Current Track: Blabb

Fourteen: Little Rebellion

            Bailey's flesh crawled beneath his fur, as if a thousand tiny bugs swarmed across it. He could feel them, wriggling and biting, gnawing at his skin, his muscles, his eyes; it didn't matter that he knew they were imaginary, he could still feel them. He'd gone to bed without a word, back turned to a confused Garrett, terrified for his life and bewildered at everything that had happened. Five times he started in the night, ripped out of some nightmare and up into his cold, sweaty reality. Each time it took him a few minutes of staring into the dark before he could relax. He expected at any moment for Urie to tear into the room, hissing and snarling, a hook in his claw and a rope in the other. The drake never came, but Bailey expected it nonetheless. The final time he was brought out of sleep it was nearing dawn, and this time he took Garrett's tail in his paws, slowly stroking it. The softness brought him a little comfort, like an anchor securing him to the world. He chose not to wake the snoring Akita to ask permission, but he was sure Garrett wouldn't mind too much. His mind felt as if any moment it would fly free of his skull, and he would be lost. He fell asleep with the tail hugged to his chest, and didn't wake again until well into the morning.

            Nobody roused him, and the slave shed was empty when he woke, sun streaming in through a nearby window. After quickly relieving himself outside, the wolf pulled on his uniform and trudged up towards the kitchens, wondering if he would be scolded for lateness.

Empty again. He poked a head into the dining room; still nothing.

            Where the hell are they? He wondered. The whole house seemed to be clear, save for an occasional slave tidying up. The Khasteers were gone. But for how long? Eventually he made his way hesitantly up the stairs, a curdling of revulsion turning his stomach as he crested them, his mind recalling the previous day's nightmare. He would never forget the look on Oksana's face as she pushed him to the bed, her claws pulling at his trousers, how powerless he had been. If Oderan hadn't been there…Bailey tried to push the thought away, feeling tears brimming at the bottom of his eyes.

            You stupid wolf, nothing even really happened and you're crying. You could have it so much worse… He bit his lip to keep from crying like a pup. Everyone else does.

            He found Morika in the upstairs bedroom, neatening up the master bed.

            “Good morning Mother…" He muttered, standing awkwardly in the doorway. Morika looked to him with something on her mind, but it seemed to dissipate as soon as she saw him. Her face softened and she smiled.

            “Good morning Bailey." She said gently. “How are you today?" He didn't know how to answer. He felt…weird. Like his insides were caked with mud, the same feeling of disgust he felt when actually dirty, but on the inside this time. What was wrong with him? Did Morika know what had happened? A sudden pang of fear bit into his stomach, and he cringed slightly. What if everyone knew? What if they could tell just from looking at him? He felt like a thousand people were staring, his soul bore naked to them all.

“Where are the Khasteers?" He blurted finally, the words tumbling out in a jumbled mess, more as one whole sound than four separated words. “I didn't see them." Morika nodded, wringing her claws out.

“Ah…there's a holiday today, celebrating Godking Szaresh's ascendancy. It's…" She paused, looking him up and down. “There's also a duel happening, rather a big deal, for Akkedisians. Noble ones, anyway." Bailey nodded.

            “I see."

“The yard team still has their work, but as for us…well it's really just the beds and keeping the place warm, and Rhesia and I have that under control for the moment. Why don't you make yourself something to eat, and just rest up a bit?"

“Why?" Bailey asked quickly, anger bubbling up his throat. “Can't I help?" He felt attacked, but soon realised who he'd just talked back to. He threw up his paws in apology. “Mother I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean…"

“Hush." Morika commanded. “Just…go eat. There's bread, and cheese too. Enjoy the break, we don't get many here." Bailey's ears fell, and he nodded. He wanted to say thank you, or to say something, but he didn't know what. So he just turned and went downstairs, fixing himself some bread and cheese.

What was that? He asked himself as he prepared the food. It had been like touching a hot iron, a sudden flash of infuriation that exploded in his stomach, tearing through him. He'd never been one to lose his temper before, why start now?

