Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Filling Memory


In the quiet nights of
the hour, I stand with Yang. We were relocated upon the newer office, southward
from our usual spot however. Because of this, me and Yang were unable to
familiarize ourselves with the surroundings of the building we had taken.
Therefore, creating confusing between both me and the dragoness however. We
stand in a dark room, surrounding by pillars it had seemed. The place was dusty
that rats and other infestive animals relocated themselves here too. I
shivered, frowning while Yang shuffled her wings looking distressed as her
attention was towards the computer. While the pause of silence fell between us,
I often find myself staring out the window. Unsure what to say towards my mate,


The hour was twelve. The
moon hangs just outside our window; shining its rays within. Stars were gone,
leaving the moon by itself. Between the moon and ourselves; the buildings that
stood between us all had their lights died. I turned towards Yang. But she
remained silent as her attention was turned towards the walkie set before her.
She always had that worried look upon her face. That expression of feeling
something would go wrong. But with me by her side, she had hide that feeling
altogether somehow which was surprising even for myself. Though I wanted to
reassure to her about our predicament of the event unfolding before our very
eyes. I was at a lost of words, unable to speak or say anything at the moment
as my attention was back towards the walkie once again. For upon this, I
exhaled a breath and shook my head. A bit frustration and annoyance came
following afterwards while I drifted myself forth towards the side of Yang whom
already caught me and turned her attention to me. Meeting my eyes already.


As we stared; I avoided
her eyes. Instead glance at the window for a moment. Turning myself over
towards the moon's rays before us. Another hour perhaps had went by; maybe a
minute or so. But we could not tell because neither of us had any time or
something to track in case. For thus, I returned my attention towards Yang just
as the walkie spoke up. Crackles of static had came from its speaker; though
short and sweet. It was followed by Zander's voice whom was through the walkie.
Yang and I leaned to it while Zander hit us with the information needed,
“Everyone is in position, Yang." “Great." She responded without hesitation
while tilting her head to one side and her eyes drifted towards me. I said
nothing but a nod. Immediately spreading my wings and headed out the window
where the moonlight once shone through. Until I had reached the outside where
the cold winds met with my warmth, making me shiver at once as I drifted
through the sea air.


“Fireworks are at a go
then. Distract that doll at once." “Copy that." Zander responded. Then almost
immediately, I heard something hissed from a far away place. I thought it was a
snake; but thought otherwise as I drifted my head towards the source of that
sound. Spotting a set of fireworks flying in the air, exploding in the
midnight. The cycle continues for as long as possible as I remembered the
second part of our plan. Thus I tilted my wings to one side; changing my
trajectory towards a different destination. I heeded Northeast of Reptilian
realm and Vastertown however. Hoping to catch up with the other squad and their
own objective however.


By the time I had arrived
thee, I dive down onto the hard cold grounds underneath me and folded my wings
immediately. I rose my head, eyes up front towards the horizon as I glanced
about. I found myself upon a series of warehouses. Few of them were opened
however. They were all located at different directions from where I stand. Yet
they all gathered at this spot only. I walked towards the closest warehouse
that I could find that was close of course. I grabbed onto its handle and
raised its cover up; opening the door to the warehouse where the expose junk
could be seen inside. Yet towards my surprise, I had seen nothing inside. The
place was empty however. I tried it with the other warehouses adjacent to it;
but they had came up as nothing as well. “Captain Ling." I heard someone spoke
my name and I turned around, glancing at Zander with Kyro behind him as well.
The two said officers walked up towards me. Silence followed them after their
footsteps echoed into the night. Then stopped after. I stretched out my paw,
Zander handed it over and smiled only briefly. I lowered my head to glance at
what he had gave to me.


A dead battery and some
broken remote; no doubt that both of these items belong to the doll. As I
stared onto the items that was lying onto my paw, I frowned and tilted my head
to one side. I pondered about the dead battery and also the remote adjacent to
it. With many theories popped into my mind that would string together these
items along with that doll rampaging about. I had wondered about something. For
before Zander and Kyro could walked away, I yelled after them and they turned
back towards me, blinking as I walked faster to them. Closing the distance, I
handed them back such said items immediately and questioned “Where did you find
this?" “At thirty warehouse, Ling." “ The Thirty' warehouse?'" A nod responded
before the two walked off, no doubt heading back towards a different warehouse.
My thoughts turned towards that 'thirty' and immediately some thoughts popped
into my mind. But I shook my head, narrowed my eyes before speedingly heading
forth towards that said warehouse.


As I had approached it, I
had noticed that the cover was already opened. I had figured that Zander and
Kyro and already opened it by the time either of us had arrived forth towards
this batch of warehouse however. I said nothing while I resumed my speedingly
walk forth and headed to its entrance where I was hit with the old stinky air.
For at first, I gagged and cough a bit. Closing my eyes hard that there be
wrinkles all over my face however. But this only was a short time. I had gotten
used to the smell already and had already opened my eyes afterwards to look
about. Staring down onto the walls that now surrounded me. The room itself was
smaller than I had expected. White walls paint the outside of the room. Black
dots decorate afterwards however. In front of the white walls were brown or
pale benches that house many different and unique things it had seemed. From
household items to some construction about a secret project, no doubt. In front
of me stood a rolled up piece of paper with something hiding underneath it. I
stepped up towards this rolled up piece and stick my claw inside its opening. I
felt the rough paper inside. But I paid no heed to it as I noticed I had
grabbed something cold.


