“You'll be fine, you're just going to need a little time to heal up.” Nurse Joy said as she placed me down. “And knowing you, that'll be like a day or two.” She laughed.
“Thanks...” I said, sighing. “I don't want to have to fly everywhere to get around...”
“Oh, don’t worry.” She said. “You won't have to. It's not as bad as it looks to tell the truth.” She said.
“Um, Audino said I had to come back in an hour?” Electra asked. “So I'm coming back now because I'm here now and don't feet like waiting.” She said.
“Oh um... Sure come right in.” She said. “Audino, Electra's back.” She said as she exited into the back room.
“Ugh...” I sighed as I hopped back up into that chair, groaning as I leaned against the back of it, sitting in it like a human would.
I was waiting there for about a half hour before I decided I should probably try and take another nap.
“Dallas...” Cammy said calmly as she hopped up over the counter. “They cleaned my fur.” She laughed. “I feel fine n..n...now... What the HELL happened to you!?” She shouted.
“I got attacked by something in that maze.” I growled. “And I couldn't pin it down. It kept pushing me away.” I growled.
“What? How?” She asked. “Was it a robot?”
“I don't think so.” I said. “I don't know for sure, but it felt like a real Pokemon.
“Well I don't know of any real Pokemon that would be able to outmatch you.” She said. “Maybe Arceus.”
“Exactly.” I said. “And the thing is... Electra was somehow able to hold him back and pin him down. Everything I couldn't do.” I sighed. “So... She's stronger than I am apparently...”
“What...” Cammy asked as she stared up at me, her right ear drooping to the side. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“No.” I said. “She held him down and he struggled, then begged for his life. I held him down and I got flung across dozens of tunnels multiple times.” I said. “It would have helped if I could have SEEN what I was doing...”
“Do you mind going back in there? Maybe he's still there. I wanna see.” She said.
“Yes actually, I DO mind going back in there.” I growled.
“Err... Well maybe Electra can show me then.” She said. “Did he look like you? Was he the one that dumped flour on me? If he's the one that did it I swear I'm going to tear off his reproductive organs.” She growled.
“WHOA.” I shouted.. “That's a bit extreme!”
“Well he didn't only dump flour on me, but he also attacked you and Electra. I don't find that extreme at all.” She said calmly. “Pokemon like him don't deserve to reproduce. If they're going to prance around causing trouble then we don't need more of them to do the same.” She said.
“But then he can't mate with you.” I laughed.
“Oh please. I wouldn't mate with him anyway. Not after what he did to me. He BLEW his chances!” She growled.
“Good to hear.” I laughed. “I don't know what I would do if you were to end up the mother of that thing's Pichu.” I chuckled.
“I'd disown them.” She said. “As bad as that sounds, if the father is an asshole that picks on other Pokemon and dumps crap on me, then he can take care of them alone.” She growled. “But then again if I tear off his balls I don't have that problem.” She said.
“That's kind of gross.” I laughed.
“Well it'll probably be gross for like, the first couple seconds...” She said.
“Well you'll be holding them in your paw...” I said. “It's pretty weird.”
“Then I'll make it less awkward and shove them down his throat.” She said. “Or have Electra do it if he's really that strong. If I tell Electra to do it I'm sure she will.” She laughed.
“That's a bit creepy...” I said as I hopped off of the chair, balancing on my left foot as I slowly lowered my right foot to the ground.
“That looks like it hurts. I mean, if there weren't bandages on it and stuff.” Cammy said.
“Well duh it hurts!” I said as I walked over to her. “But I don't care... I'll be fine.” I said as I hugged her.
“Awww...” She said as she hugged me back. “Did you get a look at the attacker at all?”
“No, it was dark... BUT... I somehow... SAW... It was like... All blue, but I could still make out my surroundings, just not the color of them.” I said. “Everything was blue and shadowy...”
“Ooooh Dallas has the aura!” Cammy joked, laughing as she rubbed my back. “No seriously, did you?”
“I'm serious.” I said. “I saw everything without actually seeing it.”
“Wait you're not joking?” She asked as she tilted her head, staring at me.
“No.” I replied.
