Current Track: Blabb

                Derek looked at the invitation that had just come in the mail, “Halloween extravaganza, everyone is invited.” He read off, the invitation had flashy pictures of people in costumes who appeared to be dancing. The invitation stated that there would be food provided, there would also be a costume contest. “Well this sounds like a lot of fun, not.” He threw the invitation In the garbage and went off to watch TV.
                After a while he heard the phone ring, he sluggishly moved towards the phone. “Hello?” “Hey Derek!” He heard the voice of a peppy girl, “Susan? What are you calling about?” Susan was one of his co-workers from the company he worked at, “I was just wondering if you had received the invitation to the Halloween party yet?” She asked in a cheery voice, “Yeah I did, how did you know?” She giggled, “Well you see I’m one of the main planners of the party and I was given the task of mailing out letters, I knew that you don’t usually come to these things so I made sure to mail you one of the invitations.”
                Derek was thinking that he train of thought didn’t make much sense, “If you knew that I didn’t come to parties then why did you send me a invitation?...” He questioned in a slow tone, “Well I thought that you might need a little bit of an extra push to want to come!” She said excitedly, “I don’t know Susan, costumes parties aren’t really my type of thing.” He practically heard her frown, “Come on Derek you need some fun sometimes.” Derek sighed, “I just don’t really like parties.” She whined, “Please, if you don’t like it you can leave.”
                Derek sighed, “Fine, but don’t expect me to stay for very long.” She squealed, “Don’t worry about outfits I’ll have them all set out!” “Wait but what about size?” But by the time he asked she had hung up. Derek sighed, “Well I guess I’d better find out when this party is…” He went to his trash can and grabbed the crumpled invitation, “Wait… it’s tonight?!” He panicked; Susan had barely given him enough notice to even take a shower. “Damn it, I guess I’m just going to have to skip showering.” He turned off his TV and went to go grab his car keys.
                He ran out to his car and climbed in, as he drove towards the address on the paper he started to have second thoughts. “I haven’t been to a party forever…” He muttered to himself, as he went further he started to psyche himself out. He was about to turn back when his phone suddenly rang, he connected the phone to his car and answered, “Hello?” Susan’s unending amount of enthusiasm suddenly filled the car, “Hey Derek, are you on your way?” Derek sighed, “Yeah I’m on my way.”
                “Oh that’s great! I was just making sure because people always seem to like to say they’re coming but they never do.” As she talked Derek thought that if there was such a thing as having an run on sentence with talking Susan was the epitome of it. “Oh I’m pulling in now, I’ll talk to you when I get in Susan.” Before she could even say goodbye he hung up, “God she can never stop talking.” As he climbed out of his car he saw that his co-worker really had a way with making people want to come, the parking lot was practically overflowing with cars. “What did she do, offer them free admissions to Disney land if they came?”
                He slowly walked towards the building; Susan had apparently ordered a whole building just for their costume party. “Can’t say that she didn’t try her hardest.” Derek suddenly heard his name get shouted out, “Derek hey buddy it’s great to see you!” Derek turned around to see his boss walking towards him, “Mr. Pitter what are you doing here?” He asked the usually stern man, “Well Susan was able to express on me how important this was to increase company morale so I funded this.” Derek was surprised, “Susan is surprising me left and right today.” Mr. Pitter laughed, “Well have fun tonight Derek.”
                Derek waved as his boss walked away, “Well I guess I’d better go in…” As Derek walked in he saw that the front room was very quiet, “It’s kind of quiet for a party…” He muttered to himself, Derek looked around the room and saw a sign with the words dressing room on them. He opened the door that was next to the sign, “Oh Derek!” A small form suddenly launched itself at him, “Holy crap!” He shouted as he was knocked over by the small figure. Derek clutched his head as he slowly sat up and looked at who was hugging him, “Susan?” He slowly asked as he looked at the girl, “Hi!” She excitedly said.
