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Upcoming: Artwatcher 0.90
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Title can't be empty.
Now for an update with what's been keeping me busy.
The last version was a stop-gap as It would have proven difficult to implement further features so I had to make a major overhaul to the code, hence why a new version has been taking this long. 0.90 is shaping up to what I'll consider to be version 1.0, hence the large leap in version number.
0.90 should feature:
- Whole new interface, which includes single-step submission interface
- Delayed submissions: Saves the submissions to submit them later (avoids problems having to submit it again if one site fails)
- Unified messages: Artwork and journals now put together on feed, all sorts of comments, favorites, shares ond other types now put under notifications
- Split identification sounds: Features different notification sounds according to notification type, each notification type can be configured to adjust volume and how many messages to accumulate before it's triggered
- Support for Weasyl, Inkbunny, Sofurry, Furaffinity and Tumblr. Sites that didn't have mature support will return before version 1.0 with full support.
- Stream announcements: Announce your stream from Artwatcher
- RSS reader
- Auto keywords: Enter keywords that will be automatically added to submissions on each account every time you submit
Goals for 1.0:
- Filtering: This will supplant the previous separate notification pages, allowing to filter by type of notification, date or source.
- Blacklisting/Whitelisting: Allows to bypass the filtering for individual users so that trusted users can have their content appear while untrusted users don't
- Support for Weasyl, Inkbunny, Sofurry, Furaffinity, Tumblr, Deviantart, Wysp, Patreon, Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and Pixiv. Drawcrowd may return later due to technical reasons.
- Basic statistics keeping
- Scheduling submissions
- User linking: Allows linking to an user while automatically adjusting the description on each submission to match the user on the respective site
- Watermarking/signing tool
- Thumbnailer/cropper tool
- Individual submission editing: allows to adjust the description of the submission on each individual site it will be posted on.
- Navigation: Tags to navigate series of submissions, with next/previous/first/last links
And I'm giving Patreon another try - please consider sponsoring the developing of my applications if you like them.
The last version was a stop-gap as It would have proven difficult to implement further features so I had to make a major overhaul to the code, hence why a new version has been taking this long. 0.90 is shaping up to what I'll consider to be version 1.0, hence the large leap in version number.
0.90 should feature:
- Whole new interface, which includes single-step submission interface
- Delayed submissions: Saves the submissions to submit them later (avoids problems having to submit it again if one site fails)
- Unified messages: Artwork and journals now put together on feed, all sorts of comments, favorites, shares ond other types now put under notifications
- Split identification sounds: Features different notification sounds according to notification type, each notification type can be configured to adjust volume and how many messages to accumulate before it's triggered
- Support for Weasyl, Inkbunny, Sofurry, Furaffinity and Tumblr. Sites that didn't have mature support will return before version 1.0 with full support.
- Stream announcements: Announce your stream from Artwatcher
- RSS reader
- Auto keywords: Enter keywords that will be automatically added to submissions on each account every time you submit
Goals for 1.0:
- Filtering: This will supplant the previous separate notification pages, allowing to filter by type of notification, date or source.
- Blacklisting/Whitelisting: Allows to bypass the filtering for individual users so that trusted users can have their content appear while untrusted users don't
- Support for Weasyl, Inkbunny, Sofurry, Furaffinity, Tumblr, Deviantart, Wysp, Patreon, Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and Pixiv. Drawcrowd may return later due to technical reasons.
- Basic statistics keeping
- Scheduling submissions
- User linking: Allows linking to an user while automatically adjusting the description on each submission to match the user on the respective site
- Watermarking/signing tool
- Thumbnailer/cropper tool
- Individual submission editing: allows to adjust the description of the submission on each individual site it will be posted on.
- Navigation: Tags to navigate series of submissions, with next/previous/first/last links
And I'm giving Patreon another try - please consider sponsoring the developing of my applications if you like them.
9 years ago
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