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Frost Byte Fursona
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Today has been an AWESOME day!
- Created a Fursona
- Received commission from my favorite artist!!
- Mike Tyson walked into the café where I was writing a story (trying to)
- The screen on my iPhone cracked... not sure how hat is awesome, but (through transitivity) I have been telling people Mike Tyson cracked my screen 8D
The second Vasuki opened up commissions, I jumped at the chance to snag a spot. I didn't really know what I wanted drawn and took a chance by literally creating a fursona on the spot with a few descriptions. Vasuki drew this and I F%(#ing LOVE it!!
If you are not following Vasuki, I question your sanity.
*-whispers non-discretely-* Follow him! You can follow him on:
Weasyl: Vasuki
Fur Affinity: Vasuki
Twitter: @VasukiStoat
Art by Vasuki
Frost Byte belongs to... well, ME!
- Created a Fursona
- Received commission from my favorite artist!!
- Mike Tyson walked into the café where I was writing a story (trying to)
- The screen on my iPhone cracked... not sure how hat is awesome, but (through transitivity) I have been telling people Mike Tyson cracked my screen 8D
The second Vasuki opened up commissions, I jumped at the chance to snag a spot. I didn't really know what I wanted drawn and took a chance by literally creating a fursona on the spot with a few descriptions. Vasuki drew this and I F%(#ing LOVE it!!
If you are not following Vasuki, I question your sanity.
*-whispers non-discretely-* Follow him! You can follow him on:
Weasyl: Vasuki
Fur Affinity: Vasuki
Twitter: @VasukiStoat
Art by Vasuki
Frost Byte belongs to... well, ME!
10 years ago
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