I shivered upon its
touch; but gradually pulling against it and it popped from its hiding spot. I
turned it over and looked upon the 'prize' that I had found inside. A small
black box cover with some complex modification hiding at the surface of the
cover too. It had looked like a maze with two small thin lightbulbs attached to
one another. Such said light bulbs were located at the end of the cover. Both
of them were lit, much to my surprise too. But my head was shook as I reached
for the walkie with my other free paw. Pressing the black button onto the side
of it, I spoke outloud towards the other officers. “I found a black cover lit
hiding inside a roll up paper within number thirty of the warehouse." “Number
thirty?" Responded Ozkun as she was the first to speak than everyone else. My
silence gave her the confirmation, “Roger that Ling," Came Yang following
afterwards, “Everyone else seems to be almost at position. Think you can bring
back that cover and its hiding spot back towards Headquarters?" “The rolled up
paper, Yang?" I questioned immediately, “Affirmative." Responded Yang. Silence
came for a short time before Kyro's voice spoke through the speakers, “Me and
Zander are in position." “Same with us." Followed Ozkun. “Right, start the
breech." Yang responded immediately and another silence came afterwards.


I turned my attention
towards the rolled up paper in front of me. My heart was beating fast as
curiosity took over my mind. Something was nagging me about revealing the
contents of what that rolled up paper was hiding however. I frowned and shook
my head; returning myself back towards the front rack where I had last  found the cover box inside the paper. I
immediately took the paper with me before departing from the entrance of the
warehouse and returned back to base.


Returning to that room
where Yang was last found, I landed upon the hard grounds. Creating shockwaves
underneath me while Yang shift her attention towards me. Her face brightened
upon my appearance and all I could do was smile on back towards her in response.
For shortly afterwards after our meeting, I settled the rolled up paper upon
the ground. Kick against it lightly and allowed itself to unraveled. Yang's
eyes opened wide in response, same with mine as we witness what was secretly
hidden inside the paper. “This is…" “Indeed." I finished for her, at a lost of
words no doubt. We could not even commit to comment at all at what we had seen
before our very eyes. Upon the paper lies the map of Vastertown. All detailed
like from the towers, buildings and even our own HQ. Roads and streets
interlocked against one another, mirroring the real life Vastertown. It was
like looking straight into a mirror or something. Still speechless, I shook my
head and made a hard face towards the dragoness who remained silence. But her
eyes still linger at the map. For immediately and without responding to me, she
grabbed the rolled up paper in her claw. Rose to her feet and head forth
towards the wall where our own version of Vastertown laid upon. Taking out the
two top pins at the very corner of the map, she laid overhead the version we
had found from the warehouse over the one that we had official.


Everything lied up. From
the streets, sidewalk, buildings and even towers. To the red and black marks on
the paper where the same two streets lay overtop.It seemed there is a direction
or pattern that this doll was moving at. Yang stepped back, yet she remained in
silence as her arms were crossed suddenly. Hers and mine eyes were upon the map
in front of us. Studying the map as if there be a test on it later. Thus Yang
broke the silence and turned towards me, her arms undoing “Seems like we got a
visual of how the robot was moving." “How?" I questioned her, sharply turning
to her as she smiled briefly and spoke “That robot always avoid the Northeast
section of Vastertown which is why we had found those items there. No doubt the
creator of the robot had left, fleeing from it after being found out." “Then
where was he heading to?" “My guess, Southward or Northward. Towards the
valleys no doubt about it." “Then I guess we are to-" “radio in Zephyr of Moon?
Yes." I nodded and headed back towards the window, spreading my wings to take
off. But Yang spoke which stopped me afterwards. For as I turned towards her,
she nodded her head and spoke towards me, “Give him the strategy and plan that
the Vaster Police were to use against this robot; but were unable to do so because,"
“We have to evacuate the citizens." I say after her, she nodded again and
frowned in response “We only had a few more to go. Yet we are unable to find
them however." “Is it not that officers Ozkun and Takakati are handling it
right now?" “Already assigned them into aiding Zander and Kyro." “Figures." I
commented and allowed the silence to settle before I questioned Yang, “What
about Natty?" “Go!" She immediately demanded.


I was startled that I
flinched immediately. But flapped my wings rapidly that I was lifted into the
air and out the window already. Back towards the outside of our base, I flew
Northward. But the sounds of something roaring was in my ear. For I turned towards
the direction of where that sound was, a bit surprise into seeing the doll
still there. Rampaging through the buildings that stand in her way. I had not
heard anyone screaming from that location and my heart beat faster as I grew
anxious, wondering just how much we had left to save. Ignoring the following
thoughts that came, I flapped my wings harder and raced through the cold airs.
Northward, just as me and Yang had agreed on however.


