Current Track: Blabb

Michael glanced at his watch. His heart raced knowing that he wasn’t far from the library, increasing his efforts he picked up his feet.  He turned the corner, speeding down the hallway. He eyed his time piece half expecting the hands to move backwards.  Then something pushed against his right shoulder. Michael growled with irritation, he realized that he bumped into someone, so he stopped, turned and looked behind him.  The wolf's eyes shot open with horror as Dean Harding, stood before him. His brown eyes and grinning teeth, only complimented the Lion’s slick dark brown mane, his broad shoulders and thick chest were wrapped in a black leather jacket towering over him.  Michael dropped his book bag.


"What’s the problem Dirt Wad, you should watch where you're going," the lion growled.


Michael gave a sheepish grin picking up his bag off of the floor. "Your right Dean, you’re absolutely right, I should have watched where I was going, so if you excuse me."


"Uh-uh!" Dean grabbed onto Michael shirt. "I'm not done with you yet"


“Now let's not overreact, a new episodes of “Leave it to Beaver” comes on tonight, and I would like to be alive to actually see--” Micheal’s voice shook as the shirt collar pressed into his neck.


“--Shut up!” Dean growled interrupting Michael as he dragged him across the hall. Michael kicked his feet grabbing at Dean’s forearms, he failed to make contact.  The young wolf sighed in frustration, as Dean threw the locker open.


"No, No Dean, I'm claustrophobic, I c...can't..." The wolf trailed off as he increased his efforts to gain his freedom. He pressed his feet firmly on the floor as both of this hands finally grabbed onto Dean’s arm. The Lion didn't seemed phased, he probably expected a struggle but he didn't expect Michael’s fangs, as they pierced his skin.


The Lion roared in pain as he swung his head around glaring. Michael went limp, as he began to contemplate the wisdom of his past actions. Dean wasted no time rearing back his fist.  Michael knew he didn't stand a chance and feeling as if he had no other choice, Michael made the most idiotic decision of his life.  He fought back. He picked up his fist and lunged forward.


Dean smiled at the junior and if Micheal’s eyes had been opened, he may have seen, for a brief moment, a tinge of respect pass between them. The wolf’s fist made contact, although he didn’t know what part of Dean’s face he engaged with. He then clenched his eyes further preparing himself for any blows to his own fragile body, but nothing happened.  With some trepidation, Michael took a chance peeling back his eyelids, just to see Dean sprawled out on the floor, his hands cupping his groin. 


"Michael!" Eric voice echoed down the hall, along with the Librarians.  The bell rang for first period break and students began to walk out into the hallway just in time to catch the picturesque scene of Michael, a nobody, standing over the limp body of Dean, the all-powerful school bully.  The wolf knew his whole entire world would change and it did.




“So tell me everything,” Eric stated as he set his books down on the library table. The wolf glanced up at the Fennec sighing.


“Where should I begin, before or after my Detention?  At least Principle Cartwright was lenient with me, being my first offense and all” Michael gritted his teeth, as he continued to catch up on some math homework.


“Look the whole school is talking about it. The boy who managed to knock down Dean Harding,” Eric smiled through Michael didn’t seem to acknowledge him.


“Hey, are you Michael Evans,” A voice spoke above them. Michael looked up to catch an Otter extending out his hand to him.


“Yes?” Michael said raising an eyebrow.


“Names Derek, and I know we don't talk much in the past, but I was curious if you would be interested in coming to a little party I’m throwing together this Friday."


“Wait, you don’t mean Derek Johnson of the boys swim team,” Michael stated.


“Well I didn’t know I was that well known around here, but yes." Derek smirked as he reached into his pocket pulling out a small piece of paper, then he looked over at Michael's pencil. “May I?”


The wolf nodded and the otter proceeded to write down the information. Then he folded it back up, handing it over to Michael. “It’ll be cool to have you there, I’ve even manage to sneak past my parent some new Rock and Roll LP’s, should be a swinging party.”


“Cool.” Michael smiled as the otter turned around and began to head out the library. Eric smiled at Derek but noticed no acknowledgement of his existence.


“So do you think he’s serious about this?” Michael just glanced at Eric. His head hung low with disappointment.


“Sure why not, go on, I’ll just sit at home by myself, listening to my parent’s gawd awful jazz--,” The Fennec began.


“--Darn it Eric, do you want to come with me.” Eric sighed.


“Can I?” The fox’s ears perked up.


Michael nodded, feeling the onset of another long week.




Michael dragged himself closer to the door, now only a few feet from the entrance of an immaculate two story home.  He then reached for the doorbell as his hand froze only a few inches away. Michael stood there for a moment, taking a few deep breaths as he began to wonder if this has all been a mistake or worse some massive prank. The more he thought about it, the more ominous the whole situation felt for him.  


“Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to ring the doorbell” Eric yelled.


“I’m getting to that!” Michael growled as he propelled his finger forward, pushing the button. A few moments later, the door swung open, revealing Derek behind It.


