Current Track: Blabb

Umbreon's pov.

This is a story about me an Umbreon my mom died 3 years ago which was the worst day of my life.

3 year ago...

"I hate you!" says my owner to her mate. Me and my mom walked out of the room to her "Um, umbre, um" says my mom in pokemon. The girl turned around and kicked my mom and she fell to the ground. The girl and her mate ran from the house. I ran to my mom and shook her "Mom... Mom!" her chest stopped moving "MOM!" she was gone.


To day I am still living in the old house that looks like it's going to collapse. It was winter and I was hungry. I walked towards the door and looked back towards a stain on the rug which had a rock on it I started to cry still remembering that day. I stepped out on the snow.

"Don't be gown to long so I can still see the house." 

I started out. 3 mins. later. I am still walking and I stop and I look around I cant see the house. All the trees look the same. I walked to a tree and layed down thinking to my self 'I shouldn't of left' closing my eyes my breathing was slowing down and I passed out. I woke up in a cave laying on some hay. I saw a male Glaceon. He was staring at me he said

"Your alive!" 

"... What?" I said. 

"I thought you were dead." he said. 

I got up and looked around. "Hello my name is umbreon." I said. 

"Hello my name is glaseon!" he said in a sort of British accent. Cocking his head to the side 

"Why were ya out side you almost froze to death?" 

"I was hungry and I..." 

"Why didn't you ya say so!" Cutting me off. He gave me some apples and I ate them. I went back to the hay and layed down he curled up next to me laying his head carefully on my chest and fell asleep. The sun broke though the sky it was morning. Inside the cave, the fire that was now a pile of ash. Suddenly, the Glaceon shifted, and turned his head around so that it now was facing the back of the cave, though his head landed in an awkward place. He yawned gently, opening his eyes slowly. His vision was still a bit blurry, but eventually it came to him, and he just stared. Glaceon shifted his head around to look at the Umbreon; he was still fast asleep. A very tired, drowsy, lazy voice. It was Umbreons. 

"Morning... Glaceon..." 

"Morning Umbreon..." 

"So, did you sleep okay?" Glaceon asked Umbreon. 

"Yeah, it was fine, comfy bed... you?" 

"It was, pleasant. I'm glad your looking better now... yesterday was bit of a blur... You took well to staying here."

"Yeah... I'm sorry for intruding on you... I shouldn't have put my self in that kind of danger... I promised my mom I'd be back too..." he closed his eyes for a second, imagining the small grave he'd made in honor of his mother. 

"Oh... I'm sorry. Do you know where your cave is?". 

Umbreon  opened his eyes again. "No... It's not a cave it's a human house. I didn't know all of us were supposed to live in caves." There was an awkward silence between the two. Glaceon shifted around and moved his head from Umbreon's stomach. Glaceon spoke again.

"Well... tell me a little about yourself Umbreon." He smiled gently. 

"There's not much to say... I was living with my mother when I was younger, for about 15 years... then my mother passed away and I've been on my own since... I never left the house after that day, until yesterday... I'm glad I did though, Glaceon, you saved me."

"Really... It was nothing. Well, I couldn't leve you to die could I... And besides. I've not had a single friend my entire life." Glaceon said. 

"well, I'll be your friend Glaceon... If you'll be mine?" 

Glaceon smiled and said "Yeah, of course I will. Your the only who talks to me without scowling." 

Umbreon cocked his head to the side "Why would people scowl at you? Your such a nice guy." 

"Well, since you asked, It'd be rude not to tell you... I'll start from the beginning. My parents brought me up as an only child, planning everything for me, telling what to do, and what to do, and when to do it, then the day came when my mother told me I should get a girlfriend... well at this point in my life I was just, just fed up with all the expectations and orders. So I told my parents I don't wont to they didn't take that well, and forced me to get a girlfriend... I stayed with her for about a month or so, She was a nice little eevee, brought up well. But, my parents told me that we should mate. I asked why? It was too early for a child, But they told us too... naturally she was exited, but when it came around to it..." 

Umbreon cocked his head to the side, and spoke gently " Go on..." 

Glaceon continued. "... I couldn't. I just... I wasn't attracted to her... naturally my parents went crazy, telling me that it's not normal or anything, then they suggested someone prettier... so then the same thing happened, we were ready and... I couldn't... I couldn't... and I knew my parents were going to go crazy again so I left... I ran away. I can't even remember where it was, where my parents live but they didn't care about me, my feelings..." Umbreon looked at Glaceon, who just smiled. "You... dont mined?" 

Umbreon cocked his head to the side "Don't mind what?" 

"That I don't like girls... You don't mind that, given your a boy and all...?"

"I... Uh... had a vary sheltered life. The only other person I've met was a rattata and that wasn't a long conversation... what does it mean, to not like girls?"

