Current Track: Blabb

The whiteness that had been covering this place slowly vanished one by one as they were moved towards their freshly dug grave.  Organization wasn’t the most important point here as the large canine that had been directing them knew that most in his pack were simply seen as being equal.  If nothing else, his pack never fussed over their dead, allowing them to rest and placing them in their grave.  These deep holes fit many sizes, some large, some small, some too small to be justified, and while he did his best to try and remember each of them, he knew that the young female attached to him from the point she saw him at the edge of the clearing probably remembered them much better.

She was going to be a full adult soon, not something that their pack ever really celebrated other than the occasional courting, but he knew that such a memory would always be carried with her all the way through her adult life and into her elder placement.  Wolf’s large hand reached down to her, lightly touching the top of her head like he would a child.  Her pitch eyes turning up towards him to remove that hand, but instead moved to grip his elbow just to keep herself close.  It was obvious that she was going to be a strong pack mate.  Even after all of this she still demanded to be treated as an adult.  Holding herself in a high enough respect to be able to make such motions.

This large canine was her only family left at this point.  Her greatest fear was that he would continue his path and leave her behind.  Being alone at an age like hers, adult or not, she didn’t care for that thought.  There was so much to do here, a pack to repopulate, if at all possible.  The large canine that she held onto so tightly couldn’t help with this at all.  The large creature being the direct sibling of her own brother, such connections had been forbidden, but not without reason.  Those who tried to have such tight connections to close family before had been met with still births and deformities that the child later suffered and died from.  Such a travesty was far beyond her capability right now to comprehend.  No, it was better not to try for such a thing.  They’d need to find another way.

Finally there was only one left in the clearing, the final body that the Nightmare approached quickly in order to look over.  From what she could tell it was a male, a very deep gash in the back, maybe from a sneak attack, or trying to guard someone else.  Regardless of the reason she needed to move it and put it to its final resting place, wanting to at least make sure that this male wolf got that much respect for his sacrifice.  Leaning down slowly, this equine bent her legs, her hands moving to reach for the creature, looking over to see what the best manner of movement would be.  The loud call came quickly through the clearing, almost a scream of rage that drew everyone’s attention at once.

“Don’t touch him!”  The female wolf protested that they lay their hands on her father.  Her jaw was still quivering, but she was trying to be strong.

Domina looked to Lily and then Flora who looked back.  Each of them were astounded that this young wolf was even able to speak at all.  The entire time they’d been here the only person she had said anything to was Wolf and she only spoke in that body language talk that the rest of them didn’t understand at all.  The equine was starting to wonder if she even had the ability to speak, or maybe Wolf’s common speaking ability was something rare among his pack.  This opinion changed immediately now, it seemed that they all had the ability to talk, but maybe she was a little more skilled than the equine’s wolven compatriot was.  Domina became happy that Lilly had chosen to take care of this and watched the squirrel heading over to the young canine while the night mare got back to work and lifted the pack leader’s body to carry it, respectfully towards the grave that Wolf had already dug for him.

Coming face to face with the young wolf this squirrel it was the first time that she had really been able to gage the height of this creature.  They called her “young”, but it was obvious that she was well grown where she was actually a few inches taller than Lilly was.  This prey animal speaking to her softly, even moving to take hold of her hand just so that this rodent can stair directly into the pitch eyes of the female.  “What’s happened here is very terrible, and I understand your feelings, but we need to get all of your pack moved.”  She said softly to her, trying to her best to be sympathetic in her simple tone.  “You don’t want them left out do you?”

This female lowered her head slowly, accepting that what she was being told now was the truth.  She didn’t want them left out, and these were her uncle’s friends.  Turning her eyes towards him he now stared back at her with an almost disciplining glance.  This only made her feel worse where once again she was acting like a child, being treated like one was only natural.  She had to be decisive, she had to be willing to let them do what they had offered to do.  A nod of her head simply turned the squirrel away from her.  Feeling almost defeated by the notion of it, but accepting that it was how things had to be.

Once the body was finally deposited Flora did her part in bringing her hands together gracefully, pulling the dirt around it to bury the whole, and the pack leader all at once.  This was the last one, the last person to be put down, and where the team made their way back to Wolf all of them looked worse for the experience.  Dirt and blood covering their bodies from where they handled things, and even as they looked towards one another they could only imagine how each of them looked individually.  Wolf smiled his thanks to them, but their attention was really on the young adult at his side.  Flora studied her, looking over her, taking note of the similarities between her and the larger creature that stood with her.  It was obvious here that Wolf’s size and strength was not something common among his pack, it was independent to him, especially given the normal size of the others that they’d put in graves.  Graves that circled the entirety of the clearing.

“So what should we call you?”  This tigress asked her, speaking directly to this canine.

“Call me Wolf.”  She said softly to them, stepping forward to meet them all.

They accepted this name with a shake of their heads denying it instantly.  It was the same exact way that Wolf presented himself as well showing that it was a cultural thing for them to be known as something like that.  Regardless, they couldn’t have a person named the same exact thing as someone else.  Such things would only cause problems among their groups where nobody would be able to determine which one they were talking to.  It simply wasn’t the best way to go about building a group, or a connection to that group.

“I don’t think so.  He’s Wolf.”  Flora pointed at the large canine standing beside her, “You’ve got to pick another name.”

