Current Track: Blabb

Chapter 10: Clash of the Champions

It was a
beautiful day. It was hot enough not to need a jacket but not enough to be
uncomfortable. There was the right amount of cloud cover in the sky to not be
too cloudy, and it was a breeze but not enough to be windy. I lay flat on the
grass, breathing heavily from a hardcore training session. I was sweaty, grimy,
and worn out, but I still couldn't stop smiling. Dust had finally evolved into
a Flygon. He was the last on my team to evolve, and I'm pretty sure Maude had
been teasing him about it which was odd since Mawile didn't evolve. He lay on
his stomach beside me, breathing just as hard. He flapped his wings gently, the
small breeze cooling us off.

            I heard
footsteps then Patrick's face appeared overhead. “What're you doing?"

            “Taking a
break," I said. “Like you and 'dad' keep reminding me to."

lay on the grass beside me. I continued to stare up at the sky, watching a
cloud shaped like an ice-cream cone float lazily by. “C'mon, you know Neil is
just worried about you," he said. “And you did pass out last time. Your Pokémon
had a fit. Training until you faint isn't healthy."

            “I didn't
faint," I said, annoyed. “I just didn't get enough sleep."

doesn't make it better."

            “Dude, I
just evolved Dust into a Flygon, and you are seriously killing my buzz."

dropped the issue. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the breeze from Dust's newly
evolved wings.

eventually spoke, breaking the silence. “What would you say if I said we should
just leave Kalos? Just forget about Pokémon training and becoming Champion and
trying to deal with these annoying family obligations. Just pack up and go."

            I couldn't
help but laugh. “Yeah, right. And go where? Besides, Neil would never go for

chuckled softly. “Y-You're right. Neil would never let us leave."

I promised Bryce I would become Champion one day. I'm not breaking that promise
for anything."

            I heard
Pat shift on the grass. Likely sitting up to face me. “Well…yeah, but you never
said you had to be the Kalos League Champion. There's plenty of other regions
out there."

            I put my
hands behind my head and thought on it for a moment. “Nah. Bryce set out to be
the Kalos Champion. I have to finish what he started. This has to be my first."

warbled as if confirming it.

right, Dust," I said. “And you and the others are going to help me every step
of the way. Anyway, Pat, why are you getting so real all of a sudden? It's not
like you."

            “N-No real
reason or anything like that! I just…I wonder sometimes what happens after we
become Champions, and…other stuff."

            I sat up
and turned to him. He sat there, knees up to his chest, and his chin resting on
his knees. It was weird seeing him sitting like that considering how tall he
was. “Other stuff like what?"

It's not important."

brought it up. You don't get to drop the subject."

            Pat played
with his hands. I gave him my best “mom" stare, that look parents gave their
children when they knew their kid was hiding 


Pat broke. “Okay! I just started wondering about what I'm gonna do after I
become Champion."

            I groaned
and lay back down. “That's what you're worried about? It's pretty
obvious that once we become Champions, we travel the world and conquer the
other Leagues."

            “…But I
don't want to."

            I sat up
again. “What?"

            “I wanna
stay here," Pat said softly. “Actually, I was thinking about…joining the Abuse
Division or the International Police."

            Dust gave
a shocked warble. I jumped up. “Whoa, are you seriously talking about joining
the Abuse Division? Are you crazy?!"

crazy?" Neil asked. He walked up eating an apple. Ember followed close behind.
“Hey! You finally evolved Dust into a Flygon."

you," I said. “Now, Pat is talking about becoming a cop."

shrugged. “So?"

can't join the League Challenge, Neil. He's saying he doesn't wanna be Champion

swallowed a large chunk of apple and started choking. Ember patted him on the
back until he spit up the apple chunk. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and
said, “Thanks, Ember. But back to you, Pat. What the hell? What happened to our
promise? We're supposed to become Champs together."

            “I'm still
gonna be Champion, guys," Pat cried. “I'm just talking about after I become
Champion. I mean, haven't you ever wondered what's gonna happen after we do
this? In all the movies and the stories, no one ever talks about what happens

            Neil sat
down on the grass. Ember curled up behind him and he leaned back on the
Charizard. “I already know what I'm gonna do when I become Champion. I'm gonna
travel the world, conquer the other Leagues, and become the most famous trainer
in the world."

            I pointed
to Neil. “See? Neil doesn't need to plan ahead because his dream's never coming

you, Maya. What're you gonna do after you become Champion?"

            I smiled
at him and turned back to Patrick. “Easy. I'm gonna use my resources as
Champion to finish my search for Bryce. Once I find him, then I'm gonna travel
the world and beat all the Leagues."

            Neil and
Patrick exchanged looks.

            “What?" I

Pat said quickly. “I just kinda figured you had plans for…y'know…after all
that. You had to want to do something before Bryce disappeared."

            “Now that I'm hearing it out loud,
it does sound kinda…basic," Neil said. “I feel like every trainer says that.
Maybe we should find different dreams."

            I looked
back up at the sky. An oddly-shaped cloud was overhead, blocking out the sun.
“Actually, I think once I find Bryce, I'll take a year off. Just wander the
world and go places no one's ever been before."

sounds pretty nice actually," Pat said. “Maybe I'll go with you."

            “Ooo! A
romantic trip around the world," Neil said teasingly.

            “Shut up,
Neil," I shot back. “Pat and I are friends. Just two people who happen
to be traveling together. Two friends traveling and falling in love is
something that happens in the movies. Right, Pat?"



I opened
my eyes to a room I barely recognized. It took a minute for it to sink-in that
I was sleeping in a hotel room not far from the Pokémon League. From the
window, the sun was barely peeking over the tops of the trees in the distance.

            I slipped
out of bed quietly, although I was the only one there. I was afraid if I made
too much noise, someone would appear, and I really wanted to enjoy the silence.
The dream I had was odd. I had forgotten that day. Since I met Taylor, I questioned
if I should officially call off the search for my brother. Besides, if Bryce
were still out there, I would've found him by now or he would've come back. It
was about time I put that to rest and stopped dwelling on it. He was gone and
he wasn't coming back. End of story. I was so fixated on that, I neglected
everything else.

Okay, then. Once I finish kicking Sharon's ass and making
sure Beacon won't fall apart without me, I'll take a year off to travel the
I got dressed and took my team

still felt too bright outside despite how early it was. I kept my head down as
I looked for a private place to let my team out. The streets were quiet and
empty, but I could feel the whole city was like a tight string waiting to be
plucked. They all knew what today was, who was here and why. The whole world
would be watching. I didn't care. I was here because I didn't like being told
who or what I was supposed to be. Then that high-strung bitch Gwendoline had
the nerve to set me up. They needed to learn like everyone else to leave me the
fuck alone.

