Current Track: Blabb


I saw that wolf again today. He is so cute. It’s really quite adorable how he acts so submissive around me. I can tell by the way he smells, though; he’s an alpha in his pack. Ni Gozi, if only their alpha knew…

I found out his full name today: Nicholas Coulter. I’m amazed he’s a member of one of the three major American flit-wolf packs. I also learned that his father knows about his sexuality. In fact, he told me the whole, semi-depressing story.

After this, I wanted to change the subject, so I asked him straight up what his opinion was of me. He said that he liked me. My suspicions were correct. Though, it wasn’t hard to tell. He kind of wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s cute, but it also makes me worry about what I say around him. I’m worried that I’ll accidentally offend him. I should have already realized this about him. I mean, Gian told me about his fragility when he told me about the blind date.

At the end of the lunch date, I asked him out. He literally squealed with excitement, gave me a tight hug and looked up into my eyes. He gave me the most adorable face I’d seen on a wolf. I mean I’ve laid many, many men in my short life, but he’s got to be the cutest damned thing I ever laid eyes on. I looked down at him and we kissed. It was obvious that it was his first kiss as an anthro.