The air cold that it
shivered my scales upon contact. I never knew if it was because of the warmth
in the room that me and Yang had shared or something else however. Disregarding
that thought inside my own mind, I shifted my attention towards the ahead. Gazing
out to the horizon where the moon met my eyes. The buildings' lights below me
were dark, preventing me from being able to see anything inside of them. A  sea of buildings stretched to the horizon;
streets were in between them it had seem. Further onward, I had noticed more
buildings than streets as the colorful blinking came from my right side.
Perhaps from a tower that was closer to the shores. I would not know. I
continued onward, flapping my wings to keep myself steady inside the cold airs
as I closed in onto the edges of the town. For from there was nothing but the
plains as far I could see however. Pale color was stretched, coloring within
the plains while covering the grass and among other colors however.


Nothing was there. No
trees, buildings, streets or anything. Except for the entrance gates adjacent
to me. Yes, I had found myself hovering just above the edges of Vaster. My
wings gradually flapping to a steady beat of a drum. As my eyes peer out
towards the plains, I exhaled a sigh and grabbed onto my walkie. “Zephyr is not
here." “Was he late again?" Growled Zander, “Perhaps." Natty responded after a
short pause of silence while Zander commented back to her, “Hey wait, Are you
back with Yang right now?" “Just finish with our task. Waiting for a regroup."
“Great." Zander muttered underneath his breath, yet somehow it was caught by
the walkie speaker. No one spoke after that while I remained still at my post.
A bit growling in annoyance as my wings gradually grew heavy upon being up in
the air for too long.


For thus I dropped upon
the edges of Vaster, folding my wings before pressing onto the button again and
questioned “Should I go further? Heed towards the Moon kingdom and get him over
here?" “Is Zephyr not there yet?" Yang questioned me, I responded negative and
Yang remained silent in response. For nothing came in the walkie after our
conversation and I was hesitated. Pondering if I should head out of Vaster and
locate Zephyr at once. But I shook my head and spread my wings, speaking onto
the walkie again while I take towards the skies once again. “I will be back.
Heading out." “Be careful, the plains is a dangerous place however." “Not are
dangerous as the doll." Commented Zander following a smack which we all
presumed was from Kyro. As Zander's walkie cut off abruptly, I flew further
northward. Entering now onto the plains.


Did I ever mention that
the plains was different than our own hometown. It was leveled and deserted.
Not just pale also however. Lots of cactus and tumbleweed about; but less trees
as a matter of fact. While it was called the plains is remained a mystery in
itself; but I was not about here to debate about such thing. I continued
flying; bypassing the things that I had already mentioned previously as my
wings flapped steadily to keep my airborn, I squinted my eyes and peered out
towards the horizon. Now having noticed that the moon was already sinking at
the time. I felt my heart beating fast; remembering something before the
beginning of the story. My wings flapped faster; speeding through the cold air
that blasted me back. Resisting to my advancements while I further flew from
Vaster behind me.


Until the town
disappeared from my eyes was the time that I had noticed I was upon the middle
of the plains. Surprisingly, it had change for the better. No more pale level
grounds, cactus or anything else that I had seen beforehand. For there be grass
that stretched out towards the forest grounds just a few steps ahead of me
however. It covered the moon too while it continued to sink and the sun's rays
was peaking from the horizon behind me. It was soon to be morning; perhaps dawn
at fist however and I growled; my eyes narrowed in annoyance while I looked
about. Scanning for a dragon that we had needed to give at the time being.


Turning my attention
towards the forest before me, I heard my walkie static that had forced me to
stopped so suddenly. As I lowered my eyes towards it and immediately snatching
it from its spot, I pressed the button “Yes?" “So we had proceed with the plan.
It had became successful however…" A trail came from Yang as my face slowly
became pale. But remained in silence while I waited for her to speak more. “We
did missed something upon the map that you had retrieved from that warehouse."
“Which is?" “Retreat back and look." Yang responded, I commented after her
“Should we wait for Zephyr still? This was still an mai-" “No. He would come.
Moon never unnoticed their allies." “I think it goes something else, Yang."
Zephyr commented with no one speaking after him. Upon the silence, I frowned.
But shook my head as I turned and flee from my spot. Pondering with thoughts as
to the whereabouts of Zephyr and where was he currently. 'But guess the meeting
would had to wait however. This must be important.' I thought in silence.


After a flight that grew
heavy upon my wings, I landed upon the base's window and returned my sights
upon the darken room surrounding me. A familiar air returned as I breathed it
in before shifting my attention towards Yang who looked at me with a smile upon
her face. Waving to her, I walked to her side as she rose her claw high towards
the map and spoke “In the corner of the map was a ownership label. It had seems
that we had missed this in our nervousness of the robot attacking us." “And our
excitement of delivering the information straight towards Zephyr." I added,
Yang shook her head and spoke again after a brief pause in the silence,
“Anyway. The ownership label was dressed in red and it spoke the name of the
individual whom owns that robot." SHe turned to me, “And warehouse thirty."
“Perfect. We will bag this criminal then and have him confess!" I say with
clenched claws as Yang nodded in response to me. For she grabbed onto her
walkie and pressed the button, raising it onto her snout she spoke out sending
an announcement in the change of plans.