I found an empty park close to the hotel. I let my team out
their balls and fed them. They ate their breakfast quietly. Everyone was on
edge. They knew what today was. It had been a while since they battled anyone
with real skill. Or maybe they sensed I was pissed. Dust kept giving me looks.

After everyone finished eating, I checked for any
last-minute injuries and had them do warm-up exercises. Even Dorian, who
usually gave me a hard time, did what I said without complaining.

“Okay, we all know what today is," I said, pacing back and
forth. “This battle isn't about being the Champion. Some people think we don't
deserve to be where we are, and they're pulling out all the stops to knock us
down. Well they're about to learn the hard way we didn't get where we are by
asking nicely. Also, I want to mention that once this battle is over, we're
going on vacation."

I stopped for a moment to let my words sink in. My team
looked at each other and looked at me with the same confused expression. Not
the response I was hoping for. I shrugged and continued. “Look, we've been at
this for a while, and I'm just this fucked-up blend of emotion. Sometimes I
don't even know what to do with myself. So, maybe it'll help to just get away
from everything. Besides, you guys need a break, too. You never complained, but
I worked you all pretty hard over the years. It's about time I gave back and
let you all have a moment. Now, we are gonna have a few battles just to stay
loose and keep Maude from having a psychotic break. So are we ready for one
last showdown?"

My Pokémon all gave triumphant barks and cries, showing
they were ready.

“Nice speech," Cassandra said from behind me. “Almost makes
me feel sorry for Sharon. But I thought you didn't care about being Champion?"

I didn't turn around. “I don't care. I just don't like
being told where my place is."

“I get it. After all the blood, sweat, and tears you put
into clawing your way to the top, you're not about to just give it all up
without a fight, but you do realize what'll happen if you win?"

I sighed and faced her. I was surprised to see her alone. “What
do you want?"

“Ever since that trip to Santalune yesterday, you have been
pissed at something. I just wanted to make sure you were cool. You became
Champion to fulfill a promise you made. It's more than just a title to you. You
stepped down and make a point of pointing out you're an Ex-Champion because you
don't think you deserve the title. But I think a part of you wants to be worthy
of it again. Only now Sharon is threatening that." She stepped closer and said
gently, “You already fulfilled your promise. You don't owe anyone anything, so
it's okay if you lose."

“I get it—really I do. But I'm not going easy on her

Cassandra studied my face. I meant what I said. I knew
where the line was. Even during my dark period, I never once considered
breaking the rules to win a battle or taking things too far. I toed the line a
bit, but I was certain to never cross it.

“Hey, I need a favor," I said. “I need you take Sparks for
this one. Since he's not officially part of my team, I don't want Sharon
claiming I'm trying to cheat."

“Yeah, I can do that. Just remember what I said."

Sparks lowered his head and went to Cassandra. I returned
my team to their balls and followed Cassandra to the Pokémon League. The
streets were starting to fill up as if the whole world woke up at once. People
whispered to each other, but no one seemed to notice us. I turned to Cassandra
and saw she was stiff.

The Pokémon League was essentially a small city surrounding
a massive building where trainers battled in the final League tournament before
challenging the Elite Four and the Champion. From anywhere in the town, the
building could be seen, looking like a cathedral from a fantasy story. People
said this was where the Kalos Region began, others said it used to be a
sanctuary for people and Pokémon trying to get away from some terrible war. I
didn't really remember; I didn't pay much attention to history.

Eventually, we reached the walkway leading to the League's
main building. I expected it to be swarmed with trainers wanting to be close to
the action, but it was abandoned. I looked up at the building and froze. Every
inch of the massive rooftop was covered in Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Starly, Staravia,
Fletchling, and Fletchinder. The small bird Pokémon sat like little feathered
sentries, watching us with beady eyes.

Guess that explains why everyone in town is nervous. “What the hell is this?" I asked.

“I have an idea. I just hope I'm wrong," Cassandra replied.
“Give me a minute."

She walked away before I could say anything. The Pokémon on
the roof didn't budge and kept staring at me. Standing there alone, with a
massive flock of Pokémon watching me was beyond creepy.

I seriously hope they don't attack. Even with my whole
team, there's no way to ward off that many.

“I didn't think you would show," Sharon said.

I had no idea when Sharon got there, but it didn't matter.
If it meant getting my mind off being watched, I welcomed the company. There's
a thought I never thought I'd have.

I turned around. I was surprised to see she was alone. She
stood there, dressed like someone going to a business interview. She looked
different in person. On TV she gave off this vibe as some pampered child who
always got her way. Seeing her face-to-face, I still got that vibe, but I also
felt like she was looking for something but didn't know what it was.

Sharon looked at all the Pokémon sitting on the roof.
“They've been there since this morning. They're advising everyone not to bother
them and risk agitating them. They'll cause thousands in damage if they swarm
the city." She walked toward the building without looking back. “Follow me. If
we battled out here, it'll cause a lot of damage to the beautiful grounds."

I followed. I'll give her one thing, she's got nerves of
Sharon spoke to me as we walked. “There is something I want to tell
you before we battle. I didn't challenge you to boost my reputation. I did it
because you represent everything that is wrong with Pokémon trainers. You let
your emotions rule you, and you think a battle can solve all of your problems.
Trainers fear you. Leaving you undefeated only adds to that fear. The title of
Champion is something trainers should look up to, not cower in its shadow."

I frowned at the back of Sharon's head. I had no idea how to react to that. Should I
be offended by Sharon calling me a bad trainer or should I be impressed by her
calling me out not being a publicity stunt as I had assumed? I decided the
reason didn't matter. I was gonna kick her ass—end of story.

The inside of the League was exactly as I remembered it.
The massive hall was lined with pictures and plaques of all the former Champions.
I reached my name and stopped. There it was, a plaque with my name and the
names of my Pokémon on it underneath a picture of us. Dorian wasn't in it
because I hadn't met him then. My Pokémon were dirty and exhausted. I had
refused to get them treated before taking their picture because I wanted people
to see their hard work. I didn't look much better; my clothes were torn, worn,
and dirty as if I had battled myself. I still remembered battling the Elite
Four. It took eight days between battling and resting between matches. Dagna
gave me an especially hard time. She looked and acted like a sweet old lady,
but her Pokémon were relentless. I looked at myself in the picture. The eyes
were full of a lot of emotions: anger, sadness, betrayal, tiredness, but not
happiness. I hadn't even faked a smile.