“Wows...” She said. “So your mental mind and moves and stuff are getting stronger yet you lack physical strength...” She said. “I mean, your physical strength is that of like, a thousand humans, but it's not that strong compared to your mental strength.” She said. “Like when you swing your iron tail through rocks and stuff. Or melt them with thunderbolts. Or even pick them up. It's all great, but when you're pushed to the limit, the strength of your moves and mind surpass your physical strength greatly. Electra works on her physical strength a lot. Maybe that's why she got so much stronger.” Cammy said. “You should like, test her. Play tug of war or something.” Cammy laughed. “Oh, and congratulations on finding the aaaauuuurrraaaaa!” She laughed.
Maybe she's right. Maybe I'd do better using psychic then I would physically moving something...
“Well... When she comes out we'll see.” I said. “But... Are you sure you saw ME dump flour on you?” I asked. “Did you ask what Zeke saw?”
“Well no.” Cammy said. “I literally just got out of the fur drying thingy. I forgot what they call it.” She said.
“You... Don't know the name of it?” I asked, laughing.
“Hey, I don't know EVERYTHING!” She said. “Just... A lot.”
“Well you should go ask Zeke what he saw. Because he didn't greet the Pikachu when he came in so he must have known it wasn't me.” I said. “And why is he rolling in it?” I asked.
“I don't know. Maybe there's something like Chunip and Catnip for Mightyena.” She laughed. “But it wouldn't be a powder. I guess Zeke's just being Zeke.” She laughed. “He likes to roll in messes before cleaning them up.”
“Wait so he's eating it?” I asked.
“I have no idea. Maybe he shook off again and left. Or he could be rolling in the grass to get it off.” She said.
“You should probably go find him...” I said. “Even if he used to work here, he could still get into trouble.”
“Zeke is the type that does his best to fix whatever trouble he gets into.” Cammy said. “He's fine.”
“Well anyway... If whoever it was looked like me, but Zeke knew it wasn't, then maybe Zeke knows a little something about Team Onyx. Maybe it was a clone of me that attacked me.”
“Okay there's many things wrong with what you just said.” Cammy said.
“Ah, here we go...” I laughed.
“Oh hush.” She said as she licked my nose. “For one, I already told you. Team Onyx is basically gone. For one they wouldn't have any way of receiving your DNA, because none of us work for them. Another thing is, as I mentioned before, Team Onyx no longer possesses the technology to enhance their clones. So if it were a clone of you, it would be the same strength as you, and not any stronger. What you described was something stronger than you.” She said. “Another thing is, that if Zeke knew there was a clone of you, and he saw that clone of you walk in, he would have attacked it.” She said. “So I doubt there's a Dallas clone walking around anywhere.” She said.
“What if there is?” I asked.
“Well then there's another retarded organization out there that I don't know about.” She said.
“Or Zeke works for Onyx again.” I said.
“Yeah right.” Cammy said as she rolled her eyes at me. “That'll be the day. Zeke would never work for an organization that seeks to harm others. Zeke's not the kind of wolf that hurts things just to hurt them. He's nice and stuff.” Cammy said.
“I know that, I was joking.” I said.
“Well Zeke would never betray us.” Cammy said. “You should know that.”
“I DO know that.” I laughed. “Come on, go find him and bring him here.”
“Why don't you find him?” Cammy asked.
“Well because he's YOUR mate and I'm hurt.” I said.
“Oh yeah...” She said as she looked down at my right leg. “I forgot...”
Not sure what to say next, I turned around and stared at the counter.
“You know... With you hurt and everything... And Electra being the physically stronger one... She's going to dominate you when you guys mate again...” Cammy laughed.
“Oh Arceus.” I said as I turned around and stared at her. “I didn't even think about that.”
“Oh come on, there's noting wrong with being dominated.” Cammy laughed. “Trust me, I'd know.”
“I KNOW you'd know.” I said as I rolled my eyes. “It's just... I never thought she'd catch up to me... You know, here I was telling her that she was a thousand times stronger than any Pokemon, and that I was a million times stronger than she was...” I said. “But really... It's her that's a million times stronger... And I'm only like, nine hundred thousand.” I said.
“And your moves are a trillion.” Cammy said. “Stop putting yourself down. No one was ever meant to be the strongest in the world, it doesn't work that way.” She said. “Unless you're Arceus.”
“The humans say I can take Arceus out...” I said.
