Lazy Day
By Chaosblackwing
The cool mountain breeze flowed over skin and fur, bringing a kiss of coolness to counter-balance the heat of the sun, carrying with it the scent of plants, rock and dirt.
The short hike, enough to warm the bodies of the pair up was a faint memory at the moment, remembered faintly through the fading pleasant burn of muscles exercised and the slight sheen of sweat, bringing it's own scent to the bouquet of the mountainside picnic.
No words were spoken, the pair content to listen to the sounds of the wild as they relaxed in the secluded meadow some distance away from the trail. The whisper of the wind through the grass, the buzz of insects and the chirp of birds provided a muted symphony of the mountain, the green and life covering it. Their own communications were equally subtle, a touch here, caress there. Nuzzling into a furred chest simply for the enjoyment of the act, a stroke of a large clawed hand along a similarly bare back in response.
The remnants of a light meal sat off to the side, the only thing left of the collection of finger-foods the pair had playfully fed each other several dirty dishes to be taken back down when they left, along with half empty bottles of water and the simple pleasure of a full meal.
In a few hours the two would need to pack up and head back down the mountain, to return to the hustle and bustle of the crowd, but for now there was nothing but the mountain air, the warm summer sun, and each other.
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