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Interwoven - Realms of the Southern Sea: 325 AoC
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"The various realms of the Southern Sea have not always enjoyed easy trade and good relations. Lenkis has always stood as a reliable anchor; a bastion of knowledge and culture from as far back as the Age of Immortals. Longer still, if one is willing to take their legends as historical fact. Their absolute command of the sea has only helped to ensure that any victories its rivals scored were short-lived.
"And yet, in this humble historian's opinion, our Age of Chaos is aptly named and perhaps just beginning. The Marovan Imperium may be a shadow of its former self in the wake of the unity afforded by the Apex, yet their generations-long hatred of the Lenkis culture makes their relative weakness all the more dangerous. Sylaria, Ratholarin and Ingsbren may merely be biding their time, with their unified stance rejecting the tenets of the old faiths and new. The Carisi are scared to be seen in support of their long-time allies, lest they find themselves surrounded by hostile peoples. The gods alone know what the Skir think of this whole mess.
"I beg you to mark my words well, my liege. If any of those three realms should join this most recent Marovani offensive, this Age of Chaos will bring about nothing less than the tragic destruction of Lenkis itself. The gods alone know what will come when the cradle of their faith crumbles, but I fear our best hope of true enlightenment will die alongside it."
Missive from Scholar Recus Alvani in Vicari to King Halmad Eshreen of Yaroven, intercepted in Ratholarin-occupied Taleyarya.
"And yet, in this humble historian's opinion, our Age of Chaos is aptly named and perhaps just beginning. The Marovan Imperium may be a shadow of its former self in the wake of the unity afforded by the Apex, yet their generations-long hatred of the Lenkis culture makes their relative weakness all the more dangerous. Sylaria, Ratholarin and Ingsbren may merely be biding their time, with their unified stance rejecting the tenets of the old faiths and new. The Carisi are scared to be seen in support of their long-time allies, lest they find themselves surrounded by hostile peoples. The gods alone know what the Skir think of this whole mess.
"I beg you to mark my words well, my liege. If any of those three realms should join this most recent Marovani offensive, this Age of Chaos will bring about nothing less than the tragic destruction of Lenkis itself. The gods alone know what will come when the cradle of their faith crumbles, but I fear our best hope of true enlightenment will die alongside it."
Missive from Scholar Recus Alvani in Vicari to King Halmad Eshreen of Yaroven, intercepted in Ratholarin-occupied Taleyarya.
1 year ago
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