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3D Printed bunny Freelancer
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Miniature from a Kickstarter for a new RPG. I'm not associated with them, I'm just a slut for free .stl files :)
This little bun was printed on my Photon Mono printer, and came out without a hitch. I've had the thing just over a month now and continue to be impressed by the quality of the prints and just how user friendly it is. (I'm not associated with AnyCubic either :p)
If you're interested in an vaguely Steampunk RPG with a bunch of anthro animal races, search for Freelancer by Safe Haven Games.
If you have any questions about the print, or printing in general, feel free to post 'em. Can't promise I can answer because I'm still new to this too.
This little bun was printed on my Photon Mono printer, and came out without a hitch. I've had the thing just over a month now and continue to be impressed by the quality of the prints and just how user friendly it is. (I'm not associated with AnyCubic either :p)
If you're interested in an vaguely Steampunk RPG with a bunch of anthro animal races, search for Freelancer by Safe Haven Games.
If you have any questions about the print, or printing in general, feel free to post 'em. Can't promise I can answer because I'm still new to this too.
4 years ago
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