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Pump Up that Tail, Young Man
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Commission for Aussie
Aussie spends some time doing what he loves: making his fluffy tail even bigger and fluffier!
Alright so, boy, this was an endeavor. I've never really done a full animation like this, and I wasn't really planning on doing them for commissions, just little minor and quick loops, but I guess I did it. Took 4 solid days due to inexperience with long consistant frame-by-frame and my general slowness, but it's completed. There's parts that I'll always notice as errors/flaws but there's also parts that I'm pretty dang proud of, so I guess I'd call it generally a success. Just need to simultaneously learn how to do it faster if I need to and also not underestimate the amount of work business-practice-wise. |B
Aussie spends some time doing what he loves: making his fluffy tail even bigger and fluffier!
Alright so, boy, this was an endeavor. I've never really done a full animation like this, and I wasn't really planning on doing them for commissions, just little minor and quick loops, but I guess I did it. Took 4 solid days due to inexperience with long consistant frame-by-frame and my general slowness, but it's completed. There's parts that I'll always notice as errors/flaws but there's also parts that I'm pretty dang proud of, so I guess I'd call it generally a success. Just need to simultaneously learn how to do it faster if I need to and also not underestimate the amount of work business-practice-wise. |B
11 years ago
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