“Well Arceus is a wuss.” Cammy said. “He protect himself with his life plates like a freaking moron. And you know why? Because he can't take a freaking hit.” She growled. “Fly up there and smash one with iron tail. Then I bet one thunderbolt with finish him off.” She growled. “He's an idiot.”
“Your opinion on things never ceases to amaze me...” I laughed as I patted her back.
“This sir, it a fact.” She said.
“Well... I noticed Nurse Joy could understand us now...” I said.
“Yeah, Cameron's dad gave those things out to one of the Pokemon Centers, and you know how they're all like, connected with this network of PCs that they send things to each other with and stuff... Yeah, those things got sent out immediately. The ear things. All the Nurse Joys have them now. I mean, being a Pokemon Nurse, I'd say it was essential.” She said.
“Yeah I guess so.” I sighed, sitting down. “So... What's new?”
“Nothing at all.” She said as she sat down next to me. “What are you doing here?”
“Electra went back inside because Audino told her to come back.” I said. “I have no idea why and neither did she.”
“Well as you already know, I just came here to wash up. And now my fur smells nice and clean.” She said, smiling as she hugged me again.
“Yeah, it does.” I laughed.
“Hey, you can still fly right?” She asked.
“Well yeah...” I said. “I think so. I don't see any reason why I'd suddenly be unable to...”
“Good.” She laughed. “Then you can still get places with your leg hurt.” She said.
“Yes...” I said. “I can walk too... I prefer walking...”
“I prefer riding in Kevin's lambo.” She said.
“What?” I asked, frowning. “His... Lambo?”
“His car.” She said. “The yellow thing we drive around in.”
“I thought it was red...” I said.
“He has a red yellow and purple.” She said. “We took the yellow.”
“Oh yeah...” I laughed. “I forgot.”
“Why are you so weird all of a sudden.” She laughed as she hugged me again.
“Oh hey you two.” Cameron said as he walked in. “It's kind of raining out, so...” he said as he walked over and sat down on one of the chairs.
“Oh hey Cameron.” Cammy said, grinning as she hopped into his lap. “I've got a little something for ya...” She chuckled as she ran the forefinger of her paw down his belly.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” He asked.
“A surprise.” She said, wagging her tail as she grabbed his shirt.
“Um...” He said as he stared at her. “What are you doing?”
“Surprising you.” She said as she pulled it up.
“Hey, stop it!” He said as he picked her up. “No no no!”
“What?” I asked as I looked at them, frowning.
“She keeps trying to mate with me!” Cameron said. “Almost every night I wake up at some point to her doing weird things to me.” He said. “From licking my hair to crawling up my shirt.” He said.
“I was grooming you!” She said as she wiggled in his hands. “Your hair was messy! That doesn't mean I'm trying to mate with you!” She said. “It means I'm doing you a favor!”
“Every night?” He asked. “What favor were you doing by crawling into my shirt?” He asked.
“Well you wear really big clothes. It's not warm enough laying on top of you so I go inside and lay on you.” She said. “It's warmer.”
“Oh please!” Cameron said as he placed her down on the floor. “So just because I wear big clothes that means you can crawl into them?” He asked.
“Yessss...” She said, smiling. “It does.”
“Ugh...” He said, sighing.
“See, I wasn't trying to mate.” She said, folding her arms.
“Well what about when you crawl on me and rub yourself against me like, forever?” He asked.
“It's an affectionate thing! And you like it!” She said. “You said I was soft and cuddly!”
“Well what about that time I woke up with my pants nearly chewed off?” He said.
“Um... I was hungry.” She said. “And that was the only thing... I could find.” She said.
“Yeah right.” he said. “What about the time you had Zeke tackle me so you could kiss me?” he said.
“Um... Yeah I have no explanation for that.” She said.
“You're so weird!” He said.
“I am not!” She said. “YOU are for trying to avoid me!”
“I don't want to fall in love with a Pokemon!” He said. “That's weird!”
“Is it?” She asked as she hopped back up into his lap. “What about... Let's say, there's a little kid. Like, ten years old. He starts his journey as a Pokemon trainer and he befriends an Eevee. He teaches it stuff and they travel together for like a year or two. Is he not in love with the Eevee?” She asked. “They love each other, no?”
“That's different!” Cameron said. “They love each other, they're not IN love!” He said.
“You don't have to be in love to mate.” Cammy said.
