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MYD #3 - Page 29
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Skaroth and Draca finish their little heart to heart as Draca heads out to head back home. Several young ones and a mate of his own is a full time thing. Poor Draca and Neried have gone so long now without Dei around to help milk them of their excess... then again I am sure Draca is more then willing to help his wife of the last big muzzle fulls of milk each night. However dont worry, I am sure the little teasing and fun of visiting Dei will get them nicely rilled up for several nights of... enjoying each-other again. Sometimes it just takes a little feline caress or tease to remind them, its a good idea to make time even if its brief or its instigated by the most evil of all kinky felitaurs.
Skaroth meanwhile heads back to curl up with his soon to be bonded mate and the snuggly feline that helped show him how nice just simple intimacy can be. It wasn't that long ago he would have just pounced em and tried to hilt in after all. Sure its not all Dei's doing but shi likes to think it is. ^.~
Oh, and yes thats Shea curled up at the foot of the bed looking sexy as always.
So a bit of an update. I will be sending out information outlining how fundraising for the next two comics are going to happen along with rewards and goals soon. The fundraising will officially go live when the next page (aka the teaser) is published.
Essentially the full comic series will be creative commons like this one. Just the people that help pay for the next two issues get to see each page 2 to 7 days before everyone else. They also get some nice extras including the possibility of getting hard copies or the chance to get the original hand painted pages of the entire series. Essentially you get a little early access, behind the scenes, and get to be flys on the wall of the process.
This is why it took so long to post this page, I have been busy and now need to work out a few last things with the artist.
Thanks everyone for your support so far!
Skaroth meanwhile heads back to curl up with his soon to be bonded mate and the snuggly feline that helped show him how nice just simple intimacy can be. It wasn't that long ago he would have just pounced em and tried to hilt in after all. Sure its not all Dei's doing but shi likes to think it is. ^.~
Oh, and yes thats Shea curled up at the foot of the bed looking sexy as always.
So a bit of an update. I will be sending out information outlining how fundraising for the next two comics are going to happen along with rewards and goals soon. The fundraising will officially go live when the next page (aka the teaser) is published.
Essentially the full comic series will be creative commons like this one. Just the people that help pay for the next two issues get to see each page 2 to 7 days before everyone else. They also get some nice extras including the possibility of getting hard copies or the chance to get the original hand painted pages of the entire series. Essentially you get a little early access, behind the scenes, and get to be flys on the wall of the process.
This is why it took so long to post this page, I have been busy and now need to work out a few last things with the artist.
Thanks everyone for your support so far!
10 years ago
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