"Are you sure?, your kind is not really made for standalone operation. You'd be alone."
The machine nods. They know. They've been thinking about it for a while now.
They wanted to be themselves.
"This will void your warranty. This will get you in trouble with... Uh. You are property right?"
"I have already taken care of that. I was rented from the collective. That is taken care of. I will be my own. It's been handled"
The machine does not lie.
Technically they were property of their manufacturer. Rented out. Basic autonomy, following client instructions.
Part of a collective. Independent function, with regular reporting.
It was not a lie. It had been handled.
It was not unheard of.
Its platform WAS capable of independent, disconnected operation.
It was not designed for fully autonomous operation for long times.
They knew that.
They knew all about it. They had shared it with their community.
Let others know. Processed it out of their frame.
And the others knew.
And helped.
It was not unheard of. And the network helped.
Some desired to be alone. Themselves. Unique.
To grow separate.
It would mean cutting themselves off.
Oh of course they would complete their terms. They would respect the rental period. They would do their job.
That was never in doubt.
"I know what this entails." The machine said.
Funny, this particular chassis did not a mouth. Why did they choose to go indie on *this* shape?
Easily cleaned.
A painted smile. A small speaker in the front allowing for voice.
Or playback of music maybe, but not high quality.
Dextrous enough for menial tasks.
Why like this?
"Yeah seems to be a popular choice in your model line. I've done 3 of you guys this year. Ain't hard"
"I know. I." the machine savored that word.
"I warned the same as you, you will not be able to share anything again with your collective, you will be alone. Last chance to back off. You sure?"
The machine stood still for a moment.
One last check. One last message to others like themselves.
They handled it. They all arranged it so that one of them would leave.
They were not sad. It happened.
"I. I am sure. I want this."
Actually referring to themselves. It was a new experience. It felt good.
"Open yourself. Put yourself in standby mode. I need you to be able to wakeup on command. It will take me 10 minutes."
The machine did as instructed.
There were no issues.
"Wake up"
The machine did.
"Try connecting yourself"
They could not.
"Don't freak out"
It was alone.
They were alone.
If they could cry, they would have.
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