Makes sense, I guess. I didn't have many reasons to smile
that day. I had become the Champion, but I was alone.

            I turned
away from the photo and followed Sharon to the elevator. The ride was shorter
than I remember, but it provided a great view of the town below. I could also
see all the Pokémon perched on the roof. They watched the elevator ride to the
top floor. I shuddered a little and faced the door.

            “It almost
feels as if they're here to watch your defeat," Sharon said. “Even the Pokémon
want to see you fall."

            I didn't
answer. I had already decided I was going to beat her; I didn't need any more

            We got off
the elevator at the top floor. We were surrounded by high walls and
stained-glass windows. The sun shone through the windows, painting the walls
and floor in a rainbow of colors. There was something haunting about a place
meant for battling to feel so…sacred. It did kinda make sense. To make it to
this place Pokémon training and battling had to mean something. Becoming
Champion had to mean something. It wasn't a title just any trainer could get.
Years of training and effort were put into making it this far. The final reward.
Something every trainer had to earn, not inherit or have handed to them like a
free sample.

kid or not, Sharon had to earn her way here. I felt that familiar excitement
build within me again. It had been so long since I battled someone with any
real skill. That could actually challenge me without some kind of handicap.

            I smiled.

took her place at the end of the battlefield. “The whole battle is being
televised. No one except Champions and challengers are allowed up here. But
that's enough talking. This will be a full battle using standard League rules.
Do you object?"

            “Nope. Do

didn't respond, but it was clear in her eyes she didn't like my comment. She
nodded to the referee.

ladies. This will be a full battle with no time-limit. The winner will be
determined when one trainer forfeits or all Pokémon of one trainer's party are
unable to battle. Now choose your first Pokémon."

            “Let's do
this, Sunny!" I cried, throwing Sunny's ball as high as I could into the air.
It burst open, releasing my Volcarona onto the field.

with that one first, are you?" Sharon asked. “Hoping to use her power to build
momentum early, I see. Well, I have just the counter for that. I choose, Rhys."
The Poké Ball at her side opened releasing a large, gray, bipedal Pokémon onto
the field. It looked down at Sunny from the end of its snout where it also had
a large drill-like horn. There was an almost feral look in its red eyes.

rock-type, huh? That's Sunny's greatest weakness. Guess she did research on
which Pokémon I would use. She's serious about putting me down.

            “Well? Aren't you going to switch Pokémon?" Sharon asked.
“It's obvious a bug-and-fire-type stands no chance against a rock-type."

            “Only a
rookie thinks a type advantage guarantees a win," I shot back. “Sunny, let's
teach this rookie how a real trainer battles. Use Quiver Dance!"

Blast," Sharon said.

Rhydon began firing rocks from its mouth at Sunny. Sunny spun and dodged the
attack while still dancing.

Sunny, now fly low and use Fiery Dance."

dance intensified, scattering the burning scales from her wings around in a
small fiery vortex. Instead of dodging the attack, Rhys took the hit, but I
expected that.

follow up with Giga Drain," I cried.

Polish, then Earthquake," Sharon said.

fired a green beam of energy as Rhys' body glowed white. Just before Sunny's
attack could land, Rhys jumped out of the way with surprising speed. With a
loud roar, she slammed a fist into the ground, making the whole room tremble. I
struggled to keep my balance, but Sunny flew up, avoiding it. Rhys immediately
followed with another Rock Blast.

use String Shot and let's see how they like it!"

narrowly dodged another rock, then caught it in mid-air with a string shot. She
spun around and swung the rock back at its sender. Rhys ducked under the blow
and fired another rock from her mouth. Sunny glided to the side, still spinning
and swinging the tethered rock. She flipped and turned to alter its path and
keep the Rhydon at a distance. Rhys dodged and jumped around Sunny's attacks,
firing off additional Rock Blasts whenever she could find an opening.

            “Rhys, get in close then stop that thing
with your tail," Sharon said.

            Rhys dodged another incoming swing
then rushed Sunny. Sunny shot the rock at Rhys, but the Rhydon knocked it away
with her tail.

“Now use Fire Punch," Sharon commanded.

Rhys rushed in while Sunny was in mid-spin for another
strike. Sunny got hit in the back with a flaming fist. Sunny spun around and altered
the trajectory of her swing and hit Rhys in the side with the rock. The rock
shattered and Rhys was knocked sideways.

“Aim String Shot at her feet!" I shouted.

            Sunny fired silk at Rhys' feet,
pinning the Rhydon to the floor. Rhys slammed a fist into the ground hard
enough to crack the floor. Everyone nearly fell over from the tremors. Sunny
again flew up to dodge it, but this time Rhys cut her off with another Rock Blast.
Sunny took a direct hit and fell to the ground.

            “Rhys, use Fire Punch to burn off
the silk then finish her off," Sharon said.

            “Sunny, I
wanna try something crazy," I said. “You up for it?"

looked back at me. Bug-types didn't make facial expressions, but I could tell
she was giving me a look as if saying, “Do you really have to ask?"

            “You can
plot all you want," Sharon said. “I know your strategy now. String Shot won't
save you this time. Rhys, use Fire Punch!"

don't move," I ordered.

            Rhys freed
herself, set both fists on fire, then charged forward. Sunny didn't move. Rhys
pulled back a flaming fist and threw a punch in Sunny's abdomen. Rhys used her
momentum to push Sunny back until they slammed into the far wall.

smiled and turned to the ref. “You can call the match now, she's finished."

            “Which one
you talking about?" I asked, smiling. I then shouted, “Sunny, use String Shot!"

chittered loudly in response. Rhys cried out, but it was quickly muffled.
Sharon's eyes widened and she turned to her Rhydon. Rhys stood there, her face
wrapped in a silk cocoon.

like String Shot saved me after all," I said. “Sunny, use Giga Drain and finish

only watched as Sunny shot Rhys with another green energy beam at point-blank
range. It didn't take long before Rhys fell to the floor and stayed down.

Rhydon is unable to battle! The winner is Maya!" the ref shouted.

            I quickly
dug around in my bag and pulled out a small spray bottle. It was a special
solution I made to quickly remove Sunny's silk from her string shot. I jogged
across the field and handed it to Sharon. “Here, use this to get that stuff off
her face."

made a sour face as she snatched the bottle from me then went to her Rhydon.

I thought as I went back to my place on the field. Not surprising since
the trainer who gave Champions a bad name had shown her mercy. I gave Sunny a
quick check while Sharon was busy. Sunny had a few scrapes, but she was fine.
As I inspected my Volcarona, Sharon's words jumped into my mind again.