“Hey Michael, how are you doing, come in” The otter smiled holding the door. The wolf took a few steps forward as the otter wrapped his arms around his shoulder guiding him in. Derek just let the door closed behind him and if it wasn’t for Eric quick reaction, the Fennec may have found himself face to face with a wooden door.


Michael’s jaw dropped as he caught sight of everybody at Derek’s party. There was Sharron, the vixen who was the head of the cheer leading squad, Dustin, a large wolf, was the quarterback and Joshua, a cougar, was considered to be one of the best linebackers the football team had besides being the captain of the wrestling team. Derek smiled as he pushed Michael forward, introducing himself to everyone as all of them started to hound him for questions. Michael was lost for words as he started to feel like some famous Hollywood Movie star.




Eric, unfortunately, met with very little fanfare. Though he didn’t mind, he was just happy to be at the party. After wandering a few minutes the Fennec, decided that it would be best to search for Michael. It didn’t take him long to find his best friend, sitting on the couch with Sharron. Both seemed to be engaged in conversation. Eric also noticed Michael had an unusual grin plastered across his face, and after staring for a moment, he decided it would probably be best to leave them alone. The fox then turned around and began to head towards the dining table, thinking he could grab some refreshments.


“Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?” a high pitched voice screeched behind him.


“I’m sorry” The fennec turned around to find Sheila, Derek’s older sister.


“Who invited you?” Sheila raised her voice.


“I’m with Michael, Derek invited us” Eric said meekly.


“DEREK!” Sheila yelled, as Eric stood there frozen.


“What is it Sis, this better be important” The Otter stated.


“Did you invite HIM?!” Sheila pointed a finger down at him. The fox glanced up, hoping to catch some expression of recognition.


“No! Who are you” Dereck sighed.


“I’m Michael’s friend” Eric’s gritted his teeth as he folded his ears back, dropping his tail.


“Look why don’t you wait outside as I clear this up with Mike” Derek smiled as Eric found himself being pushed out the door. 




Michael preoccupied himself gazing into Sharron’s eyes, as one of Elvis Presley latest singles serenaded them in the background.  A moment of awkward silence passed between them, as Michael leaned closer to the vixen, pining for her affection. Sharron reciprocated as she began to lean forward moments away from a kiss. Michael held his breadth and then it all came crashing down as the tall Grandfather clock nestled in the corner of the living room rang over Derek’s record player.  Michael panicked as he heard only ten gongs, knowing his parents had set a strict curfew of eleven O’clock.


“Shoot, I’ve got to go, but we’ll talk later,” The wolf grinned at the vixen. The vixen smiled only giving Michael a small lick on the muzzle. Pulling himself away, he headed toward the door.


Michael head was tilted upward as his eyes were glazed over. Sighing he opened the door and found Eric with arms crossed glaring at him.


“What the heck are you doing out here?” Michael stated.


“Really, after three hours of standing outside, it never occurred to you to look for me!” the fennec growled as he turned around heading for Michael's car.


“Look I’m really sorry Eric. I probably should have check --” Michael began.


“--Should have!” Eric grinded to a halt.


“I understand you're angry, but you’ve should have seen Sharron, she was like all over me, and I was like really, would you like to date and I was --”


“Oh, just shut it. I’m so GLAD you enjoyed yourself. Let’s just go home.” Eric turned around glaring at the wolf. 


“Damn it Eric, why can’t you be happy for me. All our lives this was all we ever talked about. Wouldn’t it be cool if we were one of them. If we were one of the cool kids.”


“Yeah, I’m real happy for you Mike, for two hours I twiddled my thumbs, doing absolutely nothing”.


Michael stood there and stared at the fox. Clenching his fist, the wolf took a few deep breaths as he began to walk forward. “Fine! If you want to be that way. Be that way, if you want to remain jealous about my popularity, then that’s fine with me.”


“Good are we going now?” Eric yelled.


“Fine, get in the car,” Michael responded as they headed straight for his vehicle.



For once, it was a good Monday. No matter where he walked he held his head high, his chest protruded out and his tail raised. It seemed as if no one ignored him and everyone gave him either a nod or a smile. Everyone that is, except his best friend. They say that time heals all wounds, well unfortunately two days wasn't enough for Eric. There was an empty seat at the library this morning and when he caught sight of him walking in the hallway yesterday, Eric gave him the cold shoulder. Michael even noticed that Eric even avoided his gaze.


Michael sat at his usual spot during lunch.  Why couldn’t Eric just grow up? Shouldn’t his best friend be happy for him?  Is it possible that Eric was jealous? The thought hadn’t really crossed his mind but he began to fear the possibility.


“Hey Mike,” Derek spoke. “Why are you sitting by yourself? You can sit over at our table”


“Really” The wolf smiled at the otter. With little hesitation Michael stood up, picked up his tray and followed the otter.  That’s when he caught sight of Eric coming in to the lunchroom. Eric and Michael both exchanged glances and then two seconds later, turned their heads away. 


“DIRT WAD!” a loud voice roared across the lunchroom. Michael dropped his tray as he turned around. Apparently either Dean broke his suspension or it wasn’t as long as he thought. “I’ve got a score to settle with you”


“Oh Dean, what a pleasant surprise” The wolf’s head and tail lowered as the towering Lion walked right up to him.


