Current Track: Blabb

A Cool and Calm Night

By Argyron

The raging storms had finally cleared, the night sky now as clean and crisp as ever anyone had seen before. There was no moon, but the stars that were out were bright; and none of them seemingly the same as the evening prior. And down in the city the lamp lights flicker and burnt their halogenic agents that let them brighten the streets, for the long night was starting to settle in. 

From up on the hilltops, just below the large slabs of red rocks to the west and above a graveyard to the east, two furs looked down upon the illuminated  town. The coyote held his boyfriends paw, the mountain lion’s clenched into a fist, and neither exchanged words as they just watched the city lights. The coyote looked over and turned up the dial on an old-style, battery radio that they had brought with them on their walk away from the town. Gently the soft tunes of the oldies started to fill the air around the grassy-hillside as crickets chirped along to the beat and birds softly went to sleep.

The mountain lion finally laid his head to rest on the other male’s shoulder, softly sighing at the sight. A cool breeze brushed past the two and they both shivered closer together. Both tugged their side of a blanket draped over their backs as they shifted right next to one another. The trees behind them whistled the tune of the wind, trying to out play the radio as nature set in. For the two furs, it didn’t matter though, they had each-other on this night.

The current song ended on the radio and a jester came on to say his words. “I hoped you all liked that, cause I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play it again; but what an evening, what a day! We had an earthquake, a ground shake, and our civilization is here to stay! So get cozy with your loved one, get really close to them; ‘cause I bet there’s no tomorrow and it is better to be in loves hand. Now say goodnight Colorado and pray for tomorrow’s dawn; for even though the old sun in gone, the tunes must go on. ” With that his mic turned off and another oldie started to play.

The mountain lion sighed, there was truth in every word and he knew it was the beginning of the end. Lifting his head off of his mate’s shoulder, he looked towards the coyote. The canine seemed to have the same thought, his amber-golden eyes staring right back at the feline, and they both exchanged what they were thinking in each other’s glare. Paws moved to hold the other as they both leaned in, lips touching lips as the final night began.