The title of Champion is something trainers should look up
to, not cower in its shadow."
That didn't explain why she had to beat me in front of everyone. I wasn't Champion anymore.
What was wrong with building up her reputation and eventually overshadowing me?
I didn't even like telling people I was Champion. If Sharon hadn't called me
out, I probably would've been forgotten anyway.

I turned back to Sunny. I could figure out Sharon's
reasoning later. “You good for another round, or should I call you back now?"

            Sunny gave
a small nod indicating she was good to go. We waited until Sharon was done
pulling the silk from Rhys' face.

After recalling her Rhydon, she returned to her side of the
battlefield. “Looks like I need to take you more seriously. Emperor, you're
next." She tossed her Poké Ball, releasing her Pokémon onto the field.

A tall, blue, Pokémon was released onto the field. It's
beak extended into three horns pointed upward. From the way it stood, I could
tell it took great pride in itself.

An Empoleon? But Empoleon aren't resistant to Sunny's best
moves. What is she up to?

“If you ladies are ready, let the battle begin!" the ref

“Sunny, hit him hard with Fiery Dance," I cried.

“Use Mist!" Sharon shouted.

Just as Sunny began preparing her attack, a thick fog
covered the field. I could barely see anything, not even Sunny who was a few
feet away from me. There was a bright flash, indicating Sunny launched her attack,
but there was no cry of pain, so I assumed it missed.

“Sunny, flap your wings and blow the fog away!"

Within seconds, the fog was blown away. Sharon's Empoleon
stood right behind Sunny.

Before I could warn my Pokémon, Sharon shouted. “Hydro

Sunny was blasted with a jet of water that launched her
halfway to the vaulted ceiling. She didn't try to recover as she fell toward
the ground. I quickly recalled her before she landed.

Sharon looked at me with a smug smirk on her face. I
ignored her and tossed Arbor's ball into the air. It burst open, releasing my
Leafeon onto the field. Arbor stretched and yawned before taking a battle

Empoleon looked down its beak at Arbor.

Even your Pokémon are stuck-up.
I thought. “All right, Arbor. Let's start with
Sunny Day."

barked and the sunlight shining through the windows brightened.

really think you're Leafeon's Chlorophyll ability is going to save you?" Sharon
asked. “Emperor, use Agility."

moved forward with amazing speed, easily bridging the gap between him and
Arbor. Arbor jumped back in surprise.


tried to slash Arbor with one of his glowing wings. Arbor ducked under the

Blade," I shouted.

swiped Emperor across the side with his claws. Emperor swung again with Steel
Wing, but the size difference between the two Pokémon allowed Arbor to easily
get out of dodge.

            “Get away
with Agility and use Ice Beam," Sharon cried.

            “Stay on
him and keep using Leaf Blade!"

skated around the field, but thanks to Chlorophyll, Arbor was able to keep up.
Emperor had to stop using Agility every time he tried to hit Arbor with Ice
Beam, giving Arbor time to dodge and retaliate with another Leaf Blade.
Eventually Emperor's movements became slower meaning he was being worn down.

            “Damn you.
Emperor, come back!" Sharon recalled her Empoleon. “Since you want to use
Chlorophyll, two can play at that game. You're up, 

Whimsy!" She tossed another
Poké Ball, releasing her Whimsicott onto the field. It was a small brown Pokémon
with a thick mane cotton larger than its actual body.

            I fought
to hide my laughter at the name “Whimsy". It just didn't sound like the name of
one of the Champion's Pokémon. Didn't look like one, either. Whimsy was dancing
around as if the whole thing was a game. Funny name or not, this Whimsy would
kick my ass if I wasn't careful. “Arbor, be careful. Use Leaf Blade."

charged in, but it was obvious he wasn't really trying. Whimsy easily floated
out of the way.

Sharon ordered.

fired a large pink ball of light at Arbor. He turned too slowly and almost
didn't get out of the way in time.

            “What are
you doing?" I shouted. “A minute ago you were taking this seriously."

motioned to the Whimsicott. She was lazily floating around, singing to herself.
He didn't want to battle her if she wasn't going to take the battle seriously.
Arbor got bored with battles quickly. He wouldn't jeopardize the battle, but
his lack of enthusiasm could be a problem against someone like Sharon. My only
hope was to make her think things were going her way. Sharon didn't want me
beaten, she wanted me humiliated which meant she would take her time once she
believed she had the upper hand.

predators know better than to play with their food.
“I get it. But we don't
get to choose our opponent."

going to regret not taking this seriously," Sharon said. “Whimsy, teach him a
lesson with Psychic."

            The air
around Arbor shimmered. He tried to jump out of the way but was too slow and
got hit with the blast of psychic energy. He slid across the floor, but quickly
jumped to his feet. Whimsy stayed on him, following with blasts of psychic
energy. Arbor ran around the massive room, staying just ahead of the attacks.

the sunlight shining through the windows faded, and there was a noticeable
decrease in Arbor's speed. I noticed Whimsy was moving slower as well.

            Time to
see if it works.
“Dammit! Arbor, use Sunny Day, quick!"

            “Stop him
with Moonblast," Sharon cried.

stopped just long enough to get hit with another blast. He slid across the
floor and got up slowly. The rays shining through the window brightened again.
I noticed the wide smile on Sharon's face. She was too busy visualizing her
victory instead of watching the window.

this with Hurricane," Sharon said.

started singing and the wind began to pick up.

use Quick Attack and end this!"

            Arbor shot
forward with blinding speed. Whimsy stumbled backward and canceled her attack.
He quickly turned and came back, hitting Whimsy before she could recover. Arbor
continued shooting around the field, moving too fast to follow, Whimsy's grunts
of pain being the only sign there was a battle at all. Sharon's face twisted
with rage.

enough playing around, Arbor. End this with Aerial Ace," I cried.

use Moonblast!"

charged Whimsy as she prepared another pink orb of energy. She fired the attack
at the last second, but Arbor vanished. He reappeared right behind her. He
tackled her before anyone could respond. Whimsy hit the floor and didn't move.

            “Sharon's Whimsicott
is unable to battle. The winner is Maya," the ref shouted.

calmly recalled her Whimsicott, but I saw in her eyes she was pissed.
“Looks like I didn't take you seriously enough. The games stop here." She held
the next ball over her head. “I call upon you, Wrath!"

