At the age of 20 Sut?k? Miyazaki had everything he thought he ever wanted, yet he never seemed happy. One day his home was attacked by rogue, paramilitary forces in search for his money, and rumored weapons cache. Unfortunately, they outnumbered Sut?k? by nearly 10 to 1, and he was killed in the defense of his own home.
After his death he wandered aimlessly around town as a spirit and whenever a hollow attacked him, he sullenly beat it with the pipe he carried around with him in hopes of his revenge. Eventually during one of his battles with an unusually strong hollow, a strange man, in a black kimono with what looked to be a katana on his hip, appeared and told Sut?k? to leave before he gets hurt.
As was the natural response for Sut?k? he refused to leave and instead ran back into the fight. The man in the kimono appeared again in front of him and used his katana to slice through the hollows head. Sut?k? was slightly stunned at this man’s ability and was even more surprised to see the look of sheer anger in the man’s face as he turned towards him. As they stared at each other, his face changed from anger to that of some type of resolve. Too fast for it to register for Sut?k? the robed figure slammed his sword hilt into h Sut?k?’s forehead and said a few words he couldn’t understand. Everything went dark and Sut?k? lost all feeling.
When he finally awoke he appeared to be in some extremely poor, rundown excuse of a building. Asking a few of the locals he discovered, with a minimal amount of force, that he was in some place called the 72nd Rukon District. Sut?k? soon figured out there was no way back to his hometown and decided to move into an abandoned warehouse on a street corner. He found some left-over items that he did not see as useful, and therefore sold them to some local merchants for some cash to get a weapon, clothing, and some food to help hold him up until he could find some employment.
Thinking that because of the state of the district he was in there may be a store owner who may need a guard of some sort. Sut?k? then wandered around asking all the merchants if they were hiring any swordsmen, he finally found a grocer who was in need of a guard and paid in food. Deciding this was a good deal Sut?k? accepted the job and began his long days of sitting outside the shop and watching everyone go about their days. Occasionally he had to fight off a group of thugs but for the most part as it turned out, this store wasn’t too popular, or prosperous for that matter.
Even with this lack of any entertainment, one day an old man came up to Sut?k? right before he was about to go home and asked if he’d be willing to help him for a little bit of extra gold. Due to his employer’s lack of recent business Sut?k? had to accept or start starving by the end of the week, so that is what he did. He followed the old man to an alleyway. Sut?k? instantly became wary, he didn’t know if it was him being accustomed to the new district or just some gut reaction. Upon entering the alleyway I realized the old man had disappeared, at that instant four men, wearing the same black kimono as the man from the park, jumped upon him. Sut?k? had enough time to draw his sword and try to fight them, but eventually it snapped in two and he was overwhelmed and cursed allowed at his bad luck. They then threw a burlap sack over his head and knocked him out.
When he awoke he was forced to sit through many excruciating tests. They repeatedly used the word “Bount” I reference to him as well as the test, other than that he could not pick up many of the words they used. After what seemed to be a few years of these tests, though it had only been about a week, Sut?k? was released to wander around the complex with “guides”. One day while he was walking the halls with his guides they led him to two giant doors that he had never seen before. They explained to him that they were letting him leave now and do as he pleased, but they left him with a strange book and the words “Follow this when you feel you are ready.”
Many years passed before Sut?k? finally decided he would read the book, and discovered his powers as a bount. Realizing it was dangerous to have powers he could not control Sut?k? began training his mind and body for what the book said was the final step. During this time he wandered into the 78th Rukon District where he found his friend, Rukon District where he found his friend, Yojimbo Ichido. Forgetting about his bount abilities, yet continuing his habit born from his training, Sut?k? and Yojimbo decided to become Soul Reapers. They graduated together at the head of their class and then were separated into two different squads, it was then noticed that they did not fight the same apart as they did together. For an unknown reason their fighting styles seemed to complement each other when together, yet when apart they adapted to a new style that barely resembled their former one.
Sut?k? ended up going to squad two under Captain Nokitake High Commander of the Stealth Force. Nokitake had been impressed by Sut?k? fighting, and most importantly his stealth abilities and placed him as the third seat. This put him directly in charge of the third division of the stealth force, the reconnaissance force. During this time he rediscovered his powers as a Bount and summoned his doll, Gosutourufu. Sut?k? began to practice control over his doll in a hidden training ground he created.
Oddly enough one day when he went there to begin his practice session he heard sounds and felt an unusual spiritual energy coming from the area. When Sut?k? entered he was shocked to see his old friend Yojimbo pulling a hollow mask over his face. Not knowing what to expect Sut?k? summoned Gosutourufu and drew his Zanpaku-to. In a sudden motion Yojimbo turned around and leaped at Sut?k?. Barely escaping in time Sut?k? used his dolls unique ability to allow him to phase into an ethereal form of himself. Luckily, Yojimbo lost control of his mask and realized who he had just attacked, surprised to see him hear Yojimbo was silent for a time. Not knowing what to do Sut?k? welcomed his old friend into his training ground and asked what that strange power was. After they explained to each other their recently found abilities they decided to keep it a secret and practice against each other for full mastery of these dangerous powers. This placed them well above all other Soul Reapers in their natural ability, as well as their uncanny teamwork and unusual fighting styles. Quickly the pair grew in standing among the Soul Society, going on many secret missions into Wecomundo, and the world of the living, as their powers grew and the Captains of the 13 Court Guard Squads took an uncanny interest with them.
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