“SEE! YOU SAID IT!” Cameron yelled. “You SAID it!”
“Hey, so what? You're almost a grown man. It's time you tried new things.” She said.
“New things doesn't mean Pokemon!” He said.
“Oh come on, there are plenty of people out there that would gladly accept my offer.” She said.
“Well I'm not one of them.” Cameron said.
“I'll get you...” Cammy chuckled. “You just wait. I'll get you.”
“No you won't.” Cameron said. “Never.”
“You'll see.” She laughed. “You'll see...”
“No I won't.” Cameron said. “Besides, you lay eggs. We don't.” He said.
“Um, no we don't.” Cammy said.
“Yes you do.” Cameron said. “I know you do, I read it in this thingy.”
“How can you tell ME what I do and don't give birth to?” Cammy asked. “Are you serious right now? I'm the Pikachu here, I would know!”
“I feel like putting a collar with a camera on you and recording everything you do for one day.” He said. “A day in the life of Cammy.” Cameron said.
“I don't think you'd wanna see that.” She said as she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah I probably wouldn't.” He said. “There'd probably be a lot I wouldn't want to see on that...”
“Oh hush.” She said as she squeezed his nose, before hopping back down onto the floor.
“Ow. Hey...” Cameron said, rubbing his nose.
“I have nothing to say...” I said as I slowly walked over to the counter.
“Oh come on Dallas, you mated with me a couple times too. You know how good I am! Tell Cameron over here what he's missing!” She said.
“No.” I said as I hopped up onto the counter. “That's... Not normal.”
“Neither is a flying Pikachu, so tell him.” She said.
“I don't want to explain to a human what mating feels like. If they don't want to mate then it's their fault. Yes, they're missing out on a lot, but I'm not going to sit here and-”
“Hey Dallas!” Audino shouted as she ran out of the back room. “You have to come here right away!”
“Oh thank Arceus!” I shouted as I hopped into Audino's arms. “Take me awaaaay!”
“Ohhh you're going to be so happy!” She said as she dashed into the back room. “Come on hurry!”
“Well don't tell ME to hurry! My leg is hurt and you're the one carrying me!” I laughed as we ran through a network of hallways.
“Right. Well then just wait!” She said. “Oh this is so exciting! It's always exciting!” She said.
“What? What's so exciting?” I asked, hopping down onto the floor as we entered a somewhat colder room.
“What am I supposed to be happy about...” I asked as I turned around and looked at her.
“This.” Audino said as she lifted me up. I watched, confused as she placed me on a table, until I saw Electra. She was curled up on a blanket, and from what I could see she was eating something.
“Um...” I said as I dropped down onto all fours, my ears perking up as I slowly approached her. What I saw next however, is most likely what Audino was talking about.
She wasn't eating something. She was licking something. I couldn't see what it was however, until I walked right up next to her. That's when I heard the soft, almost silent squeal, and realized, that it wasn't just any something. It was a Pichu.
Our Pichu.
As I slowly made my way around to the front of her, I noticed that there was actually two there. Everything in my head went blank as I just stood there, staring. It took me a minute to grasp what was going on. But when I did, I almost melted into a puddle right there in front of her. So many emotions were going through my head that I didn't even know which one I was really feeling. I smiled as she looked at me, and I lay down on my belly. She didn't say a word as she lay there in front of me, the Pichu inbetween us as we just stared at each other.
The staring contest went on for about a minute, before I decided it was enough, and slowly crawled closer to her. I shivered excitedly as I reached out and rested my right paw against the head of the Pichu on the right.
“The one on the left is a girl.” Audino whispered.
I heard what she said, but I didn't really pay attention to it. I just buried the statement in the back of my mind, to be remembered later. Right now, the genders didn't concern me much.
I had no idea what to say as I sat up, scooping up the Pichu on the right. I stared into his eyes, my ears flattened to the back of my head as I hugged him against me. He smelled like... Well he had his own scent. I hadn't smelled anything like it before. This strange feeling crept into my body, and the longer I held the Pichu, the stronger it got. It was like... A bond of some sort... I don't know where it came from, but all of a sudden I felt dedicated. Dedicated to Electra, and the Pichu. I felt as if it was my duty to do everything I could to protect all three of them. And if either Pichu got hurt, I failed. I felt as if I should hold onto the little guy forever. He was like, suddenly the most important thing in my life. Mewthree didn't matter anymore, neither did this... Palkia clone... My top priority was these Pichu, and I'd tear anyone apart that tried to harm them.