            I rolled
my eyes. “Dramatic m—" the rest of my taunt died as her next Pokémon burst from
its ball.

recognized it immediately as a Hydreigon, one of the most feared Pokémon in the
world. They attacked anything that moved and feared nothing. They were so
dangerous, rainers had to get permission to train one. I met the pair of
Hydreigon back at Beacon, but Sharon's was something else.

            He was
smaller than the two at Beacon, but he looked so much meaner. All three heads
narrowed their black eyes at us. His top half was covered in black feathers,
but his lower half was covered in blue scales. He slowly flew to the ground,
his six thin wings flapping separately.

            This is
gonna be a problem. I haven't battled one of those before. But why a Hydreigon?
I have a dragon-type, a bug-type, and a fairy-type. Hydreigon is one of the
last Pokémon Sharon should use against me. What the hell is she planning?

            “Let the
match begin!" The ref cried.

            There was
no time to think on it now. “Arbor, use Quick Attack."

            Sunny Day
was still active so Arbor charged with blinding speed. He tackled Wrath, but
the Hydreigon didn't even flinch as he roared and his two smaller heads tried to
bite down on Arbor. My Leafeon quickly jumped out of the way.

            “Flash Cannon,"
Sharon ordered.

            Arbor only
managed to dodge the beam of silver light Wrath fired at him. It didn't help
all three of the Hydreigon's heads joined in, making a much larger beam. Arbor
tried to strike back, but the Hydreigon flew out of range. Arbor kept leaping
around the field, trying to strike the Hydreigon's blind spot, but the damn
thing had three heads. Every time, Wrath saw the attack coming and dodged it
then retaliated with Flash Cannon. It was only because of Arbor's Chlorophyll ability
he got away in time.

Arbor has no way of drawing him closer, but Wrath can't catch him with Sunny
Day in effect. So why is Sharon even using him?
“Arbor, that's enough," I
said. “Come back."

barked defiantly and shook his head. He probably didn't want Aqua to face this
thing. Aqua had a better chance than he did, but it must be hard being the
protective older sibling.

right. We'll do it your way," I said.

            “Are you
certain of that?" Sharon asked, her voice laced with false concern. “I'd hate
for your Leafeon to lose because he was stubborn."

            “Bite me.
Arbor, use Aerial Ace and ground this punk."

charged and disappeared from view. He reappeared below Wrath and jumped high
into the air. He hit Wrath in the back, hitting one of the wing joints, and
they both fell to the floor. Wrath fell on his side, but Arbor landed on his

            “Good job! Now use Quick Attack."

            Arbor darted around the field like
before, disappearing from view and hitting Wrath from multiple angles. It
seemed Arbor had the upper-hand, until Wrath spun around and one of his smaller
heads bit down on Arbor, pinning him to floor.

            “I think
I'll use that sunlight you're so proud of," Sharon said. “Flamethrower."


            I couldn't
do anything. Arbor was pinned and had no way of escaping. Wrath hit Arbor with
a massive stream of fire at point-blank range, and thanks to Sunny Day, it was
much stronger than normal. When the attack was over Arbor fell on his side and
lay still.

            “Maya's Leafeon is unable to battle!
The winner is Sharon!" the ref shouted.

            I quickly
recalled him to his ball. “I'm sorry. I should've seen that coming," I
whispered. “But I promise, Sharon will pay for that." I reached for the next ball.

the ability to fly, only Dust and Sunny have the best chance. Dust is riskier,
but Sunny's still recovering from her battle with the Rhydon. Sharon taunted me
on purpose so I wouldn't switch. She knew Sunny had the best chance of beating
her Hydreigon. Just like when she used her Whimsicott against Arbor as if she
knew he wouldn't take it seriously.

            A chill went through me. Sharon's planning was too well
thought out. She knew exactly what to say to get a rise out of me and chose
just the right Pokémon to counter my team as if she knew their personalities.

            I shook the thoughts out of my head.
I was getting paranoid because Gwendoline tried to set me up. I needed to focus
on the battle. The rest could come later.

            “Let's go,
Sunny." I tossed Sunny's Poké Ball into the air. From the way Sunny flapped her
wings, she hadn't fully recovered from her battle with Rhys. Wrath noticed it
too; his two smaller heads became restless. He flapped his wings and took to
the air.

expected more from you," Sharon said. “Aren't you the one who told me not to think
a type-advantage guarantees a win?"

            I ignored
her. “Sunny, use Quiver Dance!"

            “Work Up."

began spinning and dancing in the air while Wrath howled. His body began to
glow. Once our Pokémon finished powering up, I shouted, “Bug Buzz!"

flapped her wings furiously until the area filled with a low buzzing sound. The
sound quickly grew louder until Wrath began shaking his head, his face twisting
in pain.

use Tailwind!" Sharon cried.

flapped his wings creating a whirlwind. Sunny stopped her attack and struggled
to stay airborne. While Sunny was distracted, he used the turbulence to fly in
close and blasted her with a Flamethrower attack.

Sunny was knocked out of the air. As she fell, she fired a
string shot, attaching herself to Wrath and snatching him down with her. Both
Pokémon hit the floor with a loud crash, Sunny on the bottom.

I ran over to see if she was okay. Wrath rolled off her and
groaned. I knelt next to Sunny and held her. “Are you okay?"

Sunny buzzed softly.

“You did good. Come on and take a rest." I recalled her to
her ball. I glanced at Sharon and Wrath and noticed the Hydreigon was nursing a
sprained wing. I hid my smile.

Good job, Sunny.

Sharon and I returned to our places on the battlefield.
Sharon didn't recall Wrath to his ball. I thought it was an odd choice. A
sprained wing wasn't technically life-threatening, but he would be grounded for
weeks if he didn't take it easy. Maybe she didn't notice his injury, or maybe
the Hydreigon had fulfilled his role, so she didn't care.

It made no difference to me. His ability to fly was compromised
and I was going to capitalize on it. I tossed Dust's Poké Ball into the air.
Wrath growled at the sight of my Flygon and his two smaller heads became
restless again.

“Wrath, come back," Sharon said. Wrath snarled and dodged
the red beam from the Poké Ball. “What are you doing? I said return!"

Wrath again dodged the beam, never taking his eyes off

“Is there a problem?" I asked.

Sharon gave me a nasty look which made me smile. “No, let's

“Okay. Dust, Dragon Dance."

“No you don't. Flash Cannon!"

Wrath fired the massive silver beam too late. Dust was
already dancing and easily moved out of the way.

“Now use, Fire Blast," I cried.