He made two sandwiches for himself, figuring if nobody was watching he may as well. As he put them together, stomach growling, a voice from behind startled him.

“So nice when we get a day off, rare as it is." He spun, feeling caught out, even though he had permission. The voice was small and male, and he recognised Trelin, one of the other house slaves. Trelin was a pale red Akkedisian, and the wolf's eyes were immediately drawn to the missing finger on his left claw. Bailey said nothing as Trelin stepped past him, stacking some plates near the water basin. “The yard crew always get to finish early, and they get good breaks. But we're the first up, and the last down." He stared at Bailey expectantly, but the wolf wasn't sure what to do.


“Y-yeah." He added lamely, shuffling away with his sandwiches in hand. He felt exposed, like a rat in a hole, nowhere to go. He wanted to be away, wanted to…

Does Trelin know? Bailey felt a surge of shame wash his mind as he replayed Oksana pulling his trousers down, grabbing him with her cold claws, commanding him. He wanted to vomit. Was it possible that even Trelin and Rhesia had heard? Were they all laughing at him, were they all hating him?

He hated himself. He'd put his life in danger, and Garrett's too, just because he couldn't just let the drake do what she wanted.

Selfish. He thought, biting into his tongue. Selfish, selfish, selfish. He'd gone when asked, he hadn't done anything to stop her before that, he could have done something better, he could have told Oderan more…He was stuck in a loop, partly blaming himself for Oksana's actions, and partly feeling guilty because he ran away. Would it have really been so hard to just…let her do what she wanted? He'd never had anyone touch him like that before, it probably wouldn't have been that bad…most people liked it…Why couldn't he? Why couldn't he have picked one mildly bad option, instead of two terrible ones?

It had just felt so…so wrong. Like nothing could be more wrong. He hadn't expected it, how every instinct had screamed at him to just get away. The only time he'd felt like that before was in the courtyard, watching Garrett and Yuri fight to the death…and he'd done nothing then.

What could I have done better? He didn't know. He just knew that he felt wrong and sick now. Trelin was scrubbing at the few dishes now, his eyes on his task. Bailey bit into his first sandwich, slowly chewing.

“Oh, by the way…" Trelin said, glancing up. “I saw Claude earlier. He was looking for you, did he find you yet?" Bailey swallowed.

Turin…The memory of the jackal was so far away and distant. Bailey almost laughed at the thought that he'd once been a noble himself. It was so easy to forget; so easy to start thinking that this was how things were supposed to be.

“No…" He said, clearing his throat. “Claude didn't find me; ah…what did he want?" Trelin shrugged.

“I'unno, but he seemed in a bad way, so maybe you don't wanna know?" He laughed, but Bailey just felt cold again.

He finished his food outside, tucking himself away on some ornate stone steps out of sight from the house, praying he was ignored. The Khasteer back garden was so deceptive, appearing much smaller than it truly was, hedges and tiny rotundas blocking all the long sight lines like a maze. For the moment Bailey was glad for the chance at obscurity, and after eating his food he felt undeniably better. It was far more than he was used to, and he felt almost full.

I could have eaten at least twice that before…all of this. He noted, smirking slightly and laying a paw on his stomach.

“Hey." He flinched, looking up to see Garrett approaching, dirt stains littering the Akita's fur. He was shirtless, and Bailey's mouth went a little dry at the sight, his stomach twisting…but not in a bad way.

Why does he do that to me? What is wrong with me? He wondered.

“Hi there." He said softly, as the Akita sat down next to him. “You finally got a break?" Garrett nodded.

“For lunch, we had some soup…thought I'd come find you. The masters are all gone, you have anything to do?"

“Mother told me to eat."

“Good advice."

A moment passed. It wasn't long but to Bailey it felt like an age, the silence dragging on by. He didn't want to start any dramatic talks; because he knew any moment Garrett would be called away again.

Back to work. That's our whole day, always going to or from some job.