"Well... If I don't like girls, then that means I'm not, you know, attracted to them, or turned on by them. That only leves boys, in which case... I am attracted to them, and turned on by them." he blushed ever so slightly at this, and smiled a little because his new friend didn't think, at this point he was weird. Umbreon malled it over his head then spoke.

"Well that makes since. What's the difference to liking a girl or a boy?"

"Well, if you like a girl, in the modern world its normal. There's nothing strange about it, since boys and girls work together to make children. But if you like a boy..." Glaceon stopped as umbreon spoke over him.

"No, I mean, how do you know if you like a boy or a girl?" He chuckled gently and watched Glaceon

"Usually if your cock gets hard when you think about girls parts, then you like girls. But if your cock gets hard thinking about boys, you like boys."

Umbreon was confused "What's the difference between a girl and a boy?" 

"Boys have what you've got and girls have two holes."

Umbreon was still confused "What? Two holes? Why? Why when you've already got one hole, have two?"

Glaceon laghed and rolled over. "Oh never mind. I'll explain it more later."

"Hey, so what kinda things do you like?" umbreon asked

"Well... ever since I was little I've loved to eat, as you might be able to see, hahaha... Don't worry, I like it. I like being large, it gives me a good feeling down there."

"Oh right, so what sort of things do you like to eat?" umbreon chuckled knowing now he could ask that with confidence.

"Uhrm, anything that taste good. I don't have a favorite yet, but if I did, I'd want it obsessively." 

There was a short silence again before umbreon spoke."Can you tell me how I'd know If I'd like a boy or a girl what sort of things do you look for?"

Glaseon looked up in thought then asked a simple question."Have you ever had a funny feeling down there, and has your cock ever gotten big?"

"Yeah it's done it a few times, is it supposed to?"

"Yeah it is." Glaceon stayed silent, and moved off the umbreon, laying next to him. He shifted himself so he could see the umbreons face and just watched him.

"Umbreon, do you have to go back to your mother?" 

Umbreon stayed silent, his eyes closed. 

"I dont know... I don't know what I want... I cant stay there my whole life, and Im sure my mom wanted me to be happy..."

"what makes you happy?" glaseon was still watching umbreon even though umbreon didn't have his eye's open.

"I don't know... I don't know what happiness means..." 

He opened his eyes, and turned his head to the side, facing glaceon looking at him in the eye's he lost himself, staring into glaceons deep blue eye's, watching him. He felt something inside of him, something in his stomach, something that made him blush. 

"I can't stay... I haven't been myself lately... do you understand?"

Glaseon nodded slightly, his eye's sad, though he didn't want to show it. Umbreon  stood up, and started towards the entrance of the cave. He stood there watching the snow fall onto the ground starting into the distance of the land. He sighed.

"Can I ask you something before you go?"

Umbreon shifted his head to the side to look back. He saw glaceon stand up at the end of the cave watching him.

"...of coarse."

"If you don't know what makes you happy, and if you don't know if you want to back to that house of yours..." the glaseon moved forward, and stood closer to him. "and I've no family to go back to, no one in my life I can call a friend, besides you..." He now moved next to the entrance of the cave next to umbreon. "Then, may I accompany you while you search for something that makes you happy?"

He smiled at the looked at the umbreon, who looked back at him straight into his eyes. 

"Besides, if you don't  chase your dreams, you'll never know if it was the right one for you. Even if the dream seems like it's impossible."

"Glaseon what's your dream then?"

He moved his head and gave away from the umbreons eye's and looked into the distance, nothing there but white frozen snow 

"My dream, I've never really had one. But now I know what I want."

He turned back to the umbreon, his light blue cheeks shaded in pink. 

"I want someone who'll call me friend, someone who'll play games with me, and talk to me. Someone I can wake up and see every day someone in my life and it might sound sad, or lonely and we have only just met, but... umbreon..." He was interrupted, or more like stopped in mid sentence. Umbreon kissed glaseon.

"Glaseon, I'm sorry, when I met you I wasn't my self, then something, someone, new. I just, I'm sorry... I know what makes me happy, you glaseon, and I may have only just found that out, and we may have only met yesterday. But it feels right."

"Umbreon, you can stay as long as you like, but I'm not letting go of my only friend. But does it make you happy, being here with me?" 

"It's your eyes, your personality, you. I don't want to try my luck somewhere else, when I've already found something, someone, that makes me happy... do you mind, Glaseon if I'm the one you wake up to every morning? Who shares the same bed with you? Who will talk to you all day? Because that's what I want to be."

"Of course I don't mind."

They both kiss more passionate then before then they fell asleep to gather.  They lived in the cave for 2 years until they both went back to the house and fixed it up and had a proper funeral for umbreon's mom. They made a garden in honer of his mom too. They lived happily for the rest of there lives. They both died of old age together and remembered as the happiest couple to there son witch was now a 16 year old umbreon named Chris.