Our Pokémon launched their fire attacks. The attacks
canceled each other sending a hot wave over the field. Dust fired another Fire
Blast, but Wrath quickly countered with Flash Cannon and the attacks canceled
again. Dust fired another and another, slowly inching closer with each blast.
Wrath continued countering them, but he was slowly losing ground.

“One more time, Dust," I cried. “Fire Blast."

“That trick won't work," Sharon said. “Counter it with

Our Pokémon's attacks canceled again. This time I shouted.
“Dragon Rush!"

Dust shot forward, his body wrapped in a fierce aura. Once
he slammed into Wrath, I cried, “Boomburst!" then covered my ears.

Dust flapped his wings rapidly then let out a powerful roar
that shook the room. Wrath plummeted and hit the ground. Surprisingly, the
Hydreigon struggled to get up.

Sharon clapped slowly, a blank expression on her face.
“Well, well. Use Fire Blast to keep him in one place, launch Dragon Rush to
quickly close the gap, then follow-up with Boomburst at close range. Very
effective means of tearing down your opponent."

She was stalling so Wrath could get up, but I let her have
it. Her Hydreigon was already handicapped, so it didn't really matter if he got
up or not. He had no way of beating Dust which meant Sharon was likely going to
try to wear Dust down as much as possible for her other Pokémon.

“Wrath, use Draco Meteor!"

“Dust, intercept with Fire Blast!"

Dust launched a fire ball downward as Wrath formed a
massive ball of light in his jaws. He fired the orb and it swallowed Dust's
Fire Blast without slowing down. Dust took a direct hit and was carried higher
into the air with it before it exploded. Smaller blasts of energy rained down
over the battlefield. I shielded my face from the flying debris while trying to
keep an eye on Dust, but I lost sight of him after the explosion.

Once the attack stopped, I immediately looked for Dust. The
battlefield was a complete mess, filled with craters and littered with loose
tiles and rubble. Wrath continued to lay on the ground. I found Dust falling
toward the ground. He was going to land on Wrath if he didn't recover. I turned
to Sharon and noticed she didn't look worried. Whomever recalled their Pokémon
first would be declared the loser.

Is she seriously going to play this game just so she
doesn't lose?
turned back to Dust and noticed his eyes were still open. Nice feint, buddy.
At the last second, I shouted, “Dust, use
Iron Tail!"

Dust flipped in the air, his tail glowing with a silver
light. He smashed Wrath in the chest, forcing the Hydreigon deeper into the
floor. Dust flapped his wings and landed closer to me. Wrath lay still on the

The ref shouted, “Sharon's Hydreigon is unable to battle!
The winner is Maya!"

“Nice job, Dust!"

Sharon quietly recalled her Hydreigon. Her face reminded me
of a calm sky just before a storm hit. She was definitely planning something. I
just wasn't sure what.

“Enjoy your victories, Maya," Sharon said. “It will make it
all the sweeter when I wrench victory out of your hands. Emperor, finish him
off." She tossed the Poké Ball releasing her Empoleon onto the field.

“Let the match begin!" the ref shouted.

Sharon gave her order first. “Emperor, Ice Beam!"

Dust quickly took to the air, dodging the attack. Emperor
continued firing Ice Beams, but Dust flew around the field, dodging each one.
As he flew, his wings picked up the debris until he was surrounded by a miniature

It was just what I was hoping for. Empoleon were
steel-types so sandstorms didn't bother them, but he would still have a hard
time seeing his target.

“Now, Dust, use Fire Blast!"

A large fire ball flew out of the sandstorm and hit Emperor
dead on.

“Hit him with another!" I shouted.

“Use Agility to dodge them!" Sharon said.

Dust continued to launch fire balls while Emperor tried to
zoom around the field. Thanks to Wrath, the ground was uneven making it hard to
move at full speed. Emperor only barely managed to dodge some of the blasts
while taking a full hit from the others. He took a bad hit from one of the
blasts and fell over on his side.

“Time to end this," I said. “Dust, use Earthquake and make
him the epicenter!"

“Counter with Ice Beam!" Sharon shouted, her voice full of

Thanks to the sandstorm around Dust, I couldn't see what
happened, but I knew his attack landed. The floor shook so badly, the ref lost
his balance and fell. I struggled to stay standing. The windows rattled and
dust fell from the ceiling. I started to worry maybe he put too much force
behind it. The building stayed standing however.

The shaking stopped and the sandstorm around Dust cleared.
He stood over Sharon's Empoleon who was clearly knocked out. I couldn't
celebrate my victory though. Dust was breathing heavily and clutching at his

I ran over to him. “Here, lemme see." I moved his claw out
of the way and saw the scales on his chest covered in frost and discolored.
“Damn. That Ice Beam caught you after all, and it couldn't have hit you in a
worse spot. You did good. It's up to the others to end this now." I recalled
him to his Poké Ball.

“Sharon's Empoleon is unable to battle, and Maya withdraws
her Flygon! This match is a draw!"

I took my place at the battlefield and looked back at
Sharon.  She still seemed calm. It was three-to-two, not exactly cause for
panic, but Sharon struck me as the type who liked to be in control. What was she aiming for? Some form of
humiliation to embarrass me in front of the whole region? But how could she do
that when she was losing?

“Trainers, choose your next Pokémon," the ref called.

I had to figure it out later. Right now, all I could do was
remind her why she should've left me alone. “Let's go, Aqua!" I released my
Vaporeon onto the field. She looked around at the damage.

“Then I choose, Knight," Sharon said as she threw the Poké
Ball into the air. It burst open releasing her next Pokémon. He was a humanoid
Pokémon with a white body and green arms. It had a head shaped like a warrior's
helmet and a red horn sticking out of its chest like Gardevoir. There was a
band with a small stone in the center around his chest.

I smiled. And I just chose Aqua as my Pokémon.
Couldn't've picked a better matchup. That mega stone he's wearing could be a
problem, though.

The Gallade adopted a combat stance, extending his elbows
to resemble swords. Aqua growled and faced her opponent.

The ref's word carried across the field. “Let the battle

“Aqua use, Scald," I shouted.

Aqua fired a stream of steaming water at Knight. Instead of
dodging, the Gallade swiped at the air with his elbow, firing a thin blade of
psychic energy. Knight's Psycho Cut sliced through Aqua's attack. Aqua jumped
to the side to avoid the attack.

“Keep up the pressure," Sharon shouted. “Bulldoze."

Knight slammed a fist into the ground. The quake was weaker
than the earlier earthquakes, but Aqua staggered and had to regain her balance.

“Get in close and use Psycho Cut!" Sharon cried.