                “Hi. Now can you please get off of me?” She quickly got off of him and helped him up, “Thank you so much for coming Derek!” She said with a huge grin on her face, “It’s no problem, so where are these costumes that you said you had ordered for us.” She smiled and grabbed a small black bag, “Here you go!” She said happily, “Isn’t this a bit small for a costume?” He asked her, “Oh don’t worry, it’ll fit you fine!” He looked skeptically at the bag, “Fine…” He walked into one of the changing and locked the door behind him, he stalled for a moment and thought about just leaving without trying on the costume but he finally broke down and opened the bag.
                He reached into the bag and pulled out what looked like a big gray blob of a slim material. “What is this…?” He looked over it and found that there was no opening, he was about to call out to Susan when he saw that a card had fallen to the ground from the bag. He bent over and picked it up and saw that it was a list of instructions on how to put on the costume. “This thing needs instructions on how to put on the suit, isn’t that a bit much?”
                He sighed and started to read the card, “How to put on your suit, the first step is to take off all of your clothes… wait what?! What the fuck is this Susan?!” He shouted at her, “Wait please calm down Derek, believe me you don’t have to worry about anything nothing will show through the suit.” Derek was flustered, “Do you see how thin this material is Susan?! Of course something is bound to show!” He was about to rip open the door when he heard her quietly mumble something, “What was that?!” He sharply asked her, “Please just for me… just for tonight…” She quietly said.
                Derek suddenly felt what felt like guilt come down on him, he thought about it for a moment then sighed. “Oh alright, but just for tonight.” He slowly stripped off his clothes and looked at the card again, “Step two is to pull apart the suit’s material enough to make a head sized hole.” He was confused at this, wouldn’t that damage it? But he quickly shrugged off the thought; he grabbed the gray blob and slowly pulled the material apart to make a small hole.
                He was surprised to find that the material seemed to be made for being pulled apart, he looked back at the card. “Step three is to pull the material over your head and keep on pulling it down over your body.” He picked up the gray blob, “Will I be able to breathe in this?” He called out to Susan, “Yeah don’t worry, the material is made to be breathable in.” Derek took a deep breath and started to pull the blob over his head and continued to pull it down over his body.
                Derek shivered as the cool material slid over his body like water, after going over his waist the material slid by itself down his legs and over his feet. As the material settled on his body he found himself not being able to breathe, he started to panic as he also realized that he couldn’t move his body. He tried to scream but the material seemed to be able to let air in but not let sound out. After a minute he felt the suit suddenly shift and found that he could suddenly see and move again, “What the fuck?” He found that he could also speak again.
                Susan’s voice came in through the door, “Oh are you done Derek?” He let himself calm down for a moment before answering, “Yeah, but that was a bit unsettling.” She laughed, “Yeah that’s what everyone says.” He slowly pushed the door open, as he opened the door he noticed that his hand was gray and had wrinkles on it just like a real hand would. “This suit is really realistic.” He stated as he walked into the room.
                “The people who make these suits make sure they look as realistic as possible.” He heard Susan’s voice but didn’t see her, it took him a moment to realize that she was now shorter than him. “How did you shrink Susan?” She smiled, “I didn’t shrink the suit made you grow.” He nodded as if this was ordinary, “Alright, so what is this suit anyways?” She pointed to a mirror, “Take a look.” He walked over to the mirror and had to bend down to see his face, the suit was that of a buff Rhino.
                “Wow, is that really me?” He asked, as Derek talked he noticed that the suit’s mouth moved with his own. “Yup, realistic isn’t it?” She said with a broad smile on  her face, “Yeah no kidding.” He found that his eyes were locked onto the muscles of the suit, “If I didn’t know that it was a suit I would swear that I was a real Rhino man.” A sly smile slipped across Susan’s lips, “Yeah a real Rhino man, could you imagine?” She laughed along with Derek.
                “Well I’d better get out to the party.” All of the reluctance that he had been feeling earlier had seemed to disappear, in fact he now felt like he wanted to be the center of the party. But as he was about to leave he felt a hand grab his wrist, “Before you leave you might want to wear this.” She was holding a thong, at the sight irritation spread across his face. “Really? This is a Halloween party not a swimsuit contest.”  She smiled at him, “Come on, you’re already wearing a suit what will this hurt?”
