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CHAPTER 1 - Saga 1 - Chapter 00

[[Stack-power thy Visitors]] The First Filling Saga
Chapter 00 - Prologue of the Dragon-Blooded
Rustnut, a nice Cozy Town located somewhere in the Lone Star State known as Texas, somewhere south from San Antonio. It was going to be a Peaceful Day for Dilly Hiryumato, or 'Dracomancer' with his Secret Identity stored away.

Then the Incident sparks in the Rustnut Mall Plaza. People fleeing, as stuff are being thrown around. A Topless Person with only his Jean Trousers and Bare Feet, it's eyes are glowing red. Unknown to this one, Dilly was spying on that weird thing from the Public Restroom.

Dilly covers his Dark-Gray haired Head with the Silverly Hood, showing Green Inlines. He also put on his Face-Mask. Then... Getting out his Nintendo 3DS with the Homebrew App running. The Camera is shown on top of the Screen, viewing the Person going Berserk.

"That's one of those Jigkou Spirits! So it did Escaped Japan." that was his Sister 'Allusa' communicating from Japan with her Standard Mobile Phone, "Dilly, take it down. They'll only cause Destruction."

"Great, but any Weakness I should know?" Dilly asked,

"Magic. Remember, all Jigoku Spirits hate Arcane Energies." 'Allusa' said, "I'm sure your Draco-Magic would help too."

"I'm sure it does. I've been practicing after all. Especially when I started 13 years ago." Dilly said, "Right! I'm going in!"

Dilly runs up out of the Restroom and keeps his Distance after he reaches 15 miles away. The Possessed Person turns around and lets a Snarl.

"Alright. Just like I've trained before." Dilly said, "I must channel my Magic to Polymorph Something." Dilly remains calm and tightens his fists. Magic starts coursing into everything he is wearing. "Plus, I can now focus my Mana....on what I wear."

His Gray Jacket and Jean Pants forming Silverly Scales, with the Top sprouting wings and the Bottom growing a Slithering Tail. His undershirt becomes a Green Underbelly. His Tennis Shoes becoming Hind Talons, and his Cut-off Gloves forming into Armored Gloves. His Hood Also turned into a Dragon-shaped Helmet with his Mouth-mask kept the same.

The Possessed Man snarls much louder and Leaps. It's going to lunge both fists for a Hammer Blow. Dilly however jumped back, and started flapping his wings. Now in Mid-air, Dilly started dodging every Leaps the Possessed tries. Then as he closes up for some punches and kicks, Dilly simply blocks and dodges.

On the Fifteenth Punch lunged, Dilly catches with his Dragonized Glove. The Possessed hisses in pain as the hand's bones started cracking from the Dragon's Strength. Dilly then uses his Left Arm to deliver a Punch. This amazing strength launched the Possessed to the Arcade Games. The thud left a Dent on the almost-plastic Wall of the Arcade Cabinet.

The Possessed gets up and prepares to fire Demonic Energy Bolts from it's maws. Dilly jumps before the Bolt can hit him, and Dilly returns fire with Silverly Cold Blades as he Flaps his Silver Wings.

The Possessed Man is caught in the Barrage of Freezing Blades, Each Slice leaving each Body Parts frozen in blocks. Soon the Possessed is paralyzed in a Block of Ice, unable to move.

Dilly dives down with one of it's Hind Paws aimed, Kicking the Ice Block and knocking the Possessed Person down to the Ground.

Dilly lands and watches the Jigoku Spirit submerging from the Body, leaving the Vessel. As Dilly expected from Allusa's lectures, those Jigoku Spirits Wispy Body is an Inverted Color of Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, etc. This represents the Element like the Dragon's Scale Colors.

The Jigoku Spirit turns to look at Dilly, and it is the First time to Dilly that the Spirit felt one thing: Fear. It has discovered the Legendary Hero possessing Dragon-Blood. Anyone with those could threaten the Jigoku Spirit.

The Spirit turns around and Zooms out of there, while leaving the once-possessed man on the ground. The Muscles gone, now slightly Slim. It's hair looks like it just got out of bed.

"Done and Done." Dilly sighed, as he slowly loosens his fist, becoming a Flat Hand like a Paper. His Dragonized Armor is being siphoned of the Mana, reverting back to his Normal Clothes. Dilly gets out his 3DS to report to his Sister.


"Good job on your First Take-down." Allusa said with her Pink-haired Head on Monitor, "But did you have to do that in the Public?"

"Do what? Revert?" Dilly asked, "I'm sure the Mall is already Desserted. It will be time until Police Arrived."

"Dilly, despite being a Good Brother, you sometimes do Reckless things." Allusa groaned, "Plus the way you wear...I need to have one of my Friends to Design you a New Costume. But enough of that, how's the Man?"

"Unconscious. Doctors are checking on him." Dilly said, as he sees the Living Victim being Transported, "They want to make sure there are no Jigoku Essence. But, does that Spirit do that all the time?"

"They do. I've seen those leaving Goop Behind." Allusa said, "We want to make sure they are clean of those, or the Goop will grow back into a new Spirit and...That would be very Bad."

"Understood." Dilly said, "But something else. I heard you've joined that Magical Girl team I forgot before. What was that name?"

"What? Didn't I tell you before?" Allusa asked, "Oh right, it was kept Secret. Yes, but it's actually Magical Elves. I've been wanting to share the news so you can tell Mom. I've formed the Four Suit Elves!"

"Wow! That's awesome!" Dilly replied, and he recalls Allusa when Henshining grows Elvish, "I wished I could see you more in Japan so I can use your Fighting Style."

"Uhhh... Maybe another Time." Allusa said, "Unfortunately we're still keeping the Jigoku Spirits here at Bay, so we won't be home for how many said years."

"And those Pro Hunters. Are they going to be--" Dilly asked but was cut off,

"I do hope they get the Message." Allusa sighed, "I know, they are very Triggered when we Unlicensed try to Fight Jigoku Spirits. Just Remember, even without the License, it takes a Will to Fight no matter how much they strip...Wait, hold up."

Dilly sees Allusa turning her Head to talk to someone.

"Sorry Brother. Something has come up." Allusa noted, "Looks like that Same Jigkou Spirit doesn't want to listen. I'll talk after Supper. But again, Congratulations on your First Takedown."

"Sure, Sis. Keep on Galloping." Dilly salutes and the Call hangs up.

Unknown to Dilly however, a new Erotic Campaign is approaching, and not the Jigoku Spirit kind.

CHAPTER 2 - Untitled Chapter