            “Are you alright?" Garrett whispered, shuffling a little closer. Bailey nodded, tears brimming up in his eyes. He wiped at them with a paw. “Then why are you crying?"

            “I…I just…" His voice caught and he stopped, shutting his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it, but he did anyway. He couldn't stop himself. “I did something really dumb. And now I don't know what's going to happen, I think…I think they might want to hurt me. And you, and I don't know…I can't…if something happens to you…I don't know what I have anymore." Once he started, it couldn't be stopped. Tears started falling as he began to sob in earnest. Garrett got even closer, his tail curling around Bailey's rear protectively. “I hate it. I hate this place and my life, there's nothing good, and I just can't stand the effort of existing. I hate waking up and I go to sleep miserable. I hate myself. What I did. What I didn't do, it was so fucking stupid Garrett…I should have just let her, why didn't I let her?

            “Why do I feel so bad? I feel dirty. I can't disobey them like that, no one can…you're gonna end up like Yuri did…I hate them all, every fucking one of them. Even the one that was nice to me…I just…don't know what to do without you here…" He slapped both paws to his mouth, holding his muzzle tight to keep from babbling. His whole body was shaking, and next to him Garrett sat aghast, eyes wide.

“Hey, hey, hey now…" The Akita began, wrapping an arm around Bailey's shoulders and pulling him close. His laid his free paw onto the shuddering wolf's chest. “Breathe, okay? Just breathe. Slowly." They sat there until Bailey felt he had control of himself again. He sniffled, wiping at his eyes, ashamed.

“Sorry." He muttered.

“Did something happen?" Garrett asked. “Are you okay? Really?" Bailey shook his head.

“No. I don't know. Maybe. The Akkedisian, Oderan…said he'd say something but…I don't know." He replied, Garrett slowly moving his paw in gentle circles across his chest. “Lady Oksana…yesterday she called me to her bedroom and tried to…um…" He winced at the thought, feeling her hands on him again, so cold and slippery, lifeless. He wanted to vomit. Beside him Garrett had gone still.

“Did she…" He trailed off, his voice hard. Bailey smiled wanly.

“No…I ran away before she could do…much. But she still…touched me, I just…so stupid for running." His paws balled up into fists and he started shaking again.

“She deserves to die for that. I'm glad you left." Bailey mumbled.

“I don't know." Garrett looked as if he'd been slapped.

“We're not just things Bails. We're people. This…is so wrong, even by our standards. It's a good thing you left, that you didn't let her just…use you like that."

“Isn't that what we're for?" Bailey muttered, turning his head away. Garrett exhaled sharply.

“No. Not for that, never, even they know that. We aren't things, and you did the right thing running away, that wasn't your fault. I remember when you used to say things like that, saying this was all wrong; what we do to people in the name of cheap labour. And…you were always smiling…I loved that. Did I ever tell you? How much I liked your little rebellion?" Bailey looked back, raising an eyebrow.

“What? Little rebellion?" Garrett grinned.

“Yeah. At first I kept expecting you to break like everyone else, you know?" He looked out the lavish garden before them, his grip around the wolf's shoulders tightening slightly. Bailey reached a paw up and laid it over Garrett's on his chest. It was silly and stupid, but he actually felt safer like this. “Everybody breaks. I kept repeating it to myself. I was so mad that you would smile or laugh. I mean how dare you? Seeing you and Misha, laughing about whatever…but later I sort of realised that if we break down, then they win.

“They beat us, and curse us, and scorn us till we can't even think. Treat us like mindless animals so that we'll act like them, herd us like cattle and brand us like cattle. But you refused to let them, despite losing more than anyone else there. You smiled. Rebelling against them, against what they tried to do to you. I admired it. I admired you." Bailey let his paw fall away from Garrett's own. With his other, he reached up to the Akita's back, lightly tracing over the old scar left by his brand.

“Well." He began. “You were right in the end I guess. It just took longer."

