Current Track: Blabb

Hey all! Happy New Year and
welcome to 2021! We all know that last year is one for the record
books for good and bad. It’ll be a while before the world returns
to a “normal” state, but I feel things have been moving in a
fairly positive direction.

Also speaking of the good, I want
to offer everyone my heartfelt thanks for all the support this past
year. My page has grown a lot from where it was and it’s great to
see so many people enjoying the stories I’ve put so much time and
effort into.

I’ve been pretty quiet lately
but know that there is more story content on the way. This year I
want to set new goals and keep up a much more diligent posting
schedule and keeping the content flowing at a steady rate. I didn’t
exactly pull that off last year, but try, try again.

That’s all for now. Thanks for
your time and hope you all have a great year!