“Dallas...” Electra said calmly as she sat up, picking up the other Pichu and sitting down next to me, purring as she hugged the Pichu and leaned against me.
“Y-yes?” I asked, smiling as I licked her cheek.
“W-we... We're parents...” She said.
“I know...” I said, smiling. “I know...”
“Congratulations Dallas.” Audino said as she patted my back. “You're a father.”
“Thanks.” I said, smiling as I looked back at her.
“W...What do we do now?” Electra asked. “I feel so... Weird now...”
“Well now we've got to register them as yours.” Audino said.
“This is truly a remarkable experience.” Nurse Joy said as she stood in the doorway. “How does it feel to be a father Dallas?” She asked.
“It feels great.” I said, smiling. “It feels really great...”
“Well we've already gotten their height and weight and stuff.” Nurse Joy said. “So as far as registration, you're okay.” She said. “The one that Electra has, the female one, is probably going to be the next Electra.” Nurse Joy laughed.
“Yeah she weighs about twenty four pounds.” Audino said as she looked at her clipboard.
“Well how much do they usually weigh?” I asked.
“About four or five when they're first born.” She said.
Yup, she's definitely going to take after Electra.
“Hey Dallas...” Electra said, smiling. “Maybe she'll be powerful like you, AND have the weight to back it up...” She said. “That'd be so awesome!”
“Yeah, we can be like, a team. When they evolve we can go out fighting evil clones together.” I laughed.
“That's actually not a bad idea.” Audino laughed. “The Dallas family fighting Team whatever's next!”
“Hehe.” I said as I held the Pichu up, looking into his eyes again. “I feel so happy...”
“Are we like, allowed to leave?” Electra asked.
“Well of course.” Audino said. “Would you like a little blanket for the Pichu?”
“Nah we'll be fine.” Electra said as she hopped down onto the floor. “Come on Dallas, Cammy will be so happy!”
“Cammy's probably still torturing Cameron out there.” I laughed as I hopped down onto the floor.
“This way.” Audino said as she lead us through a bunch of hallways.
When we got back to the lobby, and I hopped up onto the counter, I was greeted with a loud scream, which startled me quite a bit.
“AWWWW HE'S ADORABLE!” Cammy squealed as she dashed over and leapt up onto the counter. “Awwww!!!”
“Thanks...” I said, laughing. “You scared me to death...”
“I'm sorry!” Cammy laughed. “He's just so cute! What's you name him?” She asked as she gently rubbed his head.
“Name him... Right...” Electra said, laughing. “I forgot to name them... Well to be honest I don't really know what to name him.” She said. “Or her....”
“Well how about... Eh I don't know...” Cammy laughed. “We'll think of something eventually. It's not like we need to name them right away.” She said.
“Yeah... We can think of something later.” I laughed as I hopped down onto the floor, along with Electra and Cammy.
“Can I hold one?” Cammy asked as she wagged her tail. “Oooh they're so little!”
“Sure I guess.” Electra said as she held the Pichu out. I could tell she was just as nervous as I was about letting others hold the Pichu, but I knew she trusted Cammy, and so did I. I mean, Cammy knows what to do. She watches over the Pichu in the colony sometimes, and I'm sure she'd be extra careful with ours. We're probably not going to let them out of our sight for a couple weeks, but still. She can help out with them if she wants to, right?
“Awww she's adoraBLE!” Cammy squealed as she stumbled backwards. “Holy crap!”
“What?” Electra asked, frowning. “What is it?”
“This thing weighs like... As much as I do!” She squeaked. “This one is too heavy! Take it back!”
“Err...” Electra said as Cammy gave her the Pichu back. “I didn't know that...”
“Is the other one that heavy too?” She asked.
“Well I can't tell the difference....” Electra said.
“Me either.” I laughed. “Why don't you check?”
“Well I don't want to drop him...” Cammy sighed.
“Well you didn't drop the other one...” Electra laughed. “Come on, you're strong enough.”
“Fine.” Cammy said as she held her paws out. “I just don't want to hurt them...”
“You won't.” I said, smiling as I placed the Pichu in her arms. “See?”