“We can't stop fighting them. Please." He smiled. “It's all we've got now." Bailey remained unmoved, his mouth a firm line. He wanted to smile, hearing Garrett talk about him like that made his heart feel like it would explode. But…it just wouldn't happen. It was like he was stuck; every time he felt a surge of joy the vision of Oksana demanding he obey her flashed in his mind.

“Oi, mutt." Bailey and Garrett looked up. A tall grey wolf approached, his wide shoulders squared, green eyes glaring at Garrett. They stood, and Claude growled. “Yard team is done with their break, Merric's looking for you."

“I'm going." Garrett said, making no sign he was leaving.

“So get. Back corner." Claude said, jamming a thumb over his shoulder. As the Akita reluctantly stepped away, Bailey wanted to pull him back. He didn't want to be left alone with the intimidating grey wolf, he wanted to cry for Garrett to help him…but what could he do? So he just stood there, watching the Akita go, heart aching as he looked back with a pained glance.

He was so glad in that moment not to be alone here. At least at night he had Garrett.  

What did you do?" Claude hissed as soon as Garrett fell out of sight, stepping closer. Bailey went to take a step back, but his back hit a wall. Claude loomed over him; tail dead still, hackles on end. Bailey could smell the rage and disgust coming off him. “You had one. Fucking. Job. And you messed it up, you stupid mutt. Just go to the Lady, get a free blowjob, cum, leave. It's not hard. And yet you go running? Pulling in other Lords?"

“I…" Bailey began. “I'm-I'm sorry!"

“Not sorry enough. Not yet." Claude snarled. Bailey tried to step away, but the wolf put a paw on his chest and shoved him backwards. He yelped as his head smacked against the brick.

“Please don't hurt me, please, I-I'm sorry…I'll go back, I won't run away, I won't say anything!" He looked around, but there was nobody to help. Garrett was gone, and Morika was probably inside.

“You know…I didn't pick it." Claude growled. “Your guardian is gone now, just you and me. I didn't realise it until today, when I saw you two, cuddling here. Adorable. But he doesn't scare me."

“I…don't know what you're talking about…" Bailey mumbled unconvincingly.

“I've been on houses where the males take each other. It's like watching a fight. Brutal; teeth, blood, bruises, all in the name of getting off. Pretty disgusting if you ask me, but whatever, males get desperate. I ain't gonna blame you for wanting to put your knot in something."

“It isn't like that!" Bailey exclaimed, face flushing. His whole body felt like water, shaking and trembling, not an ounce of strength in it. He pulled to the side, and Claude slapped him across the face.

“You do shit like that; you risk the Lady's pride. Her honour and dignity too. I like the Khasteer house, but if Zakhar decides that he's had enough of these wolves ploughing his wife…I don't intend to be moved on. When she called me up to her room, despondent and needing comfort, I was more than happy to give it."

“You…" Bailey coughed, feeling a lump in his throat. Claude nodded. Bailey could smell his breath, could feel it, hot on his nose.

“Yep." He whispered. “And then I told her to kill you." Bailey felt the blood drain from his face. He was again cold despite the sun, paws clenching and unclenching rhythmically. His eyes scanned the area around them, where was Garrett? Why wasn't he here?

He felt a sudden rush of anger at Claude, a burning, searing hatred for him stronger than any emotion he'd ever felt.

“I hate you." He hissed, and Claude rammed a fist into his stomach. He crumpled and fell to his knees, whimpering, out of breath, tears streaming from his eyes. “Why?!" He begged.

Why did I do that?

“She said you've got a friend." Claude whispered. “Some fancy Lord who wants to see you again, with all your fingers attached apparently. If you're lucky he'll buy you, and I won't have to ever see you again. I doubt it though, I don't know what you did to get his favour, but it ain't happening again. Still…the problem of how to deal with you remains." The wolf hunkered down, squatting in front of Bailey. He reached over and grabbed the scruff of his neck, pulling it taught. Bailey yelped. “You're fond of that Akita that came here with you, right? He isn't just something to get off in, am I right?"