“Look up at me you idiot” The lion growled. Michael glanced upward. “Look I want my honor and my reputation in order, and since I would rather not have a repeat of last time. I’m initiating a challenge. You and me, tonight at the Drive in Movie theatre, we play chicken”


The wolf met with Dean's gaze and then shot his sights over at Derek. The otter’s eyes were wide with anticipation, including everyone else who watched him. His body froze and his gazed never wavered. Come on, he thought, he was the boy who brought down Dean Harding with one blow. That event became the foundation of his popularity, he couldn’t allow himself to be undermined and so he did what any sane individual would do.  He raised his tail, perked up his ears and accepted Dean’s challenge.




The temperature dropped a few degrees that night and only half a moon hung in the air. When Michael arrived at the drive in, he only saw a few individuals. Unfortunately two of them had been Sharron and Dean. He was of course driving up in his father Brand New 1957 Chevy Bel Air. Something his father prided himself on and he figured that if he lost at this game more than just is popularity was going to be tarnished. As Michael step out Derek approached him, giving him a good pat on the back.


“Hey you're actually here” Derek smiled, then turning his head slightly back he yelled. “Hey I guess you guys owe me then.” Michael raised an eyebrow at him.


“We had a bet going, anyway you want a cigarette.” Derek dropped his arms as reached into his pocket grabbing a box.


“I tried one once, I couldn’t stop coughing for at least a minute, I’m convinced those thing aren’t healthy” the wolf stated placing his hand into his pocket. ‘


“Nonsense, you should give it a try again, I’m certain if these things aren't healthy for us, the Cigarette company would have let us know by now” Derek smiled.


Michael then caught sight of Sharon, the vixen looked gorgeous dressed in a pink blouse that hung down to her ankles clinging to her hips quite nicely. It left a lot to the imagination.


“There's my big and brave man!” Sharon stated as she approached the wolf.


“Well hello to you too.” A large grin began to creep across the wolf’s face.


“You know I would like to come to this Drive-in one day on different terms... Like on a date”


Michael just nodded his head in agreement as the sound of engines revving up in the background broke his concentration. Dean stepped out of his Ford thunderbird and gave him a glare.


“Let’s go Dirt Wad!” Dean yelled as he disappeared back into his car and began to speed off toward the starting position.


“Well I guess that’s my cue!” Michael sighed leaning over giving Sharon a kiss.


“Wait! Michael, you don’t...have too...” A small voice yelled from across the parking lot.


“Eric” Michael’s jaw dropped.


“Is it that the Fennec, what’s that dufos doing here” the otter stated grasping onto his cigarette. “You know that guy was at my party claiming he was invited” 


“He was invited, he’s my Best Friend” Michael raised his voice.


“Poor choice of friends” Derek laughed taking another hit. Michael just glared at him.


“Mich...Michael... Please, I know.... we had that fight.....but you don’t have to do this” Eric stated as he bent over, both hands held on to his knees, doing his best to catch his breath.


“Eric, I have to do this. I have no choice” Eric leaned over and placed a hand upon the fennec's shoulder.


“That’s the spirit Michael” Derek gave him another pat on the back.


“YOU SHUT UP!” Eric yelled as he stood up. “I’m tired of this. Eric, you may be popular now, but if you die, what does that do for you. Nothing. And I don’t know what I will do without you...I love you Michael” The fox just stood there, his eye darted between Derek, Sharon and Michael, who had the oddest look of them all. “Yeah, Uhm in a non-homosexual way”


“This is getting too weird, I’m outta here, I’ll see you soon Michael” Shannon stated as she turned and began walking toward the road. Derek just dropped his cigarette to the ground and gave an odd smiled at the wolf before he walked off. Michael looked at his best friend, giving him an odd stare, and then Dean blared his horn.


“Well thank you Eric, for those...uh...touching words” Michael stated as he opened the door to his vehicle.


“Michael please, hasn’t anything I said made sense. You don’t have to do this. You the only friend I have in the world” Eric pleaded one last time.


“Look Eric I appreciate that you care, maybe a little too much But I have to do this, I can’t explain it, I just do”


Eric stood there as the wolf closed the door starting his vehicle. The car roared and as if in anticipation, speed down the road toward the starting position. Then with his head hung low he turned around and began walk back home. He couldn’t stay and he couldn’t watch.


Turning the corner, the fennec kept his ears open for the sound of tires squealing or a crash. He heard nothing. He hoped that was a good sign, and then he heard the sound of familiar engine roaring behind him. The fox stopped and then turned his head, as Michael familiar Chevy Bel Air approached him. Eric ears perked up as the car came right up to him. Then the window rolled down revealing a grey wolf with a large grin.


“You know what, I love you too Eric, in a non-homosexual way” Michael said as he opened the door for the Fennec. Eric didn’t hesitate and jumped in.


“So I take it that you didn’t win” Eric said as he buckled himself in.


“You would be correct sir, but you know what?” Michael responded.




“Screw Popularity” Michael then hit the gas as he shifted the Bel air into gear, leaving everything else behind him.