“Oh...” She laughed as she hugged him. “He's normal. As far as weight.”
“Yep.” I said, smiling. “I have a feeling he's going to grow up to be stronger than I am. That'd be awesome.”
“What if the girl one grows up to be as strong as Dallas, with all the psychic moves and everything, but eats like Electra?” Cammy asked. “She's be strong, and she's have a lot of weight behind her strength.” She chuckled.
“That's what I said!” Electra laughed.
“I wonder what it would be like if I had Pichu with Dallas.” Cammy laughed.
“Eh?” I asked as I perked up my right ear, making a face as I stared at her.
“I'm not saying I want to. I'm just asking what they would be like.” She said. “Come on, you know I only mate with you when I'm not in season!” She laughed.
“Dallas they're adorable! Congratulations!” Cameron said as he knelt down in front of me, smiling as he scratched behind my ears.
“WHOA!” Electra yelled as she jumped backwards. “Where'd you come from!?”
“I was sitting on the chair watching you.” He said. “I thought you saw me.”
“What if I had Pichu with Cameron?” Cammy asked. “I know I can only have Pichu with other Pikachu, but what IF it somehow happened?” She asked.
“Cammy that's weird. And it can't happen.” Electra said, frowning. “What's wrong with you?”
“Yeah, it's VERY weird.” Cameron said as he stood up. “She's like, all over me!”
“Then accept it so we can get it over with!” Cammy shouted.
“No! That's so weird!” Cameron said.
“He's afraid he's going to mate with you and like it so much that he'll want to do it again and again and become attached to Cammy because she's really good at mating.” Zeke laughed.
“Okay, Where'd YOU come from?” I asked as I looked at Zeke, frowning. “I didn't see you there before.”
“Oh I came in just as you went over the counter. I was laying under the chairs.” Zeke laughed. “Your Pichu are awesome!” He said.
“Thank you.” Electra said, smiling as she hugged the Pichu.
“We should feed them.” I said as I took the Pichu back from Cammy. “What should we give them?”
“Milk.” Cammy said. “For now, just milk.”
“I love how you know everything...” Electra chuckled. “It's really useful.”
“Err... Thanks?” Cammy said, laughing. “I find it useful too. Which reminds me...” She said, sighing. “Zeke... Who exactly did you see dump the flour on me?”
“Oh, I saw him outside earlier. It's raining now, so I was in a hurry to get inside, but he looked pretty beaten up. He glared at me and went into the maze.” he said. “So I didn't bother following him. He's up to no good I can tell.” He said. “Should I have followed him?”
“You should have torn him to pieces!” Cammy shouted. “That bastard!”
“Whoa there!” Electra said as she turned around, hugging the Pichu against her belly. “Easy there with the language!”
“Oh, right.” Cammy said, her ears drooping to the sides as she stared at Electra. “Sorry...”
“Nono it's okay, no big deal.” Electra laughed. “Just no heavy stuff around the Pichu.”
“Well they're going to have to learn it sooner or later.” Zeke said. “And besides, they're YOUR Pichu, so no one cares what they do anyway because they don't want to anger you by disciplining them.” He said.
“Zeke has a point...” Cammy laughed.
“No. Way too early for that.” Electra said. “I don't want their first words to be... Filth.” She said.
“Filth eh? First time I heard you say that!” Cammy laughed.
“Well I couldn't think of any other words!” She said, pouting.
“I love how funny you guys are.” Zeke laughed. “It's really fun being with you all, it really is. It's so entertaining, listening to all the funny things you talk about when we're together. I'm really glad I met you all.” He said as he lay down on his belly.
“Awww Zeke...” Electra said, smiling. “That's so nice of you...”
“Zeke, you of all Pokemon should know that, when Dallas and Electra aren't around, the conversations get WEIRD.” Cameron said as he stood up. “And uncomfortable.”
“Well that's why I said when we're TOGETHER!” Zeke laughed. “And I don't mind the conversations we have when we're not together. I find them entertaining too. The way you always try to fight off Cammy.” He laughed. “It's funny.”
“It's not funny!” Cameron said.
“We are soooo not going back into this conversation.” Electra said as she held up her right paw. “No no no no NO!”
“Yeah, we can talk about this tonight Cameron, when the Pichu aren't around.” Cammy grinned.
“Yeah, you do that.” Electra said.
