Current Track: Blabb



\n Well, me and my friend sort of made up, via tex messaging. I know lame right, but it worked. We are gonig to start haingin out again! Yay, but there are going to be some "Conditions" that he set up, but don't worry, i didn't just role over and took all of his requests like i was crawling back to him, i made some conditions of my own. His first condition that i actualy allowed, and will share with you, was that i couldn't "touch" him anymore. I understood that, but it's not like a actualy "touched" him befor eather, not inaproprietly anyway, but that was something i was willing to give up. Then one of his requests was that i had to prommis to let him help me be learn how to be straight! How dare he!




\n I said. "Insert person's name here" how dare you! To even suggest that you would try to change me, simply to make yourself feel more comfortable around me, is unbearably selfish.




\n So he just threw that off of the table. I knew i could make my own demands, becasue he knows how much he hert me when he did this to me, and he also wanted me back as much as i wanted him. So i made him swear he wouldn't call anything "gay" when he is around me, he isn't alowd to get all wieard around me, and by that i mean he cant think that i am constantly cheking him out, and finoly he cant try to change me! He has to deal with who and what i fundomentoly am.


\n I think I'm making progress with him, i got some of my friend back, but some is better than none, and I'm taking it. Babby steps!


\n Thanks for all your words of support everyone, lets see how things go from here. Hope things turn out for the better.