Actions have consequences. Claude's grip squeezed tighter, and Bailey whimpered.

“Here things are very simple. If you're nice to us, we'll be nice to you. That's all the Lady asks of you. She trusts me, because I'm nice to her. But she tries to do a good thing for you and how do you respond? You ungrateful runt."

“Don't hurt him!" Bailey whimpered. He swiped at Claude's muzzle, but his hit lacked power and made no visible impact. The wolf released him and he collapsed. Claude stood up, rolling his arms. Bailey wanted to die, he tried to climb up, but his stomach still ached, and his face throbbed from the slaps.

Why are you doing this to us? He thought. Please don't hurt him…I can't be alone. I can't lose everything, not again. Bailey hated. He hated Urie, Zakhar, Oksana, Turin, Walter, Sanrivagh, his father.

From the back regions of the yard, a high pitched scream sounded.

“What are you doing?" He cried. “Please no…" He scrambled to his feet and went towards it. He had to help Garrett, but Claude caught him by the tail. He tugged on it, hard, and Bailey fell flat, his muzzle filling with dirt.

“Bad dog." Claude whispered.

“Please…Morika, Oderan…" Bailey pled, wishing for anyone.

“They're all gone. Just you and me here. Just him and them there. The Lady will be happy to hear it hurt you this much." Another scream. Claude chuckled from behind him, looming over. Bailey grit his teeth, hatred flaring again. He kicked a foot out, aiming it towards Claude. He didn't care where it landed; he just wanted to hurt the fucking animal. He felt it dig into something soft and Claude grunted, suddenly out of breath. Bailey rolled away, seeing the wolf had fallen to his knees, paws held to his groin, huffing. Bailey tried to stand and tripped, tumbling over into a garden bed. Thorns tore at his arms, and he hissed in pain. Claude stood woozily, still unsteady, wincing as he stalked forward.

Bailey scurried backwards, hitting another wall. His paws went to the ground, searching for anything he could get a grip on as Claude came forward, his eyes on fire, teeth bared. He snarled, pulling on Bailey's shirt as he leaned close to the wolf. His paws searched the dirt desperately, fingers hungry for anything solid.

Claude's free paw went to Bailey's throat, squeezing. He snarled, a mix of rage and pain on his face.

I'm gonna die. Bailey thought as his air cut off. In the dirt, his fingers found something heavy.

“You--" Claude began. He was cut off as Bailey swiped at his face madly. There was a thick thud as his head was jerked violently to the side, and the paw on Bailey's throat immediately recoiled. He looked back to Bailey, face a mask of horror. His right eye bulged, blood pouring from the rim, the flesh and bone surrounding the organ crumpled. Bailey held his paw up to see himself clutching half a brick, the corner stained with gore. It had torn a chunk of fur off with it, and he threw it away instinctively. Claude let go of him, mouth opening and closing.

“I…you…" He tried to say, and collapsed. Bailey was left in shock, heart racing, stomach sick. Claude lay on his side, not moving. Bailey pulled himself away, crawling out of the garden bed and standing on barely functioning legs. He leaned over and threw up, puke spilling out onto the grass, mostly bile and bread. His head spun as he stood. Moving achingly slow, he looked towards the back corner of the garden, where the scream originated. He began to make his way over, an arm held over his stomach. He licked his lips, tasting blood and bile. The reality hadn't yet set in, and he refused to consider what he'd done. His only thought was on Garrett. Was he dead? Hurt? Dying? If Bailey interrupted, would they kill him too?

It doesn't matter now. He thought.

When he arrived, it was over anyway. Garrett sat in the corner of the yard, Morika crouched next to him. Bailey came over, and the Akita looked to him with shock.

“Bailey." He said. The wolf felt a wave of relief drown him at the sound. He felt like he could breathe, so much had been hinged on this. His blood started moving again and his heart started up. “I'm sorry." Garrett whimpered. He held up his left paw, smiling morosely. Bailey's relief was dashed as he saw the blood.