“No, DON'T do that!” Cameron said. “No no nooooo!”
“Oh come on, you liiiiike it!” Cammy said as she hopped up onto Cameron's back, giggling.
“Get off me!” Cameron whined.
“Nope.” She laughed as she climbed up onto his head. “I think I'll just sit here for a while...”
“Cammy that doesn't look very comfortable.” Zeke said.
“You're right...” She said as she hopped down. “But your back is!”
“YAY!” Zeke barked as Cammy jumped onto his back, and he stood up.
“You know...” I laughed as I looked around the room. “Where's Kevin?”
“I have no idea.” Cameron said, laughing. “Probably in the car. I should call him.” He said as he took his phone out of his pocket.
“Ooooooh an iPhone! Did Kevin buy it for you?” Cammy asked as she stood up on Zeke's back, wagging her tail.
“Yes actually.” Cameron said. “He said I could spend money on stuff so I'm spending money of stuff.” He laughed.
“Ah.” Cammy said as she sat back down. “What'd I do with our money anyway Zeke?” She asked. “I forgot what I did with it... I got so angry because that moron dumped flour on me...” She growled.
“Oh, I remember!” He barked. “You put it in your, um...”
“Oh yeah.” She said, laughing. “Now I remember.”
“How could you possibly forget?” Electra asked.
“So that's why your cheeks are all weird?” Cameron asked.
“Yes, shush.” She laughed. “You're supposed to be calling Kevin!”
“Oh, I thought you meant... Nevermind.” I laughed. “Just... Nevermind.”
“It's right here.” She said as she stuck her paw in her mouth.
“I know...” I laughed. “How much do you have?”
“Well...” She said as she pulled out the money, laughing. “I have a few soggy hundred dollar bills...”
“You... Are extremely weird...” Cameron said as he stared at Cammy. “You kept that in your mouth?”
“In my cheek pouches.” She said. “You can hold small things in them. Well YOU can't because you're human, but I can.” She said.
“Weird.” Cameron said. “Oh, and Kevin's in the car.” He said. “Watching Palkia in the sky.”
“Palkia?” Electra asked, gasping as she dashed to the door. “I wanna see!”
“Yeah!” I shouted as I ran after her, holding the Pichu in my paws as he snuggled up in my belly fur.
“Hey it stopped raining.” Zeke said as he stepped outside with us.
“Oh, hey Kevin.” Cammy said. “I thought you were in the car...”
“Yeah well I figured you needed me when you called.” He said. “So I got out.”
“Well with Palkia in the sky like that, I think we'd be better off in the car.” Cammy laughed. “Let's go... NOW... Especially since we don't know if that's the clone or not...”
“Yeah, and I don't like the way he's staring at us...” Cameron said, frowning. “Let's like, go... Now...”
“Yeah I suppose you're right...” Kevin said. “But I don't think he's looking for a fight... Just staring...” He said as we made our way to the car.
I perked my ears up as I heard Palkia speak. It was a really deep voice, which I thought was kind of weird, but I wasn't really paying attention to the tone, but rather what he said.
“YOU...” He shouted, but since his voice was so deep, it just sounded like a loud booming voice, no yelling or anything. Just really loud.
“Err...” I said, frowning. “Yeah let's get in the car...”
“Right.” Cameron said as he waited for Zeke and Cammy to go in, then Electra, and finally me, before he himself got in, and so did Kevin.
“Let's watch him.” Kevin said. “This is so cool. Hey take out your phone and record this!” Kevin laughed.
“OH! Right!” Cameron laughed as he took out his iPhone. “Great idea!”
“YOU...” Palkia shouted again, except this time, I think everyone heard it.
“Yep, that's the clone alright. I don't EVER recall Palkia having such a deep voice.” Cammy said.
“We should... Probably get out of here.” Zeke whined. “I don't want any trouble... We have Pichu to protect!”
“Zeke's right.” Cameron said. “Come on, no more recording. We've gotta run.”
“Yeah, you're right...” Kevin said, his right eyebrow raising as he looked back at us. “PICHU?”
“Yes.” I said, sighing as I hugged the Pichu against me, who appeared to be sleeping.
“Ohhhh! Congratulations!” He said, smiling. “You're a daddy now!”
“You have much to learn...” Came the voice in the sky, this time louder than ever. “You do not mess with superior beings!”
