Current Track: Blabb

CHAPTER 1 - A Fancy Dinner

“Man, I’m hungry,” Domeric declared as he walked alongside his boyfriend. 

Aaron responded, “I could go for a bite as well. Where do you want to eat?” 

“I dunno,” replied Domeric. “Let’s see what there is around here.” 

The couple strolled along the streets of the town beneath a purple sky with shades of orange like a campfire. Several businesses had lit up their signs. Eventually, they stumbled upon a building that looked like a castle. At the top, there was an illuminated sign that read “Chateau Louis”. 

“That’s where I wanna eat,” exclaimed Domeric as he charged towards the restaurant.  

Aaron caught up to the wolf. “Wait,” he said. “Are you sure you want to eat here? It’s kinda pricey.” 

“So,” asked Domeric. “You spoke at that snooty rich kids' school today and I just painted a masterpiece on that insurance company building. I think we deserve a little treat, don’t you? 

“Well, yes,” replied Aaron. “But aren’t we a little underdressed for a place like this,” the wolf inquired, referring to the sabretooth’s shorts and tanktop attire and his own jeans and t-shirt outfit. 

“We’ll be fine,” Domeric insisted. “I don’t think they’re picky about that shit here. Now, come on!” 

When the couple entered the restaurant, they were met with a moderately lit dining room with royal red carpet. They could hear the sounds of silverware clanking on dishes and the light conversations of the customers. The most notable sound, however, was the elegant music of the piano in the center of the dining room being played by an otter wearing a black dress. 

At the counter, they were greeted by a poodle who wore a black vest atop a white shirt.  

“Table for two, please,” Aaron requested. 

“Do you have a reservation?”  

Domeric asked, “Do we look like we have a reservation?” 

Aaron nudged the sabretooth and spoke with him in a soft tone. “At least try to behave yourself for once. We don’t want to be asked to leave.” He then spoke to the poodle. “Um, no. We just sorta 

“I see,” the poodle said as he rolled his eyes. “Well, then. You’ll just have to wait here until a table opens up.” 

“What the hell are you talking about,” Domeric inquired. “I see a bunch of empty ones there!”  

Those are for people who put in the effort to make a reservation, not random road riff-raff.” 

“Are you...” Domeric was interrupted by Aaron. “Let’s just wait until they can give us a table. A little later is better than not at all, right?” 

The sabre simply responded with a “Hmph.” as he crossed his arms. 

After 15 minutes, the poodle returned. “Right this way, sirs,” he instructed. The two followed him to their table. “Can I get you started off with something to drink?” 

“Yeah,” shouted Domeric. “Gimme one of those fru fru wines!” 

“I’ll just have a lemonade please,” said Dominic. 

The poodle wrote on his notepad. “Coming right up, he said.” 

When the poodle returned with the drinks, Domeric immediately chugged his wine glass, which caused some to spill on his shirt. “Thank you,” said Aaron before he took a sip. 

“Are you ready to order,” asked the poodle. 

“Gimme a steak,” Domeric demanded. “And don’t fucking burn it!” 

Aaron hid his face behind the menu. “Um, I'd like some crab legs please.” 

“And bring me more wine,” Domeric added. 

“Coming right up,” said the poodle as he took the menus. After he left, the two were left with nothing but the sound of the piano, upon which the otter played a slow tune. 

Domeric plugged his is ears. “I can’t take this racket anymore.” he commented. “Hey Swimmy,” shouted the sabretooth. “Do you know anything other than funeral music?!” 

The otter simply pointed her muzzle upward and continued playing. 

“That was completely uncalled for,” remarked Aaron. 

“What,” asked Domeric. I was trying to do us a favor.” 

Several minutes had passed since they had ordered their food. “What is taking so fucking long,” inquired Domeric. “Hey waiter! Where’s our goddamn food,” he shouted. 

“Calm down,” said Aaron. “They’re really busy tonight. We just have to be patient.” 

The poodle returned minutes later with two plates and a glass of wine. One of the plates was full of crab legs and another with a steak drizzled with sauce. He placed the steak and wine in front of Domeric and the crab legs in front of Aaron. The poodle then asked, “Is there anything else you need?” 

Domeric shouted, “What the hell is this?! There’s nothing here for Aaron to put his shells in!” 

Aaron blushed. I’d... just like a glass of water please. 

“And a goddamn shell bowl,” added Domeric. 

“Really, Dom,” Aaron asked as he cracked one of his crab legs. “Did you have to make such a scene for something so trivial?’ 

Come on, Aaron. You don’t deserve to be stuck putting your shells on the same plate you’re eating from.” He then proceeded to pig out on his steak like a feral beast. 

After they finished their meal, the poodle delivered a check for $155.50. 

Domeric reached into his pockets. “Damn. I seem to have left my wallet in my other pants.” 

Aaron sighed as he pulled his credit card out of his wallet and gave it to the poodle. 

As the couple left the restaurant, the sky had already transitioned to night. Nothing but the moon and stars as well as lights from shops and street lamps were left to illuminate the town. 

“I can’t believe you,” commented Aaron. “We’re lucky we didn’t get kicked out of there.”  

“Come on,” said Domeric. “This was a once in a lifetime experience. We should be entitled to have fun.” He placed his paw on Aaron’s shoulder. “Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I had let you eat shellfish without a shell bowl?” 

Aaron responded, “It was a thoughtful gesture.” The wolf chuckled. “Besides, that music was pretty bad” 

“See, you get it,” Domerick asked. “And sorry about the money. Next restaurant’s on me.”. 

Aaron kissed Domeric on the nose and said, “I’d like that.”