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Arrow Redesign final
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The original redesign had an error in having five fingers on the hand, like a human! Jakkal was kind enough to correct it for me so that Arrow has four fingers as normal.
"If Madonna can change every 15 minutes, I should be able to change once every 25 years or so." -Weird Al Yankovic
The slate blue/grey of Natau really grew on me over time, and I've liked green eyes for a while, so I figured, why not incorporate both into a new fursona design? Jakkal was kind enough to do this for me, and even did a few different versions with different tailfeather colors so I could check them. This "rust red" tailfeathers design is the one I went with.
And yes, I'm still basing off a red-tailed hawk for most properties, just...changing the colors a bit.
The slate blue/grey of Natau really grew on me over time, and I've liked green eyes for a while, so I figured, why not incorporate both into a new fursona design? Jakkal was kind enough to do this for me, and even did a few different versions with different tailfeather colors so I could check them. This "rust red" tailfeathers design is the one I went with.
And yes, I'm still basing off a red-tailed hawk for most properties, just...changing the colors a bit.
9 months ago
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