I was bleeding everywhere, and in too much pain to even move my leg, my arm, or even my head, despite my head being unharmed. I just lay in the net, whining and looking around me. I didn't see Electra anywhere.

“Electra... Get out of here... Go back to the colony...” I said as I tried to roll over to face the ground. I was stopped by a sharp pain in my leg, and just flopped back down onto my back. Staring at the top of the net, I realized that it was wide open, and if I weren't hurt, I could easily escape this. Sighing, I just lay there, staring at the opening for about ten seconds, before I tried to sit up, the thing on my arm now tangled in the net, and every time I tried to pull it free, it just tugged down, tearing at my already bloody wound. I yelled not from pain, but from aggravation, and as I looked up once more, I saw something moving on the top left side of the net. It was blue and purple, and as I leaned over to look at it, the net tilted and it rolled off, tumbling down and nailing me in the forehead. As soon as it hit me, everything went red, and I suddenly felt numb all over. I kept still, not knowing what was happening. Looking around me, all I saw was endless white. I sat up, confused at how I was no longer in pain, or at all bleeding. Looking over myself, I looked perfectly normal... No wounds, not a scratch on me... After about ten seconds, I heard something click, and I suddenly felt like I was falling, even though I was sitting down on the ground. As the falling sensation stopped, I felt dizzy, and it became hard to breathe. Gasping for air, I choked out the only word that came to my mind. - My mate's name.

“E-Electra...” I gasped out, just before I fell backwards and fainted.

---END Chapter Thirteen---