Where before he had four fingers, now only two remained, the third and fourth left as bloody stumps Morika was desperately trying to bandage.

“Give me that." She muttered, pulling on his arm. Bailey fell to his knees next to the Akita, leaning his head forward and pressing it against his shoulder.

“This is my fault." He murmured. “But I'm so glad you're alive." Garrett actually laughed.

“Me too."

“What are you doing here Bailey?" Morika asked, her voice snappy.

“I found Claude." He said softly. “I'm sorry Mother." Morika paused, turning her head and glaring at him.

Found him? I found this one like this, what did they do to Claude?"

“He's dead…I…I think." Bailey replied. Morika stared, unblinking, disbelieving.

“What the hell happened to him?"

“I…don't know." He replied automatically. The Akkedisian looked away, a claw to her mouth. She shook her head.

“Bailey…what…" Garrett mumbled, but he seemed to be lightheaded, and his voice was airy and far away.

“Well. I know you two weren't to blame." Morika said suddenly, head twisting forward, her voice firm. She bandaged Garrett's paw, going over it with more cloth. “Bailey, you were helping me wash sheets downstairs, and Garrett was…here. No, neither of you, obviously."

“Of course." Bailey whispered.

“How did Claude die? Did you see?" Morika asked. Bailey opened his mouth but only coughed, he couldn't find any words and his mouth still tasted of sick. The Akkedisian turned to him, snapping her fingers. “Quick, mutt. Could he have fallen perhaps? Or did you see a knife? What happened?" It took him a moment to register exactly what she was asking. He stuttered, quickly finding his voice.

“Uh, I saw a brick…I don't know…there was blood…maybe…maybe…" He swallowed. “Maybe he tripped." Morika nodded.

“Of course. That's it." She muttered, turning back to Garrett. “He probably heard this one crying out, a rightful punishment of course…and then in his haste to help another Tevarian he…tripped. Damn pack animals." She said the word tripped slowly, deliberately. “I'll tell Urie. He'll tell the Master."

“It isn't your fault." Garrett said, eyelids drooping. Morika nodded.

“That's right. It's not your fault, of course not. These things…happen." She finished the bandage and tied it off, before laying a claw on Bailey's shoulders. “Go on, help your friend." He nodded hastily, taking Garrett under the arm and helping him to his feet. Morika gave him another nod, and he shuffled off.

As he made it to the slave shed, he looked back towards the house. He saw Morika standing where Claude had died, looking down. She spat, shaking her head in disgust.

“I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered.



Garrett eyed his paw, poking a little at the stumps where his fingers had been. Two weeks was not enough for a wound like that to heal, and as the pain receded the hellish itching began. It had been hard, getting used to it. The yard crew didn't cut him much slack for the loss, they'd all had beatings, and a few had their own missing appendages. He still woke up in the night too, flashing nightmares of the event stalking him. He could remember it so vividly, the panic in his chest as they'd grabbed him, holding him down.

Some aspects of the memory were crystal clear, while others had faded into nothing. He had no recollection of faces, or of the walk from Claude to the corner. But he remembered perfectly the fear, the knife, and the blood. It had been a few of the house guards, and they'd all spoken the Akkedisian language the entire time, making the whole event only more terrifying. Since then any time someone on the crew had pointed anything remotely sharp towards him, Garrett had snapped. One of the nicer drakes he worked with had grabbed his arm one day, and instinctively Garrett had decked him in the face. He quickly apologised, and luckily hadn't been reported…but it had been a close one.

Bailey sat down across from him, his eyes still sunken and lost, but showing a little more light each day. He passed some food, and Garrett quickly began to devour it. Urie had ended up claiming he killed Claude. Saying the wolf had mouthed off and he shoved him, the fur accidentally falling onto the loose brick. Zakhar had been apparently unimpressed, but not overtly concerned. Garrett still thanked whatever deities he could think of they had been spared that.

They were alive, and Bailey had finally stopped looking over his shoulder every two minutes. The other slaves didn't talk to them much anymore, but that was fine.

