Current Track: Blabb

Wow, so Pawn to King took off like crazy and all of a sudden I have 200 watchers! This has been, by far, the quickest burst of feedback I've had and I'd like to thank everyone reading for making it possible!

So, just like when I reached 100, I've decided to release some small trivia about some of the stories I've written. There are SPOILERS below:

1. Argus's daughter was originally going to have a much more major role in Vassalized Earth

She would have been the one who would either break into Nate's apartment instead of Rawk, or would come over uninvited, acting like a spoiled princess and goading Nate and Rit into a threesome with her, before she drugged them both and would plant evidence implicating Nate. Removed because I felt i was creating another major player far too late into the story and that it took away from Argus as the mastermind.

2. Outcast Planet originally was not in Vassalized Earth's setting

The premise was very different. It would have been about a group of human colonists stranded on an alien planet after both the human and alien government declared a truce in favor of the aliens, one that gave control of the human colony to the aliens. It would be about them maintaining their colony on the planet, despite the fact that they're effectively breaking a treaty.

I felt this wasn't as appealing, so I decided to merge it into VE's setting, have it take place on a prison planet for prisoners of the Regulian Empire, and add some S.T.A.L.K.E.Rish themes to it (Which I think I failed at catching that, aside from including some things like anomalies. The tone is a lot less bleak when Pawel has companions to shoot the shit with.).

3. Dalg and Nathaniel in Outcast Planet are Argus and Rawk from Vassalized Earth

I kind of hinted at this by mentioning Dalg looked like an Alsatian dog, when Nate said that Argus looked like a German Shepherd in VE. And of course, since Rawk looked like Nate, having the name Nathaniel was a big hint as well.

After Argus's plan failed, he made a plea bargain by giving up the location of Lacertan operations on Earth, including the slave camp he sent Nate to. He got spared the death sentence and instead had his memory altered and sent to planet. He requested Rawk have the same thing done to him so that he wouldn't be alone.

4. Vassalized Earth 2 is coming

Nate will not be the main character, but he will have a very brief audio cameo.

It will likely have three POV characters (A human male, a human female, and a Regulian male), which will be a challenge since I usually write with only one in series.

It will take place five years after VE and war has broken out between the Regulians and the Lacertans. The war is not going well.

5. Dreams are meaningful.

What does this mean? You'll have to figure it out yourself.