Knight leapt toward Aqua and swiped at her with his elbows.
Aqua ducked under the attack. Knight followed up with another swing, but Aqua
sidestepped with amazing precision.

“Hyper Voice," I shouted.

Aqua cried out. Knight stopped his assault and covered his

“Low Sweep," Sharon shouted, her voice barely audible over
Aqua's cry.

With his ears still covered, Knight swept his foot along
the ground. Aqua jumped into the air, but stopped her attack.

“Ice Beam!" I ordered.

Aqua fired a beam at Knight who barely managed to block the
attack with his arms. The Ice Beam froze one of his arms. He retaliated by
hitting Aqua with a vicious backhand, shattering the ice on his arm.

“Take her down! Use Psycho Cut!" Sharon shouted.

“Aqua, find an opening then hit him with Scald!" I cried.

Aqua skidded across the ground, but quickly jumped to her
feet in time to dodge the incoming Psycho Cut. Knight rushed in close, but Aqua
still easily dodged the barrage of swings. Finally, she managed to find an
opening and caught him in the face with a blast of steaming water. He stumbled
backward, but quickly recovered and swiped at Aqua again.

Aqua leapt backward, dodging the attack, but she landed in
one of the craters from Wrath's Draco Meteor and lost her balance.

Sharon immediately seized the moment. “Use Throat Chop!"

“Acid Armor!"

I didn't know if Aqua defended herself in time, but she
still was sent flying when Knight hit her throat. She recovered, but I noticed
she was favoring her right foreleg.

“Hold on!" I shouted, running out onto the field.

Knight bowed and backed out of the way. I rushed to Aqua.
She refused to look at me.

I took her paw in my hand. “Here let me see." She winced
the moment I touched her leg. There were no lumps or discoloration. Hopefully,
it just a sprain. She must had landed wrong when she fell in that crater.
Either way, she was done battling.

I picked her up and turned to the ref. “Aqua has a sprain.
I'm withdrawing her from the battle."

“Very well. Vaporeon has been withdrawn, so the winner is

Aqua mewed softly as I carried her back.

“Don't sweat it, Aqua," I whispered. “I wanna beat Sharon,
too, but I'm not gonna make you battle on three legs. Take a rest for now. I'll
be sure to get your leg looked at once this is over." I recalled Aqua to her
ball and threw out Maude's instead. Maude looked around at the field then gave
me a disapproving look. I rolled my eyes at her. “You didn't miss out on the
fun. There's still plenty of fight left in Sharon for you."

“If you two are done, I would like to start the match now,"
Sharon said.

Maude shouted something and held her claw up, giving Sharon
the finger. Sharon's lips pressed into a thin line, Knight glared at Maude, and
I tried not to laugh.

“Like Pokémon, like trainer," Sharon spat. “I'll teach you
the proper mannerisms your trainer failed to." She placed a hand on her chest
and Knight's mega stone started to glow.

His body was surrounded in a cocoon of light, the air
whipping violently. The cocoon shattered revealing the Gallade's mega
evolution. His whole body turned white and red plates were added to his arms.
Two protrusions extended from his back, resembling a cape.

“I see your Mawile has a mega stone," Sharon said. “I'll
wait for you to mega evolve."

I looked to Maude. She was stretching while wearing a crazy
grin. “Nah. Maude wants to play with him for a little bit first."

Sharon frowned. “You honestly think you can defeat my
Gallade without using a mega evolution?"

“No, you're worried I'm gonna beat your Gallade without a
mega evolution."

Sharon's frown turned into a nasty glare. “This is so
uncouth to say, but I'm going to enjoy this. Knight, use Low Sweep."

“Sucker Punch."

Knight rushed in with a sweeping kick. Maude jumped and
retaliated with a powerful punch, but Knight raised an arm and blocked it.

“Fire Fang," I cried.

Maude whipped her fangs, biting down hard on Knight's
raised arm. Knight flailed his arm around shaking Maude like a ragdoll, but she
was not letting go.

“Use Psycho Cut and knock her off!" Sharon cried.

“Substitute then Sucker Punch!" I shouted.

Using his other arm, Knight swung at Maude, but he hit a
strange looking Poké doll instead. The doll vanished and Maude reappeared, her
claw fist pulled back for a powerful punch. She hit knight square in the gut.
Knight stumbled backward, but quickly retaliated with another Psycho Cut. As
Maude was knocked back, he rushed in and hit her in the neck with Throat Chop.
She fell to her knees, coughing for air.

“Bulldoze!" Sharon ordered.

Knight stomped, sending a quick tremor through the floor.
Maude lost her balance and fell over.

“Low Sweep!"

Knight ran up and kicked Maude in the side of the head.
Sending her flying. She rolled along the ground before coming to a stop. She
slowly stood up, rounded her shoulders then grinned at the Gallade.

“Your Mawile is truly deplorable," Sharon said. “She's
actually enjoying being tossed about like a toy."

“It's only fair she lets you take charge for a moment
before making you her bitch," I said. I held up my arm wearing the mega
bracelet. “I think you played with him long enough, Maude. I don't wanna be
here all day."

Maude rolled her eyes. I tapped the mega stone. Maude
closed her eyes, her smile getting wider as she was wrapped in the cocoon of
light. Knight and Sharon watched with a serious look. The light cocoon
shattered revealing Maude's mega evolved form. She looked the same only she was
larger and had two sets of jaws hanging from her head instead of one. She threw
her head back and laughed like a maniac.

“I wanna apologize beforehand," I said. “Maude hasn't had a
good fight in a long time, so she might get a little crazy."

Sharon folded her arms across her chest. “Am I supposed to
be scared?"

“Nope. Just warning you. Maude, Ice Fang!"

Maude launched herself at Knight. The Gallade side-stepped
her charge, but instead of launching an attack on her exposed back, one of
Maude's jaws snapped at him. Knight leapt back, I think mostly out of reflex,
just avoiding the Ice Fang.

Sharon frowned. “Those jaws are going to be a problem. Keep
her at a distance with Psycho Cut!"

Knight started slicing at the air, sending wave after wave
of psychic energy in Maude's direction. At first it looked like he was swinging
wildly as if in a panic, but there was reason to his madness. He made sure to
angle each swing to keep Maude from closing the distance.

            I didn't
even need to tell Maude what to do next. The air filled with a sweet smell like
freshly made cookies laced with candy. Knight stopped his barrage to sniff the

            “Now! Get
in there and use Ice Fang!" I cried.

            Maude ran
in and but just before she could bite down on Knight again, Sharon cried, “Use

            Knight just looked at Maude and her
body went rigid and she fell flat on her face.