She looked confused for a second, but quickly realized where it would be a problem for them, a smirk coming to her lips when she started to speak again.  “How about… Wolfess then?”

Her offered name drew a bit of a chuckle from the group.  In a way it was the same exact thing, but just more specific and different enough to allow them to be determined as two different people rather than having the same name.  This alone was acceptable, easily so, and they all nodded to one another in agreement that it would work.  It was pretty obvious that this younger canine was much smarter than her hulking counterpart, something that made Flora happy given the common ignorance of the large beast that they’d been dragging along with them all this time from one point to the next.

“Wolfess it is then.”  Flora finalized the conversation, taking a bit of a sigh while she looked up towards the sky itself.  “I’ve been gone from my city way too long now.  As much as I like running around with you guys, I’m going to need to head back that way.”

“I’ll go with you.”  Domina spoke up easily, not even really thinking about it.

“Are you sure?  It’s some ways from your village.”  Flora checked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t dragging someone out where she would have to end up supporting them.

“My adventuring days aren’t over yet.  If we’re going to go then let’s go.”  The night mare was more than eager to get out of this clearing, and get herself cleaned up.

“I’m going to come too, guys.”  Lilly finally spoke up, her attention turning towards the large canine that had said nothing all this time, “What about you Wolf?”

He’d sigh softly, his eyes looking around, and then with a glance at the smaller canine to his side he’d finally shake his head to Lilly.  “I have to stay.  Someone needs to watch the territory, and I have responsibilities now.” His eyes once again turning towards Wolfess who was only looking back up at him.

Everyone stopped where they were, looking to him to make sure that he was positive about what he was saying.  In a way, none of them wanted to leave this large canine behind.  He’d been a very key element in their party all this time.  A person that they’d not only fought with, but had grown to trust and cherish.  Each one had to think about what Wolf really meant to the party.  While Domina was more of the leader to their group, Wolf was the muscle, he was the shield, the one that took the attacks so that they wouldn’t have to.  It was a fighting style that was rare in this day and age where everyone wanted to be the hero, slay the monster, and save the girl. Wolf was the armor that allowed that to happen.

What this realization didn’t do was change the fact that they couldn’t stay in this clearing forever, and if they left him here then the likelihood of finding this place again was almost non-existent.  Wolf knew that if they left he’d be alone with his pack, and the memories that came with it, but it was his duty to those that now rested that he needed to keep their territory, their influence, alive.  It didn’t matter if he wanted to travel with them, but what really mattered was that he needed to stay here and look over his niece.  What wasn’t obvious was the red bunny that slowly walked through the tree lining, being careful to step in between the graves and their markers, to how the move respect possible to those fallen.  Her white eyes staring straight ahead, and her deep breath inhaling and then exhaling.  Either she had just arrived, or she was there the entire time and nobody had noticed.  Either way this rabbit made herself known to stand among the clearing and capturing their gazes.

“That is not necessary.”  This red creature spoke out to them all.  Her head turning towards Wolf directly as she spoke to him, “Wolf, you’re to go with them.  They will need you in their travels.  I will stay to watch the clearing and prevent intruders.”

“No offense lady, but we don’t even know…”  Flora’s words were cut off immediately when the bunny raised her hand for silence.  Usually the tigress wouldn’t have stopped regardless of the indication, but here she felt very compelled to listen.

“My name is Villia.  You have nothing to fear from me.”

“Well,”  Wolf started, looking to the red figure in front of him and slowly made his way towards her, “Can you watch her as well?”

“How old do you guys think I am?”  The young wolf shouted out, “I’m 17!  I can have children, and yet I’m too young to go with you?”  She too was silenced by Villia after her statement.

“She will go with you Wolf.  You’ll need her skills as a hunter to survive.”

“I guess eating would be nice…”  Domina chimed in watching the young canine step towards the rest of the group.

“Not that kind of hunter.”  Wolfess finally spoke in a calm and efficient tone.  Speaking to them these simple words that caused everyone to look over her in both curiosity and disbelief.

“Fine!”  The irritated tiger yelled to the crowd, feeling a bit agitated by having so many people not only getting their say in, but stalling her progress to her city.  “Without me, my town is likely crumbling in on itself.”

“…In celebration, I’m sure.”  Domina picked, smirking to the feline before turning to head off.

Wolf looked back to the red rabbit again.  This was the third time he’d seen her, the first being at the tournament and the second just outside the village when she told him that his pack had been attacked.  It seemed that she was guiding them in the direction she wanted them to go, not forcing them, but telling them the words they needed in order to progress along her lines.  It was hard for him to tell her intent, usually so well at reading people’s feeling and thoughts through their body language, but her, he got nothing out of.  Her face was stern, her eyes were white, her very being was like talking to a stone where he couldn’t determine that intention.  That above everything else was what made him nervous.

His duty was to stay here, to take care of his pack lands, but she was giving him the opportunity to travel with his friends even further than they had so far.  She knew far more than what she was letting on, she wouldn’t be making this offer to keep herself bound to one spot if it wasn’t needed for him to be where she wanted him to go.  Wolf looked to his friends stepping further and further away, his footsteps starting after.  His pitch eyes again returning to the red rabbit, seeing that she was gone now from his view, though he could still feel her presence about, smell her uncanny scent.  Taken back for a second, he didn’t have time to figure it out, his steps turning into a jog to catch up with his party.  Afterall, nobody wanted to be left behind.