“Superior beings?” Cammy asked. “Everyone in this car is as superior as you can get!” She laughed. “He's out of his mind if he thinks he can defeat us!”
“Yeah!” Zeke barked. “We can take him out!”
“Err... Look...” Cammy said as she pointed up, frowning. “That, excuse my language, ASSHOLE is up on his back!” She growled.
“Oh great.” Zeke whined.
“Hey FUCKER!” Cammy yelled as she stuck her head out of the window. “FUCK YOU!” She growled as she fired off a thunderbolt, nailing both the wet Palkia, and the Pikachu on his back.
“Graaah!” Palkia growled as he flew up into the sky. “So you want to play dirty huh?” He said, laughing. “Well let's see how you like THIS!” He said as he shot a purple beam at us.
“Fuck.” Kevin mumbled as he started the car, just as it hit us.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on.” Kevin said as everything went dark. “Is everyone still there?”
“I'm still here!” Cammy shouted. “I have no idea what's going on but roll up the window! THE WIND IS TERRIBLE!”
“Ugh...” Kevin said as he rolled up the window, before turning on the lights. “I can't see a thing.”
“Yeah neither can we.” Zeke said. “I mean, I can see all of us in here, but nothing outside...”
“That's what I meant.” Kevin said.
“Well... I hope everything's going to be fine...” Electra growled. “Because if anything happens to our Pichu I'm going to go nuts!”
Just as she said that, everything went back to normal. Except it was sunny, and the sky was clear.
“Okay what the fudge?” Cameron asked as he looked out the window. “Since when was it sunny?”
“It wasn't...” Kevin said as he looked around.
“Hey, where'd the Pokemon Center go?” Zeke asked.
As I looked out the window, I could see that literally everything was different. The grass was a different shade of green, and the sky was a lighter blue. Not only that, but the trees were taller, the humans looked and dressed differently, the clouds looked different...
But what really got my attention, was the Pokemon. They were way different. There were tons of Pokemon here that I'd never seen before! Not only that, but the Pokemon Center was different too. It was a normal hospital, for both humans and animals.
“What the hell? What happened to this place?” Cammy asked. “I've never seen these Pokemon in my life!”
“Yeah me neither!” Zeke said. “And we study the PC twenty four seven!”
“Yeah, we would know if these existed.” Cammy said. “And what the heck is a dog park?”
“Where do you see that?” Cameron asked.
“Right there.” Kevin said. “The sign... It usually says Pokepark... Now it says dog park...”
“What's a... Dog...?” Zeke asked.
“Well... Like a Growlithe...” Electra said.
“These things aren't Growlithe.” I said as I looked out the window. “I don't know what these are...”
“Neither do I, but I bet they taste good.” Electra laughed.
“Probably.” Zeke said. “They look weird though. I wonder if we can catch them...”
“Yeah I want one.” Cammy laughed.
“Well you've got to battle for them.” Zeke said. “Let's go ask one of the trainers to battle.”
“I don't know if that's such a good idea...” Kevin said. “Everything's different... Dog park... Hospital... Where's the Pokepark and Pokemon Center?”
“I have no idea but this place looks weird.” Cameron said. “And it smells.”
“Well we can't just stay in the car...” Cammy frowned.
“Yes we can.” Kevin said as he shifted into reverse. “We're leaving. Until we find out where we are, we have to keep a low profile. Just in case we don't belong here.” He said.
“That makes a lot of sense actually...” Cammy laughed. “Kevin's right.
As we backed out of the dog park, a wave of hopelessness washed over me. I sighed as I hugged my Pichu against my belly, before looking at Electra. I could tell she felt the same. I mean, we just had our Pichu, and now the first couple days of their lives are going to be spent in the middle of nowhere. That not only makes me and Electra feel bad, but it confuses the Pichu. I could tell that Zeke and Cammy felt the same way me and Electra did too. All of a sudden, we didn't belong. Everything was different, even the air was thicker. Maybe that's what's making us feel this way. Yeah, it's the air. We were just teleported somewhere where the air is thicker, that's all. I'm sure once we find out where we are we'll be just fine. Besides, I can take us all back to where we belong once I find out where we are... Right?
--END Story Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx.--
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Chapter Twenty Six - A Miracle And A Disaster
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12 years ago
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