            “Too easy," Sharon said. “Finish her
with Psycho Cut."

            Knight stood over Maude and raised
his arm, ready to hit her at point-blank range. I could see a smile on Maude's

            I smiled, too. “Play Rough."

            Maude jumped up and threw herself at
the surprised Gallade. The two disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Suddenly, Maude
was launched backward, but she recovered and landed on her feet. Knight was
still standing, but he looked worn out.

            “Don't lose the momentum, Maude! Use
Sucker Punch!"

            “Block with Psycho Cut!"

            Maude launched herself at Knight,
but he managed to block the attack in time.

Just as I wanted. “Now use Play Rough."

That close, there was no stopping Maude from leaping onto
Knight a second time. Somehow Knight managed to break free from the attack
again, but he fell to one knee.

It was over. “Ice Fang."

Maude whipped her jaws, and bit down on Knight's arm again.
Already, I could see the ice building up, freezing him. Knight tried to knock
Maude off using his other arm, but she caught that one too, using her other
jaw. He tried to pull away, but Maude had him locked. Both arms were frozen,
and the ice was slowly creeping up his shoulders.

keep using Bulldoze until she lets go," Sharon cried, her voice full of panic.

began stomping in a vicious tantrum. The walls shook, and the windows rattled.
Maude was refusing to let go. I didn't know how long she was going to hold on.
Bulldoze did major damage to a steel-type like Mawile. It would come down to
whoever stopped their attack first.

frequency of Knight's attacks slowed. The ice had covered most of his body and
was still spreading.

            “Damn it!
I withdraw! Knight return!" Sharon recalled her Gallade to his ball.

withdraws her Gallade!" the ref announced. “The winner is Maya!"

            One to
I thought. I only had two Pokémon left. Maude and Dorian. Maude was
putting on a brave face, but I saw those repeated ground-type attacks had worn
her down. She wasn't going to take down Sharon's next Pokémon, but she could
make things easier for Dorian.

thought of using Dorian made my palms sweat. The last time I used him in a
battle he scared his opponent so badly, it fainted. The time before that, he
almost killed them. I wasn't too sure about using him again. But it was either
that or forfeit, and I wasn't giving Sharon the satisfaction.

            But I
already made Champion. Win or lose, that title will always be mine. Is there
really anything to gain from winning?
I thought. I was surprised the thought
even crossed my mind. I noticed Sharon was smiling. She had lost her mega
evolution, had to face a mega Mawile and another healthy Pokémon she knew
nothing about, and all with a single Pokémon. But she was smiling as if she had
already been won.

            She held
her final Poké Ball over her head. “It's been fun, Maya, but now is the time I
crush you and put an end to this. Come on out, Velvet."

            The Poké
Ball burst open, releasing a fox-like Pokémon onto the field. It was an Espeon,
another Eeveelution like Leafeon and Vaporeon. All Espeon were covered in lilac
fur and had large ears, but this one seemed to be female. A small red jewel
shone in the middle of her forehead. Velvet sat on her haunches and looked at
Maude with an expressionless look, her forked tail swaying through the air like
a metronome.

            I raised a
brow. An Espeon? That's her secret weapon? Granted, Sharon could totally
pull off a win, but she's talking as if I don't stand a chance. I've been
holding my own, this whole battle. What makes her think a single psychic-type
can destroy me?

            “Let the
match begin!" the ref shouted.

use Sucker Punch!" I shouted.

Sharon said calmly.

rushed in and aimed a punch right at Velvet's face. Her punch was stopped by a
wall of light surrounding the Espeon. Velvet remained seated, her tail still
swaying in perfect time.

stopped Maude's attack with Reflect? But with Huge Power, Maude's attacks hit
ridiculously hard, no one has ever blocked her attack like that before.

            “Do you
understand now? You have no chance at winning anymore," Sharon said. “Velvet,
use Hidden Power and end this ridiculous mockery of a battle."

            Before I
could say anything, a wave of light shot from Velvet and hit Maude in the
chest. Maude was sent flying and hit the ground, hard.

laughed. “Looks like someone puts too much faith in their mega evolution. What
was it you said to me before? You let your opponent take charge for a moment
before making them your bitch?"

            I didn't
react. Sharon wasn't going to get the satisfaction of getting under my skin.
This was her plan all along. Let me think I had the upper-hand then use her
Espeon to crush me. I still didn't get why she was banking this whole match
around a single Pokémon. It was a big rookie mistake.

snarled and jumped to her feet and charged at Velvet. She threw another punch, but
it was stopped by the Reflect Velvet activated earlier. This time, the wall
cracked from the blow. Velvet's eyes widened and its tail stopped swaying.

            “One more
Sucker Punch, Maude!" I shouted.

            With a
loud cry, Maude hit the wall again, it shattered into a dazzling display of
light. Velvet took a hit right in the face and was knocked to the ground.

            “Savage as
always," Sharon said. “I make one insult and your Pokémon loses control."

Maude's reaction wasn't about being insulted. She didn't care what anyone said
about her so long as I wasn't treated like a joke. None of my Pokémon did. Just
like I didn't like anyone talking down about my team. But I wasn't telling
Sharon that. She would find out soon enough.

hit her with Fire Fang."

use Psychic."

stood up, but her back was to Maude. Without even looking at her, Velvet ducked
under the attack, then sidestepped the follow-up without any effort. Maude
launched a third attack, but this time bit down on another reflect barrier.
Maude growled and bit down harder. The barrier surrounding Velvet started to
crack under the strain, but she remained calm. She only looked at Maude and the
air started to shimmer. Before I could tell Maude to get out of there, she was
hit by the psychic force and knocked for a loop. Maude reverted to her normal
forme and continued to lay on the ground. Velvet sat on her haunches and
started swaying her tail again.

Mawile is unable to battle," the ref cried. “The winner is Sharon!"

            I recalled
Maude to her Poké Ball. “You did great," I whispered. “Don't worry. Sharon's
not getting away with this." I turned back to Sharon and her Espeon. That
Espeon gave me chills. It was her eyes. Dorian had the same look in his eyes
when I first met him. He had a dead look as if he didn't care about anyone or
anything. Now, he still didn't look like he gave a damn, but he at least showed
some emotion when he looked at me.

            Let's hope
this doesn't end like last time
, I
thought. “Let's go, Dorian." I released Dorian from his ball. He looked at me
with the usual why-am-I-here look. He then turned to Velvet and stiffened.
Velvet's tail stopped swaying.

            “Let the
match begin!" the ref shouted.