Current Track: Blabb

After two hours passed to go through snowy roads, and iced trees, the two “companions" finally reach their destination. By appearance, this house is just a two-floor house, but she has been through so much. But it's not it what interested us right here.

Once parked, Gill shut the engine.

“This is it."

“Yes, indeed."

“How are you?"

“Bloated." Max threw, nervous.

“No need to worry, my father's cool with strangers."

“I hope. Before we go meeting him, do you remember rules, we have established during this stay?"

“Cuddles and kisses are accepted. Kisses only on cheeks, and for cuddles, above the waist." Gill expressed the rules.

“It's it. Frankly, I'm glad you remember that."

“Still, it's a bit dumb." She underlined, skeptical.

“How come?"

“Well, if you want to hug someone, you should put your hands somewhere. Not necessarily on shoulders, but you see what I mean?"

Yes, of course. But I want to try, your hands don't have to go under my back."

“Oh please, I'm not a creep. Why would I touch your butt, anyway?"

“Well, I don't know. But in the past, I've seen so much promising me that, and doing the reverse. So, this time… I prefer to make the first move." He got passionate.

“Sigh. Did anybody ever tell you, besides being paranoid, you're narrow-minded?"

“Yes, and I'm quite proud about this. Clearly, in term of protection barrier, we can't do better." He revealed, proud of him.

“Pfff. Seriously, I don't why I argue about hugging. Let's go, don't keep my father much longer."

“Si, señora."

Without waiting, both came out of the car, and go through the entry door. One ring, and door open to let appear a big weasel, auburn fur, and the imposing stature. By looking the man; for Max, any doubt, “the daughter looks like his father."

“Ah, here you are, kids. I'm starting to ask myself if you had problems on road." Mr. Watson greeted them.

“Trip was a bit long, but nothing really special on the way." Gill debriefed quickly.

“Good to know. So… there is the much-wanted boyfriend."

“Oh yes. Max, here's my father. Dad, Maximiliano."

“Nice to meet you, sir." Max held out his hand to the old man who shake it.

“Indeed. Otherwise, your name really sounds Spanish. Do you have Mexican descent, by chance?"

“Cuban more exactly, sir."

“Oh really? From all Hispanic I've known; I think it's the first time I meet a Cuban."

“Hoping it doesn't bother you, sir." Max replied without delay.

“Not at all, we all need sun and heat at the present time. Come on get you warm."

Answering to the invitation, young people rush inside. In many years, Mr. Watson had received a lot of people in his house. Thus, he already had a visit plan ingrained in the head. And it's not the coming of a particular guest who are going to disrupt the usual visit.

Then, he showed to them: living room, kitchen, garage bathroom to finish with restrooms.

“If you need something, just ask."

“Alright, I'll remember that." Max responded, polite.

“Good. Honey, can you bring him to the guest room please?"


“Unless you want to sleep in the same room." The father teased his young guests.

Following this sentence, Max and Gill turn towards Mr. Watson: him awkward, her slightly annoyed.

“Hey, I'm joking. No need looking at me like this."

“It was really misplaced." “It was tasteless." Gill & Max said at the same time.

This time, it's the turn to the two mustelids to look themselves, surprised by this instant complicity.

“Well, I'm leaving you. We'll meet again later."

“Okay." The daughter took her leave of her father.

By watching him go in the kitchen, Gill whispered: “Sigh, my father's really something sometimes."

“It's 'cause you never met mine."

“'Because it's worse?"

“You, have, no idea."

“Oh shit. Well, whatever… if you want to follow me."

Time to climbing stairs, and they come upstairs. The room in question seems small, but quite comfortable.

“So, I'll let you settle you in. I'll call you for dinner."

“No problem."

“See you soon."

Once the door closed, Max exhales sharply. He didn't show it, but this encounter was quite stressful for him. Exhausted, he put his suitcase on the floor before collapsing into the bed.

“Okay, for now, the father was completely taken in. But how long will he take to discredit… Sigh, man, bring on the next week!" He complained, paws on the face.

Suddenly, he stands himself and looks around him, feeling he isn't alone in the room anymore. But already knowing who's the uninvited guest, he stands still and snigger.

“I had a feeling it's been a while I didn't hear you." Max told, irritated.

“Let's say I watched out for the good moment to show myself." Duster admitted, lied on the bed.

“Okay. But if it's not to tell me what I'm thinking, it's not worth it to show your face."

“What? That you should screw the weasel?"

“No! The other thing."

“Errr… that you are in the shit?"

Silence before Max exclaimed, by whispering: “Exactly. That's it. Yes."

“Oh. Well. Glad I could help." The panther confessed, astonished.

“For once… yes." Max continued with the same voice.