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MoonBlood's BloodMoon
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Woooo! Had fun early this morning at around 1 AM! A Lunar Eclipse and it's first appearance of 4 events was possible as well as Mars was at its closest in 6 years I believe. At a short distance of 53,000,000 miles, Mars appears to be one of the brightest red stars in the sky, right next to the Moon actually. Although, the dots you see here are not Mars. I believe one miiiiight be a remnant of a supernovae that happened a few weeks ago, but I'm probably wrong about that.
Got to:
1) Test out a rather grand Tripod I've not had the privilege to use.
2) Truly got a good bit of practice with my 70-300mm Lens which is what I used to capture all images of the Moon.
3) Great practice for Manual shooting. No automatic shooting could pick up the Moon.
4) Standing outside for 2 hours, nearly freezing temps, manual Focusing an object so far away with frozen paws lead to 321 pictures being taken. Fun times! Hope you all enjoy!
Also feel free to see the steps up to this in my journal! :link693594:
Got to:
1) Test out a rather grand Tripod I've not had the privilege to use.
2) Truly got a good bit of practice with my 70-300mm Lens which is what I used to capture all images of the Moon.
3) Great practice for Manual shooting. No automatic shooting could pick up the Moon.
4) Standing outside for 2 hours, nearly freezing temps, manual Focusing an object so far away with frozen paws lead to 321 pictures being taken. Fun times! Hope you all enjoy!
Also feel free to see the steps up to this in my journal! :link693594:
10 years ago
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