Current Track: Blabb

The Horse Lords
© Cederwyn Whitefurr
June, 2010
All Rights Reserved

Sithis © Bethedsa Studios, used without permisison.

Far back in the mists of time, man and equine joined as one, their offspring becoming the Equinis. Some view this as an unholy abomination, for they are neither equine nor human, but a blending of the two. Yet those naysayers who look down at the Horselord's, soon come to appreciate their unique abilities. From the moment a Colt of Filly comes of age, they are brought before an elder Horselord Master, who decides if he or she, will take the young foal as their apprentice. As their faith dictates, a Master may only have one apprentice at a time, and such apprenticeships last for fifteen years. During such time, the colt or filly learns martial weaponry, theology and doctrine, and tactics.


A rare occasion indeed, was when the Equinis mare Shadow-hoof bore twin colt's. One whose coat was as white as snow, the other, as black as a ravens wing - alas, the birth proved too much for Shadow-hoof, and she died shortly after they were foaled. Raised by the Equinis, both Silvermane and Shadow-tail were inseparable, always competing against each other in their lessons and duties, each aspiring to become apprenticed and become Horselord's. Lord K'lerinis, an old, wise, and well respected Horselord, chose Silvermane as his apprentice, whilst Lady Fallow, chose Shadow-tail as hers.

Only a handful of apprenticed yearlings, pass the apprenticeship, and are brought before the Elder's, to have their name and rank bestowed upon them, and to carry the name here-after as a Horselord.


Little did the Equinis know, but these two foal's paths, were to be forever broken, brother would turn against brother, and threaten the very downfall of the Equinis themselves...


In a time of troubles, when the mortal races bonded together, against the unholy hordes of the Wraithlord Sithis, leading the charge were the Horselord's. Proud, noble, honourable and bound by tenets of doctrine and their unswerving loyalty and faith, they charged the skeletal armies of the Wraithlord, the Horselord's hooves thundering across the field, their swords shining like a beacon of hope against the threatening darkness.

Into the battle, thundered the Horselord's, both Master and Apprentice, fighting side by side, against the undead army. In the violence, bloodshed and carnage that followed, both Equinis and undead were sundered, yet there was to be a dark taint to the Equinis' victory. Shadow-tail found himself separated from his mistress, who battled valiantly, despite several vicious wounds that sapped her strength. Laying waste to all around her, Lady Fallow sought to find a way to reunite with her apprentice - who for reasons unknown, turned on her. Just as Lady Fallow struck down her enemy, she turned to her apprentice, who snarled and drove his sword through her bloodied and dented breastplate. As death moved to claim her, Shadow-tail pulled free his sword, then stole the pendant from around her neck.

His reasons for his terrible betrayal were not known, but what is known, is Silvermane witnessed his brother commit the murder. Before he could raise a cry to alert his fellow Horselord's, he was felled by a blow and consciousness left him. When he woke, his wounds cleaned and bound by the Equinis healers, he found no trace of his brother - and in that moment, the spiritual link that had existed from the moment both colt's were conceived, was forever broken.

Now, Silvermane hunts the realm for the betrayer of the Equinis, any thoughts of justice, honour and redemption for his twin have been burned away, by his grief and desire for revenge.