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Wind in your sails
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Last year I began a writing experiment in the form of detailing Khalil's travels day-by-day.
This scene is from the journal's events; Khalil is on ship traveling across Raikonia's vast oceans to meet with his friend Maia, who lives on another continent. Given the young fennec's Auran power to manipulate the wind, people keep thinking he would make an excellent sailor, but in reality he hadn't even seen the ocean until he was twelve, and he didn't even ride his first boat until nineteen. He's a quick learner, though, and his talents as a fighter helped fend off pirates during the voyage. His anemokinesis was also a tremendous boon when storms came upon the ship, as he could sense changes in air pressure and redirect wayward winds that would otherwise tear the sails or send waves crashing against the hull. He loves the sea, and may someday become a true sailor after all.
And yes, the title of this piece doubles as a play on those big fennec ears :p
Khalil Dasar © Aelius (me)
This scene is from the journal's events; Khalil is on ship traveling across Raikonia's vast oceans to meet with his friend Maia, who lives on another continent. Given the young fennec's Auran power to manipulate the wind, people keep thinking he would make an excellent sailor, but in reality he hadn't even seen the ocean until he was twelve, and he didn't even ride his first boat until nineteen. He's a quick learner, though, and his talents as a fighter helped fend off pirates during the voyage. His anemokinesis was also a tremendous boon when storms came upon the ship, as he could sense changes in air pressure and redirect wayward winds that would otherwise tear the sails or send waves crashing against the hull. He loves the sea, and may someday become a true sailor after all.
And yes, the title of this piece doubles as a play on those big fennec ears :p
Khalil Dasar © Aelius (me)
12 years ago
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