The one thing that stuck in Garrett's mind about the whole encounter was how he'd reacted. When he'd rounded he hedge corner and seen three guards standing there, one brandishing a knife, the others with wicked grins, his thoughts went to Bailey. As they hit him and dragged him towards the stump of wood they used, laughing and tugging at his fur, he'd been terrified that Bailey was being hurt.

It was surreal. In the past he had deliberately not cared when others suffered, he'd forced himself to close that part of himself off. Sure sometimes he'd given them food or bandages after, but he never valued their safety over his own.

Bailey couldn't sleep either, waking up with the occasional cry. Sometimes they found each other in the night, embracing to stop the shakes, falling asleep in each other's arms. It was…nice. Garrett had never had a connection with someone like that. Something that felt…real.

“Bailey." He said suddenly, surprising himself. The wolf looked up, and Garrett put his now-empty bowl to the side. “I'm just…glad you're alright. I'm glad that I'm not…alone." Bailey smiled, just slightly, but it was something. He crawled across their bed mats and sat beside him, letting his head fall onto the Akita's shoulder. Their paws intertwined tightly, something they were doing more and more of now.

“Me too. I'm glad we're together." Bailey whispered. “If I was by myself…I don't know what I'd do. I uh…I need you." If Garrett had wanted to stop what he said next, he could not have.

“I love you. I mean…I know that's…not…but I just…I don't know. I have love for you. So much of it. And not just because…I don't know. I've felt it for…for a long time. I only just realised though." He felt instantly ashamed and stupid.  Bailey just sighed deeply.

“Me too."

“Even though I'm male?" Garrett asked, surprised. Next to him, Bailey shrugged.

“I never felt that strongly about women. And…I don't know. I just have a pull to you." His voice went quiet, and he pulled a little closer. “When Claude was…I mean I thought he was gonna kill me…but…all I could think of was you."

“When that bastard tried to buy you and Yuri…I had to speak up. I couldn't be…without you. I couldn't leave you alone."

“It's seems kinda stupid, doesn't it?" Bailey said, scoffing. “To fall in love when our lives are so awful, and especially when they keep getting worse. I don't know how I have room for it, with everything else."

“I've never really felt like this before." Garrett admitted. “I dunno, maybe that's why you used to infuriate me so much. I was so confused by all these feelings." He shook his head. Bailey sat up a little, smiling again.

“You know…when we were in the encampment…I used to sit up late so I could listen to you…well…you know…" He blushed, and Garrett saw it even despite the fur. The Akita laughed.

“I um…I was thinking about you…" He confessed, and this time Bailey laughed. He hadn't for so long, and Garrett hadn't realised how much he missed the sound. “Again I've never thought of anyone…like that…" He mused, fiddling with the bandages on his paw.

“Me neither." Bailey said, sighing deeply. He put a paw to his eyes, rubbing at the closed lids. “What in the Allgod are we going to do?" Garrett went still. He didn't know. There was no room for love in their life, no space for anything but survival and work. He again took Bailey's paw, pulling it over close to his muzzle.

“We have to leave." He said solemnly. “There's no way we can continue this life. It has to end sometime." Bailey scoffed.

“It can't happen."

“I refuse to accept that. I've failed…in the past, but I was always in groups. With only two of us…we only have to get outside of the city." Bailey's frown deepened as he started to realise Garrett was being serious.

“Garrett…then we have to get out of the whole region. We have no money, few skills, nowhere to go." He said. “There's no escaping. I think maybe we should try and get Oderan to buy us. He seems nicer; maybe…life wouldn't be so awful in his house."

“It'd be the same Bails. If we stay here, we'll die. If we try and fail, we'll die. But if we try and succeed! Think…we could have a farm…a life. A real one. There has to be a way, I know there's a way out of this."

“You're wrong. I've thought about it a lot, I just…I don't know. There's no answer." Bailey replied. Garrett squeezed the wolf's paw as hard as he could.

“There is. I love you, and I'm not going to let them kill us."