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Avian Exchanges
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Thenyr the Thordani discusses the use of steel and refined metals with Ilaark the Koukthroi! Cultural exchange is go!
This is a side scene inspired by a plot I and DigitalPotato ran together on the Realm of Kaerwyn RP site, though it's largely independent from activities in the main RP hub. Thenyr stumbled with some friends upon Ilaark's village and they worked together to vanquish an evil artifact that could summon scores of undead skeletons.
The koukthroi (Ilaark's species) were created before Owlin were released for 5E, but I'm not sure how Ilaark would react to being called one. For a while we were jokingly referring to them as Owlkocra.
This is also a rare pic I have where it's shown just how big Thenyr is; I usually let artists slide on that because at 6'7", he's huge compared to many other characters he interacts with and it makes composition difficult. This would be especially pronounced with Kawheek, who is a mere 3'6" tall.
1 year ago
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