                Derek sighed and pulled it from her, “Fine but you owe a lot after this.” She smiled and nodded; as he pulled it on he found that a fog suddenly spread across his mind. “Wait… what were we talking about?” Sarah put on a flirtatious smile, “Honestly honey you would lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders.” Derek blinked a few times, “Oh that’s right, I remember now honey I’m sorry.” Susan smiled sweetly, “It’s alright honey, now go out and enjoy the party while I finish up in here.” Derek smiled at his girlfriend and walked out into the room.
                As he walked out of the room he found himself in a large room with a whole bunch of people dressed in random costumes that were either dancing or talking. A thought passed through Derek’s mind, “Susan said that everyone had gotten a costume like mine…” But as the thought passed through his head it changed into her saying that he would be the only one with a costume like this. “I guess I was just imagining it.” He laughed at his own idiocy.

                As the man walked through the crowd everyone stopped as he passed by, “Excuse me, who are you?” Mr. Pitter asked him, “Mr. Pitter you don’t recognize me? It’s me Derek.” His boss’s eyes widened, “Derek how did you grow so quickly?” Derek frowned at this, “What do you mean boss I’ve always been this tall.” Mr. Pitter’s surprise turned to confusion, “What are you talking about Derek? You’ve always been at my height.” Derek laughed, “Sir I think you’re confused, I’ve always been this tall.” He walked away laughing at his boss’s comment.
                Derek started to talk to everyone with a cheerful demeanor; whenever he approached someone and told them who he was they were astonished. At first he thought it was just his costume but what he didn’t realize was that his personality was changing drastically, his normally quiet and intellectual demeanor was becoming that of an extroverted dimwit.

Everyone was surprised by his personality change; they honestly thought that it was a different person. After a while Susan walked out of the changing room, Mr. Pitter ran over to her. “Alright who is the man in the Rhino suit, he’s been calling himself Derek.” She took on an innocent look, “That is Derek silly.” Mr. Pitter got angry, “That is not Derek, Derek has always been a quiet man.” Sarah touched her boss’s forehead, “I think you have it wrong Mr. Pitter.” A purple glow suddenly surrounded her and it extended onto Mr. Pitters head. “Oh that’s right…” He muttered.
                He blinked a few times, “Sorry about that Susan, I don’t know what I was saying.” He laughed and walked away. Susan called to Derek, “Hey sweetie!” She shouted across the room. “Oh hey babe, what’s going on?” He said as he walked up to her, “How’s the party going honey?” She asked him, “It’s been going great, I was just telling all of those losers how great our relationsheep been going.” She smiled at him, “Its relationship honey.” He looked pained, “Sorry hun, I’ve always had problem with that stopid word.” She smiled at his obvious mistake, “It’s alright hun.”
                He looked around, “I think we should ditch these idiots honey, I think we need a little us time.” She smiled, “I think so too.” As she took his hand she felt powerful muscles ripple through his hand, “Oh honey I had a question.” He looked at her, “What is it darling?” She looked at him innocently, “What are you again honey?” He looked confused, “Well that’s ubvious honey, I’m a Rhino.” She smiled sweetly at him, “That’s right honey, I was just making sure.”
                As they walked out of the building Susan was extremely excited, the whole night had gone as planned. She had always had her eyes on Derek but he had some flaws that she needed to fix, she had always had a bit of a jock kink so she had decided to make him into one. She also loved rhino’s so she had used a special material that could change anything from sex to species. Thankfully she was a witch so it was easy to accomplish this, as she looked at Derek she smiled.
                Derek looked down at Susan and thought for a moment that something was wrong but as he felt a slight tightening from the thong all of those thoughts disappeared, “Babe you’re the best thing that has ever happined to me.” He said to her, Susan smiled. “Yes I know, now let’s celebrate this Halloween by scaring some people Derek.” The rhino man smiled, “Yeah let’s do it honey.” That night the police received calls of a Rhino man wearing a thong destroying property and scaring people. The police completely disregarded the claims thinking it was just a Halloween prank.